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His Will

Oct 14, 2007
As stated by many members it is very difficult to find orinterpolate HIS will.It is only with HIS grace that one comes to know about HIS will. No hard and fast rule can be prescribed for this.
Oct 14, 2007
hukim imlweI shij smweI gur kw sbdu Apwrw ] (569-2, vfhMsu, mÚ 3)
By His Will, one merges and easily blends with Him. The Shabads of the Guru are incomparable.
Oct 14, 2007
He ordains HIS will
ijau BwvY iqau rKsI Awpy kry rjwie ]8]1] (565-7, vfhMsu, mÚ 3)
As it pleases Him, He preserves us; He Himself ordains His Will.
Oct 14, 2007
Individual and the Divine Will

Birth and death of human beings happen according to the Will of God. God sends us and we take birth and He calls us back and we die. Gurus do not believe in particular angels in-charge of the departments of birth and death. All happens under God's will “Hukami Howan ji (JapJi). The individual takes birth under His Hukam. The law of birth of human being is law of Karma. According to actions of our past life we assume the garb of this body. The law works both progressively and regressively. On this planet human being is the last progressive step of the staircase of creation, with righteous actions and spiritual progress the individual enters into Sach Khand (Realm of truth) and if an individual falls he or she continues in the cycle of births and deaths. There is no heaven and hell. To be near Naam one is in heaven. To be away from Naam is in hell. It is expressly stated by Gurus that human being’s life is the most favorable opportunity to get out of transmigration - the cycle of birth and death and achieve realization and spiritual emancipation.http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/gurmat-vichaar/18852-his-will-5.html#_edn1

http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/gurmat-vichaar/18852-his-will-5.html#_ednref1 Sher Singh. Philosophy of Sikhism. Page 192.

http://globalsikhstudies.net/articl...Sikh Vision of the Cosmic Order - Part II.doc
Oct 14, 2007
sB qyrI qUM sBnI iDAwieAw ] (365-12, Awsw, mÚ 4)
All are Yours; all meditate on You.
ijs no ik®pw krih iqin nwm rqnu pwieAw ] (365-13, Awsw, mÚ 4)
He alone, whom You bless with Your Mercy, obtains the jewel of the Naam.

He ordains HIS will
ijau BwvY iqau rKsI Awpy kry rjwie ]8]1] (565-7, vfhMsu, mÚ 3)
As it pleases Him, He preserves us; He Himself ordains His Will.

qyrY hiQ inDwnu BwvY iqsu dyih ] (521-3, gUjrI, mÚ 5)
The treasure is in Your Hands; according to Your Will, You bestow it.
ijs no hoie dieAwlu hir nwmu syie lyih ] (521-4, gUjrI, mÚ 5)
One, upon whom You have bestowed Your Mercy, is blessed with the Lord's Name.
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