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Is Bhatt Bani Not Guru?


Jun 1, 2004
Harjas Ji,

Ok, I can recollect during the times of Lovely_silky, Harjap Khalsa, venod and others mischief writers there were not many Forum Leaders around to moderate the network and many have since left the moderation team... But since then, things have improved. We have more members volunteering the check the negative outflow of thoughts against fellow members... I can understand your grievances. We will look into the issues in hand and try to resolve them promptly.



Jan 9, 2008
Gurbani came from the True Source: Divine Lord. Gurbani is Gurprashaad. Guru Stamped it with word ‘GurPrasaad’ everywhere. Gurbani is compiled as a collection of Hymns collected from different Saints irrespective of color, cast, creed, time and religion. Jahangir wanted Guru Ji to delete Bani of other Saints from Granth Ji, But Guru Ji accepted to sit on the hot plate instead, let the opponents pour burning sand over His physical abode.

Yesterday and today, das read a few very interesting comments on the net. Sharing with all to know everybody’s view:
A very highly regarded, knowledgeable Gusikh telling a new Gursikh: “With all due respect I urge you not to take a a few Sikhs' blind theory as a true Sikh tenent. What they are doing on this site they just select a few Guru waak or some Bhatt bani to prove their case that guru is God.”
Source: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/gurmat-vichaar/20491-literal-meaning-of-gurbani-2.html
Another Gursikh telling a Gursikh: "I am first and foremost a Sikh Historian who has studied patetrns and behavior within Sikhism. This concept of thinking Guru's are God is not new and emerges from time to time and is a hangover of our Hindu past."
Source: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/gurmat-vichaar/19100-nanak-is-guru-nanak-lord-himself-43.html
Another Gursikh Telling a Gursikh: ""Gur Parmeshar eko jaan". A true Guru will never say he is God but sometimes the Guru is left with no choice and for the sake of progress he will make a statement that can be misinterpreted by others. Now ***** is not going to move forward unless for him Guru is not God. "
Source: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/gurmat-vichaar/20491-literal-meaning-of-gurbani-2.html
Another Gursikh’s comments:In order to deabte this properly let us have the entire shabad from page”
Source: http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/gurmat-vichaar/19100-nanak-is-guru-nanak-lord-himself-42.html

To das the above lines read like- don’t believe in some Bani and believe in some. It also reads that there are some Gur Waks or Bhatt Bani that is UNTRUE, NOT WORTH BELIEVING, or CORRUPT. It also read to das that all those Sikhs are blind who believe all the Bani to be True as IT IS. It also read to das that when Guru is telling one thing again and again that Guru and God are no different, one can’t believe it as it is Hindu faith. These lines also read to das that a mortal one has the capacity to debate(A debate is an arguement. People decide and discuss on differences. We compare, when we debate) over Gurbani Which(BANI) is written by Immortals(GURU). Because True Guru never call Himself God(seems like people are expecting Guru to state'I AM GOD'), we can't say Guru is God, even if He is telling the same truth in so many other ways.

Guru tells us:

AMg 52Page 52

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sMq jnhu suix BweIho CUtnu swcY nwie ] O Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, listen: release comes only through the True Name.

gur ky crx sryvxy qIrQ hir kw nwau ] Worship the Feet of the Guru. Let the Name of the Lord be your sacred shrine of pilgrimage.

AwgY drgih mMnIAih imlY inQwvy Qwau ]1] Hereafter, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord; there, even the homeless find a home. ||1||

BweI ry swcI siqgur syv ] O Siblings of Destiny, service to the True Guru alone is True.

siqgur quTY pweIAY pUrn AlK AByv ]1] rhwau ] When the True Guru is pleased, we obtain the Perfect, Unseen, Unknowable Lord. ||1||Pause||

siqgur ivthu vwirAw ijin idqw scu nwau ] I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who has bestowed the True Name.

Anidnu scu slwhxw scy ky gux gwau ] Night and day, I praise the True One; I sing the Glorious Praises of the True One.

scu Kwxw scu pYnxw scy scw nwau ]2] True is the food, and true are the clothes, of those who chant the True Name of the True One. ||2||

swis igrwis n ivsrY sPlu mUriq guru Awip ] With each breath and morsel of food, do not forget the Guru, the Embodiment of Fulfillment.

gur jyvfu Avru n idseI AwT phr iqsu jwip ] None is seen to be as great as the Guru. Meditate on Him twenty-four hours a day.

ndir kry qw pweIAY scu nwmu guxqwis ]3] As He casts His Glance of Grace, we obtain the True Name, the Treasure of Excellence. ||3||

guru prmysru eyku hY sB mih rihAw smwie ] The Guru and the Transcendent Lord are one and the same, pervading and permeating amongst all.

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw syeI nwmu iDAwie ] Those who have such pre-ordained destiny, meditate on the Naam.

nwnk gur srxwgqI mrY n AwvY jwie ]4]30]100] Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Guru, who does not die, or come and go in reincarnation. ||4||30||100||

In this Shabad Guru Ji is telling us that Guru and Parmesar are the same one, permeating everywhere.


AMg 49 Page 49

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

sMq jnhu imil BweIho scw nwmu smwil ] Meet with the humble Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, and contemplate the True Name.

qosw bMDhu jIA kw AYQY EQY nwil ] For the journey of the soul, gather those supplies which will go with you here and hereafter.

gur pUry qy pweIAY ApxI ndir inhwil ] These are obtained from the Perfect Guru, when God bestows His Glance of Grace.

krim prwpiq iqsu hovY ijs no hOie dieAwlu ]1] Those unto whom He is Merciful, receive His Grace. ||1||

myry mn gur jyvfu Avru n koie ] O my mind, there is no other as great as the Guru.

dUjw Qwau n ko suJY gur myly scu soie ]1] rhwau ] I cannot imagine any other place. The Guru leads me to meet the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

sgl pdwrQ iqsu imly ijin guru ifTw jwie ] Those who go to see the Guru obtain all treasures.

gur crxI ijn mnu lgw sy vfBwgI mwie ] Those whose minds are attached to the Guru's Feet are very fortunate, O my mother.

guru dwqw smrQu guru guru sB mih rihAw smwie ] The Guru is the Giver, the Guru is All-powerful. The Guru is All-pervading, contained amongst all.

guru prmysru pwrbRhmu guru fubdw ley qrwie ]2] The Guru is the Transcendent Lord, the Supreme Lord God. The Guru lifts up and saves those who are drowning. ||2||

ikqu muiK guru swlwhIAY krx kwrx smrQu ] How shall I praise the Guru, the All-powerful Cause of causes?

sy mQy inhcl rhy ijn guir DwirAw hQu ] Those, upon whose foreheads the Guru has placed His Hand, remain steady and stable.

guir AMimRq nwmu pIAwilAw jnm mrn kw pQu ] The Guru has led me to drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He has released me from the cycle of birth and death.

guru prmysru syivAw BY BMjnu duK lQu ]3] I serve the Guru, the Transcendent Lord, the Dispeller of fear; my suffering has been taken away. ||3||

siqguru gihr gBIru hY suK swgru AGKMfu ] The True Guru is the Deep and Profound Ocean of Peace, the Destroyer of sin.

ijin guru syivAw Awpxw jmdUq n lwgY fMfu ] For those who serve their Guru, there is no punishment at the hands of the Messenger of Death.

gur nwil quil n lgeI Koij ifTw bRhmMfu ] There is none to compare with the Guru; I have searched and looked throughout the entire universe.

nwmu inDwnu siqguir dIAw suKu nwnk mn mih mMfu ]4]20]90] The True Guru has bestowed the Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. O Nanak, the mind is filled with peace. ||4||20||90||

In the above shabad Guru Ji is calling Guru – Parbrahm in a literal sense.

AMg 802 Page 802

rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 2 XwnVIey kY Gir gwvxw Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Second House, To Be Sung To The Tune Of Yaan-Ree-Ay:

<> siqgur pRswid ] One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mY min qyrI tyk myry ipAwry mY min qyrI tyk ] You are the Support of my mind, O my Beloved, You are the Support of my mind.

Avr isAwxpw ibrQIAw ipAwry rwKn kau qum eyk ]1] rhwau ] All other clever tricks are useless, O Beloved; You alone are my Protector. ||1||Pause||

siqguru pUrw jy imlY ipAwry so jnu hoq inhwlw ] One who meets with the Perfect True Guru, O Beloved, that humble person is enraptured.

gur kI syvw so kry ipAwry ijs no hoie dieAwlw ] He alone serves the Guru, O Beloved, unto whom the Lord becomes merciful.

sPl mUriq gurdyau suAwmI srb klw BrpUry ] Fruitful is the form of the Divine Guru, O Lord and Master; He is overflowing with all powers.

nwnk guru pwrbRhmu prmysru sdw sdw hjUry ]1] O Nanak, the Guru is the Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord; He is ever-present, forever and ever. ||1||

suix suix jIvw soie iqnw kI ijn@ Apunw pRBu jwqw ] I live by hearing, hearing of those who know their God.

hir nwmu ArwDih nwmu vKwxih hir nwmy hI mnu rwqw ] They contemplate the Lord's Name, they chant the Lord's Name, and their minds are imbued with the Lord's Name.

syvku jn kI syvw mwgY pUrY krim kmwvw ] I am Your servant; I beg to serve Your humble servants. By the karma of perfect destiny, I do this.

nwnk kI bynµqI suAwmI qyry jn dyKxu pwvw ]2] This is Nanak's prayer: O my Lord and Master, may I obtain the Blessed Vision of Your humble servants. ||2||

vfBwgI sy kwFIAih ipAwry sMqsMgiq ijnw vwso ] They are said to be very fortunate, O Beloved, who who dwell in the Society of the Saints.

AMimRq nwmu ArwDIAY inrmlu mnY hovY prgwso ] They contemplate the Immaculate, Ambrosial Naam, and their minds are illuminated.

jnm mrx duKu kwtIAY ipAwry cUkY jm kI kwxy ] The pains of birth and death are eradicated, O Beloved, and the fear of the Messenger of Death is ended.

iqnw prwpiq drsnu nwnk jo pRB Apxy Bwxy ]3] They alone obtain the Blessed Vision of this Darshan, O Nanak, who are pleasing to their God. ||3||

aUc Apwr byAMq suAwmI kauxu jwxY gux qyry ]

O my lofty, incomparable and infinite Lord and Master, who can know Your Glorious Virtues?

gwvqy auDrih suxqy auDrih ibnsih pwp Gnyry ] Those who sing them are saved, and those who listen to them are saved; all their sins are erased.

psU pryq mugD kau qwry pwhn pwir auqwrY ] You save the beasts, demons and fools, and even stones are carried across.

nwnk dws qyrI srxweI sdw sdw bilhwrY ]4]1]4]

Slave Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary; he is forever and ever a sacrifice to You. ||4||1||4||

In this Shabad again Guru Ji is showing us the same- there is no difference between Guru and God.

For 40/50 years, Gurbani-as IT IS, has cleared all my doubts. I kept my eyes closed and looked at the World through Guru’s eyes. I never felt a need to disect Gur Bani. I have thousands of friends, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians, in India and Overseas, who have the same belief as I have.
None of them who read Gurbani ever suggested me to practice this 'disection process' or 'Dont believe Bani in Literal Sense' theory. All believe in Bani –AS IT IS.

Das always see Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Insignia in each and every word of Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Stamped it with Guru- Brahmgyani Ki Gat Brahmgyani Jaaney- das vichara Guru da Pallaa phar ke kharaa(das is only holding Guru’s scarf), Guru knows the Gurprasaad.

Gurbani is written for everybody, no mediator is needed to explain that. Guru, the immortal is talking to us, we dont need mortals describing it to us if it is true or not true.

Metaphors used in Gurbani are all taken from regular human society- NOTHING IS OFF PLANET. Everybody can understand the meaning of the mataphors easily.

Practicing Humility is most important for a seeker. In Gurbani Guru Ji states that we should even avoid calling ourselves a seeker. One has to be totally steeped in Humility, so how one can expect that any Saint will say-'I AM GOD'. Guru tells us:

ਸਗਲ ਪੁਰਖ ਮਹਿ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨੁ ॥ Among all persons, the supreme person is the one
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਿ ਜਾ ਕਾ ਮਿਟੈ ਅਭਿਮਾਨੁ ॥ who gives up his egotistical pride in the Company of the Holy.
ਆਪਸ ਕਉ ਜੋ ਜਾਣੈ ਨੀਚਾ ॥ One who sees himself as lowly,
ਸੋਊ ਗਨੀਐ ਸਭ ਤੇ ਊਚਾ ॥ shall be accounted as the highest of all.
ਜਾ ਕਾ ਮਨੁ ਹੋਇ ਸਗਲ ਕੀ ਰੀਨਾ ॥ One whose mind is the dust of all,
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਤਿਨਿ ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਚੀਨਾ ॥ recognizes the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in each and every heart.
ਮਨ ਅਪੁਨੇ ਤੇ ਬੁਰਾ ਮਿਟਾਨਾ ॥ One who eradicates cruelty from within his own mind,
ਪੇਖੈ ਸਗਲ ਸ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਸਾਜਨਾ ॥ looks upon all the world as his friend.
ਸੂਖ ਦੂਖ ਜਨ ਸਮ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟੇਤਾ ॥ One who looks upon pleasure and pain as one and the same,
ਨਾਨਕ ਪਾਪ ਪੁੰਨ ਨਹੀ ਲੇਪਾ ॥੬॥ O Nanak, is not affected by sin or virtue. ||6||

We mortals have no capacity to debate on Guru’s Word. Guru is Immortal, we are mortals:

Guru Ji tells:

AMg 310 Page 310

pauVI ] Pauree:

scu scw siqguru Amru hY ijsu AMdir hir auir DwirAw ] Truest of the True is the Immortal True Guru; He has enshrined the Lord deep within His heart.

scu scw siqguru purKu hY ijin kwmu k®oDu ibKu mwirAw ] Truest of the True is the True Guru, the Primal Being, who has conquered sexual desire, anger and corruption.

jw ifTw pUrw siqgurU qW AMdrhu mnu swDwirAw ] When I see the Perfect True Guru, then deep within, my mind is comforted and consoled.

bilhwrI gur Awpxy sdw sdw Guim vwirAw ] I am a sacrifice to my True Guru; I am devoted and dedicated to Him, forever and ever.

gurmuiK ijqw mnmuiK hwirAw ]17] A Gurmukh wins the battle of life whereas a self-willed manmukh loses it. ||17||

Guru Ji is explaining in this Shabad that Satguru is immortal.

Just to collect information on this issue:
Das want to know how many more people out there think the need of-

1. CAREFULLNESS WHILE READING GURBANI- IS IT TRUE OR NOT(!), we are not capable of proving it, we need to have unshakable faith.
2. CAREFULLNESS WHILE BELIEVING GUR WAK- IS IT CORRUPT OR BELIEVABLE(!), again we are not capable of proving it, we need unshakable faith.
3. KNOWING THAT BHATT BANI IS NOT GURBANI, AVOID THAT(!), all Gurbani is Guru, cant afford to have any doubts.
4. KNOWING ALL THAT BANI THAT YOU CONSIDER AVOIDING(!), Bani is all Truth- what can we avoid, cant afford to have doubts again.

swD kI soBw swD bin AweI ]The glory of the Holy people is theirs alone;nwnk swD pRB Bydu n BweI ]8]7]O Nanak, there is no difference between the Holy people and God. ||8||7|| andnwnk bRhm igAwnI Awip prmysur ]6]O Nanak, the God-conscious being is Himself the Supreme Lord God. ||6||. .

Thanks and Please Please Please give comment- positive or negative. Needed for a very good purpose. PM me if needed. Please share this on the other Sikh and non-Sikh forums as well. I will be making additions to it, as I find more information. Thanks again. :up:

Tuhada das

Garbani Translations are provided for the convienenace of non-punjabi knowing readers and source of the translations is- SIKHITOTHEMAX.COM

'I dwell upon the One Word of the Shabad. You are mine-what else do I need?'

'Without the Word of the Shabad, people wander lost in reincarnation. Through the love of duality, multitudes have been drowned.'

'Without the Guru, this pollution is not removed. Without the Lord, how can there be any homecoming?'

'Contemplate the One Word of the Shabad, and abandon other hopes.'

'O Nanak, I am forever a sacrifice to the one who beholds, and inspires others to behold Him.'

'O Nanak, instruct your mind through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and praise the Lord.'

'Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mind is conquered, and one attains the State of Liberation in one's own home.'

'The True Guru leads us to meet the Immaculate True God through the Word of His Shabad. '

'The Gurmukhs realize the Word of the Shabad; they are immersed in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's Name.'

'Practice truth, and only truth, and merge in the True Word of the Shabad.'

'If the Word of the Guru's Shabad abides deep within, then you shall not forget the Lord. '


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
AmbarDhara ji,

It is good to hear from you! At some point I hope that we will return to a discussion of the topic. I can see you are frustrated and hope we get back on track.

Thanks for reminding us that there was a discussion happening earlier on.


Jan 9, 2008
AmbarDhara ji,

It is good to hear from you! At some point I hope that we will return to a discussion of the topic. I can see you are frustrated and hope we get back on track.

Thanks for reminding us that there was a discussion happening earlier on.

Ha ha ha
Ha ha ha........ A very odd but extremely funny observation:p.
What can make one see any frustration in the reply above? Aad Ji, you made my day. I think, it is because I broke the ice-Is it?
Anyways, I am not frustrated;) at all. May be I was not supposed to answer Pyramid's post YET(based on this forum's any hidden unsaid rules)/May be I was not supposed to use Gurbani Translations on this forum(based on this forum's any hidden unsaid rules)/:p/May be I was not supposed to Speak the Truth/May be I was not supposed to act normal/:}{}{}: But I did. .......Ha ha ha

Stupid me:crazy:.....

Aad Ji, your observation/comment made me laugh a lot. I will be adding a lot of gurbani to this thread that supports the TRUTH- 'GurShabad is everything for a Sikh'.
Once again: I am not frustrated, was just replying a post in a very *civil manner* :hmm:.

Aad Ji, I respect you a lot, and I know you support Gurmat and follow Gurmat wholeheartedly.

Take it Easy People. In Gurmat section, Gurbani/Gurmat has to be tolerated;)/posted/supported. May it appears to many as-Frustration.

:}{}{}:Once again, Please Take it easy all, It is Gurmat Vichar Section. I, stupid Ambar suppose one has to post, see and read Gurbani and the support of Gurbani, unless you change the name of the Forum:}{}{}:. If you cant see, read and post Gurmat and Gurbani under this forum, and you dont, very very well it is your choice. Guru takes care of all, Everything is under His will.

People who live Gurbani are not frustrated- another Truth of a Gursikh's Life- may make many see-Sikhs are always frustrated-just joking.


Jan 9, 2008
Dictionary defenition of term: frustration:
frustration - the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals defeat
disappointment, letdown - a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized; "his hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment"
2.frustration - an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts foiling, thwarting
interference, hinderance, hindrance - the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding
3.frustration - a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized; "her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration" vexation, annoyance, chafe - anger produced by some annoying irritation

frustration - definition of frustration by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

frustration - Google Image Search

frustration - Google Image Search


Jan 9, 2008
This is What Guru Ji says:

'The self-willed manmukhs are totally without virtue. Without the Name, they die in frustration.'

'Joy and sorrow, profit and loss, birth and death, pain and pleasure - they are all the same to my consciousness, since I met the Guru. As long as I plotted and planned things, I was full of frustration. When I met the Kind, Perfect Guru, then I obtained bliss so easily.'


Jan 9, 2008
ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੨ ਅਖੀ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਵਿਣੁ ਕੰਨਾ ਸੁਨਣਾ ਪੈਰਾ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਚਲਣਾ ਵਿਣੁ ਹਥਾ ਕਰਣਾ ਜੀਭੈ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਇਉ ਜੀਵਤ ਮਰਣਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਹੁਕਮੁ ਪਛਾਣਿ ਕੈ ਤਉ ਖਸਮੈ ਮਿਲਣਾ {ਪੰਨਾ 139}
Here is Gyani ji’s interpretation on page 82-83”Gurbani Parvodh”
“ That Waheguru is without eyes but being observer watches all. He hasn’t any ears but he listens to every one. He is without feet but in others’ feet His walking power is present. He is without hands but every ones hands’ power of holding is His. He is without tongue but in others languages, His power is present. This way one who understands His ordinance and by being indifference to outside world, can meet Him”

Such beautiful words, this translation makes it clear that the translator is seeing God everywhere, affirming that God is the Karta- not me you and other- THERE IS NO SECOND. ONLY ONE- WAHEGURU.

'Let your daily worship be the knowledge that God is everywhere.'
Apr 4, 2007
Take it Easy People. In Gurmat section, Gurbani/Gurmat has to be tolerated;)/posted/supported. May it appears to many as-Frustration.

:}{}{}:Once again, Please Take it easy all, It is Gurmat Vichar Section. I, stupid Ambar suppose one has to post, see and read Gurbani and the support of Gurbani, unless you change the name of the Forum:}{}{}:. If you cant see, read and post Gurmat and Gurbani under this forum, and you dont, very very well it is your choice. Guru takes care of all, Everything is under His will.

i'm sorry to interrupt with a stupid question...

when reading a thread from the right hand sidebar, how does one see which section it is posted in?

i did not know i was breaking the rules, posting my nonsense in Gurbani Vichaar section.

i appologize.


Jan 9, 2008
i'm sorry to interrupt with a stupid question...

Dont be sorry, Jasleen Kaur Ji.

when reading a thread from the right hand sidebar, how does one see which section it is posted in?

On my computer, when I take the cirsir on the thread heading, it gives me the whole path for the thread. I can also see the path at the bottom bar on my PC. I think a tech may be able to help you how to get it. Any techs around eager to help please!

i did not know i was breaking the rules, posting my nonsense in Gurbani Vichaar section.

I dont think anybody is breaking the rules, Jasleen Ji. I guess my joking around with Aad Ji went a little too far. I hope she understands I am only joking around:).

i appologize.

You dont need to apologize, Jasleen Ji. Take it EASY:).

I guess I need to ask for forgiveness instead. Please forgive me.



Jan 9, 2008
I think I must repeat myself:

Aad Ji, I respect you a lot, and I know you support Gurmat and follow Gurmat wholeheartedly.

I hope you grant me forgiveness please:).


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
All jios on this thread.

A couple of observations. Just my analysis of the discourse so far on this thread.

There is too much apologizing going on. As adults some can understand that a word, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph might hurt someone's feelings but hurt was not intended by the writer of the offending comment. Apologies show efforts to be civilized, but also stop discussion with emotions.

There is a need to ask others for clarification before wondering if an insult was intended. Sometimes insults are obvious. Calling people names or questioning their faith in God is insulting. Sometimes there is an interpretation of an insult that might not be there in fact.

I think we all can see that for days now we have been working out our interpersonal relationships and ignoring the topic of the thread.

We are able to discuss these issues -- and we do discuss the issues when we relate our thinking to Bani. That has happened from time to time. Why not more often?

Finally, in gurmat vichaar -- I don't know -- what do others think? -- we should feel free to take a break for humor. Lighten up on the pious faces. But eventually get back to vichaar of Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
Nov 16, 2007
I started reading the thread after reading heading "Is Bhatt Bani Not Guru?", but even after reading 12 pages never found any comment. Please comment on Bhatt bani. Should we take it literally when Bhatts call Guru incarnation (avatar) of Lord? or it is just poetic exaggeration while praising Guru?
Oct 14, 2007
Pk70 ji has stated that Bani of Bhatt's is approved/authenticated by fifth Nanak. It,in itself, speaks a lot.

In my opinion even if the Bhatts were mere devotees of the Guru's but they were not related to them; I presume that what has been spoken of by Bhatts have been included in the Bani only because it has all the ingredients of Truth else it would not have been included as bani.
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