AAD ji, Gurfateh.
The PURPOSE of Nitnem/naam japp/waheguru simran/path etc etc is TO SIT THE MANN !! Sitting the Physical Body is so easy....even my Dog sits still when is say SIT.
BUT...to SIT the MANN..that wild gallopping horse...is something so very very difficult to do...and thats where we all LOSE IT....becasue we pay attention to the BODY....
Its common knowledge that even when we are SLEEPING...the MANN is still gallopping wildly..across the Universe...thats why we DREAM...have Nightmares....have sweet dreams..we become KINGS....THE BODY IS DEAD TO THE WORLD....but still nothing religious/spiritual is happening...
Guru Arjun Ji sahib describes this dilemma perfectly. IN One beautiful shabd Guru Ji says...MY BELOVED came to me in my dream..while I was sleeping....OH why did I wake up...OH SLEEP please come and continue...so that I may contineu my dream meeting with my beloved one...Come oh Sleep COME...
IN another different shabad..Guru Ji says..My BELOVED Came to me when i was AWAKE...OH SLEEP..STAY AWAY FROM ME...I dotn want to sleep and be away from my beloved.
To the Uninitiated..Guru Ji seems CONTRADICTORY...first he wants to SLEEP forever...and then suddenly he wnants to be AWAKE forever ??? WHAT is WHAT..sleep or awake ?? BUT to the Gurmukh..its perfectly understandable..BECAUSE the shabads are NOT about sleeping/awakening...the CENTRAL THEME is MEETING THE BELOVED.
IF my beleoved coems in my sleep..I want to sleep and never wake up...IF He coems to me when i am awake...then I dotn want to ever go to sleep....
Another way..IF my beloeved lives in the Hottest DESERT..i want to stay in that desert...IF my beloved is in the Antartic sea...I want to live in the coldest ocean...
SO the Purpose of Naam japp is to SIT THE MANN. IF the MANN is roaming in far off regiosn away from the naam japping, the Gurbani..the Paath being doen, the Nitnem beign recited..its all a FARCE. Guru Gobind Singh Jis life has astory related to this.
Guru Ji had Four Guards. Whenever He slept the four guards were to stand guard. One day there was a Mela or Fun Fair in Town.The Guards wanted badly to go...but they also knew their duty..was to stand guard...and they were also well aware that once sleeping..Guru Ji took so many hours of rest. SO the moment Guru ji closed his eeys, two of the guards slipped away...thinking we will be back in no time..Guru ji wont even know we went. The other two stayed back..afraid of offending Guru ji. When the TWO returned... they found Guru Ji AWAKE. They thought Guru ji is going to scold them...and the other two were feeling very proud that they stayed on duty... BUT GURU JI went and patted the two who came from the Mela and was annoyed with the two that stayed behind !!! Then Guru Ji explained why ?? The Two who left..felt so guilty...their MANN was all the time in Guru Jis Feet...they didnt enjoy the mela at all..and hurried back. The Two who stayed behind...their MANN was in the MELA..they were missing...their friends were enjoying..while they missed all the fun. The FIRST TWO had their BODIES IN the mELA...but their Mann was in Guru jsi SERVICE. The other two were PHYSICALLY PRESENT in Guru jsi service..BUT their Mann was in the MELA.
This si a valuable LESSON on HOW TO NAAM JAPPP....with YOUR MANN..not the BODY. THE BODY can be DRIVING a TRAIN.....piloting a Boeing 747...cooking daal in the Langgar...washing clothes....bathing...walking....even sleeping....BUT the MANN MUST BE IN RESONANCE WITH THE NAAM !!! That is the Message of SGGS in ALL 1429 pages.
