In my case (I barely cut my head hair these days though I have had it
very short after each baby...more on why later...but I do shave my legs and armpits etc.)'s the thing.
I shave the few hairs off my chin (or pluck them). Yep. Out of ego, I'll admit it. I don't like having hair on my chin as a female. I admire the likes of the girl in the Uk who has a full beard who keeps it unshorn. If I had that beautiful a beard I might actually keep it but a few small tufts? Don't like it. Just my own personal feelings.
I don't shave my legs because I give a crap what anyone else thinks. Or even more private areas. My legs are barely seen by the
general public. I wear shorts probably 3 days out of the year. And usually they're cropped pants. I do it because I LIKE THE FEEL OF SILKY SMOOTH LEGS. If and when I have a man friend, his opinions be damned

I'll shave my legs if and when I want to, or not shave them if I don't want to. I don't do it for anyone but myself.
I don't wear makeup. Lip balm for comfort especially in winter. I don't paint my nails on my fingers. All of that isn't anything particular about beauty, either for or against it. It's because I'm darned lazy.

I do however paint my toenails. I only really have to do it about once every 4-6 weeks (fingernail polish only lasts a week or less and looks mostly gross flaking off...if anything I probably DON'T paint fingers because of ego! ;-)). And I kinda like the colour on my toes (toes are ugly as all heck to begin with anyhow... ;-)) and I don't really see it as any different than using colourful fabric to dress rather than everyone in all black and white or something...
About cutting hair when my kids were babies...I cut my head hair really short each time I had a newborn. Usually about when they were 3-5 mos old, and I kept it short for a year or two, before growing it back.
Long hair is a chore and a half to take care of, and I absolutely HATED leaving a squaling baby with my ex husband (who had zero patience for it...) for any longer than necessary while showering. It takes almost 20 min to shower and wash hair properly, 5-7 when it's super short hair. And then there's drying. Either you blow dry it (another 5-10 min) which isn't that great for it, or you let it air dry. Meantime your 4 month old is starving and as soon as you feed him or her...they entwine their fists in your hair. Gah. No.
I didn't cut my hair short when I had newborns because of ego. I quite like my long hair, and while it is thinner as I've aged, I still think it's a nice part of my overall physique. I get compliments on it. If anything I should maybe chop it all off so as not to get compliments. Hiding it in a turban would probably do the same thing but I don't do that either. When I cut my hair when my babes were wee, I did it FOR THEM. As a sacrifice so that they didn't have to wait too long for me to deal with hair, which essentially is an "inaminate object" of sorts. I put my babies' needs ahead of my desires. At least temporarily...for a couple years. And if I ever had another baby I suspect I would do the same.
My tattoo is something I got as part of a healing process. I pierced my ears first time because everyone else had pierced ears. I wanted to be like my friends. My second piercing was because I wanted it and not that many people have the exact same type of piercing (second hole on left ear above the first). I mean in the grand scheme of things. Many multiple-piercers these days but many people also not piercing or only getting the traditional lobe holes. My 3rd piercing is an attempt at acupuncture, a type that may (some people say) help ward off headaches. Who knows.
I don't think it's evil to do something "out of ego", for to do so doesn't make one evil all together. Nasty ego such as treating someone else like dirt because you are "better than they are, holier than they are" is not pleasant but to have a physical desire to want to look like something and alter yourself to do so doesn't hurt anyone (except maybe yourself) so I don't personally see the big deal. As long as you can be willing to admit it. But many times people don't do things for them self entirely and honestly, they get judged as if that is how they are doing it. I always figure "your body your choice"...
One last thing...I've wondered before, if there's a God, if their intention for our bodies was to provide us with a "blank canvas" so to speak, to alter as we desire, to make art with?...