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Dukh Bhanjani Sahib Paath

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
There are also many more such "collections"...one is "SUKHMANA Sahib"...Male of Sukhmani !!
The POINT to note is..THEY ARE ALL MAN MADE...collected together into "GUTKAS" ( over which there is no central or any type of control as is over Birhs of SGGS...) so ANYTHING goes...and the collection criteria is.."based on SUPERFICIAL LITERAL meanings of the shabads....why DUKH BHANJAN..when in Rehrass we read..DUKH DAROO..sukh ROG bhaiyah ?? To soemone losing a Court Case is DUKH...and he reads a shabd to alleviate/avoid this particular "DUKH"...another may have been arrested over a bribe...and faces the court..he too reads the Dukh Bhanjani sahib to escape "punishment"...etc etc etc..each has his /her own 'dukh"..which are all actually physical, brought upon ones self by ones own actions, etc etc....IF a person were LIVING ACCORDING TO GURBANI in the first place..he would realise that DUKH DAROO SUKH ROG Bhaiyah..is Right..and that BOTH are in HIS HUKM.
Same applies to all other collections...they are PICKED/CHOSEN from SGGS by individuals who based their choice on superficial understanding of the WORDS....and NOT the actual DEPTH Meanings of Shabads...and they give one a False sense of "security"..
AAGHEY JIVEHN GURU NU BHAVEH..has to be !! Simply BECAUSE NO MAN..sant or Brahmgyani can ALTER the CREATORS HUKM. Thats is actually a DISCLAIMER..a washing off ones hands in case the RESULT is NOT as expected....OH..then in that case its the GURU who is responsible..not me..i did my best.( BUT IF the result is as the sant said..then..sant jis reputation gets five stars...and GURU is a forgotten word...)
IMHO..its always bettert o let prople know the TRUTH from day one...no point in slowly easing in the truth...one day will come when the TRUTH will OUT.

1. Juts as a matter of Interest...the Most SELLING "GUTKA" of all is the AMRIT KIRTAN POTHI..which ALL kirtaniyas use for Kirtan...that is a COPYRIGHTED GUTKA..shabads put together by an individual...
2. The SUNDER GUTKA is another such gutka...another best seller...
3. Any one can put together a Gutka/pothi etc..no control...and name it any way he likes...
4. Sikhs love to PUT "SAHIB" as a tail to anything and everything...when the REAL MEANING of SAHIB..is THE CREATOR !!

a small joke..a Nihung sat down beside a person in a train. From which station did you board ? asked the Nihung..Patna replied the man. Straight away the Nihung slapped the man and said..Patna SAHIB is the correct name. Where are you going ? was the next question..Ananadpur..replied the man..and got another slap...Anandpur SAHIB !! Now the man was determined not to get slapped again....The Train stopped at a station..and the Nihung asked the man..what station is this...he hesitated and repleid..Kapurthala SAHIB..the Nihung once more slapped him..Oiyeh you just dont add SAHIB to any Tom and Harry place...!! but Sikhs do just THAT...:happy:
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
AAGHEY JIVEHN GURU NU BHAVEH..has to be !! Simply BECAUSE NO MAN..sant or Brahmgyani can ALTER the CREATORS HUKM. Thats is actually a DISCLAIMER..a washing off ones hands in case the RESULT is NOT as expected....OH..then in that case its the GURU who is responsible..not me..i did my best.( BUT IF the result is as the sant said..then..sant jis reputation gets five stars...and GURU is a forgotten word...)

Gyani ji,

Now this is approaching total cynicism. The Sant is damned if he does and damned if does not!
A genuine Sant has a proper recognition as per SGGS. "Sidak" in Guru's Shabad and not cynicism is the way of our Guru.
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Lastly, when Gurbani talks about Sants, Brahamgyanis etc. etc.,it attaches these people with their actions and deeds, which means these are not any titles/nouns but adjectives which require the continuous actions of goodness.

Tejwant ji,

It is correct that only the actions determine a person. But a Gurmukh or Sant (same thing) has reached a position from which he does not slide back.

But persons like me oscillate from being a Manmukh, a Sanmukh and occasionally can only at the most reach the fringes of being a Gursikh.

But Gurmukh is different. (Gurmukh rom rom Har dhiyaveh). When he reaches the position when every pore of his being is immersed in Simran, then where is the question of his sliding into mediocracy?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harbans Ji,
Imho its not cynicism. AS Gurbani declares..SACH senaisee SACH KEE BELA...even the TRUTH has a certain "time frame" for it to be told... a TRUTH REVEALED decades later has no effect on events...the "truth" is no more as powerfrul....its emasculated.
Recently an elder of a political party in Malaysia revealed such a "truth"..that in 1970, he "pocketed 30 votes meant for Candidate B"..and as aresult Candiadte A won the Presidency and remained President since...and NOW Canddiate B is once again trying his chances..after having been over 40 years in the wilderness. This "TRUTH" has no value..40 years ago it had value...Now 40 years past its BELA..its no longer SACH as should be..its "sach"...
GURBANI is Eternal TRUTH and its BELA is NOW...the person in authority who is aksed..MUST tell the TRUTH NOW. At one time..Sulhi Khan came on the Offensive to KILL Guru Arjun Ji....He was dragged into a burnign kiln and destroyed and nothing happeend to the GURU...that TRUTH is in GURBANI...years later CHANDU also came on the OFFENSIVE..and this time Guur Ji was MARTYRED on the Hot Plate...again its the TRUTH.
And OUR weakness is we prefer to "choose" the Sulhi Khan "
truth" as preferred..hence our preoccupation with Bhagat Prehlaad..sakhis..Bhagat Kabir Ji and the River Ganga sakhi..Bhgat Namdev Ji in front of the Mad elephant sakhi..etc etc..when Guru Ji says that we MUST go for the ULTIMATE TRUTH and BE PREPARED FOR THAT at all times..and say TERA BHANNA MEETHA LAGGEH.
THIS shaky ground scenario leads many to beleive that One Bhai Makhan Shaha Lubanna prayed for his ships safety..and GURU TEG BAHADUR ji came running to save it...BUT then in 1947 more than 5 LAKH sidkee Singhs.sikhs.daughters of sikhs...PRAYED and PRAYED..and jumped into wells..died fighting the rmapaging mobs..were killed defenceless..DIDNT even ONE ARDASS of their equal that of Makhan Shaha Lobanna ??
In June 1984..the Hundred Thousand DEVOTEES were Specifically in Harmandar sahib to do ARDASS for Sarbatt Da bhalla/Guur Arjun jis shahedee..YET Operation Bluestar happened and all of them DIED..were their ARDASSES not of a standard of lobanna's ??
THIS is becasue we are LOST to the FINAL TRUTH..TERA BHANNA MEETHA LAGGEH..as Guru Ji declared on the HOT PLATE !! the Final TRUTH.
The GURUS took 10 jammas..travelled 240 YEARS through TIME..so that WE DONT HAVE TO TRAVEL..we dotn have to take STEPS..1..2..3..4..5..to arrive at the FINAL TRUTH..Guur Ji has doen all that Preparatory work for US already....The FINAL TRUTH..the FINAL PRODUCT the SGGS is in a THAAL in front of us..to EAT..Khavo buncho !!!
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Yes Gyani ji, the ultimate truth is with Akal Purakh. In our hands we have Ardas, Simran and Guru's Shabad. All incidents are truth of Akal Purakh. Even when sitting on Hot Plate Guru ji was reciting Shabad and was doing Simran. But we cannot be equal to the great Guru. We are much much lesser mortals and hence are highly falliable. So we need the crutches of Gurmukh Sants to help us through trial and tribulations and face the truth with some degree of fortitude. SGGS recognises the need. Hence the several references to Sants in SGGS.
Needless to say Chardi Kalan is the state of mind and not entirely dependant on the situation of a person. And Chardi Kalan also enhances the abilties of the person. The finest examples being Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh.
So Sidikki Sikhs do Ardas more for being in Chardikalan than for anything else and also do Shukrana (Thanksgiving) for each 4 pehar (12 hrs of day or night) that has passed. Very ordinary Sikhs (like me) require the the guidance of Gurmukh Sants to even understand (let alone interpret) Guru's Shabad correctly.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Harbans ji,

Guru Fateh.

You write:

a Gurmukh or Sant (same thing) has reached a position from which he does not slide back.

I beg to differ with you. Perfection is only with Ik Ong Kaar. We humans are not perfect and the same goes for any Gurmukh or Sant, hence we are humans.

If a Gurmukh/Sant becomes perfect then Ik Ong Kaar does not need to be forgiving. His job is done, but the fact of the matter is that is not the case. This bar is even too high for a pole valuter to cross no matter how long or how flexible his/her pole is.

I would like to mention once again what I said in one of my other posts that a horse rider who claims to never have fallen off the horse has never ridden a horse.

If a Gurmukh/Sant becomes perfect then he/she does not have to do any Ardaas after doing paath ( Studying Gurbani) and ask for forgiveness for his/her mistakes.

It is more a utopic idea than a Sikhi one.

Any human no matter how high he or she has attained the spiritual level can not become perfect. Only Ik Ong Kaar is, which is worth repeating here.

All of us fall down, it is part of the human nature. Gurbani gives us the tools how quick to get up, dust off and carry on and yes, with time and perseverance of using the tools given to us by SGGS, we will fall less, but we will still fall.

So, who is to say who is a Gurmukh and who is not? Only Ik Ong Kaar knows that. Yes, in our lives we like to meet people who can motivate us to breed goodness within with the help of Gurbani. The basic idea of Sikhi is that then,we as Sikhs- Gurmukhs would pass on the goodness to others what we have learnt.

Let me close by saying that if a Gurmukh/ Sant does not slide back then he/she stops being a Sikh which means a student, a learner and one can only be a learner or a student when one makes mistakes. That is the human nature. It is the law of the land established by Ik Ong Kaar.

Sikhi is not based on any utopia but on pragmatism. That is why other religions promise Heavens, 72 virgins etc. etc.


Tejwant Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Sikhi is not based on any utopia but on pragmatism. That is why other religions promise Heavens, 72 virgins etc. etc. ..............

EXACTLY and APTLY put Teji ji...

The Highway called GURMAT.....is straight and Narrow..sharper than the sharpest blade of the Khanda..thinner than the thinnest hair...no "promises" just plain hard work !!..Kirt karo, Waand chhako and Naam Jappo..no IFS and no Buts...no maybes..1429 angs of SGGS..same message. NANAK NEECH kaheh VICHAAR....:welcome:
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Rigt Tejwant ji,

Everyone does slide back even a Gurmukh Sant. But the extent and reach is different.

Persons like me oscillate from being a Manmukh, a Sanmukh and occasionally can only at the most reach the fringes of being a Gursikh.

But Gurmukh is different. (Gurmukh rom rom Har dhiyaveh). When he reaches the position when every pore of his being is immersed in Simran, then can he slide back to being a Manmukh? At the most he can swing between Being a Gurmukh to Brahm Gyani. Obviously he would have passed through the stages of being a
Manmukh, Sanmukh and a Gursikh. But having become Gurmukh Sant, his bar becomes much higher and he cannot tumble down to the level of Manmukh.

A Nobel Laurette Physicist can make make mistakes in higher postulates but he will never make mistakes in simple laws of gravity, although in his learning process he would have definitely passed through that stage.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Harbans ji,

Guru Fateh.

Your write:

But Gurmukh is different. (Gurmukh rom rom Har dhiyaveh). When he reaches the position when every pore of his being is immersed in Simran, then can he slide back to being a Manmukh? At the most he can swing between Being a Gurmukh to Brahm Gyani. Obviously he would have passed through the stages of being a Manmukh, Sanmukh and a Gursikh. But having become Gurmukh Sant, his bar becomes much higher and he cannot tumble down to the level of Manmukh.

First of all, I am sorry to say that I have no ability to know that nor do I have the capability to judge anyone how much he/she would slide back or not. All I am saying is that we humans can not be perfect and especially we Sikhs- the students and the learners. That is why our Gurus gave this name to us.

Only Ik Ong Kaar is perfect.

Secondly, I would like you to elaborate to me for my own understanding how would you define the two words Dhiyaveh and Simran ? Do they mean the same or differently and in what sense and what is the modus operandi for the both?

Thanks & Regards

Tejwant Singh
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Tejwant Singh ji,

First of all I would like to remind myself, lest I get it into my silly head that whatever I am posting are my own thoughts, that I owe these to only my imperfect understanding of what Bhai Vir Singh has written. These in turn come from only from SGGS!

Yes only Ik Ong Kaar is perfect and mankind can never have the capability to grasp even a fraction of the greatness of it. Whereas the understanding of the qualities of a Gurmukh and Brahmgyani are within our grasp and that they can be our guides to Guru's Shabads.

Yes I have written about Har Dhiyaveh and Simran interchangeably because that is how I understood it. Maybe it is wrong.

The process of Simran is explained beautifully by Bhai Sahib in several places of his monumental works notably in Guru Nanak Chamatkar.

In a capsuled, imperfect and clumsy manner I can explain my understanding of it.

Simran can be done at any time irrespective of whatever you may busy with. There is no particular place of posture. You can just keep repeating Naam continuosly. Your mind may wander. No problem. You just just start doing it whenever you remember. It brings on in you thoughts of the Creator. As you keep up this practice you will notice that it grows on you. And as it grows it starts the process of cleansing your soul. Then we start getting that feeling of Bliss or Chardikalan.

But being ordinary mortals living in real world we slide back. No problem. We do not leave this process of Simran. It is case of 2 steps forward and one step back. As Naam Simran grows on you you become a better and better human being. The ultimate stage will be when every pore of your being exudes Simran. This is the stage when a person becomes Gurmukh as defined by Bhai Gurdas "Gurmukh Rom Rom Har dhiyaveh".

The beauty of Simran is that it is completely secular. You need not use only Sikh terms. You can use the names used by other religions also for the supreme being.

There is a difference between empty meditation and Simran. SGGS does not prescribe empyt meditation. In this process you sit quietly in one place in a particular asan and do nothing. Then you mind starts to wander and nothing happens. You find that you have just wasted your time and feel frustated. Where as Simran can be done anywhwere anytime and while you are anything. The name connects you with the Creator. At some time it becomes an automatic process.

This is how I have understood it. I suggest that you read at least Guru Nanak Chamatkar and I am sure all your questions wil be answered. And you being more intelligent than I am, I am sure that you will be able to interpret Bhai Sahib's writings much better than I have been able to do in this forum.

Gurfateh, regards and Chardi Kalan.

Harbans Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Tejwant Singh ji,

First of all I would like to remind myself, lest I get it into my silly head that whatever I am posting are my own thoughts, that I owe these to only my imperfect understanding of what Bhai Vir Singh has written. These in turn come from only from SGGS!

Yes only Ik Ong Kaar is perfect and mankind can never have the capability to grasp even a fraction of the greatness of it. Whereas the understanding of the qualities of a Gurmukh and Brahmgyani are within our grasp and that they can be our guides to Guru's Shabads.

Yes I have written about Har Dhiyaveh and Simran interchangeably because that is how I understood it. Maybe it is wrong.

The process of Simran is explained beautifully by Bhai Sahib in several places of his monumental works notably in Guru Nanak Chamatkar.

In a capsuled, imperfect and clumsy manner I can explain my understanding of it.

Simran can be done at any time irrespective of whatever you may busy with. There is no particular place of posture. You can just keep repeating Naam continuosly. Your mind may wander. No problem. You just just start doing it whenever you remember. It brings on in you thoughts of the Creator. As you keep up this practice you will notice that it grows on you. And as it grows it starts the process of cleansing your soul. Then we start getting that feeling of Bliss or Chardikalan.

But being ordinary mortals living in real world we slide back. No problem. We do not leave this process of Simran. It is case of 2 steps forward and one step back. As Naam Simran grows on you you become a better and better human being. The ultimate stage will be when every pore of your being exudes Simran. This is the stage when a person becomes Gurmukh as defined by Bhai Gurdas "Gurmukh Rom Rom Har dhiyaveh".

The beauty of Simran is that it is completely secular. You need not use only Sikh terms. You can use the names used by other religions also for the supreme being.

There is a difference between empty meditation and Simran. SGGS does not prescribe empyt meditation. In this process you sit quietly in one place in a particular asan and do nothing. Then you mind starts to wander and nothing happens. You find that you have just wasted your time and feel frustated. Where as Simran can be done anywhwere anytime and while you are anything. The name connects you with the Creator. At some time it becomes an automatic process.

This is how I have understood it. I suggest that you read at least Guru Nanak Chamatkar and I am sure all your questions wil be answered. And you being more intelligent than I am, I am sure that you will be able to interpret Bhai Sahib's writings much better than I have been able to do in this forum.

Gurfateh, regards and Chardi Kalan.

Harbans Singh

Harbans Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Thanks for the lovely post and yes, I have read Nanak Chamatkar and enjoyed it very much.

First of all, let me make one thing clear, I am neither a Sikh Scholar, Historian, intellect or a very intelligent person, nor do I intend or pretend to be either of these things.

I just like to think aloud with the cyber Sadh Sangat and this venue gives me the honour and the privilege to do that. And lastly I learn a lot from interaction with people like you and others.

We are all Sikhs here and we learn from each other.


Tejwant Singh
Jun 23, 2010
I apologize if i m mistaken while writing.

I am not a scholar like you people not a great religious person. but because this is discussion about Dukhbhanjani sahab, i must share my experience.
I never believe that by prayer or believe you can acheive something, i always believe that success only come by hardwork, determination and inteligence so i always beleive in myself not God. but when we (me n my husband) arrived australia, after passing five months with all our efforts and inteligence we could not get work, all money which we brought with us was finish. there was not a single ray of hope. Then i started believing may be i should ask God for help. I was having Gutka sahabs of Nitnem and duhbhanjni sahab. And then i started chanting this Shabad for'' MAYA DI PRAPTI LAYE'' LAKHMI TOT NA AAVE for 40 days 108 times a day in the morning before sunrise after ishnan. And then waheguru g blessed me and got job within those 40 days and my husband got very good job after completion of 40 days. And with waheguru g ki kirpa after that we never lack of money MAYA.

I dnt consider it miracle but believe. Because i never believe in God but when i started believing God blessed me and made my believe more stronger. whatsoever, it was only one shabad from Gurbani that changed our life. it does not matter who published it for what purpose, but the truth is it s the part of Great Gurbani.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
I apologize if i m mistaken while writing.

I am not a scholar like you people not a great religious person. but because this is discussion about Dukhbhanjani sahab, i must share my experience.
I never believe that by prayer or believe you can acheive something, i always believe that success only come by hardwork, determination and inteligence so i always beleive in myself not God. but when we (me n my husband) arrived australia, after passing five months with all our efforts and inteligence we could not get work, all money which we brought with us was finish. there was not a single ray of hope. Then i started believing may be i should ask God for help. I was having Gutka sahabs of Nitnem and duhbhanjni sahab. And then i started chanting this Shabad for'' MAYA DI PRAPTI LAYE'' LAKHMI TOT NA AAVE for 40 days 108 times a day in the morning before sunrise after ishnan. And then waheguru g blessed me and got job within those 40 days and my husband got very good job after completion of 40 days. And with waheguru g ki kirpa after that we never lack of money MAYA.

I dnt consider it miracle but believe. Because i never believe in God but when i started believing God blessed me and made my believe more stronger. whatsoever, it was only one shabad from Gurbani that changed our life. it does not matter who published it for what purpose, but the truth is it s the part of Great Gurbani.

harpreetkooner Ji,

Gurfateh to you.
Here's a link at SPN (click here 11) which might be of further use to you. Starts from page 2 for all your Sharda Pooran choice of Shabads. The thread's name is 300 Saal Guru De Naal.


swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
sgpc should have control over these sikh shop keepers in bazaar mai seva, so that they do not further misguide the misguided and hurting people, otherwise it will continue like dasam granth. as dasam granth has been destroyed basically by these people so are they attempting to malign sggs for selling their books. thanks
the above writing is very old writing. I do not know how it ended up on sikh philosophy network today.
by the way I have two books in front of me first one is gurbani sukh sagar ( dukh bhanjantera naam jee). It is written by sant baljinder singh gurdwara karamsar rara sahib. He started an association called dukh bhanjan tera naam jee. He has taken stanzas from SGGS and
those stanzas are repeated again and again and he or his followers claim that your pains and suffering will be eradicated by reciting this path. how I ended up with these books. This association is quite a bit involved in Toronto. They recite this path in four gurdwaras daily. I happened to listen to them one day and they were asking for translation of these books in English. I offered and they came and gave me 2 cds and two book and asked if I could translate them. I translated one book and sent it back to them and requested if they want any changes. it is about three months and i have not heard from them. i called them a few times as well but no real answer.
the 2nd book called dukh bhanjan tera naam jee is written by one of his followers and he is the head of this association in Toronto and recites it at many gurdwaras in the area. His name is Jagpal singh. he says that he is cured of some sickness which was incurable before. I did not translate this book yet. I am still waiting for their reply but I feel it is not coming. the second book is very close to the first one. I do not know the results and i am not interested to follow what they say. what is written in the book is quite different than what they speak in the gurdwara.
Last edited:


Feb 5, 2023
This whole concept of Dukhbhanjani Sahib is not at all as per Sikhi or SGGS ji. This collection was compiled by various Babas and Deradars from SGGS ji in colision with some greedy publishers, just to make a fool of the innocent Sikhs who were coming to all these Baba jees for their 'Dukhs' or problems. Any shabad which had just a minor reference to any particular problem , were put in this collection. Then they were advised to do so much so number of paths of this shabad from this collection or the whole lot even and miracles will happen and your problem is going to be over or solved.

It has been clearly established from our various discussions on this forum that parroting of any particular word or Bani or Shabad is not going to give us the desired results.. But, we can minimise our sorrows or problems only by following the dictates of our Gurus in true letter and spirit, as described in SGGS ji.
I will only reply to this part above "parroting of any particular word or Bani or Shabad is not going to give us the desired results" ... This means WAHEGURU - Simran of GurMantar is also a waste of time per your mention. Perhaps you need to rethink what you typed above.

Bhul Chuk Maaf.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
I was asked by the leaders of dukh bhanjan bani to translate their bani in english. i did and gave it to them, then they took what they wanted and cancelled what did not fit their system and added their own to entice people to follow them. No bani has any affect till the mind speaks. if it does not affect the mind, it has not result. after all it is the mind which guides your life. this system is created by a follower of dera rarewala who lives in california and created his own cult like any other self proclaimed saint without knowing spirituality but just reading sggs and singing sabad.
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