Ragas of Sri Guru Granth Sahab
The following arrangement has been followed in the scheme of notation.
First the parent scale (Thath) is given and then the class (Jati) of the raga, which may be pentatonic (Arav), hexatonic (Sharav) or septatonic (Sampuran). This is followed by the notes (Svares) used in the raga. The sonant (Vadi) is given followed by the consonant (Samvadi) note. In some cases the atmosphere of the raga is then indicated. Then follow the notes of the ascending movement. (Aroha) and the descending notes (Avaroha). The characteristic notes (Pakad) of the raga are indicated. The Ragas of the Sikh Scripture are given in the serial order. The notation of the Dhunis of the vars is not mentioned here, but will be found in the two volumes in Punjabi entitled Gurbani Sangeet: Prachin Ritt-Ratnavali (pp. 953-
983) by Bhai Avtar Singh and Bhai Gurucharan Singh, published by Punjabi University, Patiala, 1979.
M Teevar
S + P Shud Only
R Shud + Komal
G Shud + Komal
D Shud + Komal
N Shud + Komal
Note: M Teevar is represented by m in notation.
R (komal) is represented by r
G " " g
D " " d
N " " n
Thath: Poorvi. Jati: Arava-Sampuran
Svaras: R, D, m, rest Shudh. Varjit G D in Aroha.
Vadi: R Samvadi P
Atmosphere: Solemn and grave
Time of Singing: Evening (6 PM-9 PM)
Aroha: S r r P, m P N S
Avaroha: S N d P, m D m G R, R R P R G G R S
Pakad: S, r, r, P, m G r, GR S
Note: This is an important raga and occupies the first place in the Sikh Scripture. The word "Shri" means great or respected. It is an important raga and its quite popular. In avaroha, S r P are used in accompaniment and M Teevar is touched frequently.
Thath: Khamaj, Jati: Sharav-Sampuran
Svaras: S R M P D N Shudh
S R G M D N in Aroha;
N in Avaroha:
S n D P, D n D P, M G R S
G and N both Sudh and Komal
Vadi: S, Samvadi: P
Time of Singing : Fourth Pahar of the day (3 PM- 6 PM)
Aroha: S R, M P D, N S
Avaroha: S N D P, D N D, P, M G R S
Pakad: M G R S, N P N S P N S, N D P M G R S
Thath: Bhairav, Jati: Arav-Sampuran
Svaras: S r M, P N
Vadi: r Samvadi: P
Atmosphere: Peaceful and Tanquil
Time of Singing: Afternoon (3 PM-6 PM)
Aroha: S r M, P N
Avaroha: S N d P M G r S, N S.
Pakad: S r M P, G r S N D P M P N S
Note: It is extremely devotional in mood. It has the greatest number of composition including the popular Sukhmani Sahib of Guru Arjan. This raga is not sung in Tar Saptak.
4. ASA
Thath: Bilaval. Jati: Arava-Sampuran
Svaras: All Shudh, (N somethimes are used in descending movement)
Vadi: M. Samvadi: S
Atmosphere: Peaceful and refreshing
Time of singing: Fourth Pahar of the night (3 AM-6 AM)
Aroha: S R M P D S
Avaroha: S N D P M G R S
Pakad: S, R, M P D, P M, G R S R G, S
Note: N is sometimes used in Avaroha for greater impact of the raga. It produces Bhakti rasa (devotional emotion),
which is very essential for early morning prayer. Asa-di-Var the Sikh devotional dawn composition consisteing of
24 chhants, 24 pauris and salokas is sung daily in Gurdwaras and homes for its blissful effect.
Thath: Todi Jati: Sharav-Sharav
Svaras: R G D (komal), M (Teevar), S and N Shudh, Varjit P
Vadi: D. Samvadi: G
Atmosphere: Solemn and devotional
Time of Singing: 9 AM-12.00 Noon (second Pahar of the day)
Aroha: S r g m D N S
Avaroha: S N d m g r S
Pakad: m d N d, m g r g r s
Thath; Bhairav. Jati: Arava-Sampuram
Svaras: S G M P D (Shudh): R and d in Avaroha, both forms of R, D & N are used.
Vadi: M. Samvadi: S
Atmosphere: Peaceful and tranquil
Time of Singing: First Pahar of day ( 6 AM-9 AM0
Aroha: S R M P, d P M, P D S, R S
Avaroha: R S N d P, M n P, M G R S.
Pakad: M, P d, m, G, S R M
Thath: Bilaval. Jati: Arav-Sampuran
Svaras: S G M P N: in Avaroha (Both M, N). R & D prohibited in Aroha.
Vadi: G. Samvad: N
Atmosphere: Peaceful and refreshing
Time of Singing: Second pahar of the night (9 PM-12.00 midnight)
Aroha: N S G M P N S
Avaroha: S N D P, n D P, m G M G R S
Pakad: G M P n D P, G M G, R S.
Thath: Khamaj. Jati: Sharav-Sampuran
Svaras: N (Both); S R M P D (Shudh); G in Avaroha
Vadi: P Samvadi: R
Time of Singing: Third Pahar of the day (12 Noon-3 PM)
Aroha: S R M P D n P N S
Avaroha: S n P D M, G R S, N S
Pakad: S R M P n P, D P, M G R, S, N, P N S
Thath: Khamaj Jati: Arav-Sharav
Svaras: S R M P N (Shudh); D, n IN Avaroha
Vadi: R Samvadi: D
Atmosphere: Peaceful and devotional
Time of Singing: Seocnd Pahar of the night ( 9 PM- 12.00 midnight)
Aroha: S R M R N S
Avaroha: S R n D P D M G R N S
Pakad: R M P N, S n D P M D, M R N S
Note: This is a light and beautiful raga and conducive to meditation on the True Lord (43).
Thath: Kafi. Jati: Arav-Sampuran
Svaras: N G (Komal), S R M P D (Shudh);
Vadi: P Samvadi: S
Time of Singing: Third Pahar of the day (12.00 noon-3 PM)
Aroha: S g M P n S
Avaroha: S n D P M g R S
{M M}
Pakad: N S {g g} M P, P, n D P, g, M, g, R S.
Thath: Poorvi Jati: Arav-Sampuran
Svaras: M (Teevar): S G P N (Shudh): R, D m in Avaroha
Vadi: G Samvadi: N
Atmosphere: Solemn
Time of Singing: First Pahar of the night (6 PM-9 PM)
Aroha: S G, m P, N S
Avaroha: S r N d P m G P G r S.
Pakad: S G m P, D m P, P m G P G r S.
12. TODI
Thath: Todi. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: R, G, D (Komal) M (Teevar), N Shudh: (Slight P in Aroha)
Vadi: D Samvadi: G
Atmosphere: Blissful.
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the day (9 Am -!2.00 Noon)
Aroha: S r g m P d N S
Avaroha: S N d m P m d m g r g r S
Pakad: d, n S, R g, r S, m, g r g r S
Thath: Marwah. Jati: Sampuran.
Svaras: R (Komal), M (Teevar), rest Shudh
Vadi: G Samvadi: D
Time of Singing: First Pahar of the day (6 AM- ( AM)
Aroha: S r G, m p m G,P D N S
Avaroha: S N D P G P m G r s
Pakad: P d G,P D, m G, r G, m G, r S
Thath: Khamaj Jati: Arav-Arav
Svaras: S G M P N, n in Avaroha: R D Varijit
(not used)
Vadi: G Samvadi: N
Atmosphere: Light.
Time of Singing: Third Pahar of the day (3 PM-6 PM)
Aroha: S G, M P N S
Avaroha: S n P G M G S
Pakad: N S G M P N S, N P, G M G, S
Note: In this raga, there is emphasis on G and N. Thumri is generally sung in this raga.
15. SUHI
Thath: Bilaval Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: N (shudh & Komal), rest Shudh.
Vadi: P Samvadi: S
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the day ( 9 AM-!2 Noon)
Aroha: S R G M, R G M P, N D N S
Avaroha: S n D P, n D P, M G, D P M G R, P M G R, G R S
Pakad: S n P, M G R G M M G R S.
Thath: Bilaval. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: All Shudh ( N Komal in Avaroha)
Vadi: D Samvadi: G
Atmosphere: Peaceful, tranquil
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the day ( 9 AM-12 Noon)
Aroha: S R G M P, N D N S
Avaroha: S N D P, M G R S
Pakad: D, P M G M R S
17. GOND
Thath: Bilaval. Jati: Sampuran (Irregular)
Svaras: All Shudh
Vadi: S Samvadi: M
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the day ( 9 AM- 12 Noon)
Aroha: S R G M, P D N D N S
Avaroha: S N D N P, M G R S
Pakad: M, P, N D N P, G ,M, G, R, G R S
Thath: Bhairav. Jati: Arav-Sampuran
Svaras: R D (Komal), rest Shudh
Vadi: P Samvadi: S
Time of Singing: Fourth Pahar of the night ( 3 AM- 6 AM)
Aroha: S R G, M G, P d, S
Avaroha: S N d, M P d n P G, M, r S
Pakad: P, M P, d n P, G, M, r S.
Note: Guru Nanak composed Sidh Gosht in this raga because it is popular with the Yogis.
Thath: Bilaval. Jati:. Sampuran-Arav
Svaras: Both M, rest Shudh: G, N prohibited in Avaroha
Vadi: P Samvadi: R
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the night ( 9 PM-12 Midnight)
Aroha: S r S, N D P, D S, r G m P, m D N D S
Avaroha: S N d P , G, D m G P m G R S
Pakad: m G m D n S, r N d P, D , G, R S
Thath: Marwah. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: r, both types ofM and D, rest Shudh
Vadi: r Samvadi: P
Time of Singing: First Pahar of the night (6 PM-9 PM)
Aroha: S r S, N D P, D S, r G m P, m D N D S
Avaroha: S N d P Mm G, D m G, P m G R S
Pakad: m G m D N S, r N d Pm D m G, R S
21. MARU
Thath: Khamaj. Jati: Arav Sampuran
Svaras: Both M & N, rest Shudh, R prohibited in Aroha
Vadi: G Samvadi: S
Time of Singing: Third Pahar of the day (12 Noon- 3 PM)
Aroha: S M G M P D S N S
Avaroha: S n D P M D P M, P M, G S
Pakad: S M G M P D S N S
Thath: Khamaj. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: G, M both ( M slightly used) and N both; rest Shudh
Vadi: P Samvadi: S
Time of Singing: Fourth Pahar of the day (3-6 PM)
Aroha: N S g R S, G M P M P M P, P D n D P M P, S N S
Avaroha: S N S N S, n D P, P M P M P, M g R S, R N S
Pakad: P D n n D M P G M P M G R S N S
Thath: Kalyan. Jati: Arav-Sharav
Svaras: S M P D N Shudh, M (Teevar); R G prohibited in Aroha & G in Avaroha-occasional touch of G.
Vadi: M Samvadi: S
Atmosphere: cooling and healing
Time of Singing: First Pahar of the night (6 PM-9 PM)
Aroha: S M, m P, D P, N D, S
Avaroha: S N D, P, M N P DP, M G M R S
Pakad: S M, M P, m P D P M, M R S
Thath: Bhairav. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: R D (Komal) rest Shudh
Vadi: d Samvadi: r
Atmosphere: Solemn
Time of Singing: Early morning (fourth Pahar of the night 3 AM 6 AM)
Aroha: S r G M P d N S
Avaroha: S N d P M G R S
Pakad: d d P G M r S
Thath: Poorvi. Jati: Sharav-Sampuran
Svaras: R & D Komal, M (both Shudh and Teevar) rest Shudh
Vadi: S Samvadi: P
Atmosphere: Refreshing and inspiring
Time of Singing: First Pahar of the night (6-9 PM); any time during the Spring reason
Aroha: S G, m d, r S
Avaroha: r N d, P, m G, R S, M
Pakad: S M, m m G, N d P, m G, S g, m D S
Thath: Kafi. Jati: Arav-Arav
Svaras: N (both Shudh and Komal), G D (Varjit: forbidden), rest Shudh
Vadi: R Samvadi: P
Atmosphere: Light
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the day (9 AM-Noon)
Aroha: S R M P N S
Avaroha: S n P M R S
Pakad: N S, R, P M R, S
Thath: Khamaj. Jati: Sampuran-Sampuran
Svaras: All Shudh;
Vadi: M Samvadi: S
Atmosphere: Soothing and refreshing
Time of Singing: Any time in the rainy season or late night time
Aroha: S R R G M, M P, N D N S
Avaroha: S D P M G, M R, R S
Pakad: S R G M, M R P, D N P, M R S
Note: There are various types of Malar, but Mian ki Malar is very popular
Thath: Kafi. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: G Komal, rest Shudh; (R P for accompaniment) both N, D prohibited.
Vadi: P Samvadi: S
Atmosphere: Solemm
Time of Singing: Second Prahar of the night (9 PM-12 Midnight)
Aroha: S R g, M P N S
Avaroha: S n D n P M P g M R s
Pakad: S, R n S R P g, N, n P, M P S, n P, M P, M G M, R S
Thath: Kalyan. Jati: Sampuran-Sampuran
Svaras: M (Teevqar), rest Shudh
Vadi: G Samvadi: N
Atmosphere: Solemn
Time of Singing: First Pahar of the night (6 PM to 9 PM)
Aroha: S R G, m P, D, N S
Avaroha: S N D, P, m G, R S
Pakad: N R G, R, S, P m G, R S
Thath: Bhairav, Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: R, d (Komal), both M, rest Shudh
Vadi: M Samvadi: S
Time of Singing: Early morning (fourth Pahar of the night, 3 AM-6 AM)
Aroha: S r G M, m G, M P d N S
Avaroha: S N d P M, G r S
Pakad: G M G, r S, R, S, d N S, G M d P, M G M G R S
Note: Literally "Prabhati" means dawn. So this raga is sung at pre-dawn or dawn.
Thath: Khamaj. Jati: Sampuran
Svaras: Both G, both N, rest Shudh
Vadi: R Samvadi: P
Time of Singing: Second Pahar of the night ( 9 AM-12 Midnight)
Aroha: R g R S, R, G M P, D P N S
Avaroha: S n D P D M, G R, R G R S
Pakad: R g R S, D n R
Note: This raga is used only by Guru Tegh Bahadur
Gurbani: Ragas of Sri Guru Granth Sahab)