u know when i try to explain to ppl why cutting hair is "bad" (not the correct word) they go ya ya its identity i dona wana keep my identity i want to be sikh without identity
that really {censored}es me off
so i researched y hair is actually goodfor the body
and sikhism my friends is based on logic so in my opinion guru nanak had knowledge on this and thats why he and the other nine gurus kept hair
i think all prophets had knowledge on this (also true wut captain said) and that is why all of them have long hair is u have noticed
god in my opinion doesnt care if u have hair on not!
sikhism is more of a way of life and having uncut hair is a part of it and since everything else fits into a category of "to do" list this is also sumting the gurus wanted us to do along with wearing other k's and doing alots of paath and good deeds.
this is another way u can look at it.
god doesnt NEED u to do anything!
but if u do it ull be special