I put this thought out for consideration. A video of a movie trailer has been posted to start the thread. Caspian ji alleges that the movie stands a chance to be a catalyst for social change. Indeed the film's creator has been described as a kind of advocate for cultural reflection. At least this is my understanding. My question: How much of the discussion so far has addressed whetherthe movie will live up to the mark? Will it provoke soul-searching? Will it provoke serious discussion of persistent problems in the Vancouver South-asian community. What will that look like? Who will say what? Is any of this kind of discussion possible based on a trailer. So far I have read next to nothing about that in this dialog. Let's move in a different direction, because, frankly, it is impossible to tell what this discussion is about, except as it seems to be 2 pages of assumptions about what the "other" person is thinking or would do under hypothetical circumstances.
Thanks Ambarsaria for incisive comments.
Singh how are we suppose to make accurate comments on the back of a trailer?
Caspian has seen it, but the rest of us will only be commenting through guess work as those clips may be part of a bigger picture
My guess is that this film will just be out to make money, it wont solve anything