As my basic concern about every thing being practice in daily life by Sikhs at large at homes or worshiping places with all kinds of hypocrisies , the day is not very far to realize that how much damages we have caused to Guru Nanak preachings and philosophy.
All concerns mentioned by
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->harsimiritkaur is one of the example of many who are pouring out their concerns what we preach and what we do in daily lives to show the world our Sikhism.Our leaders in SPGC must take U turn to apply and practice Guru Nanak 's philosophy and teachings by denouncing any one with last names which identify one's cast back ground should be considered breaching the ethics of Sikhism.
Cast system was #1 cancer which gave so much pains to millions of so called low cast people which is beyond any expressions and still being practices in India on large scale basis .
First thing Guru Nanak pioneered the philosophy to denounced cast system and replace the respect of female genders by comparing that the same women who gives birth to the kings and prophets should be respected like any one else.
Cast system was direct cause of disunity among Indian to make ruled by Muslims invaders and others over 2000 years under foreign rulers. Now India has to pass a law for such people who still practice castism will be sent to jail by law.
What a wonderful world would be if we demonstrate to 6 billions of people Guru Nanak's revelations of that we are all are one and come from one light regardless of any organized religions or cast
Guru Gobindh Singh used this tool of oneness philosophy of Guru Nanak Dev to create a powerful Khalsa force by giving new name to be called SINGH regardless of their cast or origins basis.It produced such a history of unity which world is witness to our struggle against tyranny of Muguls.
One can clearly see today's world with all kinds of tails behinds each Sikh names next Singh and still we claim to have a faith in Sikhism.
All these rituals and belief in cast system are being practiced from grass roots of our births and then teach our children you are a Sikh ,he is Hindu ,he is Muslim and he is this that by creating different walls .
Today children are reacting to our self made identity to be this cast or that cast is back firing by many growing generations in modern world.We forgot all together what is the foundations of the Sikh faith which was created by Guru Nanak that all human beings are the same.
Hindus society has been always
envied our faith to disblief in cast system.
But we all practices the followings;
-cast system
-idol worshiping with burning incenses ( THERE IS NOTHING LEFT WHAT WE DO NOT
-Worshiping idols and all kinds of other gods pictures in bushiness places run by Sikhs
Bowing their heads and making Artie's status or pictures by considering one of the god
will help them to succeed in their business in front of their own children who got sick in
their minds by watching this most hypocritical practices by their own mother and
father give a new birth to resentments of our Sikhism preachings.
-Fights among Sikhs in many Guru Dawaras became so Commons in every city to seek
more role to be president or CHOUDRIES in Guru Dawara divided on cast bases.
-One of the real universal faith blessed us by Guru Nanak Dev Ji could hardly passed
Punjab borders which is meant not only for Sikhs but for the whole world humanity by
denouncing all other faiths to that we all come from one light and there is no Hindu or
- Our main stream of organizations SPGC has failed to demonstrate the real preaching
and practices,awareness to the world through modern media in all languages to
convey Guru Nanak Dev's messages.
-All the priests must have at last college degree or in GIANI to display their unbiased
preaching to all.
All we can do and watch our leaders in their orthodox thinking only but not applying what we are blessed in GUR GRANTH SAHIB JI to practice in our daily lives.
The results are becoming more visible in every walks of life where there is least respect for each others .
Love for kith and kins or others are e being evaporated at the fastest pace.