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UK Harrow Urges To Consider NON Halal Meat

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
HARROW Council has urged all headteachers in the borough to consider a non-Halal meat option in schools.
Angry parents and religious leaders have accused schools of ignoring the rights of non-Muslim parents and their children by making Halal the only meat option in secondary schools.
The council, as the education authority, has soaked up much of the criticism despite saying it has no power over what schools serve at lunch.
Heather Clements, director for schools and children's development, said: “It is clear that the use of Halal meat in schools is concerning a number of our residents and we recently met with Harrow’s Interfaith Council to make sure we fully understood the issues.
“While it is ultimately a decision for schools to choose their catering contractor, Councillor Brian Gate, responsible for schools and colleges, has written to all headteachers in Harrow and urged them, as key community leaders, to respect and recognise the views of the whole community.
“That means giving serious consideration to offering an alternative menu with non-Halal meat, which offers choice to all faith and interest groups.
“This will help schools focus on ensuring that all children across Harrow have access to healthy and nutritious school meals.”
Harrow Interfaith Council took a stand against the policy in September, warning that some mothers and fathers were even considering taking their children out of schools.
Sikh representative Paramjit Singh Kohli announced the launch of a petition over the policy last week, and said he will try to collect as many as 2m signatures from across the UK.
Schools also provide vegetarian and fish options but those who oppose the scheme say this is not enough.
Mr Kohli told the Harrow Times in September: “Fish and vegetarian dishes are not the alternative, the alternative is non-halal meat. Those dishes are for the people who are vegetarian and vegan.”
Harrow Central Mosque did not back the decision, saying it was grateful for the Halal option but other faith groups should be considered as well.
Ghulam Rabbani said he was concerned people might think the council was doing favours for the Muslim community.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Chaan Pardesi ji

Would you please supply us with a link to this article. Also I am moving it from World to UK in the Current Affairs Section. For now I am thinking we are talking about Harrow UK. Without a link I will have to look it up in Google. Thanks for your help. :)

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
HARROW Council has urged all headteachers in the borough to consider a non-Halal meat option in schools.
Angry parents and religious leaders have accused schools of ignoring the rights of non-Muslim parents and their children by making Halal the only meat option in secondary schools.
The council, as the education authority, has soaked up much of the criticism despite saying it has no power over what schools serve at lunch.
Heather Clements, director for schools and children's development, said: “It is clear that the use of Halal meat in schools is concerning a number of our residents and we recently met with Harrow’s Interfaith Council to make sure we fully understood the issues.
“While it is ultimately a decision for schools to choose their catering contractor, Councillor Brian Gate, responsible for schools and colleges, has written to all headteachers in Harrow and urged them, as key community leaders, to respect and recognise the views of the whole community.
“That means giving serious consideration to offering an alternative menu with non-Halal meat, which offers choice to all faith and interest groups.
“This will help schools focus on ensuring that all children across Harrow have access to healthy and nutritious school meals.”
Harrow Interfaith Council took a stand against the policy in September, warning that some mothers and fathers were even considering taking their children out of schools.
Sikh representative Paramjit Singh Kohli announced the launch of a petition over the policy last week, and said he will try to collect as many as 2m signatures from across the UK.
Schools also provide vegetarian and fish options but those who oppose the scheme say this is not enough.
Mr Kohli told the Harrow Times in September: “Fish and vegetarian dishes are not the alternative, the alternative is non-halal meat. Those dishes are for the people who are vegetarian and vegan.”
Harrow Central Mosque did not back the decision, saying it was grateful for the Halal option but other faith groups should be considered as well.
Ghulam Rabbani said he was concerned people might think the council was doing favours for the Muslim community.


It should be that people who wish to eat Halal should eat vegetarian or fish dish. This is insane!!

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I would like to ask a couple of questions to those who live in the UK.

1. How did the Muslims become so powerful so they can even change the menu of a School district?

2. Where were other minorities and why were not they protesting against this kind of imposition?

3. What makes the local and the central govts. cave into the Muslims' pressure?

4. What are minorities doing now to combat this juggernaut?

When I was living in the UK in the early 70's, Muslims were not influential then. They were poor and mainly lived in the East End.

Input from all Brits would be appreciated.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
This is ridiculous!

It should be those who wish to eat Halal should eat vegetables and fish!!

Randip Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

I totally agree with that. They should take the page from the concept of Langar and make everything vegetarian, then there would not be any dispute but I know fish fingers are the common staple in the UK.


Tejwant Singh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Randip Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

I totally agree with that. They should take the page from the concept of Langar and make everything vegetarian, then there would not be any dispute but I know fish fingers are the common staple in the UK.


Tejwant Singh

The same dilemma Guru Angad faced when some people objected to meat in Langaar!
Sep 8, 2010
Los Angeles
Don't they have any better issue to worry about, maybe something like kids' education??

An animal gets killed either way, so how does it really matter whether it was halal or anything else?? It's like some people just sit at home whole day thinking of ways to disagree with each other. And such people are present in all communities.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Don't they have any better issue to worry about, maybe something like kids' education??

An animal gets killed either way, so how does it really matter whether it was halal or anything else?? It's like some people just sit at home whole day thinking of ways to disagree with each other. And such people are present in all communities.

Different methods of slaughter cause different levels of pain and suffering for the animal which to me is an important consideration

Personally, I think Halal should be banned


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
I would like to ask a couple of questions to those who live in the UK.

1. How did the Muslims become so powerful so they can even change the menu of a School district?

2. Where were other minorities and why were not they protesting against this kind of imposition?

3. What makes the local and the central govts. cave into the Muslims' pressure?

4. What are minorities doing now to combat this juggernaut?

When I was living in the UK in the early 70's, Muslims were not influential then. They were poor and mainly lived in the East End.

Input from all Brits would be appreciated.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

Dear Tejwant Ji

It's worse than this...long-standing traditions and things like Christmas Carols even are re-worded not to cause offence. We've given them their inch and they continue to take miles!

It is no wonder that throughout Europe as a whole, there has been a rise in Right-wing politics

How do they get away with it?

2 things...

1) After 9/11 in America and 7/7 in the UK, everybody got scared of them. Everybody was asking, why are our own citizens, born and bred in the UK turning to terrorism. How did they get disillusioned in the first place etc etc
Against that background, the Government has been very keen to placate the "angry" Muslims

2) Aside from the Christian faith, there are significantly greater numbers of them than any other faith. And no one would take notice of other faiths anyway. When was the last time you heard of a Sikh terrorist act in the UK? Or Hindu, Buddhist or Jew?

The right -wing extremist British National Party is very vocal and outspoken against Muslims but positive about Sikhs! That speaks volumes!

It annoys me immensely how this country has compromised itself for Muslims

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Don't they have any better issue to worry about, maybe something like kids' education??

An animal gets killed either way, so how does it really matter whether it was halal or anything else?? It's like some people just sit at home whole day thinking of ways to disagree with each other. And such people are present in all communities.

I think the question of Halal or non-Halal is fundemental to the Sikh Psychi or the Sikh world view.

For a Sikh, the whole notion of religious purification of something which is supposed to have been created by God is meaningless? I mean, if it created by God, would it not be pure anyway?

On another level its about Liberty. Why should one group impose their view on everyone else!


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
I would like to ask a couple of questions to those who live in the UK.

1. How did the Muslims become so powerful so they can even change the menu of a School district?

2. Where were other minorities and why were not they protesting against this kind of imposition?

3. What makes the local and the central govts. cave into the Muslims' pressure?

4. What are minorities doing now to combat this juggernaut?

When I was living in the UK in the early 70's, Muslims were not influential then. They were poor and mainly lived in the East End.

Input from all Brits would be appreciated.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh

1. It comes down to politics. The muslim minority is very vocal so politicians play to their wants for votes.
2. Other minorities don't care. Many British Whites couldn't care less either.
3. Votes and avoidance of fuss.
4. Only Sikhs kick up a fuss and we don;t have the numbers or the persistence to be heard. My sister's school has started some meals as Halal and no-one is supporting her when she complains-NO-ONE

Don't they have any better issue to worry about, maybe something like kids' education??

An animal gets killed either way, so how does it really matter whether it was halal or anything else?? It's like some people just sit at home whole day thinking of ways to disagree with each other. And such people are present in all communities.

It is a matter of belief. The reason for this belief has been discussed extensively elsewhere. For a Sikh, the thought of eating halal is as abhorrent as cutting hair. You don;t have to understand, just accept and stop encouraging others to compromise their beliefs. By your reasoning why should muslims and jews not eat jhatka meat? They are the ones kicking up a fuss when in their own countries they won't entertain changing the rules for anyone else's sensibilities or beliefs.
Sep 27, 2008
Tejwant Ji
Seeker Ji & FindingMyWay Ji have said what i would have said on this topic. I did not realise its quiet this bad mind you where i live its mostly white people. That would most likely happen where there are more muslim kids in school & as Findmyway Ji pointed out the Council in that area most likely have muslims to make these kind of decisions.
I drove through the area where i grew up and where there was a Pub its now converted to a Mosque, we are certainly getting outnumbered in lots of areas, just 15 years ago there was not even 1 muslim family where i grew up, now its all Muslims. Now back to halal i wonder how muslims would feel if there kids were made to eat bacon & sausages for breakfast. Yes there would be a outcry, death threats, marches, kidnapps, executions etc. As seeker Ji mentioned is it any wonder why the rightwing is on the increase after reading articles like this, i can see severe public unrest in the very near future.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
1. How did the Muslims become so powerful so they can even change the menu of a School district?
2. Where were other minorities and why were not they protesting against this kind of imposition?
3. What makes the local and the central govts. cave into the Muslims' pressure?
4. What are minorities doing now to combat this juggernaut?
When I was living in the UK in the early 70's, Muslims were not influential then. They were poor and mainly lived in the East End.

Direct possible response to Questions 1 & 3
Today, after years of diligent polishing by powerful forces the muslims found in the politically correct camp, their obdurate stone of intolerance is passed off as a sparkling gem, a dynamic, no-nonsense political point of view enjoying the highest official approbation.Unfounded racist Islamaphobia and the continuing round up and incarceration of muslim citizens and immigrants made crystal clear, that muslim has to be heard.They have through many devious means and steps made sure they are seen and heard on the news stage of UK; with no thanks to those far sociallist and left wingers , in whom they have found some sympathy for their causes over palestine.

It is no surprise that the politically educated Muslim groups are the ones that have most hatred;these groups caught on to the weakness in british press and nature towards human rights. They are at the forefront of educating Muslims to get political and fight for their rights.They say there is little worse than a drugged out, non-political Muslim who sits in a mosque all day and acts holy - they are not going to wake anyone up, thus you never see these type of pacified Muslim groups leading the voice of muslims as victims.
Groups that they fear, then, are the ones that are constantly under attack. It was no surprise that they targeted the politically-awake Muslim groups provoking them to shout the loudest for muslim rights and affairs.
As Muslims, they understood one thing: if the pro-Israel press is attacking the group, they must be doing something right for the muslims.


Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
"Some stay stay vegetarian. Others eat eggs and fish.
Some less strict eat Halal.
Others pay butchers to Jhatka it or do it themselves."

I shall speak for Malaysia.Sikh Malaysians are different.Because they have lived in Malaysia since about 1872 officially; now it is the fifth or sixth generation running there.

MOST are oblivion to the issue of Halal, even though many know that they are not supposed to consume Kutha.Only those, which is smaller number , who have attended the Sikh camps, and are close to their own culture and religion refrain from consuming halal products.In the main, most local Sikhs find it rather a run of the mill to eat halal.Many more may perhaps not consume beef, but non beef halal meat is readily consumed.

Some claim that halal is cleaner as it is strictly monitored by the government.In malaysia, there is almost a halal equivalent for every product, even fish and vegetarian products are branded as complying to halal standards; as Malaysia has tried to project itself as the HUB of Halal in the world.

Even Sikh functions held in hotels or non sikh restaurants [except for the chinese eateries where pork is served], halal meat is provided for.I understadn even the few Sikh restarants use halal, and may only provide the jhatka for Sikhs on request.

Over the years, I have returned home often to weddings/fuctions where I note the caterers are non Sikhs, and the food is halal standard prepared.Never have I seen Jhatka.My family and I have always enquired before touching any meat, and have always refrained from eating such.In one wedding of a realative , we refused to eat , as it was prepard by muslims and halal.After politely explaining, in the end just me and my family ended in a chinese restaurant to have our meal.The excuse for such use is that muslim friends also are invited to the weddings!

This year in a top hotel, in KL; where 12 course dinner was served in a wedding celebration ,my wife was served meat, and as I returned to our table, she told me , apparently it was chicken and it was halal.Other Sikh guests all wearing turbans seated at the table; some were top names[ parbandhaks of main Gurduaras ] in KL were happily munching away like there is no tomorrow.I called the waiter and asked if this was chicken and halal, the waiter looked surprised that I should ask such a question along with the other ten Sikh males and females seated at our tabale, when he answered in the affirmative, and I asked him to remove our two plates, he obliged; but there was suddenly an unease at the table among the others.Although we kep silent and carried away our conversation ourselves.But soon the head waiter arrived to ask me if there was a problem and as I said, I do not take halal, he looked suprised and taken aback, looking at the other guests on the table. enquiringly who all remained quiet.He then at once courteously offered us qourn meat, as an alternative;which we declined and said we will skip the serving this time and informed him that apart from fish we will take not any other meat served.

There was not a single word from among the Sikhs at the table, although, we noticed that they felt uncomfortable now eating that.

Malaysians are fond of the local delicacy called satay which is put on skewers over a fire.The same brush used upon beef to dress is then used upon chicken or lamb meat.I have noted Sikh malaysians eating that as well without any hesitentcy.

As halal is the norm standard , I have seen Sikhs queing in KFC, Macdonalds and indulging in halal chicken and beef quite commonly, in Malaysia.

Yes, the few that follow the maryada do not consume , unless the meat is home prepared.

We tend to stick to Chinese restaurents or vegetarian, or if the meat is made available freshly from the chinese shops.Where they will allow Sikhs to strike the jhatka initailly and then prepare the meat on individual requests.

The bottom line is, halal or non halal is generally not a issue with Sikh Malaysians in the main.

In fact, one day, my wife and I and my 16 old son were so shocked , and felt offended when a Sikh friend's Punjabi Sikh wife casually suggested that my son could cut his hair...when he was saying he felt very hot and wanted to have shower by letting his hair down!My friend at once interuppted her and said, dont talk rubbish!That is how insensitive some are about their own faith, having lived generations among non Sikhs or all religions and races.I guess as a minority such values will be lost over time.


Aug 28, 2012

It should be that people who wish to eat Halal should eat vegetarian or fish dish. This is insane!!

In my opinion it is like this:-
Heretofore those who do not eat Halal meat opted for vegetarian or fish dishes. The Harrow Council has said that 'why those Non-vegetarians' be deprived of Meat dishes by providing them with Non-Halal meat.

Sikh students were deprived of meat dishes as Sikhism do not permit Sikhs eating Halal (we call Kutha) meat and were eating Fish or Vegetarian dishes. Now they will be provided with Non-Halal meat in compliance to their religion.

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