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I Am Interested In Sikhi & Acquiring The 5k's


Aug 12, 2010
Re: I am interested in Sikhi and acquiring the 5 k's.

Nvm i found the answer on sikhiwiki. there is a way to greet. This is a different question: When my wife and i got married as muslims at the local mosque, we were considered married. but we did not get married officiallywith a state license.so only to the local muslim community we were married. Since wife and I left Islam and im sikh and she is hindu, does that mean we are no longer married? or is the marriage only valid if we get license through the state? I could not find that answer anywhere, so i could use that help.

I'm not a lawyer but you two probably aren't legally married if you don't have am marriage license of some sort.

But ultimately the true answer to the question of whether or not you two are married or not comes from within your own hearts and can't be answered by me, an imam, or a piece of paper from the state.


Sep 28, 2011
Re: I am interested in Sikhi and acquiring the 5 k's.

my wife and i see it as this way, no man can dissolve our marriage. we were married in front of god , so in the eyes of god , we are still married. we are going tho here in next week or so (god willing) to get a marrige license :)
todays i read a small book on sikhism, taught me about the guru granith sahib and how to tie a turban, cause ill admit, im terrible at it lol. i try tho. i always wear it. was a good little read. now im on to reading about the sikh gurus.
on another level: anyone know how much material is needed to make your own turban cloth? id like more colors cause all i have is a white one, and i dont have money to buy one, so i thought id make my own. and how make a gatra.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: I am interested in Sikhi and acquiring the 5 k's.

Nvm i found the answer on sikhiwiki. there is a way to greet. This is a different question: When my wife and i got married as muslims at the local mosque, we were considered married. but we did not get married officiallywith a state license.so only to the local muslim community we were married. Since wife and I left Islam and im sikh and she is hindu, does that mean we are no longer married? or is the marriage only valid if we get license through the state? I could not find that answer anywhere, so i could use that help.
This will vary according to the countrye in which you reside, in legal terms. In Islam you are married, and despite your conversions.

Mai Harinder Kaur has given correct advice. Marriage is a legal construction and has been for centuries, What is in our hearts has no standingi n the eyes of the law where property, fiinances, children, and inheritance are concerned.


Sep 28, 2011
Re: I am interested in Sikhi and acquiring the 5 k's.

this has nothing to do with this thread i started but i been reading about guru nanak, and it cool how he went to alot of different religions house of worship and worshiped the one god in each one he went to. that is inspiring to me.:blueturban:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: I am interested in Sikhi and acquiring the 5 k's.

Kellysingh ji

With all respect...Guru Nanak never worshipped a god/idol at each temple he visited. These visits were prat of Guru Nanak's many udassis or pilgrimages when he preached and gained many followers to a new philosophy of God and devotion He used the experience to teach a different approach. He did not disrespect. He offered a way through that was completely different. You may not realize how difficult it is to correct this misperception, but what you say is a misperception and found all over the Internet. Forgive me.


Sep 28, 2011
Anyone know where to order nice but cheap kirpans and kacheeras? i ordered from sikhlink.net both of those items because my last kirpan the police took. has anyone else ordered from them? i order on 26 last month and here it is the 16th of oct and no package. ive tried contact them but u only can through email and i think i might of been scammed... just wondering and thought id reach out to fellow sikh brothers and sisters. I am hoping god willing to take the amrit, if i can find some place close. sorry to bother yall with this matter. just wondering if anyone else heard of that site and had ordered from there.


May 9, 2006
You've also mentioned amrit... that is the peak of Sikh commitment... what are your thoughts about that and what is the timeline you have in mind?

Not saying one must wait a lifetime before taking the plunge but your previous rationale was that wearing the 5ks is how you learn (sensory). "Amrit" is something different - what got you thinking about that already?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

There are two ways you can do this brother, put the 5 k's on the backburner until you have read a bigger big on sikhi, the SGGS is ideal, it is the biggest and most accurate book out there, and be the best sikh you can be, you will have direction and purpose.

Carry on the path you are on, wear your 5 k's with pride, read sikhiwikki, find other small books, browse the web, be yourself, but you will be like a helicopter without a tail rotor, directionless.

The 5 k's, amrit, all the things you seem keen to embrace, are actually not things to be embraced at all, they are physical and mental manifestations of understanding the SGGS, there is no short cut, certainly, bypassing all understanding and moving straight to the external facets is a bit like using a balloon as a football, please don't go pop, take the harder route, its much more worthwhile, and you do not run the risk of someone asking you to explain sikh philosophy, and being forced to concede that you only look like a sikh....


Jun 3, 2012
Respected Kelly singh

Wearing of 5k is the dress of a sikh or Khalsa.It is related to body.Its really very good.
Now you should have to go for second step,that is as follow

Wake up early in morning,chant the name of lord Waheguru-waheguru as more as posiible.
Then Take bath and then read gurbani( jap ji sahib,jaap sahib,anand sahib) with ur mouth and mind,understand its meaning also.After this pray to God for ur mistakes And God will Bless you. remember the name of Lord in your daily work as more as possible.
I know its difficult in starting but it is main purpose of our life.Our soul want to meat Lord,but we are busy in other tasks,so our soul and mind feel sadness due to distance from Lord.
This is the time table for sikh By sikh gurus.

Love is the main thing which join us with lord by Guru Gobind singh,The tenth master
Love the God,He is inside us,so meditate with love

Another ways to Chant the name of Lord is as follow,it is easier after some practice

When you take breath inside say Wahe,and when outside say guru in ur mind.It is the secret way to chant the name of Lord.People in ur surrounding will never know that chanting the name of Lord.They will feel calm with ur presence.
This is the most recmended method by all Guru's'.

This is the method to find the Lord in yourself,Do it with love and also keep praying to Great Lord,because without his order we can do nothing.So never say I am doing,say O Lord your are doing from me.I am nothing,your are every thing.Keep away from pride.

If it is possible take Amrit from Gurudwara,Because Guru it is impossible find God.

At last i want to say that chat the name of Lord and appreciate other to do this,Because this is the only aim of our life.Other things are meaningless without this.

waheguru ji ka khalsa
Wahe guru ji ki fateh
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