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Fall Of King Badal And Rise Of New Kings Like U Dosanjh,Malhi, Dhaliwal,Grewal,Dalla

Dec 8, 2005
Dear Brothers/Sister


I was ruminating and I thought I had share it with you all.

I tend to consider todays politicians as contemporary kings as they wield the destiny of their people.

I was just rembering in summer of 1978 I was in prep at DAV school Jalandhar.

The chief minister Of our beloved Punjab PS Badalji was to visit us.

I remember the respect and aura that surrounded him then. He looked like a King whose dynasty one thought would last 2 to 3 generations (the average of most Indian Kings).

Today in Punjab with in one generation he seems to have been lost some where groping for support.

In his place in far of land of Canada many new kings like U Dosanjh,Dhaliwal,Grewal,R Dalla,Gurbax Malhi are being born due to the hard work there boys have been doing.

I guess there could be several reason advanced for it.

One which comes to my mind readily is; that most of his flock began to consider themselves as " Singh is king " unlike the boys in Canada.

The kings men who had toiled hard in the fields of Punjab to make him a King were all aspiring to become kings today.

I am sure if they go back and work in any place of their choice such as construction worker / computer hardware worker / mechanic/ space station builder/ robot factory worker/builder of road/bridges/train tracks.

He and his flocks could inherit the throne of not only Punjab but India , and some other countries on this globe too. He could spawn new technological kings like N Murthy too.

He will require to have the vision , strength , wisdom , and patience of several generations till his men toil to make him a king once more.

Besides this his flocks must read and discuss the history of rise and fall of other great Civilization's ( Roman , Greek , Egyptian, Chinese , Indian ,Ranjit singh, American ) to understand how leaders/ civilizations are formed .

The nation has bestowed him enough of resources to not only rule but also leave an indelible ink on mankind globally .

He may also read my views at this site under

Modern Sikh Soldiers of the Globe - New "Enemies", "battle fields" & "Weapons"

May :wah: /God give him the strength to rise again to his old glory which we sadly miss.

Long live the King


hps62:) :D :star: :cool:



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