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How Does Sikhi Help You Through The Tough Times?


Feb 20, 2012
chaaz ji TRUST me i am bigger hypocrite than all the people here.
At times i hate myself for many things ,i am not disciplined in my life that has costed me many things including my career,i have been very naive which again has costed me lot of things .But when things costs you more and through painful experience you learn well more.Everyone says do this and do that right from the childhood but you only learn when you yourself get to learn after the avoidable circumstances which could have been avoided hense learning more and trying to avoid them in future and live better in ways.

Dukh Daru Sukh Rog Bhiya

so many people are suffering in many more ways than myself..i hope they can rise high through the storm and then uplift fools like me who complain about he smallest of things..

God bless everyone


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Admin Ji,

It was not a dig at you :) i understand the responsibilities you have as forum admins...i know i couldn't do what you guys do.

i was merely saying that we can learn a lot from this persons life journey, and for all things negative i personally would much rather send a prayer out.

more than often i've made the mistake of focussing on people's negatives and missing the beauty in the positive things they have overcome in their lives...there's a lot i could have learned and should have learned from people by making this judgement. One big hypocrite i am :(

Thank you chazSingh ji

Let me ask a question. If we did not know Nick was disabled. If we could not see the video, and he never mentioned his disabilities. If all we could do is read his message, would his message be proselytizing Christian belief?

In other words preaching, "Place your problems in the hands of Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, and your problems will be solved.

That is in a nutshell what I hear. Not only do I have a problem with that personally, but it is also a violation of the No Proselytizing rule at SPN. Are we giving Nick extra points because we know he is disabled? And is Nick exploiting his disability to manipulate emotions and make everyone else feel guilty?

Laying a guilt trip on someone who is suffering inside (no physical limitations but big emotional ones) imho is bad enough. Sending out the message that THE ANSWER CAN BE FOUND IN JESUS loads it on. It is also a digression from the purpose of the thread. How does Sikhi help us?
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Feb 20, 2012
Thank you chazSingh ji

Let me ask a question. If we did not know Nick was disabled. If we could not see the video, and he never mentioned his disabilities. If all we could do is read his message, would his message be proselytizing Christian belief?

In other words preaching, "Place your problems in the hands of Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, and your problems will be solved.

That is in a nutshell what I hear and not only do I have a problem with that personally, but it is also a violation of the No Proselytizing rule at SPN. Are we giving Nick extra points because we know he is disabled? And is Nick y to exploiting his disability to manipulate emotions and make everyone else feel guilty?

Then i guess i would have judged him on the negative things he says...which would highlight my own negative side...but i don't live through his mind...the rest is only ifs and buts.

maybe its just the way i see things sometimes...

what i see is through his disability, life has taught him to overcome many things, people attitude towards him, the funny looks/remarks, anger, hate, abuse...and he can stand up and still smile about it.

but the mind has many sicknesses, he seems to have some crazy views. i pray to god that the rest of the situations he comes across in life allows him to uplift himself beyond his current other views...


Feb 20, 2012
How does sikhi help me through the tough times:

I came across this shabad that describes Waheguru as being all pervading and within all..
He is the perfect pearl, He is the devotee and the priest. He is the ocean, the boat, the shore and the shore beyond, and then it ends in this shabad:

idKwie ]
jeh dhaekhaa theh eaek thoo(n) sathigur dheeaa dhikhaae ||
Wherever I look, I see only You. The True Guru has inspired me to see You.

full shabad: http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=156

This shabad says to a fool like myself that in times of hardship, i can find gems of inspiration if i look hard enough in other people lives and hurdles they have overcome...that god exists in all and through them there are gems of inspiration to uplift me...if i focus on the positives and don't allow the negatives to cloud the moments of truth that others have experienced...then, just maybe i have a chance of being uplifted.

and once i am out of my hardship, maybe the hurdle i have just jumped over can be of inspiration to someone else that is in hardship.


Feb 3, 2010
India, Canada
How does sikhi help me through the tough times:

Sikhi is a way of life. A natural part of sikh spirituality is how to move through tough times.Sikhi is not fatalistic. It brings positive change in life's circumstances.
I learnt about the Sikhi's way from the life and writings of various gurmukhs . Here is a first lesson which is still fresh in my mind :

One of my uncles friend described during one of their discussion the power of remembering waheguruji during difficult times . He described one of recent experiences of dealing with a very difficult boss . His boss was rough and always fault finding . When ever the boss used to call him it was to just shout over trivial things. After initial few experiences he new that his life in that company would become smooth only through wahegurujis help. So next time when ever the boss called he in his mind said "Dhan Guru Nanak" when going to meet it. Afterwards he found that always something happened either boss forgot why he called him or was detracted . Never were thereafter any shouting on him. When asked he explained that the words "Dhan Guru Nanak" are equivalent to Waheguruji as Guru Nanak Devji were Nirankari jyote. He explained that just remembering waheguruji solves so many problems in his life .
Another thing I learnt early was to seek guidance of the Guru Granth sahibji by doing an ardas and taking a Vak. There always is a solution which comes intuitively while dwelling on the vaks meaning.

Reciting a few relevant lines from gurbani for protection, for success and in difficult times always proved that it brought a change.
The Guru is always with the Sikh. The Shabad Guru is always accessible within. HE is angsang. What is needed is FAITH. Gurbani explains that waheguruji is a friend,father,mother and brother. So don't wait for asking waheguruji as a last resort ( it means you do not have yet developed the relationship as advised by SGGSji) . Be with Guru. Live with Guru. Seek assistance,help protection healing and as as you would from a near and dear one.

Sikh is not supposed to give way to fear or anxiety.His/her troubles come when Sikhi is forgotten . Life is being lived is devoid of sikh values. Be with the Guru daily . Do vichare along with reciting gurbani shabads. When faced with life's issues have faith , recite gurbani and come out of fear mentality. The moment one is in chardikalan the faith plays its part and circumstances begin to change as intended in Ardas.

Guru's Sikh is meant to learn to live a life in joy , health and of truth sharing these with others. Sikhs are also meant to live life in prosperity and also with Guru.



Aug 28, 2012
How does sikhi help me through the tough times:

Sikhi is a way of life. A natural part of sikh spirituality is how to move through tough times.Sikhi is not fatalistic. It brings positive change in life's circumstances.
I learnt about the Sikhi's way from the life and writings of various gurmukhs . Here is a first lesson which is still fresh in my mind :

One of my uncles friend described during one of their discussion the power of remembering waheguruji during difficult times . He described one of recent experiences of dealing with a very difficult boss . His boss was rough and always fault finding . When ever the boss used to call him it was to just shout over trivial things. After initial few experiences he new that his life in that company would become smooth only through wahegurujis help. So next time when ever the boss called he in his mind said "Dhan Guru Nanak" when going to meet it. Afterwards he found that always something happened either boss forgot why he called him or was detracted . Never were thereafter any shouting on him. When asked he explained that the words "Dhan Guru Nanak" are equivalent to Waheguruji as Guru Nanak Devji were Nirankari jyote. He explained that just remembering waheguruji solves so many problems in his life .
Another thing I learnt early was to seek guidance of the Guru Granth sahibji by doing an ardas and taking a Vak. There always is a solution which comes intuitively while dwelling on the vaks meaning.

Reciting a few relevant lines from gurbani for protection, for success and in difficult times always proved that it brought a change.
The Guru is always with the Sikh. The Shabad Guru is always accessible within. HE is angsang. What is needed is FAITH. Gurbani explains that waheguruji is a friend,father,mother and brother. So don't wait for asking waheguruji as a last resort ( it means you do not have yet developed the relationship as advised by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jiji) . Be with Guru. Live with Guru. Seek assistance,help protection healing and as as you would from a near and dear one.

Sikh is not supposed to give way to fear or anxiety.His/her troubles come when Sikhi is forgotten . Life is being lived is devoid of sikh values. Be with the Guru daily . Do vichare along with reciting gurbani shabads. When faced with life's issues have faith , recite gurbani and come out of fear mentality. The moment one is in chardikalan the faith plays its part and circumstances begin to change as intended in Ardas.

Guru's Sikh is meant to learn to live a life in joy , health and of truth sharing these with others. Sikhs are also meant to live life in prosperity and also with Guru.


Your belief is appreciable. But I do differ in some of the beliefs.
I do not specifically prey to God for showering me with bounties, in experiencing troubles I do turn to God for help.
My father was a staunch Sikh with no worldly pretensions. In those years of my early life, 1940s, I learnt from my father that we were different from Hindus when generally it was believed that Sikhs are a part of Hindus.
My father did his 'nit name' regularly but not so rigid in practice. He believed in God and not in Hindu deities. I adopted his way of belief.
At the age of Nineteen I lost my father and fate thrust upon me the entire responsibility of the family. I had seven siblings , mother and myself to feed. Waheguru gave me the confidence and never did any kind of worry bothered me. I managed the situation much better than before. All of my two brothers and five sisters (the elder to me was married) were school going and now all are either Graduates or trained in white collar jobs. I had just passed my first year Intermediate . I studied by correspondence and I became a Professional Accountant being Associate Member of a London based Accountancy Institute(Association of International Accountants).
I established my Auto Parts and accessories(Whole sale) busines after serving as a Salesman,Accountant,Manager for about nine years. My business was taken over when the Burmese Military Government Nationalized all businesses in 1964 with out any compensation.
To cut the matter short, God saved me from suffering as many Indians were persecuted. We reached India in 1965 with meagre resources and soon established to normal life. This is all because I have learnt self dependence and had full faith in Waheguru. Bad times came but I never lost hope and did not dither from my Sikhi faith.
I believe in not asking for worldly wealth from God butI do ask for keep me in remembrance of HIM all the time, with which am somehow sufficiently blessed.


Feb 3, 2010
India, Canada

I would like to clarify that what is written were not my beliefs but what has been stated repeatedly in SGGSji .

The issues of life varies. Some have problems of health.Some that of adversities. Some have moh maya issues. Some have poverty issues.Some are involved in wealth. Some are excessively attached with their families.

Sikh has to deal with what is there in his/her life and each has different issues.

The path of human development is not only spiritual growth but growth in the way the humans live life.
Should a Sikh live life in poverty or in prosperity. Prosperity should not be equated with life of opulence but with that of ease . One is provided with what is needed for daily life necessities. Sikhs are predominantly householders and spiritually grow along with fulfilling social responsibilities. Why should not they have better worldly objects!
The Guru says Yes.

It should also be understood that the Sikh evolves . The one who comes seeking worldly wealth may be only doing so at that time but is also creating a future situation of associated problems. In a way this is also a step towards development of faith. He then has to deal with negative aspect of being involved only with wealth. Life is such that it teaches appropriately. It also teaches futility of involvement in only wealth.

An industrialist expanding business is not only creating wealth but also jobs. The all knowing Guru supports. But the same industrialist if develops ego he is appropriately shown the mirror when things start going bad.

Is not Sikhi geared towards a spiritually prosperous way of life :
Seva , sharing , honest living along with simran.
We build better gurdwaras because these are needed. We have better utencils and cooking methods in langer as these are needed.

There are adversities in life but the Sikhs do come out of bad times towards a better way of life life.It may appear Self dependence but reality is in Sikhs life there is Guru's support and grace .


Aug 28, 2012

I would like to clarify that what is written were not my beliefs but what has been stated repeatedly in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jiji .

The issues of life varies. Some have problems of health.Some that of adversities. Some have moh maya issues. Some have poverty issues.Some are involved in wealth. Some are excessively attached with their families.

Sikh has to deal with what is there in his/her life and each has different issues.

The path of human development is not only spiritual growth but growth in the way the humans live life.
Should a Sikh live life in poverty or in prosperity. Prosperity should not be equated with life of opulence but with that of ease . One is provided with what is needed for daily life necessities. Sikhs are predominantly householders and spiritually grow along with fulfilling social responsibilities. Why should not they have better worldly objects!
The Guru says Yes.

It should also be understood that the Sikh evolves . The one who comes seeking worldly wealth may be only doing so at that time but is also creating a future situation of associated problems. In a way this is also a step towards development of faith. He then has to deal with negative aspect of being involved only with wealth. Life is such that it teaches appropriately. It also teaches futility of involvement in only wealth.

An industrialist expanding business is not only creating wealth but also jobs. The all knowing Guru supports. But the same industrialist if develops ego he is appropriately shown the mirror when things start going bad.

Is not Sikhi geared towards a spiritually prosperous way of life :
Seva , sharing , honest living along with simran.
We build better gurdwaras because these are needed. We have better utencils and cooking methods in langer as these are needed.

There are adversities in life but the Sikhs do come out of bad times towards a better way of life life.It may appear Self dependence but reality is in Sikhs life there is Guru's support and grace .

I do agree that every human being, be a Sikh, Hindu, Jaini, Muslim or a Christian must make progress in his endeavours, either, education, farming, from a factory workers to the CEO or a shop keeper etc. Coveting to amass wealth by dubious, unlawful, unethical or dishonest means is un-religious for all faiths. If one exerts more to gain additional income, studies further to enhance his status and remuneration is what is needed.
What people are doing in this part of the world is accumulate wealth by hook or crook throwing away all ethics, morals and honesty. A Sikh should not tread on a walk in life which his inner-self, conscious forbids.For that inner self or conscious is God embodiment who gives you whatever you crave for, ill gotten wealth or rugged honesty to the bones and no middle way.


Feb 20, 2012
If one exerts more to gain additional income, studies further to enhance his status and remuneration is what is needed.

Satnaam Ji,

I agree completely with everything you wrote ji,

But this one line above... " ... to enhance status" seems contradictory to Gurbani.

Gurbani for me is guiding me to remove all status, to think of oneself as lower (humble) to everyone else...but I think maybe you didn't mean what you wrote in this way?

recently my Simran has watered down my 'wanting' 'desire' to get a promotion...or to become the 'I.T Manager'...

instead I feel I just need to work hard, honestly and serve the other workers as though I am serving God...and maybe with those qualities if someone in the company feels they want to give me more responsibility then so be it :) ... just my current feelings...god bless Ji.


Aug 28, 2012
Satnaam Ji,

I agree completely with everything you wrote ji,

But this one line above... " ... to enhance status" seems contradictory to Gurbani.

Gurbani for me is guiding me to remove all status, to think of oneself as lower (humble) to everyone else...but I think maybe you didn't mean what you wrote in this way?

recently my Simran has watered down my 'wanting' 'desire' to get a promotion...or to become the 'I.T Manager'...

instead I feel I just need to work hard, honestly and serve the other workers as though I am serving God...and maybe with those qualities if someone in the company feels they want to give me more responsibility then so be it :) ... just my current feelings...god bless Ji.

Chazsingh ji,
Gur fateh ji,

The word 'status' is used in the context of one's Educational qualifications, his rank in a factory or business house based upon his qualifications in the particular field or practical knowledge in his chosen vocation or his position in officialdom based upon his qualification etc. and NOT social status.
The General of an army, the General Manager of a factory or business, the principal of a School/College, or such other positions are a must to hold to discharge ones duties. Without such declared/fixed status/position workers under him would not obey him and the work would suffer and not progress. Similarly there would be several positions down the line to perform their duties. If anybody's ego is inflated by virtue of holding such position he is advised that the status he holds in his job is to preform his duties and not for over lording on others as if he is a Master and his staff slaves.
Sikhi do not prohibit holding of high status positions but Guru requires of his Sikhs not to be egoistic on any account, like his social status, his official status in his job, his status in educational field etc.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Let's go back then to How Does Sikhi Help You in Tough Times.
You may refer to the full shabad on Page 757 Line 10 Sohee M.4
Below is the highlighted part relevant to the question posed.
<table cellspacing="5"><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td>
<table cellspacing="5"><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td> ਜੇ ਸੁਖੁ ਦੇਹਿ ਤੁਝਹਿ ਅਰਾਧੀ ਦੁਖਿ ਭੀ ਤੁਝੈ ਧਿਆਈ ॥੨॥
जे सुखु देहि त तुझहि अराधी दुखि भी तुझै धिआई ॥२॥
Je sukẖ ḏėh ṯa ṯujẖėh arāḏẖī ḏukẖ bẖī ṯujẖai ḏẖi▫ā▫ī. ||2||
If You will bless me with happiness, then I will worship and adore You. Even in pain, I will meditate on You. ||2||
</td></tr> <tr><td> ਜੇ ਭੁਖ ਦੇਹਿ ਇਤ ਹੀ ਰਾਜਾ ਦੁਖ ਵਿਚਿ ਸੂਖ ਮਨਾਈ ॥੩॥
जे भुख देहि त इत ही राजा दुख विचि सूख मनाई ॥३॥
Je bẖukẖ ḏėh ṯa iṯ hī rājā ḏukẖ vicẖ sūkẖ manā▫ī. ||3||
Even if You give me hunger, I will still feel satisfied; I am joyful, even in the midst of sorrow. ||3||


Aug 23, 2013
I'm currently going through some tough times in my personal life. When the whole mess began, I was upset, hurt and went through a huge range of emotions, losing weight and pretty much coming close to being a wreck.

But then I started to do Simran and to read the Sukhmani Sahib. It takes me forever to read the Sukhmani Sahib because my language isn't that good; and I try to understand and contemplate the contents of the Gurbani while reading/reciting it. It has worked, because today, although the situation is unchanged, my reaction to it has changed. I am okay with the situation, and am ready to deal with whatever comes my way. I am not an emotional wreck anymore and I attribute this solely to the calming and spiritual message of Gurbani.


Feb 20, 2012
I'm currently going through some tough times in my personal life. When the whole mess began, I was upset, hurt and went through a huge range of emotions, losing weight and pretty much coming close to being a wreck.

But then I started to do Simran and to read the Sukhmani Sahib. It takes me forever to read the Sukhmani Sahib because my language isn't that good; and I try to understand and contemplate the contents of the Gurbani while reading/reciting it. It has worked, because today, although the situation is unchanged, my reaction to it has changed. I am okay with the situation, and am ready to deal with whatever comes my way. I am not an emotional wreck anymore and I attribute this solely to the calming and spiritual message of Gurbani.

A very powerful post, and a great example to other readers and myself of not only the healing power of Simran and Gurbani, but the changes it makes in a persons awareness and character..the divine attributes are seem to be finding their way through what once was a foggy mind.
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