Gurfateh ji.
This cartoon really hit me where are we headed to we read Gurbani do Namm Simran what must Guru Ji think when we do these things we need to understand and learn how to control our Krodh one of the 5 Thieves, I have seen arguments happening in Gurdwaras but this is getting out of hand we need to stop because things can get worse then just using Hammers, and Macheties.
The real problem is that we are "reading" (parrotting) and NOT VICHARING...UNDERSTANDING...IMBIBING the GURBANI MESSAGE into our DAILY LIVES to Change for the BETTER !! Kartoot Passu ki manas Jaat..we look like humans but we fight like dogs..over a bone .
Rotualism, Blind Faith, meaningless mutterings, readings, sponsoring of hundreds and thousands of Akhand Paath Larrees (like a string of firecrackers at diwali time)...all just NOISE and no substance..parading the GURU in the streets like an ordinary politician loaded with fake flowers, haars, and MONEY..hoping to BUY favours..sons....buisness court cases..lotteries..etc etc etc.
ALL this produces FAKES..and EMPTY VESSELS who have not an IOTA of Gurabni Colour in their lives...and these fakes hold their noses high, their kirpans long and high..and strut over the poor and the downtrodden..out of my way..out of may neech beard trimmer..the GURU is ONLY LOOKING AT ME are all gurbani...NOTHING..EVERYTHING IS ME...ME...ME...ME !!!! and we just LOVE to compare ourselves to PURATAN SHAHEEDS like baba Deep Singh..Baba banda Singh Ji....what IGNORANCE and HAUMAII as high as the Himalayas...The Sants who HOB NOB with High and mighty politicians..who fly first class..sleep in Malik Bhago palaces or 5 star hotels..who ride in limosines..who charge by the THOUSAND for a half hour kirtan..or akhand paath..or an ardass..these for sure will fight to gain control of Gurdwars as that are a means of GOLUCK...just like the MAFIA LORDS would KILL for control of their gambling joints etc....Gurdwars..deras..are all means to an END..GOLUCK GENERATION only....WHO CARES about PARCHAAR..NONE !! Becasue none practises GURBANI...even in the HIGHEST peaks of Harmandar Sahib Amrtisar..Guru ka Langgar is facing shortages..of sevadaars..donations are being bussed in and trucked in by vested interests..the DERAWADEES go directly to the VILLAGES to GRAB BAGS OF WHEAT/Farm produce BY "force"...and all that goes to their own DERAS..not Gurdawras. Literally Gangs of these modern day ROBBERS descend on Villages during Harvest Time...wearing gol dastaars huge cholas, kirpans and all driving trucks emblazoned with Kaar sewa Baba this and Kar sewa Baba that...and literally Barge into the Sikh Homes, immediately do a super fast track silent mumble ardass and after a jaikara..announce..we are taking this many Borian for "SACHA PATSHAH".....ONE such baba even had his bags printed in HINDI...not even the decency to have GURMUKHI...and he is grabbing wheat for the GURU..the sacha patshah ?? HINDI Bags ???....with their ever increasing numbers....just how is the poor sikh going to give/donate rations for the Gurdawra Guru Ka Langgars ?? Same disease and rot and corruption is spreading overseas....vai the same derawadee elements who are establishing PRIVATE DERAS that look like and function like Gurdwaras but are NOT.
A Genuine KHALSA is so humble..nobody even notices him..He is so LOVING..even the street kitten comes running to beggar goes awy empty handed from him...he picks up the downtrodden and hugs them to his chest...he meets with Mardanas..and eats with the Lalos...and sleeps in the huts of the Balmikis....SEEN ANY SUCH lately ???