Q: How do Sikhs feel about converting others into Sikhism?
A: Sikhs as a rule, do not run after people to convert them to Sikh faith. Sikhs do not give the world the impression that unless you convert to Sikhism, you are going to go to hell. However, Guru Nanak went around saying a prayer, “Oh my kind master, Lord, I pray unto you, save this burning world". He's not talking about Punjab. He’s not talking about India. He’s talking about all of mankind. “With your kind grace, save this world”. He was not trying to convert people to Sikhism but was telling the truth about God and His creations. The people that got inspired by him became his follower and were known as Sikhs.
Guru Nanak says about religion, “It doesn’t matter to me from which source he/she is inspired. My prayer unto dear God is, please take that person into your arms, if that person is inspired to come and meet with you”. How you are inspired does not matter so long as you are inspired rightly into God’s arms and we should be tolerant enough to accept other’s sources of inspiration.
Guru Nanak and the other Nine Great Gurus came into the world only 500 years ago. Could Sikhs say, “Unless you turn around and be Sikhs you will go to hell?” Does that mean before 500 years ago everybody went to hell? Or can we turn around and say that before Jesus came into this world everybody burned in hell? No. Sikhs do not run after people to convert them to Sikhism but do give information about Sikhism to anyone who asks for it. If someone is inspired, and wants to become a Sikh, they are welcome to God’s religion.
Q: Do westerners convert into the Sikh religion?
A: Yes, thousands of westerners converting to the Sikh faith and some of them are doing it in a very beautiful manner. But at the same time, they are inspired on their own. If someone is inspired and wants to become a Sikh, they are welcomed into the faith wholeheartedly. No person is shunned or turned away.
A: Sikhs as a rule, do not run after people to convert them to Sikh faith. Sikhs do not give the world the impression that unless you convert to Sikhism, you are going to go to hell. However, Guru Nanak went around saying a prayer, “Oh my kind master, Lord, I pray unto you, save this burning world". He's not talking about Punjab. He’s not talking about India. He’s talking about all of mankind. “With your kind grace, save this world”. He was not trying to convert people to Sikhism but was telling the truth about God and His creations. The people that got inspired by him became his follower and were known as Sikhs.
Guru Nanak says about religion, “It doesn’t matter to me from which source he/she is inspired. My prayer unto dear God is, please take that person into your arms, if that person is inspired to come and meet with you”. How you are inspired does not matter so long as you are inspired rightly into God’s arms and we should be tolerant enough to accept other’s sources of inspiration.
Guru Nanak and the other Nine Great Gurus came into the world only 500 years ago. Could Sikhs say, “Unless you turn around and be Sikhs you will go to hell?” Does that mean before 500 years ago everybody went to hell? Or can we turn around and say that before Jesus came into this world everybody burned in hell? No. Sikhs do not run after people to convert them to Sikhism but do give information about Sikhism to anyone who asks for it. If someone is inspired, and wants to become a Sikh, they are welcome to God’s religion.
Q: Do westerners convert into the Sikh religion?
A: Yes, thousands of westerners converting to the Sikh faith and some of them are doing it in a very beautiful manner. But at the same time, they are inspired on their own. If someone is inspired and wants to become a Sikh, they are welcomed into the faith wholeheartedly. No person is shunned or turned away.