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Apr 23, 2006
Alrite...I was just at the Vaisakhi parade when many many girls had their open, and not covered. I have understood that fact is absoulutly wrong. This isnt a time to lookin good and not caring about your culture! However, my point is, is it wrong to let your hair down? Excluding parties? Perhaps at school or such? Is it wrong to straighten you hair? And is it wrong to curl it in such? I just want to know is it right? :confused:


Apr 24, 2006
if their hair are straight or curved u can tell they are cut

if they are v or w shaped then they dint cut it and as long as they have chunis on its fine


Apr 24, 2006
DId u kknow having uncut hair can actually HELP?

-save money
- they absorb harmful radiation which can cause cancer

and more!!!

this is the scientific aproach more info can be found on google etc i am sure there are more benefits i know more but i dint list em all here i will if u want me to

anyways the other ereason is to stay in ur natural form/ purest form so god
i guess god becomes happy inside u
but if u dont do good things then ur not pure even if u have uncut hair


Apr 24, 2006
it keeps sikhi alive trust me ppl say i belive in waheguru etc etc but they have cut hair
if every one does this then sikhi will soon disappear because guru jis have taken all the flaws out of other religions, added more good qualities and have created the BEST ( i shudnt say this but...) religion on earth if we dont keep the good qualities then all u have left is other ereligions so thas another way to look at it ... trying to save sikhism


Aug 23, 2005
Thank you for relpying Bhagat Singh u've given me scientific explaination and i agree to some extent but Im not asking about science. having long hair can do the same thing but why had GOD forbidden to cut the hair? What about for women..like hair on arms,legs, eye brows? does not cutting hair apply to the whole body?
What if one has to cut hair for medical resons? What does the Guru Granth Sahib say about that. This whole topic about the "not cutting the hair" doesnt make any sense to me.
You're mentioning good qualities ...how does one NOT cutting hair a good quality?


Apr 12, 2006
Dear girl20

A Sikh is a person born in Gods form, hence hair is meant to grow all over the body, so why cut it.

Sikhism is all about truth & being truthful to the form you are meant to be in is just the begining!

Sikhism also says that life should be preserved so cutting of the hair for medical reasons is not frowned upon.

Hope it helps.

(Please forgive me for any errors...the Captain)


Apr 24, 2006
u know when i try to explain to ppl why cutting hair is "bad" (not the correct word) they go ya ya its identity i dona wana keep my identity i want to be sikh without identity

that really {censored}es me off
so i researched y hair is actually goodfor the body
and sikhism my friends is based on logic so in my opinion guru nanak had knowledge on this and thats why he and the other nine gurus kept hair

i think all prophets had knowledge on this (also true wut captain said) and that is why all of them have long hair is u have noticed :)

god in my opinion doesnt care if u have hair on not!

sikhism is more of a way of life and having uncut hair is a part of it and since everything else fits into a category of "to do" list this is also sumting the gurus wanted us to do along with wearing other k's and doing alots of paath and good deeds.
this is another way u can look at it.

god doesnt NEED u to do anything!
but if u do it ull be special ;)
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
sunvai said:
Alrite...I was just at the Vaisakhi parade when many many girls had their open, and not covered. I have understood that fact is absoulutly wrong. This isnt a time to lookin good and not caring about your culture! However, my point is, is it wrong to let your hair down? Excluding parties? Perhaps at school or such? Is it wrong to straighten you hair? And is it wrong to curl it in such? I just want to know is it right? :confused:

The nagar kirtans in the west have really become more culture than sikhi. Some say the parades should be called "nagar bhangra' or "punjabi-culture parade" due to some of the activities that have gone on in the past. This was ok, since, some gursikhs and a few fed up singhs stopped a bhangra event from getting any bigger.

Still, the only true or original nagar kirtan's i have seen are ones in UK and the one that is performed in Esponola by the 3HO sikhs. I may be wrong on the UK part, anyone else seen them???


May 2, 2006
well nice post... as a fact girls cut hair in a point its ok no prob beauty guys do it thats it :) he became bad ? i wont say that u cut hair u are bad ? or cut grass u are bad ? yup identy etc... but believe its up to individual everyone got their own theory lol..ppl go under de sun to sun tan etc... ? just 2 cover a head or maybe yah busy chunni drop never realised [valid reason]cant be everytime covering up n down <no money 2 buy pins> chunni is way to far some even got no MONEY OR DUN KNOW WHOS CLOTHING THEY STEAL N WEAR SO MINI no ProPER sHIRT? U lOOK AT THEM they pull the shirt down or skirt lower abit lol than it goes up again lol .. eg: if u seen some ppl like japanese <some> head to toe all cover just to prevent radiation etc under the hot sun ...

just my 2cent point of view

no offense

May 6, 2006
I want to ask you a question, Are we more intelligent than God?
If God has given hair on our body there must have been some logic behind it..... Hair are not extra part of body like over grown nails. The hair is a living part of body unlike nails which are dead. So if you cut a living part of your body i think you are crippled in some way.
Science is now proving the merits of unshorn hair..... to know more about Hair and its powers read the book "Hair Power" by Dr. Swaroop Singh Alag.... this is available free of cost.
And above all the debates and reasonings,..... keeping uncut hair is my guru ji order and i cannot go against it.

girl20 said:
Why cant a skih man or a women cut their hair? Yes i know is not allowed but WHY ?
May 6, 2006
Its nothing wrong to let your hair down until and unless you don't damage your hair or cut them. The hair is covered so that they don't get dirt from the atmosphere. Straightening or curling of hair involves chemical treatment of hair strands which dmages the natural texture of the hair hence should not be done because hair are a living part of our body and are like an organ having specific functions at the place where they grow.. thats why hair at different parts of the body have different textures and differents thickness......
sunvai said:
Alrite...I was just at the Vaisakhi parade when many many girls had their open, and not covered. I have understood that fact is absoulutly wrong. This isnt a time to lookin good and not caring about your culture! However, my point is, is it wrong to let your hair down? Excluding parties? Perhaps at school or such? Is it wrong to straighten you hair? And is it wrong to curl it in such? I just want to know is it right? :confused:
Jul 10, 2006
The nagar kirtans in the west have really become more culture than sikhi. Some say the parades should be called "nagar bhangra' or "punjabi-culture parade" due to some of the activities that have gone on in the past. This was ok, since, some gursikhs and a few fed up singhs stopped a bhangra event from getting any bigger.

Still, the only true or original nagar kirtan's i have seen are ones in UK and the one that is performed in Esponola by the 3HO sikhs. I may be wrong on the UK part, anyone else seen them???

:}{}{}: :rofl!!:You are correct, the vasaikhi parade in Southall UK should be called called "nagar bhangra' or "punjabi-culture parade". I have witness the shocking activities there.!

Gurtej Batra

Aug 12, 2006
Hi I guess we all have different opinions on should we cut hair or not but the only reason i have for not cutting our hair is very simple i m sure we are all aware about the wars that Guru Gobind singh ji & all our gurus fought against the Mughuls n that was the time when Guru Gobind singh ji gave us an identity of keeping hair & be different i m sure being a part of this website we all are attacehd to sikkhism one way or the other N if we go by the teachings i guess we all would have no reason to debate anymore n follow the preachings of One n only Guru Granth Sahib.

Gurtej Batra

Aug 12, 2006
Hi I guess we all have different opinions on should we cut hair or not but the only reason i have for not cutting our hair is very simple i m sure we are all aware about the wars that Guru Gobind singh ji & all our gurus fought against the Mughuls n that was the time when Guru Gobind singh ji gave us an identity of keeping hair & be different i m sure being a part of this website we all are attacehd to sikkhism one way or the other N if we go by the teachings i guess we all would have no reason to debate anymore n follow the preachings of One n only Guru Granth Sahib.


May 4, 2006
First of all its not like GOD has ordered not to cut your hair. Their is no such thing like that. The creator of the whole cosmos doesn't care about that.
5 K's are identity of the Khalsa. Which was started by the Tenth Guru. From my little understanding the surnames Singh and Kaur actually only belong to the Khalsa. 9 Gurus befoer Gobing Singh didn't have last name as Singh.


Jun 27, 2004
I have not yet found a valid reason not to cut other than the Guruji told us to do so. Some people say the reason behind is that we leave God's creation as it is. Well let me ask this: what part of this universe isn't God's creation? Even if we eat we destroy God's creation or when we build house to live, we destroy God's creation.

Others say that there are medical reasons, e.g. hair protect us. A lot of people lose hair as early as in their 20's. Are we saying that we don't need hair once in 20's. Also, kids are not born with hair. Are we saying that kids don't need protection right from birth? Also do we have to have long hair for protection?


Apr 24, 2006
I have not yet found a valid reason not to cut other than the Guruji told us to do so. Some people say the reason behind is that we leave God's creation as it is. Well let me ask this: what part of this universe isn't God's creation? Even if we eat we destroy God's creation or when we build house to live, we destroy God's creation.

Others say that there are medical reasons, e.g. hair protect us. A lot of people lose hair as early as in their 20's. Are we saying that we don't need hair once in 20's. Also, kids are not born with hair. Are we saying that kids don't need protection right from birth? Also do we have to have long hair for protection?

Forget God, how can we do something for God if we are not even sure if he/ she exists. OK I agree with everything being God's creation and YES we destroy it and build on it. But thats GOD's HUKAM right?

Well I guess "others" are right! We need hair for medical reasons. Who said we dont need hair once were in 20's, think about it we dont go completely bald. THis is where nature and genetics comes in which in fact happen to be God's will.

Kids not born with hair? Think about it. If kids had long hair from birth imagine how hard it would be to pull them out. :p