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Hinduism Hindu Gods=10 Gurus Ji ?

Jun 1, 2004
I read the following at elsewhere on internet... please share your thoughts...

i was having a debate with someone, they claimed taht the hindu gods were the same as the gurus seeing they had just as much shakti as the gurus, if not even more.

i said thats wrong because i said read the dasam granth (is it bacittar natak), saying the hindu gods maya in them, where as the gurus didnt.

now i am not a khalsa ji so i thought i should ask the sangat here. so people, your opinions?


Jul 21, 2004
If by gurus you mean those sages who spend a lot of their time on the himalayas doing tapas - penances, then yes. Even then, you must realize that Hindus have only one God. We believe that God is ever-present. That God lives on this earth through one person who is a God-realized person. A person who is pure, who never thinks bad of anyone, has no attachment to money or women, does not need to do all these penances to attain God. Infact, physical penances does not always please God. It's what's inside. A sage, after performing penances underwater for many years, came out and saw two animals having sex. He suddenly thought that he hadn't done that and all his physical penance went to vain.

So, the guru is always one, and that person is always present in this world. There are not a gazillion God's in hinduism, there is one God, but just a lot of demi-gods.
Jul 13, 2004
Hindus tend to be quite open-ended about these things and therefore may regard the Gurus as God. I think they even regard Buddha and Jesus as incarnations [well some of them]. This is there belief, we may not agree with it but we should respect it.
The problem with the Gurus having their pictures painted is that these pictures are being put up in Mandirs and being worshipped. Now this is why I understand why prophet Muhammad's face was never shown.

SikhPhilosophy, what is your definition of maya? Many people have said to me Gurus didn't have maya in them, but I guess my definition of maya is different to most people's, which explains why people were offended over that.

The little philosopher
Jul 13, 2004
Maya stands for illusion.

In Hindu Mythology: Maya Shakti Goddess and The architect of demons are described.

Limiting the meaning of Maya to miracles only, may be reason for offence by some. As this might be giving a feeling that person with Maya is stronger than person without Maya. And guess what, one doesnt want to say Gurus were lesser. But they are missing the basic point of Strength which may be independant of Maya. Anyways, Sikhism has no place for miracles, if the term's meaning is limited to miracles only.



Jul 21, 2004
Well, quite simply put, anything that gets in the way of worshipping God is Maya. Funny as it is, Maya is a devotee of God and not a rebel but she is asked to do this. In today's world, Maya can be anything from the TV that you spend hours watching to playing video games.
Jul 13, 2004
ThinkingOne said:
Maya stands for illusion.

I know maya stands for illusion, but I guess my opinion of what maya is is different from most. Let me explain how I see it.

I think everything that is not God is maya - all religions, buildings, foods, words, names, gases, science, physical bodies etc.
So, the way I see it, every single being [including Gurus since they were humans] had maya in them.
It is impossible for a being to not have maya in them [in my opinion].
The need to wear fabrics, follow religion, laws, social rules, have a family, have sex, eat food can all be seen as basic human needs but in my opinion we need maya to some extent, so we all have maya in us to an extent.
Religious people like the Gurus had about 1% maya in them where the average spiritual jobe like me probably has about 40% and a khalsa probably has 10-5% and someone who is OPPOSITE to someone like me [sex before marriage, wears excess jewellery, millionaire, porn star etc.] has probably between 100-80% maya in them.

Well I hope that made sense.

The little philosopher
Jul 13, 2004
ThinkingOne said:
Did u say, anything which we are able to perceive through our five senses is Maya? I tend to agree with this.
Maya is everything that is not God in my opinion [do Sikhs believe God IS the creation or dwells within it?]
I believe God dwells in all [omnipresent], everything that is not God is maya. So basically our souls and God is non-maya. Everything we know [words names, buildings, languages, race, religions, specs of dust, words etc. etc.] is maya.
Which is why I DO believe in science and GOD... how? Because science can only prove what is within maya.

The little philosopher

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Our Gurus knew that in order to live in this material world we have to find tools to cope with the negative attributes that a man possesses.

Maya is part of MIRI, our worldly life. We live in Maya. We buy bigger and better cars, clothes, mansions and many more material things that we think we need. Sikhi does not forbid it. It gives us the way to find a perfect balance through GURBANI.

Some may also argue that the huge big buildings we build as Gurdwaras are laced with Maya, even the gold leafing of Harmandir Sahib is Maya started by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

In order to live a life in the GURMAT context of MIRI PIRI, we have to find the GURMAT FULCRUM, which can be only attained through GURBANI.

Peace & Love

Jul 13, 2004
VaheguruSeekr said:
Some may also argue that the huge big buildings we build as Gurdwaras are laced with Maya, even the gold leafing of Harmandir Sahib is Maya started by Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
I must admit I do enjoy the gold archeticture when it comes to Gurdwaras, but theres is something about plain white Gurdwaras that I love... they just look so pure...

The little philosopher


Jul 21, 2004
Basically, if the things we do in maya are used positively, as a way to worship God, that it is devotion and not maya..for example, getting a rose and getting engrossed in the smell would be maya..but getting a rose to offer to the idols or God..that would be devotion.

If the guru is maya, and maya is an illusion, and wordly illusions cause attachment, then apparently it would mean that the guru would cause us to be attached to this world. the guru is pure. The things that he's doing is just a way to worship God. Or..that's how I think of it.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
However what and how we see on the outside is totally dependent on what kind of preceptions we have built within.

The ocean will not exist on this landscape of ours if the drops of a spring would not sprout out from the inner ventres of the Mother Earth.

A newborn baby gets his/her first meal in the form of milk from the mother.That meal is prepared by ONE GOD inside her. Outside milk is not recommended in the begining.

Theres no outside if inside does not exist. Everything emanicipate from within.

The happiness of a victory or the burden of the crushing defeat creates inner eruptions which fall through our eyes like pearls exposing both feelings.

If our inside is empty then the outside looks like a mirage in the Sahara.

Peace & Love

Jul 13, 2004
dpvtank said:
If the guru is maya, and maya is an illusion, and worldly illusions cause attachment, then apparently it would mean that the guru would cause us to be attached to this world. the guru is pure. The things that he's doing is just a way to worship God. Or..that's how I think of it.
The Guru is a portal within maya that connects you with what is outside of maya [WAHEGURU].
People will say when questioning this faith 'Why do Sikhs avoid pointing the feet at Guruji when God is everywhere, they would be point their feet at God?'
The answer to this is clear. God maybe all around us, but whenever we pray, hear something praising him or say WAHEGURU then we are making the connection with him, this helpsus to make that connection with God so it is respected in everyway possible, which explains why it is bowed to.

The little philosopher
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