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Islam How To Silence A Muslim?


Jan 22, 2005
Amardeep said:

but does anybody here know the origin of God, cause they raised the question..how can God be eternal and created by himself at the same time?..

He is eternal because he is anubhav prakash. “AwpIn@Y Awpu swijE AwpIn@Y ricE nwau ] - He is enlightened by Himself and shines in His own Light and Himself created Jewel of Naam, an extension of God in order to realize Him.” - Guru Granth ang.463.4.
Regards Sahni Mohinder


Dec 13, 2005
Well folks I have been banned 4 times on the islamicboard website for exposing their lies about sikhism, if islam was spread by the sword and the ridiculous scholar DR Zakir Naik and they have deleted alot of my posts cos their scared of the truth:u): I have noticed also that they treat their muslim members differently than they do the non-muslim ones I have also noticed that when a discussion about a specific thing gets to an impasse they closed the discussion all together and did not let anyone post their argument, I have decided that these people should never be allowed to have any authority in this world and we should work hard with america and un to make sure they embrace freedom and democracy its not their fault they are the way their are they have failed to learn from the mistakes of their past and the onus is on us to ensure they mend their ways.



Apr 16, 2006
vahe guroo ji ka khalsa, vahe guroo ji ki fateh.

hey yo ISdhillion I read ur posts and replies in regards to dat debate with the islamicborad.

i don't know much in depth about sikhism like urself, but i wanna big u up for putting ur points accross on dat islamic board.

i was getting angry when a few of the posts were referring to guru nanak dev ji as a muslim.. although i am aware that guru nanak dev ji did have followers form the muslim and hindu religion.

i hope you keep spreading the message of sikhism, and perhaps i may have a few questions of my own about sikhism that you may be able to shed some light for me

vahe guru ji ka khalsa, vahe guru ji ki fateh.


Dec 13, 2005
Hi Soldier,

Have you noticed how the current debate is going on in total ignorance of the last 26 pages, the people are repeating the same lies that have already beeen answered even the moderators themselves, I dont even think its new people who are asking questions its the same people under different usernames who are trying to deliberately annoy us. I think that these people have brought all their misery on themselves and I dont have any sympathy for them anymore its hightime we stuck to the original rehat by chibbar singh which suggested we dont even talk to them or have any alliances with them I have seen the untrustworthy nature of the muslims on that forum and chibbars rehat seems more than accurate in light of my experiences.

Share and help but never trust or borrow of muslims.

Call me a racist but I dont think my opinion is ever going to change now for as long as I am alive this is not just from my experience on the islamicboard website this is also my experiences in the wider world.



Apr 24, 2006
i dont know if u had this since i just skimmed over it... man it is Looooooooooooong
gurus wanted best for us so the idea to keep hair is best because its more beneficial than shaving/cutting and science is beggining to clear that up
maybe u could add that if its not there

no offense but those muslims sounded pretty stupid again no offense just a personal opinion

gurus told us not to search or try to find the meaning about god because it will get u nowhere
it is mentioned in sggs that our lives are too short to describe god

am i right?

El D

Sep 6, 2006
i have just joined and am not aware of this debate that you conducted IS Dhillon Saab. can you fill me in on it. As a MUSLIM studying Sikhism for a doctorate in comparative religious studies at Oxford University i would like to know what kind of questions are asked from you guys. If you have any questions you would like to ask me then go ahead too!. i promise to be truthful.
As a graduate of philosophical studies and spiritual aspects of faith i would have to agree with Sugmad gi's statement that true Islam is Sufism. Islam actually preaches that all are equal regardless of colour or origin and if you show others what is right they usually tend to follow. To accuse non Muslims of being ignorant is totally the wrong thing to do. Most of the ignorant Muslims are actually from Saudi Arabia and follow the teachings or school of thought of Abdullah ibn Wahaab, they are refered to as Wahaabies. They believe also that Arabs are far superior to other races and that other languages are merely similar to the barking of dogs or baying of sheep. strange how they contradict Islam and claim that they are at your door to save you from the hell fire!.
I would at the same time like to ask Amardeep: What are your thoughts on the origin of God. and who raised the question to you.
thanks all.
El D.


Jan 21, 2005

I have a couple of questions.

I believe that islam states that Mohammed is the 'seal of all prophets.' Is this the case for Sufis too? Or do they believe that other prohets/gurus/master/messengers of God will follow?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Sat Sri Akkal!
Jul 30, 2004
Bismilah Al Rahman Al Raheem
Brother El D;

As Salamamalequm;

Das is gald to found you there.

As per Das Gurmat or what people say Sikhism is Islam(which means surrender to Allah/Akal/God).

in morning Paryers which are mandatory to baptised Sikh we d o adddress God as Allah(Japu Sahib),which means whoses tresures of blessings never end up.

We have refernavce been made to Rasool as Rasool only.

Coming to our Guru Sahib as AAA ji have asked.

Well we had Shiek Brahm(succer of Sheik Fareed ) who said to have sacrifed his eye for Guru Nanak Sahib.

Then Sayyad Bhikh Baksh also visited when Tenth Master was born.It is said that he was doing Salat or namaj in west while doing it he truned in east and said.Jumala Faiz noor(light of God and in Shi's it may be refered to Ahul Bait) has decednmed on earth.He went to Guru with two pots of sweet one from Hindu and another from Muslim and thought whichever Guru who was infant,will touch,will mean that Guru will be guide of them.

Guru touched the both pots.Peer Budhu Shah also amde sacrifies of his life and family in service of Guru.

Gurus are refered as Rahbars is Shias while Sufi Sunnis refer them as Peers.

We have versde from God unto Muslims like Devote Kabeer,Baba Fareed,Devote Bhikhan and perhaps Sufi Alam(there is a contovery over raagmala).

there are four types of Sufis.

Chisti perhaps Mia Meer Ji,who laid the fundation of Darbar Sahib at Amritsar wewre from them.

as per them they see Wahdat Al Wajood or God in each leaf9as per Sura 2 and 5 of Holy Kuran).

They had been old allied of Sikh be it from Hazrat Nizzamodeen Rahamt Ul Alhe 's successor or others.

Then we have have Qadris and Suharwardis.

and as our Brother has taled about Wahabis.

Al Wahab Rahmat Al Alhe has religeous teacher from India,who lived in Arab.that teacher was from Naqshbandi school.

They were against Gurus.Fifth Guru away from earth due thier Shiekh Ahamad Sirhindis instances.

Naqbandi sufi actualy do some yogic acts and wahbis amy followm them,but they do not know that if we do thewm without devotion to Allah they increase ego in us and later anger also come.That makes us hell worthy.

There are wahabi versiopn in Sikhs also but das as per Gurmat sees God in all and bow to God in all.

when it comes to faith ,deen or dharam.As our God is one,so Hindu,Muslim or Sikhs does not matter in devotion.
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