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Gurdwaras Burnt, Demolished or converted need Attention: A Brief


Jul 22, 2023
Gurdwaras Burnt, Demolished or converted need Attention: A Brief

Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal
Prof Emeritus Desh Bhagat University

During my research on Gurdwaras for over 50 years from 1970 till date, the research was mostly related to historical Gurdwaras relating to Guru Nanak, Guru Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Hargobind Sahib. I had the privilege of visiting almost all the Gurdwara in India and abroad. Most disturbing factors about some of the Gurdwaras were that either these were burnt and demolished in 1984 or converted into other faiths, over the years but no reasonable effort has been done to restore these. Mention of these Gurdwars is in two parts: Part 1 is related to Gurdwaras in India and Part 2 relates to Gurdwaras abroad.

Burnt, Demolished or converted Gurdwaras in India
Though the list of Gurdwaras burnt, demolished or converted in India is very large but I shall limit the brief to Historical Gurdwaras relating to Guru Nanak at 1. Mechuka in Arunachal Pradesh, 2. Guru Dogmar in Sikkim, 3. Gyan Godri in Hardwar, 4. Nanakbari in Hardwar 5. Gurdwara Nanak Bari near Reetha Sahib in Uttrakhand, 6. Gurdwara Nanak Padao near Reetha Sahib, 7. Gurdwara Almora in Utrakhand, 8. Gurdwara Paua Sahib Gwalior related to Guru Hargobind Sahib, 9. Gurdwara Manji Sahib Kalsi Utrakhand related to Guru Gobind Singh ji 10. Gurdwara Smadh Rani Jind Kaur at Ram Kund Nasik, Maharashtra. I shall give a brief of these since articles about 10 of these Gurdwaras whose details have already been published in various magazines and papers by this author.

Guru Nanak Tapostan, Pemoshubu, Menchuka, Arunchal Pradesh

I was posted to Assam and Arunachal Areas in 1985. When I was located at Menchuka in Arunachal Pradesh, I was told of Guru Nanak’s visit to this valley nd having meditation in Pemoshubu. After recording the evidence of the locals about the visit of Guru Nanak to the place, a Gurdwaras Guru Nanak Taposthan was constructed in 1985-1986 with the help of Segang people and Army at Pemoshubu Manchuka near Segang village. There was never a problem with this Gurdwara for 35 years till 2021 when some Buddhist idols were got placed in the sanctum sanctorum under the direction of local MLA a Tibetan Buddhist, who was also the speaker of Arunachal Pradesh Legislative assembly. These idols were however got removed and the administration of the Gurdwara was handed over by SGPC in writing to the Deputy Commissioner Tato and Station Commander Along as patrons and CO Infantry battalion at Menchuka as the organizer.. But suddenly in 2023, this MLA brought Chief Minister Arunachal Pradesh also a Tibetan Buddhist d to preside over the ceremony of conversion of Gurdwara into a monastery.. Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Nishan sahib were removed in that ceremony and Buddhist idols were installed in the Gurdwara building which was constructed entirely by the Sikhs and was under the auspicious of SGPC. Thus Guru Nanak Tapa Asthan was converted into a Buddhist Monastery by the local MLA and Speaker of Arunachal Assembly under the protection and physical presence of Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh by removing Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Nishan sahib from the Gurdwara. The photo of the Gurdwara with Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Nishan Sahib installed taken by the author in 2021 and also of conversion it into to Buddhist monastery as appeared in the news of National papers are given here.. Complaints by SGPC the President, PM and CM Arunachal Pradesh have gone unheeded till date and no FIR is being lodged under Article 25 as required by law.


Gurdwara Guru Nanak Taposthan constructed in 1985-1986 AD Gurdwaara Guru Nanak Tapostan in 2021 AD


Sri guru Grnth sahib installed in 1986 in Gurdwara pemoshubu Menchuka



Gurdwara sahib visited in 2001 by the author. Setia Sahib in tabia


Guru Granth Sahib in Guru Nanak Taposthan in August 2021 as visited by author

Gurdwara sahib converted into a Bodhi Monastery


The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has alleged that a historic gurdwara in Arunachal Pradesh, which is associated with Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, has been converted into a Buddhist shrine. “It is unfortunate that mischievous attempt has been made to destroy the shrine associated with the first Sikh Guru. It is unfortunate that the CM of Arunachal Pradesh after visiting this historical gurdwara is showing it as a Buddhist shrine. We will strongly oppose it at all levels,” said Dhami. He also sought the intervention of the President, Prime Minister, home minister and National Commission for Minorities into the matter. But nothing hs been done so far.

Gurdwara Guru Dongmar

At Chungthang, I was told of Gurdwara Gurudongmar at Sikkim plateau on Lake Guru Dongmar where from River Teesta originated. When I was again posted to Sikkim area in 1987, I had Sikkim Plateau as my operational area and saw the small Gurdwara at Gurudongmar with sri Guru Granth Sahib and Nishan Sahib duly installed. The board mentioned of Guru Nanak’s visit and on the request of the graziers have created a perpetual source of water from the frozen lake by hitting the snow by his dang o stack held with him hence the Gurdwara Gurdongmar. During my stay we joined to develop it in to a magnificent building and was very well visited fo believers from all religions. The Gurdwra team from Gurdwara Chungthang used to manage the Gurdwara. Gurdwara had to be kept closed in the months from October to March due to heavy snowfall. I have been visited the Gurdwara regularly therafter. Another group who had been regular visitors with me were Setia family who went to pay obeisance at the place every year. Since I was getting old I requested SGPC to take over the Gurdwara and their team led by the Vice president of SGPC visited Gangtok, Chungthang, lachen and Gurudongmar in 2017 AD and the Gurdwara was taken over by SGPC. However, after the winter of 2018, the Lamas of Lachen under the order of SDM Chungthang suddenly removed Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Nishan Sahib and placed these in front of the Gurdwara Chungthang and tried to convert it in to a Buddhist ministry. The photos below show the details of this. The Hon’ble Supreme Court was approached who gave a stay order and asked us to file the case in Sikkim High Court which is going on for last 5 years.

Gurdwara Gurudongmar as seen by this author in 1987. It was made of tin sheets. Gurdwara was gradually developed by the author and his team along with workers of BRO and later by some Sikh regiments and kar Sewa wale from Gurdwara Chungthang. Col Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal was present in 1987 at Gurudongmar when a function was organized at the Gurdwara which showed that the Gurdwara existed even before that. He assisted in development and maintenance of the Gurdwara till 1992 AD. There was no other sign board of any other religion at that time.
Various stages of Development of Gurdwara Gurdongmar: Gurdwara from 1987- 1993. Gurdwara was developed in to a domed one in 1992. It was further developed in 1997-1998

To develop it further a new Gurdwara building foundation stones was laid by Maj Gen PPS Bindra and Brig Charanjit Singh on 06 September 1997. These foundation stones have been existing at the site. Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Nishan sahib remained in these structures since 1980s and regular functions were organized.
S Harbhajan Singh Setia visited the Gurdwara from 1992 AD onwards. In March 2000, Sardar Harbhajan Singh Setia who had been a regular visitor to the Gurdwara went to Gurudongmar along with 14 other Sikhs and reported that the religious sanctity of the historic Sikh Gurdwara constructed to commemorate Guru Nanak’s visit has been changed to a Sarva Dharma Mandir and idols were placed inside the sanctum sanctorum along with Guru Granth Sahib earlier installed.


Attempts were made to convert Gurdwara into a Sarv Dharma Sthal after 2000 AD 2. Shape of gurdwara was gradually changed after 2010 AD. Nishan Sahib (Sikh Flag however flew) and Sri Guru Granth Sahib remained installed. There was no monument or flag of any religion except Sikh Nishan Sahib, in 1987 when Col Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal visited the site. Larger Gurdwara and a board giving details of Guru Nanak’s visit to the place came up in nineteen eighties. However, Hindu and Boddh flags with a small Hindu temple started appearing nearby in 1999 AD as reported by S. Harbhajan Singh Setia during his visit. The matter was reported by Col Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal to S. Gurcharan Singh Tohra president SGPC who sought personal intervention of Defence Minister, Mr George Fernedez. (National Herald, 9 Jan 1999). The development was also reported in ‘The Sikh Review’ May 2001 issue. The Defence Minister asked the authorities not to interfere with the Gurdwara. The photos show the situation in 2002 as published in Col Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal’s books, 'Amazing Travels of Guru Nanak, May 2002', and 'So Than Suhawa, 2002', published by Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Sri Amritsar. But again in 2005, a Sarav Dharma Mandir was created by Army.

As per report from Siliguri Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Sikkim Govt started controlling the Gurdwara complex through Lachen Lama by 2010 in a clandestine manner. In connivance with some scrupulous elements in Army under the direction of major gen Dubey the GOC Gangtok division. Keeping the Sikhs completely in dark the Gurdwara was converted in to a Boddh type of structure as can be seen from the photographs and from the visit of SGPC team. President SGPC Sardar Gurcharan Singh Tphra approached Defence Minister George Fernendez to get the desecration of historic Gurdwara stopped. Later in 2007 AD onwards Lamas from Lachen managed to get the control into their hands and changed it into a Boddhi complex by 2012 AD removing Nishan sahib which existed till 2012. The earlier identity and sanctity of Gurdwara Gurudongmar Nanak Lama does not exist anymore as was found in 2015. Sri Guru Granth Sahib however, remained established in the Gurdwara till 2017 as visited by SGPC team.
As told by eyewitnesses at Chungthang, Lachen, and Gurudongmar and later at Siliguri, desecration of Gurdwaras in Sikkim has been done sequentially in a planned manner, by Major General Dubey, Lachen Lama, under protection of SDM Chungthang and with the active connivance of the Government.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib in Palki at the Gurdwara 2. SGPC Committee at Gurdongmar Gudwara in 2015 AD. Photo Col Dr D S Grewal.

A team of SGPC consisting of Sukhdev Singh Bhaur General Secretary SGPC, S Rajinder Singh Mehta, Executive Member SGPC, S Balwinder Singh Jaura Singha Additional Secretary Dharam Prachar SGPC, S. Satbir Singh Ex secretary SGPC and Col Dr Dalvinder Singh Grewal (this author) appointed by President SGPC to assess the situation of Gurdwaras in Sikkim visited all the places related to the visit of Guru Nanak. The team found Parkash or Sukhasan or prayers as per rehat maryada were disrupted. Some idols and tankhahs were added which was objected to by President Shiromani gurdwara Parbandhak Committee through a letter to Sikkim Government.People entered even bare-headed. Smoking etc. was not banned. Gurdwara’s independent identity and sanctity did not exist anymore. The team approached for having a meeting with the Chief Minister Sikkim as per President SGPC’s letter. This was, however, not granted. During the visit to Gurdwara Gurudongmar the committee found the Gurdwara Nishan Sahib having been removed and a few idols and Tankhahs alongside the Palki of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This was a clear sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib since no idol is allowed to be placed near Sri Guru Granth Sahib as it against the tenants of Sikhism.


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Jul 22, 2023

Gurdwara Gurdongmar converted into a Budhist monastery foricbly and locked. A notice displayed outside for itsenovation as a Buddhist monastry as seen on 17/09/2017.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib and other articles of faith of Sikhs removed from Guru Dongmar Gurdwara and placed by lamas of Lachen at Chingthang while it was raining. No FIR recoded.

Thus Gurdwara was converted into a Buddhist monastery under the patronage of the Chief Minister on the orders of SDM Chungthang and DC Mangan. The case is now hanging in High Court Sikkim after th sty order by Supreme Court of India

Relics relating to Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Lachen Monastery

Similarly the relics of Guru Nanak which included a a robe, Foot Prints and a Kamandal at Lachen were held at Lachen Monastery which we used to visit and pay are obeisance till 2012. These however were not shown to the Sikh there after despite of repeated requests when in 2015 the SGPC team visited the Lachen Monastery. Photos of these relics as photographed by earlier visitors are given below:

Robe of Guru Nanak Dev ji 2. Foot marks of Guru Nanak ji on stone at Lachen

Kamandal Of Guru Nanak Devji At Lachen Monastery. SGPC team at Lachen Monastary

1. Idol Of nanak Lma at Lachen. 2.Author at Lachen Monastary discussing with Lama

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Relics at Lachen Gompha

Guru Nanak came to Lachen from Gurudongmar Lake through Thanggu. In between Thanggu & Lachen his footprints were on stone. These were blown off during road building and found in Teesta River and preserved in Lachen Gompha. Guru Nanak had left the royal robe presented to Him by King of Tibet for help in construction of Sakya Monastery. He also left his karmanadal. Karmandal, royal dress and footprints are preserved in this monastery which myself saw many times during my stay in Sikkim and later by S Harbhajan Singh Setia and numerous other groups of Sikhs who visited the gompha. This time these were not shown to us when we visited the monastery. As on 02-05-2105, The Vastar (dress), kamandal (pot) and the footprints are not being shown to Sikh visitors since last three years. Other places connected with Guru Nanak in Sikkim are Chhorten nyimala, Muguthang, Nakku la, Thanggu, Lachung, Phodong Gompha, Yumthang, Pyakochin and Gorala which could not be developed due to raised controversy.


Jul 22, 2023

Relics of Gurdwara Nanak Lama Chungthang


I was first posted in Sikkim in 1970-1971, I visited Gurdwara Chungthang. At Chungthang a Stone, a Spring, a rice field and a tree were related to Guru Nanak which I have been paying obeisance from 1970-1971 to 2012. However except the tree all others were taken over under control by Buddhist Lamas on the direction of SDM of Chungthang who was a Tibetan Buddhist. The Board depicting Guru Nanak’s visit were also converted into the visit of Padmasambhava. There had been no record of whose visit to the place or to Sikkim till then as I had discussed with Director Institute of Tibetan Studies. In fact none of the Tibetan Buddhists were aware that both Guru Nanak and Padmasambhava were born in Punjab. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in Nankana Sahib while Padmasambhava was born in Swat Valley in Punjab less than 100 kms from Nankana Sahib. They were probably confused with the outlook of both the Punjabis and tried to paint Padmasambhava in Tibetan style to show difference. They also did not know that earlier Tibetan Monks visited Sri Harmander Sahib. Amritsar each year whenever they came to visit Rawalsar.



Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Relics (Nishani) at Chungthang



Photographs of Chngthang stone and Gurdwara published in Dr Trilochan Singh Book Life History of Guru Nanak (1969 AD)


Now new gates and stone, rice fields and Spring has been controlled by Tibetan Boddhis

2 Burnt Gurdwaras in Uttrakhand
While visiting Utrakhand Reetha Sahib, I was taken by Gurdwara Manager Reetha Saab to two places near Dharson related to Guru Nanak where Gudwaras were burnt in 1984 and later demolished. These Gurdwaras existed on his visit from Mukteswar to Reetha Sahib. These were Gurdwara Nanakbari and Gurdwara Guru Nanak Dev Padao. We discussed with the locals they gave us the details as to how these gurdwaras were burnt and demolished. They felt repentant of he deed and were ready to return the land and to help reconstruct these Gurdwara but this work is still pending.

Gurdwara Gyan Godri



Gurdwara Gyan Godri (Treasure of Knowledge), located in Haridwar Uttarkhand, at the spot where Guru Nanak is said to have visited by Guru Nanak during his travels in 1504 as per janamsakhis (biographies). Historical site of Gurdwara was at the banks of River Ganga. Gurdwara Gyan Godri Sahib was constructed on the banks of river Ganga where Guru Sahib had rejected the superstitious rituals and talked about omnipresent God. Gurdwara Gyan Godri was constructed at ganga Ghat to commemorate his visit. Raja Narinder Singh of Landhaura State and owner of Landhaura House donated the premises to Gurudwara Gyan Godri in 1880. After a Kumbh Mela stampede in 1966, Haridwar administration acquired Landhaura House to widen Har Ki Pauri and demolished a part of the gurdwara as part of a beautification & development effort. Later there was forcible destruction of the gurdwara premises during the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. As of today the gurdwara building is no longer in existence except for mehrabs (pillars) that constituted the front entrance to the gurdwara building and a small room where the Guru Granth is situated. The remainder is a market. (Credit: The Punjab Pulse) It was apparently destroyed in 1979 and Sikhs were not allowed to reconstruct it. Gurdwara Sahib was demolished during anti-Sikh movement days. The Sangat is trying ever since for the restoration of the Guru’s house. The same space is now occupied by an office of Scouts and Guides.


Office of Scouts and Guards Hardwar at Ganga Ghat in place of Gurdwra Gyan godri

Gurdwara Nanakwara


Another ancient gurdwara called Gurdwara Nanakwara, located 200 metres away was converted into Hindu Mandir. About 50 years ago when I first visited Gurdwara nanakwara commemorating Guru Nanaks stay at the place was controlled by an Udasi. I spoke to him about the Gurdwada who feeling weak an old requested that Sikhs must take over the Gurdwara. We agreed to meet at Sri Amritsar and meet SGPC secretary for take over. However when we contacted SGPC secretary he dillydallied and the Gurdwars could not be taken over. Later I visited this gurdwara along with Turban Traveller and found that Gurdwara was converted into a mandir. We questioned the conversion but the occupants were very ociforous. To avoid a fight we made a video and circulated. This video of my discussion with the Mandir Pujari and the persons in the Mandir also apeared on PTC and Simran Channels. However nothing could be done to restore the gurdwara.


Jul 22, 2023
Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sahib Almora

During our travels to Almora, the Gurdwara Management told us that from Bageshwar, Guru Nanak Dev ji came to Almora. After a stay at Almora, the Guru entered Nainital district and attended the fair at Garh Mukteshwar passing through Nainital. Here there used to be a Gurdwara commemorating Guru Nanak’s visit at the site. Since Sikhs had to leave Almora in 1984 due to threat from fanatics, Gurdwara was destroyed and the area encroached upon by the locals. We visited the place and found a small gumti of the gurdwara was left remaining all was in shambles.
This place needs to be got vacated and a new Gurdwara building should be constructed in the place.. Earlier, Gurdwara Management Nanakmata told us that they will fight the case but nothing has been done so far.

Jagan Nath Puri

The case of Gurdwara at Jagan Puri relating to Guru Nanak which was demolished by Puri administration the case of this demolition is in court. Continued.....


Jul 22, 2023
Jagan Nath Puri

The case of Gurdwara at Jagan Nath Puri relating to Guru Nanak which was demolished by Puri administration the case of this demolition is in court. Continued.....

Odisha government demolished a part of Puri’s Mangu Mutt, has a historic significance for the Sikh community, more than two months after Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh requested it be spared. In September 2019, Punjab chief minister Amarinder had opposed the move to demolish the Mutt visited by Guru Nanak Dev to spread his message of the oneness of God. “It was shocking that while the whole world was getting ready to commemorate the 550th ‘Prakash Purb’ of the first Sikh Guru, the historically important Mutt, a symbol of the connection between Sikhism and the Jagannath Temple, was sought to be demolished by the Odisha government,” Amarinder Singh had said in a statement. Mangu Mutt is located in front of the main entrance of the 12th-century Jagannath temple and is within the 75-metre perimeter of the temple’s boundary wall. The two-storied building, constructed with mortar and limestone powder over 100 years ago, was declared unsafe by the administration a decade ago. Priests of the Mangu mutt were asked to vacate the structure. SGPC approached the cout to stay demolition but before that the demolition work was completed. The case is in the court.


The Mutt was built in 1615 by Bhai Almast, a Sikh preacher and head of Dhuari of the Udasi sect. The verses used by Guru Nanak while praying and conducting aarti of Lord Jagannath are recited in the Mutt. The eldest son of Guru Hargobind, Baba Gurditta, had also chosen Bhai Almast to disseminate Guru Nanak’s message. Also demolished was the Punjabi mutt near the temple. by the district administration.

Gurdwara Guru Nanak Trimbhkeshwar Nasik Maharashtra.
Two more Gurdawaras under the control of Udasis were also converted into temples. When I visited Trimbhkeshwar in Nasik I went to the Bada Akhada of Pritam Das. there they told me that Guru Nanak had come from Nasik and stayed for some time. A gurdwara was constructed at the place by the Udasi sect. However I found it converted into Hindu temple and resented with the administration. There being no other proof with me at the time I could not proceed with it.
Later I found many such gurdwaras like at Gaya and Etawah specially in UP, Bihar, Bengal and Orissa region where Nanakpanthis constructed Gurdwaras commemorating Guru Nanak's visit but later converted to temple. the details of all these Gudwaras are being covered in the book


Jul 22, 2023
Historical Gurdwara Manji Sahib Guru Gobind Singh in a dilapidated condition
After visiting Paunta Sahib and Bhangani this year (2023) we went to Kalsi and Atleo. These two villages are across the Jamuna. Kalsi was the historical shrine of Guru Gobind Singh and in Atleo Guru Gobind Singh is worshiped as the deity in the temple. Kalsi is 10 kms from Bhangani and the road goes further to Atleo village through Kalsi.


Kalsi, is a small village in Uttarakhand, 44 km from Dehradun and 43 km from Chakrata. Kalsi is close to Paunta Sahib and Bhangani. Kalsi village was built by Kalsi Rikhi. On his name, this village is named Kalsi Village is now in divided into two parts; an old Kalsi and a new Kalsi. Guruji had earlier come and stayed in Old Kalsi at the Shiva temple where he had come across the Kalsi Rikhi. (Dhana Singh Chahal, p. 166, 12 June 1931). We proceeded to Kalsi on 23rd June 2023 in our car, A little further from Government Inter School, Kalsi, we asked the way to the Gurdwara. An old man a Punjabi mentioned about the small lane in front of his shop, going to Gurdwara. A little further back was a small lane with a tiled road leading westward to a hilly path ahead. The slope was getting dangerous. A small rivulet was seen below, on the bank of which the Gurdwara Sahib was stated to be.. We walked on the open spaces of the fields and reached the place where there was a Nishan Sahib of the Gurdwara Sahib on the bank of the rivulet. The Nishan Sahib sign was on a small stick and it was crooked. I tried to straighten it but the heavy stones were stuck in it in such a way that it could not be straightened. The large pole of the Nishan Sahib was lying on the ground. The Gurdwara was in a totally dilapidated condition. There were three rooms, two of which were completely collapsed and grass, weeds and reeds were standing in them. One room was a bit ok but it didn't seem like Sri Guru Granth Sahib had ever been placed there or a kirtan program had taken place or Sangat had come to pay obeisance to the place.

Similarly, an attempt was made to erase the memories of Gurdwara Nanak Sahib from Haridwar by changing Gurdwara Nanak Bara into a Mandir and converting the main Gurdwara of Haridwar Ghat into a government institution. Gurdwara Guru Dongmar in Sikkim and Gurdwara Guru Nanak Taposthan Manchukha were taken over by Tibetan Buddhists. Two Gurdwaras belonging to Guru Nanak Dev ji were demolished in Puri Orissa. In Nasik in Sri Ram Ghat on the bank of Godavari a gurdwara built by Maharaja Dalip Singh in the memory of Rani Jindan, the widow of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji , a large statue of Shri Hanuman was erected at the place. As this place is in Uttarakhand and Paunta Sahib is in Himachal Pradesh, perhaps the Gurudwara management of Paunta or Bhangani did not take any suitable steps. It is a matter of regret that all the historical Gurdwaras of the Sikh community being common should have come under one institution only i.e., the Shiromani Sikh organization Shroumani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee but under political pressure we started dividing these Gurdwaras among the states due to some greedy and power-hungry Sikh administrators. This divide attracts these deadly attacks on Sikh shrines nd we are not taking any concrete steps to save our religious places.


Historical Gurdwara Manji Sahib Guru Gobind Singh in a dilapidated condition

This Gurdwra was burnt in 1984 and belongings looted before burning it. It was also damaged physically.
“All the Kalsi people know that this Gurdwara Manji Sahib is in memory of Guru Gobind Singh Ji who came here, visited the temples and redeemed Kalkhi Rishi. But when this Gurdwara was destroyed no one came to protect it, but took part in looting the property of the Gurdwara.

This old man was from the family of Bhai Mati Das ji who was martyred along with Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib. He and his family was from a military background, who were a displaced family from Pakistan. The family wandered from place to place after having displaced from Hazara in the year 1947 and ended up living by running a small shop in Kalsi. Now his shop was doing well. Being related to Guru’s Sikhs, he had a special attachment to Gurdwara Sahib. His shop was also at the place where the Gurdwara Sahib Street turned from the market. he told us the background of burning of the Gurdwara. In the year 1984, some local bad elements looted and demolished the Gurdwara Sahib. He filed a case in the court, but due to lack of support and the influence of bad elements, he could not do anything. He went to Paonta Sahib and appealed to the management, but nothing happened, and this historical place gradually turned in to ruin. It is a matter of great shame for the Sikh nation that it could not maintain its historical places. I remember Gurdwara Almora Sahib, Gurdwara Nanak Bari and another Gurdwara near Ritha Sahib where Guru Nanak Dev ji had set his feet were put on fire in 1984 but no concrete steps were taken.


Jul 22, 2023
Smadh Rani Jind Kaur
During my Army courses and postings at Nasik in Maharashtra from 1972 1992 AD, I found that a Smadhi Sthal and a Gurudwara at Ram Kund on the bank of Godavri, commemorating the immersion of last remains of Maharani Jind Kaur Maharani of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Regular Akhand Path used to be held at the Smadhi Sthal at Ram Kund where I had the privilege of attending. However in 1980s, I was shocked to find that this Smadhi Sthal was demolished and a Hanuman Idol was installed at the place as can be seen in the photograph below

I approached various personalities and wrote in Punjabi Digest. I also gavethedetails to Giani Zail Singh who was the President of India who promised to get this restored but due to 1984 situation nothing materialized and the Idol remain intact till date.

Gurdwara Hond Chhillar Rewari

Gurdwara Hond Chhillar in a dilapidatd condition after having been burnt. on Nov 2, 1984.

The Rewari gurdwara Hond Chhilar was set on fire on Nov 2, 1984. Thirty-eight people, including women and children, from Rewari district's Hond Chillar village were burnt alive in a local gurdwara on November 2, 1984, two days after former prime minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards. The bodies of the villagers were later dumped in a well. Around 20 to 25 Sikh families had been rehabilitated to the village in Haryana from Pakistan after Partition in 1947. Mail Today visited Hond-Chillar village on Saturday. Nothing has remained in this once flourishing village except for three rubbles in the names of structures, including the local gurdwara. The FIR filed in the case mentions 22 bodies were found in the well adjoining the gurdwara.
Recalling the day, one of the few survivors, Manmohan Singh Chawla, said more than 500 people from adjoining Pataudi region in Gurgaon district cornered the village.
According to the then Sarpanch of the village, Dhanpat Singh, the rioters arrived in trucks surrounded the village exact. "They came around 11.30 in the morning and surrounded the village. Soon they started setting the village on fire. Many Sikh families took refuge in the local gurdwara to escape," he said. There was blood all over the gurdwara, says Hond Chillar massacre survivor
Thirty-eight people, including women and children, from Rewari district's Hond Chillar village were burnt alive in a local gurdwara on November 2, 1984, two days after former prime minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards.

Gurdwara Sis Ganj on fire

There is a very strong need for Sikh Sangat to come together to restore, preserve their heritage and avoid political and greedy influences. For this the entire Sikh nation will have to take a decision together.

I found most of Gurdwara properties were also have been usurped but there was no action to restore these properties efforts must be put to get these properties back. Details of these properties are available in Dhanna Singh Chehal's book on Gurdham Cycle Yatra and number of books on Gurdwaras. This needs to be collected and action taken to get these restored to the Gurdwaras.

To settle these problem and we should have at least five teams consisting of dedicated and committed
  • First team o Researchers to identify the Gurdwaras burnt, demolished or converted which need attention.
  • The second team to identify the land associated with all the Gurdwaras including the land usurped.
  • The third team of Kar Sevaks who construct the demolished/burnt Gurdwaras
  • The fourth team should be of expert advocates at High Courts and Supreme Court level to fight the cases of demolished, burnt and converted Gurdwaras and getting the occupied lands back.
  • Fifth team should be the team of coordinators who coordinate the administration of evacuation and reconstruction of all the above Gurdwaras and to arrange for the funds needed.
These are urgently needed actions lest we lose the evidence which we have been left with now.