I would be interested to know by which authority one has the right to say which is the right or wrong way to address god?
The SGGS is full of different names for god, it also references many many gods from Hindu mythology that some use as a reference to god, that does not seem to be a problem, but I wonder why the use of Akaal Sahib has brought so many reactions, once again, the content, even of this thread, which is supposed to be about forgiveness, is deemed less important than the label.
Someone, with a lot of love, has deemed Akaal Sahib a term of reference for god, instead of admiring and sharing in this love, we queue up to pick holes in it. Is it insecurity? do we fear a white persons understanding of Sikhism will be better than our own home grown understanding? Maybe we know in our hearts that our own understanding, that we learned on the knees of our parents, does not quite add up, we are told Sikhi is without rituals, without superstitions, without sexism, racism, casteism, without pride, ego, yet we look around us, and see Sikhi is actually full of such, and actually getting worse, so, I feel we should welcome all input from everyone, and actually see that a point of view devoid of the Punjabi culture has as much merit, if not more than one with.