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If A Sikh Marries A Non-Sikh ?


Feb 19, 2005
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

I think there is a cultural difference that is worth pointing out.

In the west, identity is frequently associated with things like ethnicity and nationality. It's common to hear friends say to one another statements like "I'm black, but my wife is Puerto Rican" or "We're proud to be Irish". Personal ads start with abreviations such as SWF (Single White Female) or DBM (Divorced Black Male).

Religion is generally used to indicate devotion. Someone that says they are a "Christian" says so because they are a practicing Christian.

But in the east, religion basically assumes the role of ethnicity. People identify themselves as Sikhs as a way of stating their background...and not necessarily as a way of devotion. I see many desi Sikhs in the US genericaly refer to their American neighbors as "Christians" for the same reason...even though the people may...or may not...be practicing Christians.

I have absolutely no opposition with marriage of people that have ethnic, cultural, or national differences...but I think it is extremely important that the couple has similar values. Sometimes religion is the source of the values that one has (even if one doesn't practice the faith). Sometimes it is not.

Where I hesitate a little bit is because...people change as they get married and start raising a family. Values often have new meaning once a couple actually has a child in their arms and they start planning how they are going to teach what to their child. Some parents realize that they don't want to raise their children with no guidance their religion. Others get inspired at the chance to teach a child their religion in their own way.

If the parents cannot agree on a particular course...that leads to tension in the marriage, confusion for the child...and sometimes...worse. This problem is not restricted to interfaith marriages. Such a problem could even occur among Sikhs of different levels of orthodoxy, such as a marriage between a mona/i and a Keshdhari.

If the parents can agree on a particular course, and can do so without confusing the child...then I see no problem.
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

When talking about inter-religious marriages, there is always the possibility, of course, that the child doesn't wish to take up either of his or her parents religion-religious coercion is in itself a bad thing because we should not coerce children into believe in a certain religion, but when they are old enough to let them decide for themselves-they can of course, change their opinions over time.

There is the possibility that the child may be a tad 'confused' over which religion to follow. But if the parents are liberal minded enough to love someone of a different religion and commit themselves to the other person then surely they will respect the other persons beliefs and will allow them to teach the child about their religon?

If the girl is 16 and she thinks shes in love with a white guy whose changed her life, then I would not accept it as true

The same would apply, of course, to a guy from the same religion as her, or vice versa.


Aug 11, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

I just wanna say that im a child of an inter-religious mariage.. my mother is a sikh and my father a catholic. Both my parents are pretty devoted to their religi0ons, and while i was growing up i went to a catholic skool... but i also would go to the gurdwara and every saturday and sunday and i kne my paath and everything... but to make a long story short... right now i am 15 and my parents basically gave me the choice as to which religion i would follow and i choose Sikhism {i have also received Amrit now}... i think that i always knew who i was.. and eevn tho i had an equal oppertunity to become and Catholic i became i sikh for a reason... so i mean at least for the children if they are gonna be religious and follow a specific religion..it doesnt really matter to whic religion the parents belong becuase the child will make there own path in life with or without the parents help... its all by Guru's grace that the children make their own decisions in where they are headed.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!


Mar 8, 2005
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

Hi to all,
Great debate and each person was right by his her thinking and following.
So here i am sharing my piece of the mind.
I think Guru Nanak Dev ji, never differentiated in caste, culture, religion, sex, etc.
Quoting from Kirtan Sohila
"Suraj ruti rut anek,
Nanak karte ke kete ves"
Meaning there are a lot of seasons but the One Sun from which all the seasons are created is one, similarly whatever the religion, caste etc exists is nuthing but just different forms of the One Almighty.
So if there is no distinction between different ppl, religions what is the question of being Bad.
Dunno like i said its my piece of mind, so i am sorry if ppl disagree.

Jul 13, 2004
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

truthseeker said:
it doesnt really matter to whic religion the parents belong becuase the child will make there own path in life with or without the parents help... its all by Guru's grace that the children make their own decisions in where they are headed.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!


Jo Bolay so nihal, Sat Sri Akaal.

Dear Sister,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Please accept my humble congratulations on moving onto Sikhi way of life. May Guru continue to bless you, and you evolve into a Singhnee, other girls can look upto.

Warm Regards, Arvind.


Apr 19, 2005
Puyallup, WA
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

I think it just matters if you love the person. Love conquers age, race and religion in my opinion, unless if that person is drawling you away from God.


Aug 11, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

Arvind said:

Jo Bolay so nihal, Sat Sri Akaal.

Dear Sister,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Please accept my humble congratulations on moving onto Sikhi way of life. May Guru continue to bless you, and you evolve into a Singhnee, other girls can look upto.

Warm Regards, Arvind.

Waheguru ji ka khals Waheguru ji ki fateh!

No need to congratulate me... this is none of my doing, Guru ji had a plan for me and soo i followed it thats all. Like i said b4 if a child truly believes in Guru ji then they will follows his path, i mean it doesnt have to be at a young age, everyone finds Guru ji at some point some earlier than others that all.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh!


Feb 19, 2005
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

CaramelChocolate said:
And what if there is actually no such thing as love?

To paraphrase blessed Mother Teresa,

In a world without justice;
be just, anyway.

In a world with no friendship;
make friends, anyway.

In a world with no faith;
worship, anyway.

In a world with no love,
love, anyway.


Sep 16, 2004
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

In a world without justice;
be just, anyway.

In a world with no friendship;
make friends, anyway.

In a world with no faith;
worship, anyway.

In a world with no love,
love, anyway.
Good piece of poetry but hardly makes any sense anyway cant be reason of doing all these things
And I think I agree with This thought that if somebody thinks that there exist a thing called love specific to relation between to people then actually it does not exist
LOve just exist cannot be conditional ( eg two people in this case )
I am not saying anything against marriage between different religion I am just saying that it not very good and the only basis of marrying some body that you love him because such love does not exist and you realise this sooner or later if Akal want so .


May 3, 2005
Seattle, WA
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

If you believe that your choice of mate is guided by God. Then you must believe that a marriage should be regardless of intellectual guidelines. If only Sikh marry Sikh then the guidance of the Saints is not shared with others outside the Sikh community. The community does not grow or benefit from an influx of new believers. It is through the intimacy and daily exposure to the Sikh way and Sikh followers that an outsider (like me) begins to understand and embrace the Sikh way of life. Only through patience, a loving heart, willingness to teach and example can a new believer feel comfortable and secure and informed enough to fully embrace a religion. Only then can they commit themselves, and their children to following the Sikh way.


Apr 22, 2005
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

How about a situation where in an Amritdhari marrys a a person who is a non-sikh.

Before commenting on it plz consider that an amritdhari 'khalsa', is not supposed to be acting in those ways in which ordinary people act. The khalsa has to set an example for others to follow. The 'khalsa' is an representative of the Guru .

''Khalsa akal purakh ki fauj"


Jul 11, 2004
Re: Is it okay to marry a non-sikh ?

In the hypothetical case that you just posted..

[Edit] : I read your post wrong the first time.

There is nothing wrong with an Amritdhari Sikh (Khalsa) marrying a non-"Sikh" person. As part of the Khalsa, he must lead by purity of action and thought and be part of the Panth at all times. He's also more devoted to the Gurus than anyone else. Due to this, it would be ok if he married a non-sikh and raised the children up as Khalsa/Sikhs. Of course, in the end, its the child's choice on what path he wants to follow.

Remember, being Khalsa/Sikh is not a "blood-linked trait". You do not pass down your Khalsa/Sikh genes on the Y chromosome.

I would also like to point out, that if a Khalsa marries a non-Sikh, and this Khalsa is actually a real, practicing Khalsa, than the non-Sikh would have already fallen in love with the art of Sikhi before this marriage took place.
If she falls in love with a man that is truly Khalsa, wouldn't she want the kids to be just like the man she fell so much in love with? I've seen it happy many of times before.


Jun 1, 2004
Originally Posted by rooh

If I can play Devil's Advocate and say : if all Sikhs gradually started marrying out of their religion, would Sikhism not be diluted or eventually just disappear?? In fact is this not what many Jews are now fearing.



Jun 1, 2004
Originally Posted by Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji Arshi

Please read first post on this topic.
When you mention "impractical for raising children" this is the same exact reason our parents give for inter-caste marriages.
I am intrigued...How does a Jatt Sikh marrying a Cheemba Sikh arouse " impractical fro raising children" ?? Thats what i understand by Inter-caste Marriages...marriages between say jatt sikhs, cheemba sikhs, nai sikhs, ramgharia sikhs, ravidassia sikhs,ghumiar sikhs, kamboj sikhs.. what "custom" of a kamboj sikh is going to be difficult for a jatt sikh to adopt ??
MY Personal View: A KHALSA has NO CASTE. I am Dhillon jatt just becasue that is what i happened to be born and I see no "CLASH" between my jattbirth and mY AMRIT REHIT....and I WILL NOT actively seek out a "Jatt" bride for my son..I would rather she be a AMRITDHAREE SIKH...born as nai/cheemba/khatree/ghumiar whatever...no problem.
KHALSA..I beleive is for the COLLECTIVE SIKH NATION OF AMRITDHAREES. Adopting "KHALSA" as a SURNAME for "individuals" is the SAME as "SINGH" given to us by GURU GOBIND SINGH JI. IF we cannot use SINGH to "overcome " the Caste names like Dhillon..." then i fail to see how "KHALSA" will accomplish that. Once everyone is SINGH, KHALSA...people will then revert to "making themsleves visible...and either use these caste names or invent new ones like Badal/Tohra/Sydney/Jalandhar/Sri nagar/Rawalpindi /Chicago...etc .
Warm regards to all...offense to none
Jarnail Singh gyani Arshi


Jun 1, 2004
Originally Posted by truthseeker

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!!
I totally agree with Gyani Ji... what is the difference between all these different castes... specailly when many of the ppl who are making the fuss are those.. who live in Countries other than india... where they are definatly not living in a village like their ancesters or being blacksmith.. soo on and so forth. For an everyday "sikh" it shouldnt really matter as to who they are marrying( caste wise). Not to mention that one of the very first things Guru Nanak dev Ji did was tell us that we should drop the caste system.. and that everyone was eqaul??? soo then why all the fuss about khatri, jatt and all that??
About Amritdharee's getting married, they should only marry another amritdharee person...honestly.. i cant explain why.. because i cant put into words i guess.. we will leave that one top the more learned memebers here.
Bhull chuk Maaf

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!



Jun 1, 2004
Originally Posted by Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji Arshi

Perhaps i can explain why an Amrtidharee should only marry another Amrtidharee.
First of all the state of being an "Amrtidharee" is a Special case. IT has many "restrictions"...or "obligations" like Strict Rehit, Amrtivela Nitnem/Naam japp/Gurbani paath wearing all Panj kaakars at all times..etc etc. As suc it is a specilaised Vocation as someone calls it. Now all this becomes extremely "Difficult" IF the marriage partner is NOT followinG ALL THOSE RULES AND REGUALTIONS. fOR EXAMPLE THE AMRTIDHAREE PARTNER MAY want to get up at Amrtivela..but the non-amrtidharee partner may feel very sleepy and make a fuss...and this can lead to domestic strife/disturbances/blood pressure problems !!!..or the Amrtidharee may want Guru granth Ji Parkash in the "Spare Room" and his non-amrtidharee partner may think the spare room is better utilised for children;s room/gym/storage of knicks and knacks ??? whatever...again a strife situation.
The Amrtidharee is a "18" Sports Wheel....and If the other wheel on the Car is a 15" ordinary one..the car definitley wont go so well...amy even CRASH !!! meaning marriage may break up. But IF ALL the Four Wheels are 18" SPORTS RIMS...( family is amritdharee)..then not only will the Car look GOOD..but run fine as well.
Secondly there is an injunction in the Rehit maryada that the Amritdharee "SHOULD" to the best of his ability try and teach his partner Gurmukhi/rehit maryada etc. This injunction is easy to follow IF the partner is also Amrtidharee...BOTH can learn together.
Hope this helps
Jarnail Singh Gyani


Jun 1, 2004
Originally Posted by truthseeker

What an excellent explanation Gyani Ji...i liked the example of the car it totally makes sense that a marriage can not stay healthy.. if the two people have totally different looks on life.
The more i think about this.. the more questions start to arise in my head... what about if while 2 non-amritdharee people are married and a long the way one of them decided that they want to take amrit.. but the other does not??
In that case.. what should the person who wants to take amrit do... because they would not want to give up their Guru.. for their spouse.. but they would also not want to mess up the marriage either.
Bhull chuk maaf
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Aman Singh said:
Originally Posted by truthseeker

What an excellent explanation Gyani Ji...i liked the example of the car it totally makes sense that a marriage can not stay healthy.. if the two people have totally different looks on life.
The more i think about this.. the more questions start to arise in my head... what about if while 2 non-amritdharee people are married and a long the way one of them decided that they want to take amrit.. but the other does not??
In that case.. what should the person who wants to take amrit do... because they would not want to give up their Guru.. for their spouse.. but they would also not want to mess up the marriage either.
Bhull chuk maaf
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!!

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI Fateh.

Yes that is a real dilemma some people face wehn they come to that crossroads in their life. This is not made any easier by the Traditionalists like the Damdami Taksaal and others who make it COMPULSORY that the Amrtidharee Couple MUST both be Amrtidharee or they cannot have "sexual Relations"...or even Eating/sharing food together..until that happens. This si a clear cut case of "Either..OR..." that si One must choose the GURU or The Wife/and maybe his children as well ( if there are any and they are not yet amritdharee.

What happens IF the Partner/children REFUSE point Blank ?? Is that going to mean the "choice" is INEVITABLE ??

I dont subscribe to this rather extremist solution to the situation. Sikhe is all about EXAMPLE.... The Partner who wants to be an Amrtidharee should go ahead and be one....and then he/she should start the process of..gradual assimilation of his other family memebers...by EXAMPLE. Being an "amrtidharee" in a family of amritdharees is very easy...trying to be a successful amrtidharee in an NON-Amrtidharee/incomplete rehit type of fmaily is HARDER and more spiritually Challenging. It would be easy to divorce the "family" and ride off into the DESERT as the Cowboys do..BUT to STAY BACK and fight for YOUR GURU and YOUR BELIEFS is better. Running away never solved anything..and in fact GURBANI condemns such Running away.


Jarnail Singh gayni
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