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Horoscopes - Janam Kundli


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Clarkejoey ji

Maybe i should have stayed quiet.
Maybe it's me being defensive now, but one thing i didn't get, i hope ekmusafir_ajnabi can answer: what IS the common factor with the people you listed?

Do not reprove yourself!

i too could find no common element. i looked using the Western chart (tropical). Then the the Vedic (sidereal) , but quickly because it takes a long time to do. I did look at stars, moon position, moon/sun, placing of Jupiter, north and south nodes.

Three people share similarities using Vedic astrology, and the other two are unique to themselves. I did not check all the planet positions for the Vedic analysis.

Without birth times (lagna) it is hard to say anything all that complete in either approach.
Jan 6, 2007
Dear aadoo2 ji and Clarkejoey ji,

Thank you for your response to my query. I can quite easily give you the answer but that can very easily be taken as an attack on ones personality. I shall therefore leave 2 hints for you to follow:

1. Look for debiliated planets in the Janam Kundli - althougth this is not the common factor but it will help to understand why some people fail to see/understand/realise what they are doing/saying propogating is wrong.

2. Please look at the Janam Kundli charts together with the planets in transit.

Aad002 ji very kindly provided her data. I am glad to say that you have just come out the influence of the plantery system I am hoping you will discover.

You are right aad ji, to know about someone in detail one would need to know the time of birth as well but we will not go in that direction.

Respected aad002 ji, Who I am needs not become an issue. However I have mentioned something about myself in the posts in the past. People find it hard to digest. Like your two doves in your "Avtaar" two dark images with a dusk/dawn background in your Blogs, there too is a clue in mine. You are right in saying that ones "avtaar" says a lot about onself. I shall leave it to that. Think of me as nobody important.

Kind Regards to the both of you.



Oct 3, 2007
Belize City, Belize
Sat nam, my mysterious friend.

With respect, i know enough about my (western) chart to keep me going awhile. I hope that when i do/say/propogate something "wrong" it will be pointed out to me.

You said: "Think of me as nobody important."

Okay, i will.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Ekmusafir_ajnabi Jee!

Thanks for your visit and post.
I had a feeling "kachche dhaage se chale aaye~nge sarkaar bandhe."

Quote "Look for debiliated planets in the Janam Kundli . . ."
May I request for a clarification. Why they call a planet debilitated in a particular zodiac sign that also highest at an exact degree?

Balbir Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Balbir ji

May I request for a clarification. Why they call a planet debilitated in a particular zodiac sign that also highest at an exact degree?

Good question. The answer veer ji is complicated, but not all that complicated. There are certain houses in one's chart where each of the planets is "exalted" or at maximum strength. Here they have their greatest influence. If any planet has moved away from its "exalted" position at the time of your birth, its influence is weakened, until it becomes very weak.

For example, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer but debilitated in Capricorn, 180 degrees from its maximum strength in Cancer. Another example. In my birthchart Venus is debilitated because it was in Virgo when I was born, 180 degrees from its exalted position in Pisces. This means that the influence of Venus in my life has been stuck in Maya, the search for material pleasures. In Pisces Venus leads a person to a higher plane of consciousness.

This can be a problem in theory. But also in theory there can be other events in a birth chart that soften the negative influences of a debilitated planet. These events are called yogas and they have various meanings.

A big deal is being made of this debilitated planet thing. Emotional blackmail. Most expert astrologers will say that a debilitated planet creates a challenge for an individual to develop and grow, once they know about the problem. The person is not permanently doomed or scarred.

You cannot say anything about the yogas in anyone's chart if you don't know the time of birth, because the yogas are figured mathematically in relation to star, sun and planet positions in the sky at tthe time of birth. So who knows if a debilitated planet is a problem for Amarpal, Randip, clarkejoey, Gyanni ji, or kds1980? And why is it anyone's business?

The moon is always neutral. Which is more than we can say about the discussion now underway.

Anyway, the problem in connecting this to karma is this. Karma is not fixed and can be overcome by effort according to vedic astrology. So the notion that a person is "not fit" to comment on the forum or advise others because of a debilitated planet is irrelevant.

So this is all a lot of smoke. :{-:)And probably not good Sikhi. :}:):


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Aad0002 Jee!

Thanks for your efforts.

Quote "There are certain houses in one's chart where each of the planets is 'exalted' or at maximum strength."
I am not sure if a planet exalts in a certain house and 'exalted' means having maximum strength.

Quote "Here they have their greatest influence."
Are planets influencing differently or the beings receive their influence otherwise?

Quote "For example, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer but debilitated in Capricorn, 180 degrees from its maximum strength in Cancer."
My query is not where the astrologers exalt or debilitate the planets and what is their effect. My curiosity is to know why they have exalted or debilitated a planet in a particular zodiac sign and that also at a certain degree maximum.

Balbir Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Respected Balbir ji

Again, your questions are really interesting and for the most part I don't know the answers.

I am not sure if a planet exalts in a certain house and 'exalted' means having maximum strength. They don't exalt. They are at maximum strength and are therefore exalted. But the use of the word exalt is dramatic language-- the ancients were fond of that kind of description. They understood the interconnectedness of natural phenomena and gave all of nature dynamic characteristics. Not our modern sense of living/nonliving. All was energy -- planets, humans, plants, animals, starts -- seen and unseen.

Are planets influencing differently or the beings receive their influence otherwise? The planets and relationships among planets are influencing people, and specific relationships (yogas) were and are thought to have a specific type of influence.

My query is not where the astrologers exalt or debilitate the planets and what is their effect. My curiosity is to know why they have exalted or debilitated a planet in a particular zodiac sign and that also at a certain degree maximum.
The astrologers didn't exalt the planets. A planet is exalted because of metaphysical connections between its inherent powers and qualities with particular constellations of stars at certain times (hours, days, years). A case of being in a location where energy is strongest. This is where my knowledge is weak -- the Vedas lay out the answers to your questions. The belief system is described in detail in the ancient writings. I have a reference but can't find it now when i am looking for it.

in our modern age much of the ancient thinking is hard for me to accept. But this is a way of understanding the cosmos as a natural system and a system of consciousness. And today, science is telling us that everything is energy and the western notions of living/nonliving, active/inactive, dynamic/inert are wrong. Forgive any errors on my part.
Jan 6, 2007
Dear aad ji,

I had high hopes from you but am very dismayed by your response. The answer is that all the individuals I mentioned in my post are all going through Sadesati. You can find details for your self on the internet. Sadsati has a very heavy impact on ones state of mind. The individual is usually in a confused state of mind. You can check this for yourself as you too have just come out of Sadesati only a few months ago. Based on indian astrology your Venus is not debilitated either.

I was hoping this topic would be usefull for people to have a small realisatin of themselves in a scientific way but I see there being no point.

Another wanderer to this forum is Lionchild. In a state of confusion he is wandering from one faith to another and is restless in both. This is another trait of Sadesati.

The only person with a debilitated Saturn is Randip Singh. This is an indication of a sure path down to lower life. Previousily I have said this to him instinctively but now the proof of the pudding is there scientifically. I have no enimity with this guy but sympathy only. If this information has reached you then it is for a good reason. Act on it brother. Saturn is a planet that is a teacher that teaches painful lesson. In debilitated state it gets worst.

Wise people learn from others mistakes. Others have to make them to wisenup and sometimes they still do not learn.

KDS ji Your health problems are due to Sadsati as well. I am hopefull that towards the end next 2-3 years they will get better. Good Luck. Sadesati can have varying impacts.

Balbir ji, You are not an exception. One who has experienced Guru Granth Sahib does not wander forum to forum asking explainations of Gurbani from others.

Enough said in this forum.

Last edited:


Sep 16, 2004
Dear Ajnabi ji I some how missed your recent dashing entry to the forum ! welcome and may be good Buy if you are leaving again . Thanks for all the mysterious posts and Astrology analysis and from your posts it appears thjat Astrology can be of some help in people life but geting all the negative information does not help much on psychological front you can also plz include positive things in the Kundali of above mentiopned people that will make some nice astrology prediction and may be helpful to them . said all this I still feel that Strology can explain about happening in course of MIND /Body/Counciousness complex but still there is something that remains untouches by Astrology no matter what so ever and I thin I am concentrating on that now a days with its Grace and that is basic principle in each o f us as witness to all this so I noting nothing much to worry as far as these folks are concerened about which you have given negative prediction . Thanks Jatinder Singh
Jan 6, 2007
Jatinder ji,

There comes a time in a life when one has to use a mirror to show the bitter realities of life. Sikhism shows that to each and every one of us. The Salokas of Mehla 9 pulls the carpet from underneath our feet. But do we learn? We attend a funeral of a loved one and within hours everything goes back to life as normal. What do we learn? We could be the next in the queue even before we get home. Sikhism prepares you for that. Sikhism is not a joke. It is worst than the life of a Yogi. A yogi can run away from his responsibilities and hide in the Jungle and not see the bitter side of life. A Sikh has to honour his responsibility and yet get detached from everything. Jatinder ji if one cannot face the truth then one should not live a life under pretence. Look at the positive side and learn. If a negative comment can excite your follicles and make you think then you have made progress. Sikhism is a living death and not a holiday camp. People join this forum to mock Sikhism and our Gurus. They offer opinions the life styles of our respected Gurus. I have only given a small preview of the reality. You cannot even stomach this?

“Ja tao prem khelan ka chao, sir dhar gali mori aao” .
“Pehlaan maran kabool , jivan di shadd aas, huh sabna ki renka tabhi aao hamarey pass”

This is the message of Sikhism. Renunciation – Renunciation – Renunciation. There is absolute no comparison of Sikhism with any known religion on the Earth. Fundamental may be the same but Sikhism takes the lead by far ……..infinity.

Jatinder ji, the dead do not offer praises. This is the living death. Know where you stand.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Some are devoid of intellect, or sense, or comprehension
And understand not a syllable.
Such folk, saith Nanak, as fill themselves with pride.
Without merit are asses pedigreed.

alternative translation in full shabd

Mehlā 1.
First Mehl:

ਮਨਹੁ ਜਿ ਅੰਧੇ ਕੂਪ ਕਹਿਆ ਬਿਰਦੁ ਜਾਣਨ੍ਹ੍ਹੀ
Manhu je anḏẖė kūp kahi*ā biraḏ na jāṇanĥī.
Those mortals whose minds are like deep dark pits do not understand the purpose of life, even when it is explained to them.

ਇਕਨਾ ਨਾਦ ਬੇਦ ਗੀਅ ਰਸੁ ਰਸ ਕਸ ਜਾਣੰਤਿ
Man anḏẖai ūʼnḏẖai kaval ḏisniĥ kẖarė karūp.
Their minds are blind, and their heart-lotuses are upside-down; they look totally ugly.

ਇਕਿ ਕਹਿ ਜਾਣਹਿ ਕਹਿਆ ਬੁਝਹਿ ਤੇ ਨਰ ਸੁਘੜ ਸਰੂਪ
Ik kahi jāṇeh kahi*ā bujẖeh ṯė nar sugẖaṛ sarūp.
Some know how to speak, and understand what they are told. They are wise and beautiful.

ਇਕਨਾ ਨਾਦ ਬੇਦ ਗੀਅ ਰਸੁ ਰਸ ਕਸ ਜਾਣੰਤਿ
Iknā nāḏ na bėḏ na gī*a ras ras kas na jāṇanṯ.
Some do not understand about the Sound-current of the Naad or the Vedas, music, virtue or vice.

ਇਕਨਾ ਸੁਧਿ ਬੁਧਿ ਅਕਲਿ ਸਰ ਅਖਰ ਕਾ ਭੇਉ ਲਹੰਤਿ

Iknā suḏẖ na buḏẖ na akal sar akẖar kā bẖė*o na lāhanṯ.
Some are not blessed with understanding, intelligence, or sublime intellect; they do not grasp the mystery of God's Word.

ਨਾਨਕ ਸੇ ਨਰ ਅਸਲਿ ਖਰ ਜਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਗੁਣ ਗਰਬੁ ਕਰੰਤਿ ॥੨॥
Nānak sė nar asal kẖar je bin guṇ garab karanṯ. ||2||
O Nanak, they are donkeys; they are very proud of themselves, but they have no virtues at all. ||2||

Sri Guru Granth Sahib: page 1246
Jan 6, 2007
Some are devoid of intellect, or sense, or comprehension

And understand not a syllable.
Such folk, saith Nanak, as fill themselves with pride.
Without merit are asses pedigreed.

alternative translation in full shabd

Thank you for your kind contribution aad ji. Your shabad compliments my earlier posts. Only if these people had your wisdom.

P.S. Please do not put up shabads and translations that Firstly you do not understand for youself and Secondly if you persist, make sure that the Shabad is correctly translated and is complete. (There are a few lines missing and translations do not follow)

So this is all a lot of smoke. :{-:)And probably not good Sikhi. :}:):



Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Ekmusafir_ajnabi Jee!

Please say something about the curiosity ignoring guna avguna of students.
Why they call a planet debilitated or exalted in a particular zodiac sign that also highest at an exact degree?

Many know truth because they have read it in a book. A true astrologer knows it well.

Planets are also in Hukam of God. The Gurus realized it, not because they read it somewhere.

Balbir Singh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Are these people improving their Karmas ? by showing the others the righteous path or
Making it Worse for Themselves by misleading others?
Do these people have a genuine interest in Sikhism or are they just wonderers ?


I guess people like yourself also reviled Jesus, Moses and Mohammed as misleading others too? Guru Nanak was mocked by Pandist and Banres and Kurukshetra. He wore the strange gards that were a cross between a Muslim and a Hindu.....he did not conform......Guru Gobind Singh ji too would not conform.....he gave the name "Singh" reserved for Royalty to low castes.......he too was reviled by the haughty and masands..........but we all know what happened to the massands.....:wink:

When I read comments like this from learned wise people like you Musafir ji ....I know I am most definitely on the path of truth......because truth always makes the narrow minded unfortable.:ice:
Aug 9, 2007
Dear Friends,

A sad event in History of Pakistan, Former Prime Minister Benazire Bhutto Assassinated?
It is really very sad that her father, two brothers and herself faced the unnatural death.

May her soul rest in peace.

The following is an extract from a Forum Dedicated to astrology.

Washington, Oct 16 (ANI): Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has said she suspects that some retired military officers have aligned to Islamic extremists whocould be plotting her assassination on her return to the country.
The Guardian reported that a Taliban commander, Baitullah Masood,
has threatened to deploy suicide bombers against her, but Benazir said that the real threat came from within the military establishment.
"I'm not worried about Baitullah Masood, I'm worried about the threat within the government," she said, adding, "People like Baitullah Masood are just pawns. It is those forces behind him that have presided over the rise of extremism and militancy in my country." She singled out as her most potent enemy retired military officers "who have fought the jihad". "They have a lot of supporters and sympathisers within the echelons of administration and intelligence, " Christian Science Monitor quoted her, as saying in the report. Reacting to Benazir's allegation, a government minister called it a "ridiculous claim." Meanwhile, elaborate security arrangements have been made for her returns to Pakistan on Thursday. Thousands of security forces and bulletproof cars will be used to shield her. (ANI)

Horary No: 76/249 (Prashan Jyotish)
Question: Will assassination take place?
Query dated: 16/10/2007
Time: 1.20.43PM
Place: L.G.HospitalAhmedab ad 23 N oo 72 E 36

8th House is Infamy, accidental death,executions, Misery,
12th House: crimes, Assassinations ,Anxieties, Blackmail, Cheating, Clandestiness Associates,Exiled persons,Misery, Misfortune, Moksha.
If 8 or 12th sublord signfies 8,12 one can Assassinated in the DBA of 8,12.
In this horary:
8th Sublord is Mer. in the star of Rah and sub of Own.
Me(3, 3-12), in the star of Ra(7),Rah is in the sign of Sat Sa(1, 7-
8) , in the sub of Me(3, 3-12).
Mer signfies 12 and 8 and 7th maraka clearly.
12th Sublord is Mar. in th star of Rah and sub of mer.
Ma(11, 5-10), in the star of Ra(7), Rah is in the sign of Sat Sa(1,
7-8), in the sub of Me(3, 3-12).
Bhukti lord also signfies 11)Badhaka), 7(Marka) 8 and 12.
I think during this period shw will be Assassinated by Clandestiness

Is Astrology at fault or the Bogus Astrologer who is the Culprit?. You decide.
Oct 14, 2007
IF I wasnt an AMRITDHAREE and a Firm beleiver in GURBANi and GURMATT.. I could make a killing in astrology....its that easy ( and I KNOW FOR A FACT that I KNOW NOTHING about any PAST or FUTURE of anybody even myself !!!)

Forgive me

jarnail Singh[/quote]

If that be the case why be amritdhari and let 10th guru sahib be ...................
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