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SALDEF Enhanced Airport Pat-Downs Begin Today


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Enhanced Airport Pat-Downs Begin Today

(Washington DC) October 29, 2010 -- Effective today, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) implemented a new style of pat-downs that is being described as more invasive and intrusive.

A statement put out by TSA yesterday states that they are "in the process of implementing new pat-down procedures at checkpoints nationwide as one of our many layers of security to keep the traveling public safe. Pat-downs are one important tool to help TSA detect hidden and dangerous items such as explosives. Passengers should continue to expect an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams, among others."

SALDEF is in communication with the TSA’s Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties regarding these new protocols. We will update the community as soon as we get additional specific information.

SALDEF Recommendations

1. If asked to be subjected to this new pat down scrutiny, YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK FOR A PRIVATE SCREENING
2. For women, we recommend wearing pants or other non-skirt attire while flying to ensure for appropriateness and to facilitate ease of being patted down.
3. Document any and all irregularities and report them to SALDEF and contact TSA directly.

In regards to the new pat down screening protocol, SALDEF recommends the community take the following actions highlighted here.

SALDEF encourages community members to immediately report any incidents they have with the new pat down procedures, especially when you feel you have been subjected to unfair treatment or racial profiling by TSA Officials by clicking here.


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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Related article

TSA to phase in new pat-down procedures at airports nationwide

Washington (CNN) -- Airline passengers can expect to see as well as feel new pat-down procedures at U.S. airports over the coming weeks in an effort to provide another layer of security for travelers, the Transportation Security Administration said Thursday.

"Pat-downs are one important tool to help TSA detect hidden and dangerous items such as explosives," according to a TSA statement sent to CNN.

The TSA said passengers should continue to expect "an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams, among others."

But it's the hands-on procedures that have at least one traveler concerned that the TSA may be going too far.

Rosemary Fitzpatrick, a CNN employee, said she was subjected to a pat-down at the Orlando, Florida, airport on Wednesday night after her underwire bra set off a magnetometer. She said she was taken to a private area and searched, with transportation screening officers telling her the pat-down was a new procedure.

According to Fitzpatrick, a female screener ran her hands around her breasts, over her stomach, buttocks and her inner thighs, and briefly touched her crotch.

"I felt helpless, I felt violated, and I felt humiliated," Fitzpatrick said, adding that she was reduced to tears at the checkpoint. She particularly objected to the fact that travelers were not warned about the new procedures.

Fitzpatrick sent an e-mail complaint about her experience to the TSA that said the agency needs to get the word out so that travelers know their rights.

The TSA employees "conducted themselves in a professional manner, so my complaint is not about them professionally," Fitzpatrick wrote.

She told the TSA the agency needs to get the word out so the travelers know their rights.

"I am appalled and disgusted at the new search procedures and the fact that passengers have not been made aware of the new invasive steps prior to entering the security area," Fitzpatrick wrote. "It appears once you enter the security area, passengers forfeit their rights. There were no signs, video information, etc. at the entrance of the security area the airport. Why?"

She added: "As an experienced traveler for work who was in tears for most of the search process, I have never experienced a more traumatic and invasive travel event!"

The TSA sent an automated initial e-mail response to Fitzpatrick saying, "Thank you for your inquiry to the Transportation Security Administration. We have forwarded your e-mail to the appropriate group for response."

In its statement to CNN, the TSA said: "Pat-down procedures are used to resolve alarms that occur at a walk-through metal detector, if an anomaly is detected during screening with advanced imaging technology or during random screening."

The statement also indicated that "passengers who opt out of advanced imaging technology screening will receive alternate screening to include a thorough pat-down."


Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I guess I'll just either stay home or buy my own jet. I cannot tie turban, but I refuse to be photographed naked and I refuse to have my genitalia felt down (or up) in public by someone I am not married to.

This is more evidence that the USA has gone completely insane. I'm sure the rest of the world is to follow.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
I guess I'll just either stay home or buy my own jet. I cannot tie turban, but I refuse to be photographed naked and I refuse to have my genitalia felt down (or up) in public by someone I am not married to.

This is more evidence that the USA has gone completely insane. I'm sure the rest of the world is to follow.

Unfortunately it's not just the USA. These cameras have been developed by a UK company. There has been much hoo-haa in the UK over recent years about the implementation of these cameras in airports and at one point there was even talk of installing them in lamp posts!! Human rights groups stopped them being used for every person in airports. I have a feeling the final decision was to use them in airports in the case of proved suspicious cases only but will have to double check on that


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
findinmyway ji

In the US that was supposed to be the way it was going to work out. These cameras would be used for people who raised suspicion. Now it seems they are being used by randomly picking people from a queue. Which means anyone and everyone is a possible candidate for a virtual strip search.

There is another issue beside the fact of being shamed. You are picked out of the line getting ready to pass through the metal detector, after your shoes, possibly a briefcase with important business papers, your keys, your passport, your credit cards, your wallet, your money, your one carry one bag with toiletries and underwear, any jewelry you might have like a watch, your belt, your cellphone, your laptop, are all in little plastic bins going forward on a moving belt to be scanned. How long does all of that stay unattended? No one has an answer. How do you continue your flight without most of these items?

Moreover, it is nearly impossible to afford or even find a non-stop flight anywhere these days. The cost is exorbitant if you can find a flight without at least 2 intermediate stops in the US. If you decide to leave the security zone - let's say your delay is more than an hour - then you have to submit to this all over again.

I refuse to fly anywhere now. It is the last straw in a long several years of increasing security measures that make air flight a penance. When you purchase your airline ticket with a credit card - which you do by phone or online - the authorities have 2 days to check your background. If you buy your ticket at the airport on the day of your flight -- OK, perhaps then there is a case for greater scrutiny.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
p/s You can tell I am very irritated by this.

SALDEF here in the US had worked out an agreement with TSA, more than a month ago, to use care where turbaned Sikhs are involved.

Everything now depends on whether the TSA guards at a particular airport have received the mandatory federal training, or whether they even intend to follow the training if they received it. It took SALDEF months to work out this policy of accommodation.

Now they have to go back all over it again. Another thread has been posted on this today. I don't have the link handy. It is important for EVERYONE to report abuses to SALDEV at http://www.saldev.org

This is the link to report an abuse. If it does not work - sometimes it goes dry - then use the Contact us link. SALDEF answers within 24 hours.

Apologies for giving speeches. :)

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Speech away, spnadmin ji!

My husband is angry at me right now about this. His nephew in East Bay California wants us to come visit and he will buy the tickets. I refuse to go.

I am not a terribly physically modest person, but there are some lines I won't cross. Virtual strip searches and intimate patdowns are two such lines. I am not a criminal (at least under USA laws) and I will not submit to this. Period. Enough I have to pack my kirpan.

Additionally, last time I flew, they made me put my cane on the belt and hobble through without it. I asked them to scan it and then give it back to me while I waited. They refused. Now my condition has worsened to the point that I might well not make it. I don't need a wheelchair, I walk fine with the cane. Do they treat all disabled like this? It's enough to make someone consider...oh, forget it. I'll just stay home.
Sep 27, 2008
Re: Sikhs must be having a hard time getting on aeroplanes

Lol this is not security this is sexual harrasment at its finest. For goodness sake what next. Its supposed to be innocent until proven guilty well looking at this from the minute you purchase a Plane ticket you are guilty until proven innocent. No where is any law establishment allowed to touch any private parts, even seeing people naked through those awful screening machines is breaching the very basic human rights privacy. I am sure there are better ways to do checks rather than Perv on peoples private parts and now they want to touch them. Yes security is vital but this NO. Looking at this it just shows its not just the Sikhs that can be harrassed and intimidated regarding Airport security. They seem arrogant and even want to fine that guy for refusing to fly and getting touched.
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