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Gurmat : Who Is The Deciding Authority


Dec 13, 2005
I do believe that these things should be handled by a single authority Of Sikhs and there is standardisation. With the net culture everything is available at the click of mouse and things become easy and more prune to manipulations.

i disagree, standardisation leads to rigid conformity which our gurus never suggested even slightly, the application of gurbani is personal to each individual as long as they do not use it as a weapon against others, unlike shariah and manus book which have harmed society.
Feb 14, 2006
Dear Khalsa Ji,
'Gur' is the way or process or method. 'Guru' is the one who knows the 'Gur' and from whom student or disciple learns. 'Mat' is the frame of mind which leads to a specific way of living. 'Gurmat' is the learning imparted by Guru. For me my Guru is 'Siri Guru Granth Sahib'. The learning that 'Siri Guru Granth Sahib’ imparts to me is 'Gurmat' to me.

Sikh religion is a corporated religion, it does not have any priestly class. Priestly class was abolished by Guru Sahib. Within the general frame work of Sikh religion each Sikh has to decied from himself. Sikhi has to be lived and just not enacted outwardly. Convictions cannot be forced from outside, they come from within.

Well it is interesting that now after so long a time I am finally able to actually post. I thought I had been banned. It is too bad you did not address the personal attacks against my character in the earlier part of the thread, which taken with the length of time I was not allowed to post a response indicates the forum is bullying a certain viewpoint.

You are saying some very critical things here Amarpal Singh...but are they true for the Sikh Panth? Or are they only true for your personal opinion? And please note, that not at any time am I insulting or degrading the personal characteristics of others in order to have a discussion. So I would request that the forum exercise the courtesy not to continue personal attacks on me as stupid, anti-Sikh, cultic, disrespecting Guru, etc.

Let's anaylze:
"GURMAT (gur-mat, mat, Sanskrit mati, i.e. counsel or tenets of the Guru, more specifically the religious principles laid down by the Guru) is a term which may in its essential sense be taken to be synonymous with Sikhism itself. It literally means to "have your face towards the guru". It covers doctrinal, prescriptive and directional aspects of Sikh faith and praxis. Besides the basic theological structure, doctrine and tenets derived from the teachings of Guru Nanak and his nine successors, it refers to the whole Sikh way of life both in its individual and social expressions evolved over the centuries."


So Gurmat is inclusive by definition of the entire basic theological structure, doctrine and tenets of Guruji. And includes the authority of the institutions established by Guruji (Takhts, Panj Piare), and the Sikhs must conform their personal convictions to what is accepted Gurmat teaching.
[SIZE=-1]Panth's Status of Guruhood[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Article XXIII[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]...A Sikh has, for this reason, to fulfil his/her Panthic obligations (obligations as a member of the corporate entity, the Panth), even as he/she performs his/her individual duties. This corporate entity is the Panth. Every Sikh has also to fulfil his obligations as a unit of the corporate body, the Panth.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]a. The Guru Panth (Panth's status of Guruhood) means the whole body of committed baptised (Amritdhari) Sikhs. This body was fostered by all the ten Gurus and the tenth Guru gave it its final shape and invested it with Guruhood.[/SIZE]

Sikh Reht Maryada, The Definition of Sikh, Sikh Conduct & Conventions, Sikh Religion Living, India

4) Sikhism does not enjoin blind faith. Blind obedience to an external authority is dis-couraged. The death of the intellect can not be a condition of the life of the spirit. Faith does not start with surmises or absurdities.

5) Sikhism is a faith of hope and cheer. Though it affirms Karma, it recognises the possibility of the modification of one's Karma with the grace of the Guru or God. It does not lead to despair and defeatism.

6) Sikhism is a democratic religion. The decisions of the Sangat are regarded as resolutions having the force of law (Gurmatta) Guru Gobind Singh Sahib vested the authority of the organisation in the Panth.

Sikh Religion, Sikhism Religion, What is Sikhism, Sikh Tradition, Religion of Sikhs, Growth of Sikh Religion, India

According to the SGPC, the Sangat has authority to pass resolutions having the force of law. Because Guruji Himself invested His own authority into the Khalsa Panth. So to say "Within the general frame work of Sikhi and Khalsa Panth, you are the deciding authority for yourself." This is correct. But the operative words are: "general framework of Sikhi and Khalsa Panth." And the discussion hinges on how we define this.

'Gurmat' is the learning imparted by Guru. For me my Guru is 'Siri Guru Granth Sahib'. The learning that 'Siri Guru Granth Sahib’ imparts to me is 'Gurmat' to me.
Defining Gurmat solely as learning imparted by Siri Guru Granth Sahibji solely to oneself is not Gurmat according to the Khalsa Panth. As I explained before, many traditions of Gurmat Gursikhi such as Nitname banis, Amrit sinchaar ceremony, the formation of Khalsa Panth, Waheguru Gurmantar and gupt method of recitation of Naam, Panj Kakkars, the clear and defined instruction that a Gursikh is to keep kes uncut, the authority of Panj Piare and Panj Takhts and Khalsa Panth as vested with the authority of Guruji are not anywhere found in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

The Panth recognizes Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as indesputably Guru! Nowhere have I said otherwise. However, to say that only bani from Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is Gurmat is incorrect. To say only source of authority is what is written solely in Shabadguru Ji is incorrect. It violates Panthic edict.

When defining Gurmat, we are also defining authority of Guru's teaching and theological framework for the structure of the Sikh religion. And this includes as I have said before the authority of Akal Takht, the Panj Takhts, the Panj Piare. And the secondary source material Dasam Granth, vaaran of Bhai Gurdas, Purataan rehitnamay, Rehit Maryada, Purataan sakhis, etc. (I call as secondary because everything in Gurmat Gursikhi must be subordinate to the primacy of Shabadguru Ji, and never have I said otherwise.) Never have I said disputes and legitimate disagreements don't exist within the Panth. Never did I say any other bani or tradition is allowed to contradict Shabadguru Ji. I said Gurmat is inclusive of sources outside of the Shabadguru Ji, and I repeat, they are accepted traditionally within the Khalsa Panth. There is nothing individual, unique, new or cultic in what I have stated. What is cultic and neferious is to undermine the legitimate sources of Sikh theology and framework of Sikh religion.

Gurmat is inclusive of Dasam Granth, rehitnamas, vaaran of Bhai Gurdas, the hukams of Akal Takht and the Panj Piare. Now people can insult me personally, but that is not establishing a different proof of what has been accepted by the Sikh Panth as defining GURMAT. Gurmat is not somebody reading Shabadguru Ji and coming to own personal opinions. This doesn't invalidate that people have a personal relationship with Guruji and form own opinions, or that people have to rely on a "priestly class." It means the Panth has united on given definitions of Gursikhi and to violate those is to step outside the norms and lose credibility. I have been accused on this thread of being a cultist. Yet, it is the cultists who disregard and invalidate the accepted framework and basis of Sikh religion and undermine the authority structures of the Sikh Panth.
"Please do not close your mind on something you has decided upon."
This is an attempt to invalidate the general framework of Sikh religion. Because the statements I made are not my own opinion. And contrary to any propagandistic way this website attempts to portray it, everything I have said is in consonnace with Gurmat. Individuals don't decide for themselves what Gursikhi is. I am not saying my opinion of Gurmat is authoritative. I am saying Akal Takht has been excommunicating authors who challenge the authority of Dasam Granth, and precisely because so much Sikh theological framework is lost when you remove it as bani. And I am also saying that the accepted traditions of the Panth are Gurmat: such as rehitnamay, Rehit Maryada, vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji. Instruction for how to live as an amritdhari Sikh comes from secondary source material outside of Shabadguru Ji Maharaaj.

According to the vaaran of Bhai Gurdas ji, Waheguru is Gurmantar for the Sikhs. This is accepted by the Takhts. This is accepted as Purataan Gurmat Gursikhi since time of Guru! So this should end debates once and for all regarding credibility and meaning of Waheguru Gurmantar. And this is not my own opinion. Guruji Himself said that Bhai Gurdas Ji was the "key" to understanding Gurbani. So when the "key" explains something, that explanation silences all the rest. It is authoritative. The Sikh Gurmantar is not Satinaam. It is not Om. It is not whatever anyone wants to say it is.

vwihgurU swlwhxw gur Sbd Alwey ]ñó]
vaahiguroo saalaahanaa gur shabadh alaaeae ||aa||
Vahiguru, God, is eulogised through recitation of the Word of the Guru, Gurbani.
Line 6 Vaar 9 Pauri 13

inrMkwr Awkwr kr joiq srUp AnUp idKwieAw]
nirankaar aakaar kar joth saroop anoop dhikhaaeiaa||
The formless Lord has been beholden in the form of the light (in Guru Nanak and other Gurus).
Line 1

vyd kqyb Agocrw vwihgurU guru Sbd suxwXw]
vaedh kathaeb agocharaa vaahiguroo gur shabadh sunaayaa||
The Gurus recited Word-Guru as Vahiguru who is beyond the Vedas and Katebas (the semtic scriptures).
Line 2 Vaar 12 Pauri 17

a. The Gurmatta (Holy Resolution) can only be concerning a subject that affects the fundamental principles of the Sikh religion and for their upholding, such as the questions affecting the maintenance of the status of the Gurus or Guru Granth Sahib or the inviolability of Guru Granth Sahib, ambrosial baptism, Sikh discipline and way of life, the identity and structural framework of the Panth. Ordinary issues of religious, educational, social or political nature can be dealt with only in a Matta. (Resolution)

b. A Gurmatta can be adopted only by a select primary Panthic group or a representative gathering of the Panth.

During the time of the Guru Sahibs, the community was led and guided by the Guru's themselves. In 1699 Guru Gobind Singh jee manifested the Sikh concept of Khalsa into a physical reality. The Sikh nation became a reality. Guru Sahib initiated the Panj Peearey (Five Beloved Ones) and then received initiation from the Panj Peearey in creating the Khalsa Panth. Since 1699 the Sikh Panth or Community was led by Guru Granth (the non-changing eternal Word of the Divine revealed through the Gurus) & Guru Panth (the living representation of the Guru who guides the community through interpreting the Shabad Guru).

After 1708, the Guru Panth, which was vested with authority by Guru Gobind Singh jee, created the institution of 'Sarbat Khalsa' to make 'Gurmatta' (the Sikh form of consensus), at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, with sanction from Guru Granth Sahib. The Gurmatta of the Sarbat Khalsa, when released to the Sikh nation from Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, becomes a Hukamnama (Edict). Historically, the Sarbat Khalsa would meet on the days of Diwali and Jor Mela of Fatehgarh Sahib to discuss matters affecting the Panth then come up with suitable resolutions.

The Hukamnama of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib is final and binding for each and every Sikh. None dare defy it. One who shows his or her back to Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, is excommunicated from the Sikh Panth (nation). The 'minimal' requirement to be part of the 'Panth' is that one should be initiated through the Amrit Sanchar ceremony. Receiving Amrit, declaring sole allegiance to Guru Granth & Guru Panth, and all edicts and decisions from Sri Akal Takhat Sahib qualifies one to be called 'Panthic'.

Panthic Weekly: Method of Adopting Gurmatta

Anybody who wants to nullify or criticize the authority of Dasam Granth bani, take heed. The Khalsa Panth as a corporate body is not taking lightly to attempts to waterdown, recreate, reinterpret, redefine, undermine, insult, disregard or defame the Gurmat structural framework of the Sikh religion:
The committee will prosecute all those opponents, who criticize Dasam Granth, in Courts through books, newspapers and other media and in the courts of law.
The Sikh Meet, comprising of Sikh groups, institutions and scholars on 'Sri Dasam Granth and its spiritual and historical aspects', organised by the International Human Rights Organisation (IHRO) at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana, on December 23, 2006, after discussion, resolved as under:

1. That Sri Guru Granth Sahib is Guru of the Sikh Panth, as has been ordained by Guru Gobind Singh and Tenth Master's Bani- Sri Dasam Granth is sacred Bani and it has bee accepted so by the Sarbat Sangat worldwide.

2. That all those who doubt or create misunderstanding about Sri Dasam Granth, the Bani of Guru, are enemies of the Sikhs and are stooges of Brahminicals (Biparwadis) who are bent upon to rundown the Khalsa from its ideology by creating confusion about the (Dasam) Granth of the Khalsa.

3. That the antagonists of Sri Dasam Granth, while gratifying the Biparwadis, are playing in hands of intelligence agencies which are entrusted with the task of taking Sikhs away from their political issues and Panthak goals by involving them in unnecessary controversies (in the Panth) relating to Dasam Granth, Raag Mala, etc.

4. That the Sikhs have only Dasam Granth, besides Sri Guru Granth Sahib, as scripture that manifests the wondrous Khalsa. Dasam Granth is the only inspiration and source of Khalse di Rehat, Khalse de Udesh, Khalse de Kakaars, Khalse da Khanda, Banis of Nit Nam- 'Jaap Sahib', 'Chaupayee Sahib' and 'Tuve-Prasaad Sawayeeae', etc, Ardas of the Khalsa, Khalsa Mehma, Concept of Dharam Yudh, Khalsa de Jakare- Deg Teg Fateh, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh, the character of the Khalsa and the concept of Charhdikala of the Khalsa. "Therefore, we are of the view and strongly believe that Dasam Granth is Granth of the Khalsa, without which Khalsa is meek and docile (tameable), and only he or she can correctly comprehend Dasam Granth who has full faith in the ideology of the Gurus.

5. That Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the only Scripture of the Sikhs, which has been conferred, with the status of the Guru by the Tenth Master. This status cannot be accorded to any other Sikh scripture. We also caution those who are wittingly or unwittingly trying to create confusion (doubts) on this count.

6. That these days, the adversaries are trying to condemn Dasam Bani quoting it as Triya Charitar. Not only that, they even do not hesitate to give a bad name to the Tenth Master of the Sikhs. "We want to clarify that the Triya Charitar's full connotation is 'Charitropakhyan' (a Sanskrit word) which literally means tale, true or lift up. And Bhai Mani Singh in Bhagat Mala has said, "Charitar have been there so that Singhs do not get indulged or trapped in women's intrigues and machinations."

7. That the so-called controversy about the Dasam Granth was finally resolved in 1931 when the entire issue was reviewed under the aegis of The Darbar Sahib Committee of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) which vindicated the earlier conclusions that the Dasam Granth was entirely the work (Bani) of Guru Gobind Singh. Thus, no individual has any right to create doubts or confusions about the Dasam Bani but after the Bhasauris, new Bhasauri types include Gurtej Singh (former IAS), Harbhajan Singh (Missionary), Gurbax Singh Kala Afgana, Joginder Singh (Spokesman), Rajinder Singh Khurana (Khalsa Panchayat) and Mohinder Singh Josh who have contributed nothing on Sikh thought, Sikh philosophy and spiritualism. "We, therefore, caution the Sikh Sangat to beware of such persons and to ignore them outrightly, calling upon them to stick to their Panthak, national goals and religio-political issues. We also warn the opponents and them to stop criticising the Dasam Bani."

Panthic Weekly: Committee Constituted on Dasam Granth Issue
May 28, 2007
Thanks to all,

Respeted Harjas and Dhillon ji,

You has written a long post. It is not a point of argument that 'waheguru' is a gurumantar or not. The main source of 'waheguru-gurumantar' lies outside the approved gurbani and hence it was suggested that one should arrive at some sort of standardisation. It cannot be rigid .

It can be indicative meaning only. Like ,say, you have almost a fixed format of Ardaas, it is given in each Gutka and even in Rehat Maryada of SGPC. If this is available the manipulation of the Gurbani can be controlled.There are many things that Guru ji had not said but we are doing and there are many things that they said should be followed that we are not following. To make the religion not anachronistic one has to respond to the change in the requirements.The first damage has been done by these english translations that ar very misleading for the new comers.

Let us see your reponse. I shall again try to convince thew significance of this aspect by quoting some other example as to how the distortions are carried out may be inadvertantly.

Harjas ji, your answer if taken for granted would give rise to another question.I shall ask you once you have cleared me on this.I do not know if I should post hereor not.

Regards to all.
Last edited:
May 28, 2007
Dear harjas ji and Dhillon Sahib,

I am not interested in indulging in something that may not be palatable. However, I do point out the significance of standardisation. I am happy with that I know. There are many things that are not put properlyin Rehat nama of SGPC but I do not feel like putting it here at this forum as the instant reaction of the participants and the member is as if I am committing some crime, hence I am withdrawing. I do not want to do a thankless job. Kindly go through the following.

In the last post Harjas ji has stated that ' Wahegur' and 'ek ongkar, satnaam....Gurprasad.' are same.

If it is so then 'Wahegur' is also guru mantar.
Ekong kar ...Satinam.......Gurparsad.......is Mool mantar.

The next question that I may, naturally, ask would be if 'wahegur' is same as 'ek-ongkar.......Gurprasad.....'
'Gurmantar' and 'Mool mantar' should be same.
But it is not and cannot be so as two Mantars cannot be same.

Hence there may be problem in saying as to which Mantar is Better.I hope I am clear in putting across my point of view. If it is not clear ,kindly tell me I shall attend to it.

Standardisation is always better. It is a point of view and we all not not agree. I shall wait for your reply.

with Regards.

Feb 14, 2006
In the last post Harjas ji has stated that ' Wahegur' and 'ek ongkar, satnaam....Gurprasad.' are same. If it is so then 'Wahegur' is also guru mantar. Ekong kar ...Satinam.......Gurparsad.......is Mool mantar.
In the original discussion it was stated that Waheguru is not a name of God. To which I replied Waheguru is the name of the same God Guruji is discussing in the mool mantar. The name of God has variously been given in the Gurbani as Ram, Allah, Har, Gobind, etc. Yet, these names do not appear in the Mool Mantar. So equally the question can be asked, if the same God is being referred to, with different names, why are not all the names being used in Mool Mantar? And the answer is simple. Mool Mantar is describing the QUALITIES of the God, and not the various names of the God as recognized by Gurbani.
The next question that I may, naturally, ask would be if 'wahegur' is same as 'ek-ongkar.......Gurprasad.....' then 'Gurmantar' and 'Mool mantar' should be same. But it is not and cannot be so as two Mantars cannot be same.

Hence there may be problem in saying as to which Mantar is Better.I hope I am clear in putting across my point of view. If it is not clear ,kindly tell me I shall attend to it.
Why should Gurmantar and Mool Mantar be the same? In any event, your argument is not with me but with Bhai Gurdas Ji. And since bhai Gurdas Ji had darshan of 4 forms of Guru Ji and was scribe of Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and recognized brahmgyani of the Sikh Panth, and called the key to understanding Gurbani by Guruji, and he says the Gurmantar is Waheguru...

What precisely is your argument? You are saying Waheguru cannot be the Gurmantar since it is not the same as Mool Mantar? I said the same God was being described in both, as it is true that Sikhism believes in only one God. It would not be possibly that two different gods were being discussed here in Gurbani. Unquestionably Waheguru refers to God as expressly apparent in Gurbani of Shabadguru Ji. But Waheguru as Gurmantar is only expressly found in vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji.
AkQ kQw kQI n jwie qIin lok rihAw smwie suqh isD rUpu DirE swhn kY swih jIau ] (1403-1, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, gXMd)
akath kathaa kathee na jaa-ay teen lok rahi-aa samaa-ay sutah siDh roop Dhari-o saahan kai saahi jee-o.
No one can speak Your Unspoken Speech. You are pervading the three worlds. You assume the form of spiritual perfection, O King of kings.

siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]3]8] (1403-2, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, gXMd)
sat saach saree nivaas aad purakh sadaa tuhee vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahiguroo vaahi jee-o. ||3||8||
You are forever True, the Home of Excellence, the Primal Supreme Being. Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Guru, Waahay Jee-o. ||3||8||

siqgurU siqgurU siqguru guibMd jIau ] (1403-3, sveIey mhly cauQy ky, gXMd)
satguroo satguroo satgur gubind jee-o.
The True Guru, the True Guru, the True Guru is the Lord of the Universe Himself.
This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 13

gur isKhu gur isK hY pIr pIrhuM koeI]
Sbd surq cylw gurU prmySr soeI]
drSn idRSit iDAwn Dr guru mUriq hoeI]
Sbd suriq kr kIrqn sqsMg ivloeI]
vwihgurU gurU mMqR hY jp haumYN KoeI]
Awp gvwey Awp hY gux guxI proeI ]ò]

gur sikhahu gur sikh hai peer peerahu(n) koee||
shabadh surath chaelaa guroo paramaeshar soee||
dharashan dhrishatt dhhiaan dhhar gur moorath hoee||
shabadh surath kar keerathan sathasa(n)g viloee||
vaahiguroo guroo ma(n)thr hai jap houmai(n) khoee||
aap gavaaeae aap hai gun gunee paroee ||a||

By the teachings of the Guru many become disciples of the Guru, but some rare one becomes the Guru like that Guru.
Only the practitioner of the word and consciousness can attain the status of Guru-God.
Such a disciple concentrating on the philosophy of the Guru (and making it a part of daily conduct) himself becomes a likeness of Guru.
Making his consciousness attentive to Word through recitation of Naam, he merges in the holy congregation.
His Guru-manta is Vahiguru, whose recitation erases egotism.
Losing egotism and merging into the qualities of the supreme Lord, he himself becomes full of qualities.

SikhiToTheMAX - Enabling Gurmat Knowledge


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Venod ji

Are you being serious or are you kidding around? Of course the Gurmantar and the Mool Mantar are two diferent mantars. If we read you correctly, you yourself agree to that. We do not have to be rocket scientists to understand that each mantar is composed of different words. We do not have to be brain surgeons to understand that each mantar is praising Satgur using different words.

Are you saying that the same words should be used if we intend to praise the same God? Is that what you mean by standardization?

If that is what you are trying to promote, then perhaps you are not being serious and you are kidding around.

Why do I get the feeling that you might be trying to get people so mixed up that in time they will get angry and start contradicting themselves? Like the 10 year old boy who pulls the braids of the 10 year old girl sitting in front of him in math class? He knows she will get angry and that will be exciting, much more exciting than focusing on the math lesson.

Please explain your basic assumptions. Words are not identical with the objects, people, events and things they refer to. They are symbols of what they refer to. Or perhaps you do believe that words are the same as the things they refer to.

Many thanks


Mar 28, 2006
Dear respected hps ji,

hps said:
Is wahe guru a God?...No.....No....No....No

Only a person with no knowledge of gurmukhi can say so. hps and all other supporters of this above question and thought simply need to learn GURMUKHI and must read Gurbani all the way through before asking and alongwith answering NO to such baseless question.

For those who think Waheguru is not said in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji –

It appeared in three Shabads-that too multiple times.

vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]………..

siq swcu sRI invwsu Awid purKu sdw quhI vwihgurU vwihgurU vwihgurU vwih jIau ]………

Bhai Gurdas Ji the Saintly Soul writes so beautifully about Waheguru being gurmantra.

gur isKhu gur isK hY pIr pIrhuM koeI]
Sbd surq cylw gurU prmySr soeI]
drSn idRSit iDAwn Dr guru mUriq hoeI]
Sbd suriq kr kIrqn sqsMg ivloeI]
vwihgurU gurU mMqR hY jp haumYN KoeI]
Awp gvwey Awp hY gux guxI proeI ]ò]

do we need any other proof???????

And me neech understands that by adding the above lines Dhan Dhan Guru Sahib Ji confirmes it. It is CONCRETE. GURU IS THE DECIDING AUTHORITY. OUR GURU, THE DIVINE LIGHT, EVERY GURSIKH IS SUPPOSED TO SERVE GURU JI by all means- word, body and mind...........


jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau ]
isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ]
iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ]
isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]

Sikh is in love with the Nirankaar roop Guru…….. And this love is unconditional. Guru is the deciding authority- accepting us neech or not, providing us with His Grace or not, OUR JOB IS ONLY–


slwmu jbwbu dovY kry muMFhu GuQw jwie ]
nwnk dovY kUVIAw Qwie n kweI pwie ]

And me neech is surprised at the question and all the descriptions you made dear hps ji and asking WHO IS THE DECIDING AUTHORITY. This only shows that you are scared of the truth. WHY NOT WAHEGURU GOD????





Humbly asking for everybody’s forgiveness
May 17, 2007
After going thru. the entire thread it appears that there ae many questions that will have to be answered by the individuals. There may not be the solution as a community as a whole.


Mar 19, 2007
ang 36

mnmuK mYlu n auqrY ijcru gur sbid n kry ipAwru ]
munumukh mail n outhurai jichur gur subadh n kurae piaar
The filth of the self-willed manmukhs is not washed off; they have no love for the Guru's Shabad.


cwry kuMfw Biv Qky mnmuK bUJ n pwie ]

chaarae kunddaa bhav thukae munumukh boojh n paae
The self-willed manmukhs grow weary of wandering around in all four directions, but they do not understand.

selfishness acts the same way for an individual or a community.

gurshabad is the only solution for all


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sachasauda ji

Thanks on behalf of all who were really wandering around in this thread wondering what it was really all about. Thanks for the redirection and renewed focus.

God is always cheerful
May 30, 2007
Why thank you for your compliments.

I never said anywhere Gurbani was not Gurmat or that Gurmat did not come from the Guru. So stop distorting my words. The Khalsa Panth is not decided on issue of Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth as being Gurbani at this time, and I do believe Akal Takht asked people not to debate this until scholars can research more.

Because the issue is contentions within the Panth and both sides quoting the Shabadguru Ji. In this case I explained the secondary source material of rehitnamay and vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji being authoritative to clarify and settle disputes or questions. We know that these sources are Gurmat sources. Guruji Himself said Bhai Gurdas Ji was the "key" to understanding the Shabadguru Ji. So obviously Guruji must have felt that the Panth would have questions or disputes over the interpretation of Gurbani and require a key to unlock the mystery. Moreover, Bhai Gurdas Ji is recognized by the Panth as a brahmgyani, so we can't go wrong with the vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji when it comes to settling points of confusion or contention within the Panth.

I'm not posing to be a Khalsa, I am an amritdhari Sikh. Again, thank you for your kind attacks on my personal qualities and deliberate distortion of my words. As I explained very clearly regarding any question of dispute or contention over meaning of Gurmat teaching within the Panth, whether or not (in part or in full) the Dasam Granth or Sarbloh Granth is to be accepted as Gurbani has yet to be decided as a consensus within the Khalsa Panth. And this would be an example of something being hidden from the Panth until recently. As far as I understand, Damdami Taksal has accepted both. While both may be Gurbani, (words of Guru) neither would ever receive the status of Guru Granth in the same way as Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj. But this would be an example of things like (in Dasam Granth) we get some Nitname banis. Again, if you are amritdhari, you say your nitname, but nitname is not appearing in Shabadguru Ji. Is it invalid? Does this somehow infer we have no respect for Shabadguru Ji Maharaaj because the nitname banis are found in another source like Dasam Granth? If nitname banis (I believe 3 come from Dasam Granth, and not written in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, does this invalidate Guruji? Are we invalid because we are reciting nitname from source other than Shabadguru Ji?

When it comes to scholarly discussion of matters such as sarbloh bibek or Naam drirh, these are not new, but have been preserved within the Panth. As things such as Naam drihr continues to be Gupt and only given by Panj Piare during amrit sinchaar, I cannot discuss the technique. Suffice to say, they are valid examples of Panthic practices which are not widely kept or even understood by majority of the Panth. Also something which was kept gupt was the khande de Pahul. The things which people debate and have contentions with so often are what does NOT expressly appear in Gurbani. Things such as getting amritchukk, keeping Panj Kakkars, requirement for Sikh to keep kes, wearing sarbloh kara and sarbloh kirpan also do not appear as something you can quote from Gurbani. Yet we know these are valid Sikh traditions and teachings that come from the Guru, thus are legitimate part of Gurmat Gursikhi. Some of this was kept gupt unless you became amritdhari. And in some cases the tradition and history of the practice was lost to the Panth in general, while preserved by certain sections of the Panth because of infiltration by mahants, the British, and armed warfare, and persecution. this is simply stating a historical and scholarly reality. It has nothing to do with disrespecting Guruji or invalidation authority of Gurbani. Even the validity of Panj Piare are not expressly written in Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj. Does this mean we disrespect validity of Gurbani? Does this mean we disrespect validity of Panj Piare?

It is accepted Panthic tradition that Guru Ji Himself established the Panj Piare. But there is no citation anywhere in Gurbani to prove this. That is why to narrow Gurmat Gursikhi to Shabadguru Ji alone is not even possible. If you eliminate as Gurmat anything NOT written in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, you eliminate a lot. And this is really the root of where errors and anti-Panthic distortions come in, where people say things like, "Sikhs don't need to wear panj kakkars because it doesn't say so Gurbani." Or, "Sikhs don't need to keep their kes, it doesn't even say so in Gurbani." Or "Sikhs don't need to become amritdhari, it doesn't say so in Gurbani." But if you consult Panthic authorities on these matters, such assertions will be shown false. Gurmat Gursikhi involves some things which are not expressly found in Shabadguru Ji Maharaaj. And must be because Guruji's sargun saroop is not only in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, but also in His Takhts, also in His Panj Piare, also in His Panth. AND IMPORTANTLY, these sources do not CONTRADICT. I ALREADY SAID ANYTHING WHICH CONTRADICTS THE GURBANI IS FALSE. These sources CLARIFY, that is the difference.

Just because something is not directly cited in Gurbani, doesn't mean there isn't secondary source material which has supported it, or that Panj Piare or the Takhts, or Akal Takht has not clarified this for the Panth.

Waheguru/Vaheguru Gurmantar is not found written in the Shabadguru Ji. Yet, we know from vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji that Waheguru is the Gurmantar of Guruji. So this would be an example that some things which are Gurmat and Panthic are not expressly stated in the Shabadguru Ji. This is not to imply that Shabadguru Ji is incomplete, but rather, as I stated clearly, that certain things were kept gupt. You are given Gurmantar when you take amrit. And it is received from the sargun saroop of Guruji Himself in the form of the Panj Piare. And since the Panj Piare and Akal Takht are the sargun saroop of Guruji Himself, whatever is their hukam is also the hukam of Guruji. And this hukam is obviously Gurmat, not contradicting Shabadguru Ji, but nonetheless, will not appear in Gurbani. So this is what I mean when I say some Gurmat teaching is not written expressly in Shabadguru Ji but comes from sources such as Akal Takht, Panj Piare, etc.

That is not correct. Naam drirh is based on saas giras simran (which is stated many times in Gurbani), but is a technique which is not imparted to everybody. It can only be imparted by Panj Piare. We can read saas giras in Gurbani, but what does this mean? Is it the same as saas saas simran? Is it just a way of doing pranayama with the Gurmantar? Are we all clearly certain what the Gurmantar is since it isn't written in Gurbani? If you gather several Sikhs at a camp, they are all doing differently. Some are quietly meditating on a meaningful shabad. Some are practicing meditation. Some are saying over and over the word, Waheguru. Some are singing Waheguru. Why is this if everybody who reads Gurbani knows how to do it? Why is it that many amritdharis were never even taught what the Gurmantar even is, and instead chant "satinaam," or "Om?" It is because it is NOT evident from the Gurbani, it is gupt, and certain portion of the Panth has completly forgotten how to do and teach Naam simran. But since you are criticizing and correcting me, and you state that anybody who can read Gurbani knows how to do Naam Simran, would you please take the time and explain it for us all? You won't, because you don't know, and you will only expose what you don't know. So saying everybody knows, then not even clarifying what it is everyone knows is just argumentative and sharing nothing. You really believe everyone in the Panth clearly understands and knows how to do Naam simran? Then why is it a contentious issue (point of disagreement) within the Panth?

As far as I know the Panj Piare speaks the word of Guru Ji, although it is not expressly "Gurbani." I do not have the power to invalidate Guruji. Guruji established the Panj Piare so that certain Gurmat things gupt to everyone else would be preserved and known by Guru's Sikhs.

AGAIN bhull chuk maaf karni Ji.
Apart from talking about my personal characteristics, I fail to see you explain an alternative to the initial question or where the explanation given is in error, except to assume that everything Gurmat is written about in Shabadguru Ji, and clearly that is not the case, or Sikhs would not have amrit, Panj Piare, kakkars, nitname, Takhts, Naam simran using Waheguru Gurmantar, or even support why they keep kes. This is because what is Gurmat isn't only known by what is written in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. But what is Gurmat Gursikhi does not contradict Shabadguru Ji. Everything which is Gurmat absolutely comes from the Guru.

I did not say Gurbani is invalid or incomplete or should not be respected. I did not say Gurbani is not Gurmat or Shabdaguru Ji is not Guru. I said when there is contention about Gurmat understanding, the Panth can validly look to secondary sources for clarification, to Rehitnamay, Vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji, to Panj Piare, and can even take it all the way to Akal Takht. And Panthic means the consensus of the Panth. Because Khalsa Panth as a corporate body is also sargun saroop of Guruji. So if something is not accepted by the Panth, you can rest assured, there is a problem with it. Example being Hps definition that "no no no, Waheguru is not God." And nowhere in Shabadguru Ji does it say "Waheguru." But in vaaran of Bhai Gurdas Ji, it says clearly "Waheguru, God." And
"The Gurus recited Word-Guru as Vahiguru who is beyond the Vedas and Katebas." So this is an example of how Gurmat understanding is obtained during disagreement using secondary sources to clarify what is gupt within Gurbani (here is example of Waheguru/Vahiguru Gurmantar which otherwise does not directly appear in Gurbani, but it can be inferred and does not contradict, and is expressly stated by the person Guruji said was the "key to understanding Gurbani.".)

:) It is a good discussion between both of U n i appreciate ur love for sikhi in both of U.good for both of u to have this wonderful discussion n clearing each other's minds.But again finally following is the last resort.Sikhi means following Guru's bachaans.Those who love their guru's feet days n nights love everything he offered us-namely SHRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI MAHARAJ,DASAM GRANTH,SARABLOH N OTHERS GREAT THINGS INCLUDING 5K'S.Only those who have less trust n love for Guru come out with ambiguities like this of accepting guru granth sahib Ji n not other granths.All belong to Guru n so all r ours.Follow all as they r words of Guru n blessings from the Dearest Guru who loves n cares about us days n nights.See all his things as same,treat all Gurus as same n give equal respect to saints n devotees as they have already found the beloved Master.
Whenever I remember Guru I Love to keep the image of all ten gurus before my eyes as i see them all as same one god form.So dear friends treat n understand all ur Guru's blessings as same.No less n No more.

May 17, 2007
ang 36

mnmuK mYlu n auqrY ijcru gur sbid n kry ipAwru ]
munumukh mail n outhurai jichur gur subadh n kurae piaar
The filth of the self-willed manmukhs is not washed off; they have no love for the Guru's Shabad.
cwry kuMfw Biv Qky mnmuK bUJ n pwie ]
chaarae kunddaa bhav thukae munumukh boojh n paae
The self-willed manmukhs grow weary of wandering around in all four directions, but they do not understand.
selfishness acts the same way for an individual or a community.
gurshabad is the only solution for all

A nice quote jeo. You are doing all fireworks today.
Gurushabad should be word uttered by Guru Sahibs, I hope. Kindly elaborate for our benefit.
May 30, 2007
To me,the discussion topic itself makes no sense.when hps says that there is one god n that is not waheguru,the whole discussion comes to an end....hps has not yet evolved from childhood(mind level) yet n haven't learnt yet that One true God has his name Waheguru.This name is becoz of his virtues.All he do,has done n will be doing is all praiseable n he makes his sikhs who follow him also praised by all..example Bhai mani Singh Ji,bhai Taru Singh Ji,Bhai Budda Ji n lot many others.....His virtues got him this name.besides this he has many more names n all represent his virtues.Example Gopal.This name he got becoz he alone single handed takes care of all his creation,provide food,heals injuries of his creatures when injured,n lot lot miliions millions such tasks.In fact his tasks r countless.....N he does it with great ease n never gets tired of it...In fact he enjoys serving his creation n so he got the name "Gopal".That's why sikhism has great importance for seva.Sikhs should follow Waheguru n adopt his some virtues too as taught by ten gurus n Gurubani.... Likewise he has lot many names...Ek Onkar ,Sat Naam ,Karta Purukh, Nirbhau, Nirver , akalmurut ajuni Saibhung........r all his virtues...So the question of discussion itself is not proper....SIMPLE.......:happy:......:happy:....:happy:.....:yes:.....


May 28, 2006
Those who compete with their egos to be seen as the 'most pure', the 'most noble', the 'most obedient' of all Guru's däs will forever be condemned to being anything but.

Those who follow the interpretations of other men blindly and without reflection in an attempt to be seen as the 'most pure', the 'most noble', the 'most obedient' of all Guru's däs will forever be condemned to being anything but.

And those who wish to be seen as the 'most pure', the 'most noble', the 'most obedient' of all Guru's däs for reasons they cannot explain will be forever condemned to being anything but.

Nothing happens without He who wills it to happen. The Guru's will is absolute and inescapable. Whatever choice you make is the choice you are meant to make.

Be at peace with this, for the journey outwards is illusion. The only reality is the journey in the opposite direction.