Unfortunately major part of flesh consuming Sikhs start comparing themselves with Gurus ...like Guru did this we too will do it but they forget that they are not GURUS. They just do want they want and put forth what Guru did to justify their doing.
Fortunately ? those that DONT consume/abhor consumption of flesh/eggs...go beyond simple "Comparing"..they consider themsleves DEFACTO GURUS...conferring on sleves grandiose titles like Satguru, Guru, Maharaj, Sri 108, or STRINGS of Titles..Gurmatt MAARTAND, Shiromani Kathakaar, Mahagyani, Vidya Sagar, etc etc etc..and Sit on Gadees, have Darbars, Have Sangats Matha Tek at their FEET, drink water that has been used to wash their feet...SANT JI MAHARAJ is so common that there may be clsoe to 18,000 in Punjab alone besides the GURUS and the Satgurus. In the 12,000 villages of Punjab there are 18,000 DERAS which ahs aHUMAN HEAD far above the SGGS in PRACTISE (in theory many are afraid due to fear of sikh anger/retaliation and so remain muted in their actions)
The GURUS who wrote such Masterpieces as Japji, jaap, Sukhmani, Anand sahib, Oankaar etc etc..are JUST NUMBERS...with common Name Nanak...just go to any bookshop and pick up a KATHA/TEEKA of these SGGS compositions and see the NAMES and TITLES of the HUMAN who merely TRANSLATED/EXPOUNDED on these Masterpieces....and tell me of ANY that just has a NUMBER under the AUTHORs. Name !!
Its a travesty and a tragedy that we can see the one celled amoeba on the far off Andromeda galaxy..BUT we CANT see the Mammoth sitting on our NOSE....meat is a NON-ISSUE..all these Fake GURUS, satgurus, sri 108 and Mahrajs etc are BIG ISSUES...