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Do Sikhs Believe In Heaven Or Hell?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
If Sikhi believed in hell/heaven, then Sikhi would believe in reincarnation which it doesn't.
If Sikhi believed in God as per other religions, then there would be a soul and a deity to worship, which there are none.
If Sikhi believed in a religion, then there would be mechanical blind rituals and do's and don'ts imposed by the honchos which there aren't any.
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
If Sikhi believed in hell/heaven, then Sikhi would believe in reincarnation which it doesn't.
If Sikhi believed in God as per other religions, then there would be a soul and a deity to worship, which there are none.
If Sikhi believed in a religion, then there would be mechanical blind rituals and do's and don'ts imposed by the honchos which it does not.

There is no heaven or hell because only the ONE exists. All else is illusion caused by duality.
Ultimate reality is ONEness.

There is no 'entity' called God per say. There IS a conscious creator, but it's not something separate from us. Because there is only that ONE conscious creator, and all else is as a dream of that creator (see double slit experiment to see how reality is consciously 'observed' into existence) then God is not some separate thing from us. We are the divine. We possess the divine within us. It's who we are. It's our identity. Therefore there is no separate entity to worship. We can find it by going within.

Reincarnation is meaningless when you understand duality vs ONEness. It's the same ONE who is the actor playing ALL the characters. There is no 'me' or 'you' these are only characters. Every bird, every animal, every plant, every human, even the stars and planets and galaxies and nebulas, they are ALL infused with the ONE and ARE that ONE. Therefore to say that 'I' Harkiran Kaur can reincarnate is meaningless. harkiran kaur is not the true identity. However the awareness within Harkiran Kaur IS real. It's the only thing which is real. And it's the same awareness which is in ALL.

Heaven is realization of ONEness. Lifting the veil of reality and losing duality. Hell is living in the illusion, and believing it.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
If Sikhi believed in hell/heaven, then Sikhi would believe in reincarnation which it doesn't.
If Sikhi believed in God as per other religions, then there would be a soul and a deity to worship, which there are none.
If Sikhi believed in a religion, then there would be mechanical blind rituals and do's and don'ts imposed by the honchos which it does not.

Please study Sri guru granth sahib abd you will find lot of material on hell and heaven. If you wish I can give all the quotes. Sikhi v ery much believed in God and soul but not in deity. Sikhi believes in Dharma,. I do not know where from you have drawn your conclusions! It is better to provide evidence of the same.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Please study Sri guru granth sahib abd you will find lot of material on hell and heaven. If you wish I can give all the quotes. Sikhi v ery much believed in God and soul but not in deity. Sikhi believes in Dharma,. I do not know where from you have drawn your conclusions! It is better to provide evidence of the same.

dalvindersinghgrewal ji,

Guru Fateh
You write, "Please study Sri gurugranth sahib abd you will find lot of material on hell and heaven."

It is interesting to notice that you have prejudged me by claiming my not knowing what the Guru Granth, our only Guru says, without even giving me the benefit of the doubt which is one of the cornerstones of Sikhi, but it is OK. I am here to learn from you and others. This is the reason I am a Sikh. Please post the Shabads of hell and heaven with your own understanding. The reason for that is given below.

You continue, "I can give all the quotes. Sikhi v ery much believed in God and soul but not in deity."
Firstly, please elaborate what God is in Sikhi as compared to the other religions, and as asked in the other thread what soul is and what it consists of.
I am glad you agree that there is no deity in Sikhi.
What is the difference between deity and God as used by other religions?

Sikhi believes in Dharma,. I do not know where from you have drawn your conclusions! It is better to provide evidence of the same."

"Sikhi believes in Dharma,"
What is Dharma as per Sikhi?
Would you be kind enough to post the whole Shabad/s, not one liners from the Guru Granth, our only Guru regarding Dharma?

Also please share your own understanding of the Shabads because I find the English translations do not do any justice to our beautiful Gurbani because the original translators of our visionary Gurbani were Christian missionaries who were here to convert people to come to Jesus.

They happened to love Sikhi but had no inkling about Gurbani or Sikhi thought. As a result, they translated our Gurbani from the biblical point of view which has eschewed its meaning due to the biblical slant of biblical proportion. This is the reason, I urge you to express your personal understanding about the Shabad/s you post.

"I do not know where from you have drawn your conclusions! It is better to provide evidence of the same."
This is a very valid question. Once I have learnt from your Gurmat wisdom about my queries, then only I will be able to express my thoughts which may change with your Sikhi wisdom.

Thanks & regards
Tejwant Singh
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May 11, 2016
The truth is the truth.. It doesn't need discovering or realising. We can aspire to realise it, understand it and maybe even experience it fleetingly. We may profess to know certain truths.. All we should and can endeavour to do is search for it seek/Sikh it out.. The truth by its nature is wholesome and self existent. Doesn't need to discover

I get what you're saying. By discover, I kind of mean experience. Everything, everyone and everywhere is truth, so really we experience it always. Recognising it, recognising that Karam is truth etc Is wise.

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