Lee ji
Haven't you contradicted yourself?
"My parents are divorced, in fact my dad has been, married and divorced three times now, and my mother 4. The woman who brought me up was my fathers second wife, and us kids always knew that when we were all grwon up and left home that they would divorce.
The question is has it ruined our lives? Nope not a bit of it, I rather think that personaly the way I was brought up, and the things that I experianced as a child has made me a better adult than either of the people who brought me up."
But you went on to say:
"what I an totaly convinced of is that it does far more damage to a child to be brought up in a house where the parents stick together in a loveless marriage 'for the sake of the kids' than if they divorced quickly and gave the kids time to get used to mum and dad not living together."
Am I confused?
Hah yes that does seem contradictory, but then as has already been said I think that perhaps I am one of the lucky ones.
I think the think with mine and my siblings situation is that we could tell from a very early age that our mum and dad would divorce as soon as us kids where all grown up and left home. I wonder if that has much bearing on the fact that we all left early.
I was out of the parential home by the time I was 18, the next brother down from me left just before I did and he is two years younger than me so he was 16.
We could see that their relationship was strained, and really I dodn't know when this knowlegde come to me, it seems that I always knew.
As a child it certianly had an effect on me, can you imagine being in a home where mun and dad where constantly argueing? As child you can only think and reason as child does, you cannot comprehend the world as an adult untill you have lived a while as an adult.
It was confusing, it was not nice, all sorts of things run through the head of a child that realises that his parents are not in love.
We are the product of our upbringing, it seeps into our very being, the things that happen to us in our childhood have a very reall effect on us which carry on into adult life.
I'm 41 years old now, and I can (and do)look back on my childhood and lots of time that ephieny happens, that 'Aha!' momnet, and I realise, that is why I think like this, or that is why this is a big deal for me and this is not.
Was I damaged as a child by my upbringing? Ohh certianly I was, now as an adult though I can see certian things, I have now the ability to take stock and come to certian understandings.
I am the man I am now because of my upbringing, but also because of the choices I have made, I am indeed stronger for it, but it could well be differant for me, as it is for lots of others.
I have said before in another post here, a while back, that everything you say, every action you take has an effect on those around you. I truely belive this and now use my life to watch how I treat people.
Others may well be differant from me. It is like alchemy , the rearing of a child, so much goes into and really we have little idea what sort of creature that mixture will create.