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How Many Wives Did Guru Gobind Singh Ji Have?


Mar 13, 2013
Sat sri akal to all
hope all of you are doing well :)

Forgive me for my stupid and idiotic question but sorry cant help it.
Right from my childhood i have been told that guru gobind singh ji had 2 wives but different websites gives different account to this.
Some say it was just an incident of one person being given new name after marriage, so Mata jeeto and Mata sundri are one and the same.
On other websites i have seen people justifying that no Mata Jeeto G and Mata Sundri g were two different persons and refer to two gurudwars built in the memory of mata Jeeto g and mata sundri g.

thing is its confusion for people like me who just want to explore sikhism more and read onto the lives of Gurus and most of the time depend on net for research only.

your views will be greatly appreciated on the matter and if someone can answer with Authentic reference it will be of great help
Oct 4, 2012


Mar 13, 2013
love and peace ji
thanks for replying and thanks for the links ill read them for sure and i do got to the point where the question is answered by the author the,same i have been studying in various websites
are we sure about the author's version? is it really authentic?
and i will like to have additional information from you if you dont mind

where in sri guru granth sahib ji it says that you need to have only ONE spouse?
(i havent read all of guru granth sahib g )

and can you list the wives of 1st guru to last ( i am getting more stupid i know)?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
It seems to me that Guru Gobind Singh had 2 wives, but only 1 wife at a time. Please correct me. Mata Sahib Kaur was NOT one of them.

I could use some clarification on the story that his first wife died, and he then remarried. This too could be folklore.

Thanks love and peace ji for the link to SikhMarg.
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Mar 13, 2013
Perhaps that is the closest answer i could relate to sister ji

but after reading various websites mentioning how few of the gurus had more than one wives ,i haven't been able to trace anything except just two views.
i would like to think from another point if really having more than one wife was really wrong that time or are we reading too much into what's wrong or what's not ? (forgive me if am wrong)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Perhaps that is the closest answer i could relate to sister ji

but after reading various websites mentioning how few of the gurus had more than one wives ,i haven't been able to trace anything except just two views.
i would like to think from another point if really having more than one wife was really wrong that time or are we reading too much into what's wrong or what's not ? (forgive me if am wrong)

arshdeep ji

The story of polygamy among the Sikh Gurus comes up every so often. I too am aware of those web sites, but actually do not have the physical or mental energy to search for them right now.

Having one wife was common among Hindus and Muslims at the time. Those flaky web sites are typically trying to re-invent Sikhism as a branch of Hinduism. From that core idea - Sikhs are Hindus - they then move onto the conclusion that one or more Gurus had more than one wife, practiced polygamy. That suits the agenda of those - there are so many of these groups any more - who would like to classify Sikhs as Hindus. Usually there is a political motive behind this, and confusing people is the first step toward shaking their confidence in their identity.

They also promote the idea that Guru Arjan Dev and his wife could not conceive until a Hindu sex ritual was performed between Mata Ganga and a famous yogi. I am not even going to repeat it. If you buy that it is a short hop, skip and jump to saying that SGGS is nothing more than a offshoot of vedic scripture.

I am unaware of any reliable historical sources that establish polygamy among Sikh gurus.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Just a little reflection from me. It is interesting how hukam works. Early this morning for no reason other than curiosity I decided to do some reading about conspiracy theories - how do they work and why do people believe them. This morning was well spent because the story of Guru Gobind Singh and his harem of wives is part of a broader conspiracy theory.


Dec 3, 2011
Difficult to get multiple sources with the same answer with regards to this issue.

I know that many people accept that there were two wives but then they can't reason if it were to do with no offspring with the 1st.
-Because the same theories seem to explain that Baba Ajit singh ji was not from the same mother as the other three !!

At the end of the day, i think it is one of those questions where the personal answer changes depending on the stage we are at on the path.
The answer does not make any of us a better sikh in any way.
At the moment my personal understanding is the one wife and two names theory.
However, this may change in the coming future depending upon my development stage.
Whatever belief comes across in the best of our interests in terms of development is the one that we should choose. Remembering that the needs of our interests will change with time and so may the answers to such questions.
Just try and find that personal 'comfort zone' would be my personal recommendation.
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Oct 4, 2012
First of all I do not have a great knowledge regarding Guru Granth sahib ji because i am also a person going slowly on my way, but what i have leaned till now is that again and again Guru Granth sahib Ji tecahes us to stay away from our 5 enemies...which include "LUST" and even thinking about another persona except your spouse/ person who have commited to would be categorized under "LUST" so just question yourself was Guru ji practise Lust The King who fought for the TRUTH how could He practice such things like marrying another woman while he already had his wife?
I will definitely come back with some hymns from Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaching us to remain with one and not to think of "paraye" other than one's spouse/ or the person they have committed with....the rest stories keep coming on from centuries and decades and all how much they are true or changed or however, instead of understanding these confusions it would be better to Love God and Guru from the heart trusting that they always practiced the TRUTH. This online book is very nice, i loved it would recommend anyone to go through it for the doubts we carry in our heads.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Personally, I found the Gurus to have used their lives to set an example to the rest of us, actions, words, writings all there to inspire us to live our lives as they did.

For this simple reason, I find it highly unlikely that any of our Gurus had anymore than one wife at any one time.

Again, personally speaking, I believe that names get changed when women marry, as still happens today, and that explains the multitude of names being bandied about.


Mar 13, 2013
One point came up in one of the website listed below
it talks about two separate samadhi's for mata sundri ji and mata jeeto g
if that is true then there can't be two different samadhi's for one person only(between i am also wondering since when did the culture of buliding samadhi came up in sikhism or does it happens?)
one being in delhi and one in anandpur sahib

mata sundri ji's samadhi it says is in delhi and mata jeeto g in anandpur
Oct 4, 2012
There is a difference between Love and Lust....For me Lust is when you have sexual feelings or such physical feelings for one without any commitment.....BUT if you have sexual feelings/Love feelings for your loved one then for me that is not lust but love pure love which is also natural.
I also wanna love and be loved for that I would marry a nice guy according to me that would be categorized under love BUT if i develop such feelings for someone else other than my loved one that would be categorized under Lust.
so according to me not LUST but LOVE should be the reason to marry. and i remember i gotta get the hymns.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
0ne can still have lustful feelings for a loved one, for a partner, that are outside of love.

A husband that forces himself on his wife is acting out of lust not love, marriage is no validator of lust

A husband that shares his love with his wife should not be confused with a lusty husband who expects dinner on the table and sex on tap, there are differences.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Sikh "History" is mostly UNRELIABLE. The One and ONLY LITMUS TEST is Gurbani INSIDE SGGS our One and Only Guru authenticated by Guru Nanak Ji, Guur Arjun ji and Guru Teg bahadur Ji, Guru GOBIND SINGH JI final seal in 1708 Nanded. Any "history" that FAILS this litmus test is FAIL.PERIOD. ALL GURUS are the SAME JYOT- Nanak JYOT and Nanak Ji had only one wife - mata Sulakhnni Ji....Guru Angad Ji - mata Khivi Ji, and so on...Guru teg bahadur Ji - mata Gujree Ji and Guru Gobind Singh ji also one wife. Just look at how utterly RIDICOLOUS Some sikh history is ..Guru Har rai ji is supposedly married to SEVEN SISTERS at one time..the "fairy tale" writer didnt even consider the AGE factor dates etc..becasue the "youngest" sister is theoratically aged a few months when Guru ji is supposed to have married her...BUT the SANT Bbabaamhapurash BHARAMAGYANIS continue to beat that dead horse never the less...Certain vested interests want to make our Gurus MYTHICAL...just like Bhagwan Krishan who supposedly had a FEW THOUSAND Gopis !! But Our GRUS are NOT MYTHICAL..they are REAL !! and they Lived life according to the strict principles in SGGS. Period.:japosatnamwaheguru::faujasingh:

inder preet

Jun 11, 2013
i have also studied somewhere that guru gobind singh ji had four wives but not at one time one died then he married another iin this way he had four wives.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
i have also studied somewhere that guru gobind singh ji had four wives but not at one time one died then he married another iin this way he had four wives.

yes, that makes sense, after all, the tenth master had a quiet peaceful life, although one has to say, having three wives die on you is pretty unlucky!

One wonders where he found the time to lead the Khalsa with all these marriages and deaths going on.

Why are we so intent on turning our heros into clones of Vedic mythology? Do we not want to feel left out because other religions have such pillars of manliness, is one wife just too boring? does it give the wrong impression?

Perhaps in Sikhism the traits of loyalty, love, singular commitment, are just too mundane for some.
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