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Evolution - Fact Or Fiction?


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Muslim

welcome back :)
actually I read you r post in orignal format and next day it was missing but i think definately it was due to new upgrade as no one has done that deliberately

any way thanks for the link ! still ihavent seen it

Jatinder Singh


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

520 sumthing views of this thread and still no reply on the evolution collapse video? whats going on?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

muslim said:
All i would like to say is the moderators of this site are slanders and liars, why? because my fisrt post was changed and edited, completely changing my post and deleting a relevant link which i provided. I cant believe the moderators of this site were so low, damn im disappointed.

What an outburst..brother. Words said in haste to hurt...can never be withdrawn...and words like "slander". "liars".."so low".."damn"...shouldnt be coming from a "muslim" or "Islamic" person because Islam means PEACE. I find this a curious way of describing "Peace" ??? Sorrys usually sound empty especially wehn said again and again..

I read Every one of the Announcements that came out from the Mosques in the aftermath of the 7/7 cowardly bombings in Londo to kill civilians...Each Announcement ONLY had something to say about MUSLIMS ONLY..no one else even got a single word of sympathy.

Still to SIKHS..we are as ususal..Enemies towards NONE...Na ko beri nahin beganna said our GURU while sitting on the Hot Plate in Summer for the "offense" of having a different religion to that of the Govt.

PEACE on All Men....

Jarnail Singh Gyani

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

muslim said:
520 sumthing views of this thread and still no reply on the evolution collapse video? whats going on?

I tried several times to connect..page always missing....
and once it loaded but the download was so damn slow i changed to another site after waiting more than 20 minutes...

Please tell the Admin HarunYahya to get some more bandwidth. I may be trying again today.

Jarnail Singh gyani


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

hmm gyani, i just tried the link myself and it worked perfectly fine. Maybe the problem is that you are clicking on the divx file format which i much slower as the divx file is much larger. Try the mpeg file, either full each part individually and im confident it should work.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Evolution, fact or fiction?

Amarpal said:
Dear Khalsa Ji,

I am of the opinion that evolution is a fact. Each man carries a proof of it on his chest. The two nipple like dots and the associated darkened circle around it on the chest is the proof that creator had used the woman's body as template to create man. This is called evolution.

There was never any functional need for these dots and red patches to exist on man's chest. The creator has left a tell tale mark in the process of evolution for we humans to discover that man came from woman and not the other way round.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh

Dear Veer Amarpal Ji,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

Very interesting and unusual observation.

The other day i was watching a Discovery Channel Documentary of Human Birth..and it was clearly shown that the SEX of the UNBORN Foetus is in LIMBO until something "triggers" a Response.

In the Beginning... the foetus has everything for BOTH SEXES..a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD..so to speak. Then When the "yet unknown mechanism triggers it...the cells in the SEX ORGANS begin to DEVELOP in such a manner that the Foetus becomes either MALE or FEMALE. IF the "signal" was for it to become MALE...the ORGAN/Clitoris/etc etc Begin to GROW OUTWARDS and UPWARDS from the SAME BASE....if the signal was for a FEMALE...everything DEVELOPS INWARDS...collapsing on itself..still the SAME BASE but REVERSED ORDER. In the Female case the Ovaries etc remain INSIDE for ever....In the Male case the Testes remain INSIDE for ayear or so and then DESCEND slowly. In the MALE case the "clitoris" is at the tip of the glans..and in the female it is buried deep ...and it is observed that the clitoris is only for pleasure..otherwise..(especially in the female) it has no purpose. Certain communities try to "male dominate" by having FEMALE CIRCUMCISIONS ( a lot of MUSLIMS do this) whereby the females are badly DISFIGURED and MUTILATED in an attemot to remove the clitoris. Thsi practise is BANNEd in the CIVILISED WORLD.

In the case of the CHEST region...in MALES the BASE remains UNDEVELOPED..while in FEMALES.. everything there DEVELOPS FULLY OUTWARDS.

So essentially what i onbserved is that the BUILDING BLOCKS of ALL -Male and Female are all the SAME...it is ONLY different ways of developing the same materials.

IF there is a "chemical" or other form of "block" or malfunction in these signal transmissions... we have thsose unfortunate babies with malformed sexual organs..malformed chests, legs, arms, conjoined twins and all the birth deformities..

Recent news reports suggest that due to Worldwide hunting of Male elephants for their TUSKS...Nature has provided Elephants a way out...More and more baby male elephants are being BORN WITHOUT TUSKS...Na hoveh baans na bajjeh banseri...as they say in Punjabi. That is the ONLY way for the elephant to survive..and i see the hand of nature/Evolution/Waheguru in this...ALL is IN HIS HUKM.

IMHO evolution has no conflict with GURBANI. It is all in Waheguru's HUKM.


Jarnail Singh gyani


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Important!! please read

waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh

sorry i cannot watch this documentry i have limited download internet connection.if you want good debate about evolution theory
please also post your articles on sikhsangat.com and sikhi.com
bhul chuk maaf


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Evolution, fact or fiction?

Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
Recent news reports suggest that due to Worldwide hunting of Male elephants for their TUSKS...Nature has provided Elephants a way out...More and more baby male elephants are being BORN WITHOUT TUSKS...Na hoveh baans na bajjeh banseri...as they say in Punjabi. That is the ONLY way for the elephant to survive..and i see the hand of nature/Evolution/Waheguru in this...ALL is IN HIS HUKM.

Born without tusks? is that even possible? How? by hunting has this caused the DNA coding of an elephant to change?


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Important!! please read

hi kds, i would love to post these articles and links on the websites you provided but unfortunately i am not a member on either websites.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

Dear mulsim ji,

THAT is GOD's NATURAL LAW OF SELECTION in action ( some call it evolution). This works this way....in every Elephant "gene pool" there are soem Elephants that will be GIANTS...with Very large Tusks and all, soem will be midgets with NO TUSKS, most will be somewhere in between these two extremes....AS the Very large Ones with their HUGE TUSKS are hunted down aggressively, their GENE POOL slowly DIES OUT...leaving the way clear for teh midgets with NO TUSKS or very small tusks....very soon ALL Elephants will be from this NO TUSK gene pool...and NO TUSKS..NO HUNTING...Elephants are SAVED !!!

The Black and white MOTHS example is an old one about the workings of evolution..bt this Elephant example is an ongoing working example.only EVOLUTION has the answer to why it is happening.

Jarnail Singh gyani


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

Born without tusks? is that even possible? How? by hunting has this caused the DNA coding of an elephant to change?

i think you don't have knowledge about elepohants.in asian elephants
only male have tusks.and even not all males have tusks.male elephant without tusks are called makhna.with the hunting of male elephants
with tusks large number of makhna have the chance to mate with the females.so many male calves are born without tusks.if this will continue
the future generation of asian elephants will no have tusks.there gene pool is changing

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

muslim said:
hmm gyani, i just tried the link myself and it worked perfectly fine. Maybe the problem is that you are clicking on the divx file format which i much slower as the divx file is much larger. Try the mpeg file, either full each part individually and im confident it should work.

Muslim Ji,
That worked. I wanted to woenload and burn it to CD as I have a DIVX player. So i played the mpeg file. Thank you. Most of the materials have been shown on discovery/national geographic/scientific explorer channels.

The Darwin Theory is fundamentally FLAWED because it begins with NO GOD....but this does not in any way prove that the Genesis Theory is correct either. Both theories have a basic Flaw. The World has an age of billions of years...the documentary itself shows that there are billions of galaxies and universes but the Bible and the Koran fail to even mention these..such a world could not have been created in just six days....and to say WAHEGURU 'needs a rest" is preposterous...jsut as the HEART beats 24/7..WAHEGURU also is at work 24/7..

These are my humble opinions...

Jarnail singh gyani


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

You are welcome Gyani, and thank you for taking time out to watch this documentary.

Gyani Jarnail Singh said:

The Darwin Theory is fundamentally FLAWED because it begins with NO GOD....but this does not in any way prove that the Genesis Theory is correct either. Both theories have a basic Flaw. The World has an age of billions of years...the documentary itself shows that there are billions of galaxies and universes but the Bible and the Koran fail to even mention these..such a world could not have been created in just six days....and to say WAHEGURU 'needs a rest" is preposterous...jsut as the HEART beats 24/7..WAHEGURU also is at work 24/7..

These are my humble opinions...

Jarnail singh gyani

Well Gyani, what are the other flaws within the genesis theory? You mentioned the flaw that the universe was created in six DAYS, well heres an article from a website which explains it better.

Six Days?

The Qur'an states that "Allah created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days" (7:54). While on the surface this might seem similar to the account related in the Bible, there are some important distinctions.

The verses that mention "six days" use the Arabic word "youm" (day). This word appears several other times in the Qur'an, each denoting a different measurement of time. In one case, the measure of a day is equated with 50,000 years (70:4), whereas another verse states that "a day in the sight of your Lord is like 1,000 years of your reckoning" (22:47). The word "youm" is thus understood, within the Qur'an, to be a long period of time -- an era or eon. Therefore, Muslims interpret the description of a "six day" creation as six distinct periods or eons. The length of these periods is not precisely defined, nor are the specific developments that took place during each period.
After completing the Creation, the Qur'an describes that Allah "settled Himself upon the Throne" (57:4) to oversee His work. A distinct point is made to counter the Biblical idea of a day of rest: "We created the heavens and the earth adn all that is between them in six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us" (50:38).

To sum up, its not six days but six long periods (yaum) and got did not rest after completion.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Evolution - fact or fiction

Thanks Muslim Ji.
Another Flaw that I see in the Genesis Theory is How can the GENES of just ONE COUPLE Adam and Eve be enough to sustain the entire human race. It has been proven that INBREEDING/INCEST for just one or TWO generations begisn to Produce imbeciles/deformed babies. many many different couples are needed for gene variety. Can just one couple produce the great variety of Human races...Africans, Mongolians, Aryans, red indians, Pygmies, Blacks Yelow white etc ? How doe the Theory of Genesis fit in ? Please elaborate sir.

Jarnail Singh Gyani


Apr 7, 2006
Re: Evolution, fact or fiction?

nsbuttar said:
It is neither entirely facts nor fiction. It is a theory. It has emerged from observatiions. It is something you believe to be true, but u ave no proof, just your observations. As soon as you find a contradiction in your observations, the theory dissolves.

You say the same thing about belief in God.

Secondly, Mr. Muslim, I can see that you have never been to Turkey where Mr. Yahya's (Adnan Oktar) own countrymen regularly ridicule and chastise him in the press. I respect his work on mainstream Islamic subjects and find them extremely inspiring, however, his scientific work is pseudo-intellectual at best.

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