There are also many more such "collections" is "SUKHMANA Sahib"...Male of Sukhmani !!
The POINT to note is..THEY ARE ALL MAN MADE...collected together into "GUTKAS" ( over which there is no central or any type of control as is over Birhs of SGGS...) so ANYTHING goes...and the collection criteria is.."based on SUPERFICIAL LITERAL meanings of the shabads....why DUKH BHANJAN..when in Rehrass we read..DUKH DAROO..sukh ROG bhaiyah ?? To soemone losing a Court Case is DUKH...and he reads a shabd to alleviate/avoid this particular "DUKH"...another may have been arrested over a bribe...and faces the court..he too reads the Dukh Bhanjani sahib to escape "punishment"...etc etc etc..each has his /her own 'dukh"..which are all actually physical, brought upon ones self by ones own actions, etc etc....IF a person were LIVING ACCORDING TO GURBANI in the first place..he would realise that DUKH DAROO SUKH ROG Right..and that BOTH are in HIS HUKM.
Same applies to all other collections...they are PICKED/CHOSEN from SGGS by individuals who based their choice on superficial understanding of the WORDS....and NOT the actual DEPTH Meanings of Shabads...and they give one a False sense of "security"..
AAGHEY JIVEHN GURU NU BHAVEH..has to be !! Simply BECAUSE NO MAN..sant or Brahmgyani can ALTER the CREATORS HUKM. Thats is actually a DISCLAIMER..a washing off ones hands in case the RESULT is NOT as expected....OH..then in that case its the GURU who is responsible..not me..i did my best.( BUT IF the result is as the sant said..then..sant jis reputation gets five stars...and GURU is a forgotten word...)
IMHO..its always bettert o let prople know the TRUTH from day point in slowly easing in the day will come when the TRUTH will OUT.
1. Juts as a matter of Interest...the Most SELLING "GUTKA" of all is the AMRIT KIRTAN POTHI..which ALL kirtaniyas use for Kirtan...that is a COPYRIGHTED GUTKA..shabads put together by an individual...
2. The SUNDER GUTKA is another such gutka...another best seller...
3. Any one can put together a Gutka/pothi control...and name it any way he likes...
4. Sikhs love to PUT "SAHIB" as a tail to anything and everything...when the REAL MEANING of THE CREATOR !!
a small joke..a Nihung sat down beside a person in a train. From which station did you board ? asked the Nihung..Patna replied the man. Straight away the Nihung slapped the man and said..Patna SAHIB is the correct name. Where are you going ? was the next question..Ananadpur..replied the man..and got another slap...Anandpur SAHIB !! Now the man was determined not to get slapped again....The Train stopped at a station..and the Nihung asked the man..what station is this...he hesitated and repleid..Kapurthala SAHIB..the Nihung once more slapped him..Oiyeh you just dont add SAHIB to any Tom and Harry place...!! but Sikhs do just THAT...:happy:
The POINT to note is..THEY ARE ALL MAN MADE...collected together into "GUTKAS" ( over which there is no central or any type of control as is over Birhs of SGGS...) so ANYTHING goes...and the collection criteria is.."based on SUPERFICIAL LITERAL meanings of the shabads....why DUKH BHANJAN..when in Rehrass we read..DUKH DAROO..sukh ROG bhaiyah ?? To soemone losing a Court Case is DUKH...and he reads a shabd to alleviate/avoid this particular "DUKH"...another may have been arrested over a bribe...and faces the court..he too reads the Dukh Bhanjani sahib to escape "punishment"...etc etc etc..each has his /her own 'dukh"..which are all actually physical, brought upon ones self by ones own actions, etc etc....IF a person were LIVING ACCORDING TO GURBANI in the first place..he would realise that DUKH DAROO SUKH ROG Right..and that BOTH are in HIS HUKM.
Same applies to all other collections...they are PICKED/CHOSEN from SGGS by individuals who based their choice on superficial understanding of the WORDS....and NOT the actual DEPTH Meanings of Shabads...and they give one a False sense of "security"..
AAGHEY JIVEHN GURU NU BHAVEH..has to be !! Simply BECAUSE NO MAN..sant or Brahmgyani can ALTER the CREATORS HUKM. Thats is actually a DISCLAIMER..a washing off ones hands in case the RESULT is NOT as expected....OH..then in that case its the GURU who is responsible..not me..i did my best.( BUT IF the result is as the sant said..then..sant jis reputation gets five stars...and GURU is a forgotten word...)
IMHO..its always bettert o let prople know the TRUTH from day point in slowly easing in the day will come when the TRUTH will OUT.
1. Juts as a matter of Interest...the Most SELLING "GUTKA" of all is the AMRIT KIRTAN POTHI..which ALL kirtaniyas use for Kirtan...that is a COPYRIGHTED GUTKA..shabads put together by an individual...
2. The SUNDER GUTKA is another such gutka...another best seller...
3. Any one can put together a Gutka/pothi control...and name it any way he likes...
4. Sikhs love to PUT "SAHIB" as a tail to anything and everything...when the REAL MEANING of THE CREATOR !!
a small joke..a Nihung sat down beside a person in a train. From which station did you board ? asked the Nihung..Patna replied the man. Straight away the Nihung slapped the man and said..Patna SAHIB is the correct name. Where are you going ? was the next question..Ananadpur..replied the man..and got another slap...Anandpur SAHIB !! Now the man was determined not to get slapped again....The Train stopped at a station..and the Nihung asked the man..what station is this...he hesitated and repleid..Kapurthala SAHIB..the Nihung once more slapped him..Oiyeh you just dont add SAHIB to any Tom and Harry place...!! but Sikhs do just THAT...:happy: