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English Poems

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010

Harnoor Kaur Grewal

Welcome to the circle of life,
Sometimes joy; sometimes strife.
Even the dark of the darkest night
Leads us to a beautiful day so bright
Where sad things inspire us the most
And bad decisions haunt us like a ghost
Where experiences occur every season
And the good ones don’t wait for a reason
But let me carefully remind you
Of one thing before you turn blue
Life is a jigsaw; an unsolved puzzle
A little sun, A little rain, let it drizzle
The more positive you get, the braver you will be
You may lose a little; since nothing comes for free
Struggle teaches you a lot, so go on with your tries
Since even the darkest night ends with the beautiful sunrise

Harnoor Kaur Grewal

Nature tames the aggressive and wild
Be the respectful and concerned dear child
It heals us even when we load it with trash
Changes are worthwhile and not brash
Nature nurtures with a mindful tact
Provides solutions easy and intact
Don’t mess with nature - The elixir of life
Respect, preserve, save it from strife
Be scared of her fury; her anger is blind
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Cyclones - all unkind
Be kind to your pets and the strays
Your treatment tells your compassionate ways
A treasure we inherited over millions of years
Pledge to protect from inhumanity; save it from tears.
~ ©Harnoor Kaur Grewal


Harnoor Kaur Grewal

‘An untold sad testament of my life;
No joy, no peace; all struggle & strife.’
Said, the women who came up to me
‘That my colour being is all my difficulty
This society of the powerful white and yellow
Made my life like a bamboo hollow
We are outcasts so say they all
Realization of this has created a wall
Struggling to survive each moment, each day
Breathing on borrowed air, they say
Blacks are we, the slave since past
You will remain so slaves till last.
There is no option to break free from this
Even caged, chained and exhausted amiss
One of us tried to be free from the chain
To breathe open air, but all in vain
They caught him and beat him hollow and blue.
He is now living or dead; no clue.
Living in these alleys of death and hell
The real story I am afraid to tell
My thoughts fly which no one can catch
Why cannot we stand; why don’t we match
Their body is the same as that of mine
Made by one God, the super sublime
Why did he allow this war of colours
Belittling the precious and dear life of ours.
They call themselves day and call us night
But God made us equal may be black and white
He created no difference in mind or sight
Pray for assuring us to live respectfully upright.
I am sure the dream will soon be true.
When we are also respected like you’.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Beautiful World of God
Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal
Nature is so vivid, so rich and so cute.
No words to describe; hence watching mute.
The rising and setting sun is wonder afar.
The wide spread firmament with each glittering star.
Beautifully glistening oceans in sun rays
The turtles, the fish, all dance with waves
Greenery rich hills and mountains white-capped
The unfathomed beauty, that is yet to be mapped.
The fragrance rich forests with decorating plants,
The colourful birds busy in lilting chants.
The blossoming flowers are showering fragrance,
Enchanted insects move around with no fence.
The dancing rivulets with meadows green.
The singing herdsmen touch one’s heart’s sheen.
The world created by Him is very rich in beauty,
I bow my head in reverence to Almighty.

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Living Step by Step
Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Man lives his life step by step
Not as natural as a rivulet flow.
He starts fast, stumbles, rests
Gradually moving, being slow.
Changes his aims and objectives,
To adjust to life’s new pace.
Struggles hard to achieve his aim,
To be continuous; with no space.
He gets smoothens only when
He gets natural and profoundly clear
He then needs not to watch for steps,
When the flow is regular; without wear.
The curve from a child; to youth; to man
From man to decay to old, to demise,
He is transient, can never be permanent,
Nature has made him be so, precise.
O, man! Live as natural as you can
Power, pelf, wealth doesn’t help to attain
Your final goal, to end the circle of life,
Being with Him; the aim you maintain.


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Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Lonely Rivulet
Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal
I am a lonely rivulet
Flowing from mountain heights
To meet my dearest river
To visit the beautiful sites.
Born alone to join someone great
Travel with him to be one and complete.
Joint travel is a boon enjoyed
In God’s nature as a treat.


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