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Gurbani Can Cure Cancer

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BUT FIRST..we have to "RECOGNISE...DIAGNOSE..." the ROG..as Guru nanak ji says..OH Vaid..Pehllan ROG Pehchaan !!
Once we KNOW the exact definition of ROG..then we can proceed further.

1. FACT and UNDENIABLE FACT..indisputable Fact.....the Venerable Doc who wrote the Original post is actually QUITE DEAD...he did DIE..as its HIS HUKM..all BORN MUST DIE !! So everything being said in the article is ONLY worthy of any attention is...IF Bhardwaaj is STILL ALIVE and continues to be ALIVE for at least another 5000 years !!..otherwise he is just another dead human being..who postponed death for a while (maybe)...or maybe NOT because ONLY the CREATOR knows the time and place..all else is just CONJECTURE !!My late dad could ahve been saved had a particular drug been invented decades ago..just how many MILLIONS have been SAVED by Pencillin, modern drugs, medicines...how many millions of mothers survive childbirth...and how many Hundreds of thousands of FEMALE EMBRYOS DIE simply because they are FEMALE !!
HE DECIDES..its HUKM. PERIOD. all else is Conjecture...wishy washy tall tales...my late dad knew the entire SGGS by heart..he was continually reciting an ongoing sehaj paath..every week end he would do an entire akhand paath all by himself at one sitting..and HE LIVED GURBANI..he still DIED of a malfunctioning Heart due to high cholestrol and BP..etc...HIS HUKM.


Jun 2, 2008
Dear sir, No one has been able to prove GOD and HIS existence. But most Of us here do believe. :}--}:

just because no one has proven Gods' existence doesn't mean he doesn't exist........ i dont believe that God is all about "proving his-self" its all about ones own situation, and ones personal desires and prerogative in life....

for example if my own desire is to make money.... then i will......just as if my desire is to find the truth in this temporary world... then i will so.....

A man once said "when we are at our lowest........... ONLY then we are open to the greatest change"


Dec 3, 2011
I think the real point is that 'Gurbani can help overcome your weakness'
Afterall, what is pain and suffering. It is all perception, what our mind and brain tells us. We know people can train themselves to becomb numb to pain- the object or damage that causes the pain is still there, but the person just doesn't acknowledge the pain and is therefore pain free!!!
Isn't it more peaceful and calm to die without feeling suffering and pain ??- I'm not dead, so I can't say for sure, but I think so.
If gurbani can help one achieve this state of peace and minimising pain, then I do recommend it to all sufferers. YES, I do believe it can help, afterall, what is the negative ? it's NOT going to increase or make the pain and suffering any worse, is it ?

That's my take on the above, but I would still have faith with such a story. There is no wrong in believing. If one can connect purely with the naam, the last thing on their mind woud be any pain and suffering.
Could the cancer just vanish ??- Well, I can't deny it unless i've tried it. Depends on who and what state they are in.

Our own minds if controlled well enough, can eliminate many perceptions.
I am a strong believer in MIND OVER MATTER.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Everybody says REST IN PEACE when you are DEAD....GURBANI teaches us to REST IN PEACE while ALIVE...SEHAJ is resting in absolute PEACE while being ALIVE...people just CANNOT GET IT (that one could be at peace while alive when everybody says peace is after death ). GURBANI is FOR THE LIVING..not those who have DIED.


Dec 22, 2009
I think the real point is that 'Gurbani can help overcome your weakness'
Afterall, what is pain and suffering. It is all perception, what our mind and brain tells us. We know people can train themselves to becomb numb to pain- the object or damage that causes the pain is still there, but the person just doesn't acknowledge the pain and is therefore pain free!!! Numbness is not Reality, it's Fallacy. One must be Aware, Present in the Moment. Perhaps Pain Leads to GROWTH. & it's Not a Bad thing? Or something a Person can Shelter themselves From, Nor should they Attempt to! You cant Shelter yourself from Life, no Matter what, if it wants to Knock you, hell, it's Gonna Knock you.

Isn't it more peaceful and calm to die without feeling suffering and pain ??- I think Gyani Ji just mentioned that One should BEAR Pain, not seek to dismiss it or Pray for it to be Over. Whatever comes, comes from God, so One should Graciously take it, as Whatever it is. I'm not dead, so I can't say for sure, but I think so.
If gurbani can help one achieve this state of peace and minimising pain, then I do recommend it to all sufferers. YES, I do believe it can help, afterall, what is the negative ? False Hope. it's NOT going to increase or make the pain and suffering any worse, is it ?

That's my take on the above, but I would still have faith with such a story. There is no wrong in believing. If one can connect purely with the naam, the last thing on their mind woud be any pain and suffering.
Could the cancer just vanish ??- Well, I can't deny it unless i've tried it. Depends on who and what state they are in.

Our own minds if controlled well enough, can eliminate many perceptions.
I am a strong believer in MIND OVER MATTER.


Aug 8, 2011
Jasbir ji
Faith can do miracles. When someone gets cured of cancer for inexplicable reasons when doctors had lost all hope, it is but natural to give credit to the almighty


Dec 3, 2011
Navdeep ji, I'm really not sure what you are saying.
One should bear pain ?- I don't know where thats coming from, have never taken analgesic for headache or cold ?
False Hope ?- what exactly is that ? Hope is personal and comes from one's mind and intentions.- what is the false way of someone doing this ?

I'm just a little confused, it seems you just don't get my post, - I'm not asking for anyone to agree, I'm telling all as it is.- There are a number of people that have had unexplainable medical miracles. This doesn't mean we advertise the gurbani as the cure, do you see what i'm saying ?

Perhaps reading it again carefully, you may see I'm not advertsing as such, I'm simply telling as it is!!


Dec 3, 2011
If you have never encountered anyone for real who has experienced such unexplainable and miracle cure, then that's where the problem is of why you don't understand anything that I'm saying.
So, i'm afraid that is not my problem!!!


Dec 22, 2009
Navdeep ji, I'm really not sure what you are saying.
One should bear pain ?- I don't know where thats coming from, have never taken analgesic for headache or cold ?Im Saying One should not Look for a Scapegoat for REAL Pain, the Worst of which is Emotional.
False Hope ?-Trying to Prescribe the Outcome Of ONE Situation, Of One Person's Journey from Disbelief to Belief, to all others in a Similar Circumstance is Very Dangerous. what exactly is that ? Hope is personal and comes from one's mind and intentions.- what is the false way of someone doing this ?

I'm just a little confused, it seems you just don't get my post, - I'm not asking for anyone to agree, I'm telling all as it is.- There are a number of people that have had unexplainable medical miracles. This doesn't mean we advertise the gurbani as the cure, do you see what i'm saying ?

Perhaps reading it again carefully, you may see I'm not advertsing as such, I'm simply telling as it is!!



Dec 3, 2011
Navdeep ji, thanks for your response, but your explanations seem to be in the wrong direction!!!
You are saying that there should be no scapegoat for pain and that emotional pain is worse!!
-- Well, I never said there was, I simply said no one wants to bear ANY sort of pain and you stated that one should bear pain!!!!
You stated that False Hope' ?-Trying to Prescribe the Outcome Of ONE Situation, Of One Person's Journey from Disbelief to Belief, to all others in a Similar Circumstance is Very Dangerous.-

But, I stated clearly on 2 occasions that I am NOT advertising or endorsing Gurbani as a cure!!! I'm telling you facts as they are!!!!!

I'm not singling anyone out but just trying to correct your reasoning on something where I gave it as it is and not my opinion.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Searching ji thanks for your post.
Jasbir ji
Faith can do miracles.
Searching ji I believe you have a worthy point. The intricacies of how at the very base chemical level of our being, what affect thoughts and thought processes have consciously or unconsciously has hardly been understood. The body complex is far too complex to not provide "miracles" for the lack of a better word for certain situations.

I do believe however that the danger comes when the merchants get hold of an unexplained and try to put it into a box and exploit by giving "paper mantars", "naams", "words", etc., that will cause a cure. My experiences are that this is straightforward exploitation of the vulnerable.

However I will not guide someone to totally reject something that is apparently addressing something critical in their lives (questions of life and death). I will privately take the exploiter to task if I sense so.
When someone gets cured of cancer for inexplicable reasons when doctors had lost all hope, it is but natural to give credit to the almighty
Let me cite a personal experience. A close relative was diagnosed with cancer around 1990. Sent home with pain killers to die and the family doctor refused to help with a second opinion.

By luck or chance I came across a doctor who operated on her. 2/3rd of her stomach was re-sected/cut-out. This doctor who visually observed other critical organs stated not to proceed with chemo-therapy because of possible visible spread to other organs and feeble state of the person. I asked if I could help with Homeopathic ideas and he welcomed and said since he was planning to do nothing additional he had no issues. Luck, belief, miracle or whatever one may call it, I gave her some Homeopathic remedies. She is alive 22 years later and no sign or detection of any cancer. Now there are many forks in the road for such incidents and so there are in our lives.

Now the question would be can I replicate it with another person. My considered opinion would be yes and no or I don't know as there is much confluence of many variables as I stated in first paragraph of my post.

Keeping an open and aware mind does help many a times.

Just some thoughts.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Dec 3, 2011
A very strong point Ambarsaria ji. We just can't deny these events, call them miracles, faith, power of prayer, luck or whatever.

This was my point that I was trying to put across that sadly, a few have taken out of context.

I have personally known more than a handful of such occurences and I can't advise for another who may be suffering the same and neither can the said persons. It all happens by his hukam.

The greatest thing that I have learned is that most of these people after experiencing such events come out with a completely different outlook on their life.- So, under his hukam, such events and even bad events for certain people happen or are experienced in order to pave the path for their futures all under the command of hukam.

Sat sri akaal
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Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
BUT FIRST..we have to "RECOGNISE...DIAGNOSE..." the ROG..as Guru nanak ji says..OH Vaid..Pehllan ROG Pehchaan !!
Once we KNOW the exact definition of ROG..then we can proceed further.

1. FACT and UNDENIABLE FACT..indisputable Fact.....the Venerable Doc who wrote the Original post is actually QUITE DEAD...he did DIE..as its HIS HUKM..all BORN MUST DIE !! So everything being said in the article is ONLY worthy of any attention is...IF Bhardwaaj is STILL ALIVE and continues to be ALIVE for at least another 5000 years !!..otherwise he is just another dead human being..who postponed death for a while (maybe)...or maybe NOT because ONLY the CREATOR knows the time and place..all else is just CONJECTURE !!My late dad could ahve been saved had a particular drug been invented decades ago..just how many MILLIONS have been SAVED by Pencillin, modern drugs, medicines...how many millions of mothers survive childbirth...and how many Hundreds of thousands of FEMALE EMBRYOS DIE simply because they are FEMALE !!
HE DECIDES..its HUKM. PERIOD. all else is Conjecture...wishy washy tall tales...my late dad knew the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by heart..he was continually reciting an ongoing sehaj paath..every week end he would do an entire akhand paath all by himself at one sitting..and HE LIVED GURBANI..he still DIED of a malfunctioning Heart due to high cholestrol and BP..etc...HIS HUKM.

You are right gyanni jee. As per my information this is no more.
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