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Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen


Jun 8, 2008
just want to tell you guys iam 22 and maskeen changed my life,,, i was sitting infront of my garage my uncle use to listen to him,, and i was sitting and sudnly i heard this voice he was talking about japji sahib,, i heard once and then i just wanted to listen to him more,, i was like hungry,,, before i was like wot the hell is life,, wot we supose to do i know,,,, i still listen to him,,, and he didnt die he just left his body.


Jun 8, 2008
the whole planet is gurudwara and manda and masjed everything is one,,, y the **** you guys keep thinking we are diffrent,, guru nanak ji try to teach you guys about one and maskeen ji was the same,,


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
raju ji

I cannot send you a dvd, because I don't have any of these by Sant Singh Maskeen. But if you go to this site you can download and listen to a large number of his kathas. They are in Punjabi.

Sant Singh Maskeen All Albums

This is the web site for Giani Maskeen

HOME - Maskeen Sahib You can copy any katha to your computer or to a cd.

In addition, on this network - SPN - you can use these links to SPN threads where there are even more links to kathas by Gyani and connect with the Gyani Maskeen web site.

Gyani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen - Last Words
Giani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen 17 New Kathas Added
Giani Sant Singh Maskeen Website Updates There are a bunch of links to Giani's kathas at this site.

And forum member Guldeep Singh has contributed this link

Kuwait Recordings 2001 - Maskeen Sahib


Tan Mann (2004)

This is the link to all the YouTube video kathas of Gyani Maskeen

Here is a link to several other Gyani Maskeen videos on Google


And then, when someone posts a new Google video of Gyani Maskeen, you can get an alert by email using this link.
Get the latest videos on maskeen with Google Alerts.

Sat Sri Akaal, jio


Mar 1, 2008
All jio
Why Gyani Sant Singh ji Maskeen quoted Urdu poets to describe Gurmat again and again.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
dalbirk ji and mkr ji

It was really only after trying to help a forum member locate Gyani Maskeen's kathas online, that I realized what a big following he has. As I do not understand much conversational Punjabi all that he says is lost on me. However there is a big following here on SPN for his kathas.

So I find your reactions very, very interesting. First of all that he is quoting Urdu poets is naturally going to make me very curious. I hope we get an answer to your question. And then hearing that Bhai Prinderpal has given kathas that appeal at an advanced level makes me want to go out and look for his kathas online as well.

Just some remarks as I scan threads and try to understand what SPN members want to know, what content they would like to see posted. Thanks


Jun 8, 2008
mkm ji guru granth ji got alot of languages in it so maskeen used all of them and,,, the way maskeen ji do his kathas he not only talk about just guru granth ji,, he also talk about lot of islam people like mohammed all the sufi sant and thats wot i like about him,,, and he alo speak urdu,, just to let you know he can also do kathas in urdu and he did them,, lot of muslim people listen to his kathas,,,,just like baba nanak he also did not belive in different culture,,, he try to get people to love only the only one god


Jun 8, 2008
to listen to maskeen u have to pay 100% attention i mean 100% then you will c the whole new side,,, and pinder pal ji also good too


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
raju ji

Sometimes I forget that the Sikh population in Pakistan speaks and reads Urdu. It is possible for that reason alone that Gyani can reach out to many Sikhs in their local language.


Nov 21, 2009
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki Fateh.


The FILE is HUGE..4.5 GIGABYTES !!! and takes about 8 hours to download over a BROADBAND CONNECTION.( I MB Line) Ordinary Emails cannot handle such big files - even Google will only allow a download of about 1 MB per day ( and 4.5 GB is 4500 MB).( 9 VCD)

The Original Web Site that Hosted this collection for downlaods is currently DOWN. When It is Up and running again..I will let you have the Address..BUT that will also NEED a BROADBAND CONNECTION..not a 56K DIAL UP one !!!

The second alternative is for you to send me your POSTAL ADDRESS...and then I can go about Making COPIES of the DVD..and post you the DVD which can be played in DVD Players that play MP3s.

Jarnail singh gyani MALAYSIA.

Sat sri akal veerji, its been great reading here about sant maskeen ji, will be happy enough to spread the copy of Dvd's here in Jalandhar also.
Wahe guru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.:)
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Dec 9, 2011
Sat Sri Akal JI

i have listen almost every katha of sant maskeen ji he was really a ocean of gurmat. i heard about the book which was written by radha soami's about sant maskeen ji. please tell me from where can i buy the book "Ik Vade Dhol da Pol Khol Dita". this is very important for me. Please reply or PM me. <personal information removed>
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May 24, 2008
I am also a great fan of Maskeen Ji . His knowledge on almost all the subjects was remarkable to say the least . If I could say he was one of the great scholars on Sikhism of 20th century after Prof Sahib Singh Ji , i won't be too off the mark . He had clear cut vision on following topics deemed controversial 7 years after his death :
1. Meat
2. Transmigration of Soul ( 8.4 million jonies )
3. Shabad Guru & Deras
4. Moolmantar
5. Karma & Liberation
He is my favourite Kathavachak , when I listen to him , I find all others like Giani Pinderpal Singh Ji a notch below him . He is such a soothing factor in times of worries & doubts .
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