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Goal Of Human Life

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Re: Goal Of Human Life

I think after reading these posts I don't think I wish to be a Saint who is perfect and has no imperfections......I hope and aim to be an ordinary man who realises that he has imperfection!:thumbup:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Randip ji

This is not Gurmat, but addresses your point.

Water which is too pure has no fish.
Ts'ai Ken T'an

We remember that the Sikh understanding of dharma, karma and re-incarnation does not despise the real world, person, events. Vanishing into nothingness contradicts our understanding that God is also an Immanent God in the world which is His Creation.
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Sorry for interruption,

Do you really think that we can seek HIM? Obviously for me it is an ideal only. One can lead a life so that one is contended and his existence is of some use to the society/nature in general.At some places, Gurbani states that one should remember HIM on 24* 7 format. This may not be feasible plus It also states that there will be only a one in 10millions who really appreciates/follows the teachings of Gurmat. What do you feel .
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Respected aad ji, SSA

I should not have put this question. It is infringment of the right to personal freedom. I withdraw this question.

Just sharing with you, In the katha by Sant Maskeen ji, he stated that even if we get nothing by doing all that we do we get a lot in the form that with the passage of time during our practice of mantra/bani we are likely to develop a faith in HIM and as a consequence love and devotion as well. The fear of Lord follows. Even if the entire life time practice does not bring tangible resultsin the form of 'jog' one's labour will not go waste as the seeker/devotee will be benefitted with these fringe rewards and these would be very helpful in spiritual pursuits.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Re: Goal Of Human Life

The evolution of man, has been non eventful since his creation. for man to evolve he mustshed his sinful inclinations in the form of the seven deadly sins. Once cleansed he becomes pure and is thereby eligible to join the great universal spirit of the world. Since the sin of the creators first man, Adam, and his experimental fornication with the animals, resulting in introducing animal nature, in the form of the aforementioned sins into humanity, the human race has been waging war, with battle after battle, to cleanse humanity of sin and re-enter the heavenly state of sahej, heaven or the universal spirit and be freed form the shackles and bondage of life after death after life. never learning, never growing, merely being born to die, only to be recast into this world again. Religion's are that path to the great evolution of man and humanity. That is the meaning of life. To live in peace, and peaceable be towards your fellow humanity. We canb only be this tranquile serene and peacable when we are non toxic, toxicity of the body caused ny anger, greed, lus etc...corrupts and renders man very susceptible to tempation and sinfulness. That is lifes battle. Some have maturity and understanding sufficient to live upstabding noble lives. Other's turn to religion as their guide and path. The end is the cleansed mind body and soul. being righteous and pure to enter into the Waheguru's supreme spirit. That is All.
Last edited:


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Re: Goal Of Human Life

I think after reading these posts I don't think I wish to be a Saint who is perfect and has no imperfections......I hope and aim to be an ordinary man who realises that he has imperfection!:thumbup:
Thge beautu and the deep sincere and true humility of the god imbued soul is that, to not seek but gain contentment, and your happiness from each and every moment and thing in the world and your life.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Respected aad ji, SSA

I should not have put this question. It is infringment of the right to personal freedom. I withdraw this question.

Just sharing with you, In the katha by Sant Maskeen ji, he stated that even if we get nothing by doing all that we do we get a lot in the form that with the passage of time during our practice of mantra/bani we are likely to develop a faith in HIM and as a consequence love and devotion as well. The fear of Lord follows. Even if the entire life time practice does not bring tangible resultsin the form of 'jog' one's labour will not go waste as the seeker/devotee will be benefitted with these fringe rewards and these would be very helpful in spiritual pursuits.
True freedom is to be free of evil and vile inclinations, thoughts and deeds, to be pure in mind body and spirit. Never fear.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Sorry for interruption,

Do you really think that we can seek HIM? Obviously for me it is an ideal only. One can lead a life so that one is contended and his existence is of some use to the society/nature in general.At some places, Gurbani states that one should remember HIM on 24* 7 format. This may not be feasible plus It also states that there will be only a one in 10millions who really appreciates/follows the teachings of Gurmat. What do you feel .

The great mahatma Waheguru is an allpervading spirit that at times has taken human form, Waheguru Nanak Ji. His supreme spirit comes to reside within those good godly and noble souls resulting in their hearts and minds being imbued with wisdom, knowledge of all things, his love for humanity, and loathing for all things impure that lead do the desecration of the human soul.


(previously jeetijohal, account deactivated at her
Mar 13, 2006
London, UK
Re: Goal Of Human Life

i accept the second route and im not insane. How do you explain that?
Not only I but A huge population accept the second route and they form some of the most culturally rich countries in the world.

Your logic is misguided because you have internalized religious propaganda. Humanism for me has all the answers, just like sikhism has all the answers for you (a position that should be equally respected...rather than labelling someone else is beleifs as agents of insanity). In humanism the part where you cannot conjure answers you simply state; "i do not know" instead of manufacturing a god. Your development of morality is independant of your belief in God.

Have you ever heard of altruism? If you study human social evolution you would know that doing "the right thing" is rational and is just one of many factors in human evolution.
Altruism: The selfless concern for the welfare of others.

let me show you a video
YouTube - An Atheist's 10 Commandments

and if your primary reason for turning to religion is for "comfort"...then that is well and good. I personally turn to my love for family and freinds and gardening for comfort, not religion. In fact whenever I examine religion I feel the least comfortable, all it can effectively achieve is to wind me up with more questions. especially when i start to read bani.

Some are Jiwan Mukhats those who gain the heavenly state of sahej, peace and are totally in harmony with the surrounding world in all its myriads forms and hues. have reconciled their will to gods will, iether through understanding of the ways of the world or as a surrender of their spirit to whatever is ordained in their lifetimes. To love, be able to love the world and humanity becasue you have gained gods spirit, or submitted to his will, Th eformer is an ascended soul, the latter a devout and firm believer even though he does not always understand, he believee in the creator doing so, and the ineffable and the limits of his power in these darkened times of Kalyug, when the posioned whispers of his global child, unwittingly wound him in thei debying of him. 'Muh se bolan boliye,
jit sun dare pyar.'
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Every religion ,for that matter, has some element of altruism and philanthropy. Some religions contain this as an explicit manner and some contain these elements in the form of eulogisation and it becomes ingrained in them. Sikhism is is a religion that has all the elements of Humanis that has been stated in the post of sinister ji.In sikhism rituals are minimal.All that we are told is to be a good human being and thank HIm for that we have i.e intellect and mind which helps the process of self realisation. The methodology suggested is also plain. It does not stop one to do anything that falls in line with Humanism. Humanism and spritualism are off-shoot of religion. Be it any religion.It is the religious values on which the edifice of the Spirituality can be built.

Becoming jeevan Mukt is the highest state of a human being that one can attain with lot of patience and practice.
Your post is very much practical and points a clear intellect behind it. Thanks for introducing us to the concepts.
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

jw kau Awey soeI ibhwJhu hir gur qy mnih bsyrw ] (13-17, gauVI pUrbI, mÚ 5)
Purchase only that for which you have come into the world, and through the Guru, the Lord shall dwell within your mind.
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

inj Gir mhlu pwvhu suK shjy bhuir n hoiego Pyrw ]3] (13-18, gauVI pUrbI, mÚ 5)
Within the home of your own inner being, you shall obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence with intuitive ease. You shall not be consigned again to the wheel of reincarnation. ||3||
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

rUp rMg sugMD Bog iqAwig cly mwieAw Cly kink kwimnI ]1] rhwau ] (901-12, rwmklI, mÚ 5)
You must abandon your beauty, pleasures, fragrances and enjoyments; beguiled by gold and sexual desire, you must still leave Maya behind. ||1||Pause||
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

BMfwr drb Arb Krb pyiK lIlw mnu sDwrY ] (901-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)
You gaze upon billions and trillions of treasures and riches, which delight and comfort your mind,
nh sMig gwmnI ]1] (901-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)
but these will not go along with you. ||1||
suq klqR BRwq mIq auriJ pirE Brim moihE ieh ibrK CwmnI ] (901-14, rwmklI, mÚ 5)
Entangled with children, spouse, siblings and friends, you are enticed and fooled; these pass like the shadow of a tree.
crn kml srn nwnk suKu sMq BwvnI ]2]2]60] (901-14, rwmklI, mÚ 5)
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of His lotus feet; He has found peace in the faith of the Saints. ||2||2||60||
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

ry mn Et lyhu hir nwmw ] (901-17, rwmklI, mÚ 9)
O mind, take the sheltering support of the Lord's Name.
jw kY ismrin durmiq nwsY pwvih pdu inrbwnw ]1] rhwau ] (901-17, rwmklI, mÚ 9)
Remembering Him in meditation, evil-mindedness is dispelled, and the state of Nirvaanaa is obtained. ||1||Pause||
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

Listen, listen to my advice, O my mind! only good deed shall endure, and there may not be another chance" (GG, 154).
So, realization of God and a reunion of atma (soul) with paramatma (Supreme Soul, God) are the ultimate goals of human life.

The achievement ultimately rests on nadar (God's grace), but man has to strive in order to deserve His grace. As a first step, he should have faith in and craving for the Lord. He should believe that God is near him, rather within his self, and not far away. He is to seek Him in his self.

"Your beloved is close to you, O foolish bride! What are you searching outside?" (GG, 722), and "Recognize yourself, O mind! You are the light manifest. Rejoice in Guru's instruction that God is always with (in) you. If you recognize your Self, you shall know the Lord and shall get the knowledge of life and death" (GG, 441).

The knowledge of the infinitesimal nature of his self when compared to the immenseness of God and His creation would instil humility in man and would rid him of his ego (a sense of I, my and mine) which is "the greatest malady man suffers from" (GG, 466, 589, 1258) and the arch-enemy of nam or path to God-Realization (GG, 560). Having surrendered his ego and having an intense desire to reach his goal (the realization of Reality), the seeker under Guru's instruction (gurmati) becomes a gurmukh or person looking guruward. He meditates upon nam or sabda, the Divine Word, while yet leading life as a householder, earning through honest labour, sharing his victuals with the needy, and performing self-abnegating deeds of service.

God in Sikhism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

The achievement ultimately rests on nadar (God's grace), but man has to strive in order to deserve His grace. As a first step, he should have faith in and craving for the Lord. He should believe that God is near him, rather within his self, and not far away. He is to seek Him in his self.
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

suixAw mMinAw min kIqw Bwau ] (4-15, jpu, mÚ 1)
Listening and believing with love and humility in your mind,
AMqrgiq qIriQ mil nwau ] (4-15, jpu, mÚ 1)
cleanse yourself with the Name, at the sacred shrine deep within.
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Goal Of Human Life

suixAw mMinAw min kIqw Bwau ] (4-15, jpu, mÚ 1)
Listening and believing with love and humility in your mind,
AMqrgiq qIriQ mil nwau ] (4-15, jpu, mÚ 1)
cleanse yourself with the Name, at the sacred shrine deep within