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Is India-China force withdrawal agreement favourable to India?

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Is the new India-China agreement in India's favour?
Dr. Dalvinder Singh Grewal

In Tibet, China suddenly deployed a large number of troops, tanks, armoured vehicles, bombers, aeroplanes, helicopters, etc. in front of Ladakh in March-April 2020 after a large-scale war drill. After the construction of bunkers and buildings at Hot Spring, Galwan, Pegang Sho, Chowki 14, 17, 17A, etc. During negotiations, India asked China to evacuate the areas occupied by him in Mar-April 2020 clandestinely. The two countries agreed to withdraw three kilometres from No Man's Land. According to the agreement, China retreated in the Galvan Valley but after retreating from outpost No. 14, tents were set up again. To verify this, the Commanding Officer (CO) Bihar Regiment went on patrol along with 20 men. The Chinese who were well armed with modified weapons attacked the CO who was seriously injured and martyred. This led to a skirmish between the two groups. As per the Chinese plan, thousands of people came back to attack with wires, iron-fortified rods, etc. From here 3 Punjab and 3 Field Artillery (Sikh) soldiers also came to the rescue. Twenty Indians and 43 Chinese were killed in the clash.

Even after fifteen rounds of General Level, Defence Minister and External Affairs Minister level talks, China did not leave the occupied area. India had no choice but to leave the talks and take action. Senapau and then the hills of Mukhpari to the south of Pegang Sho Lake were captured, giving India a boost in negotiations. The talks lasted for over nine months and and the soldiers had to endure unbearable temperatures up to minus 45 degrees Celsius in the snowy mountains.

Now seeing India not bowing to the new high-level talks, on February 11, 2021, first China and then the Indian Defence Minister announced in Parliament that the armies of the two countries would withdraw. There are seven clauses in the agreement. First the tanks and heavy weapons will be removed from the rear and then the infantry will be removed. First, the Chinese and Indian armies will be removed from the area of Pegang Sho Lake and all the bunkers etc., which came up after March 2020, will be demolished then there will be talk of withdrawing troops from the rest of the area. At each stage, the withdrawal of troops will be verified on the ground. Then there will be talk of withdrawing troops from the rest of the area. The next course of action will be taken only after the withdrawal of troops at each stage after due verification.

First, China will withdraw beyond Finger 8 on the north side of the Pegong Sho lake and India will be at Finger 3 (Thapa Post). Prior to March 2020, the Indian Army had made its road up to Finger 4 and its patrols went up to Finger 8. Now India has to stop at Finger 3 instead of Finger 4 and patrolling up to Finger 8 is yet to be decided.

Finger four to eight where Indian patrols were stopped and China built bunkers

The hills of Senapau and Mukhpari in the southern part of the lake have to be abandoned, which made India's position strong for negotiations. This way we have to give up our territory and patrolling up to finger 8 has not been allowed as yet. However, the biggest loss remains of Dipsang and Hot Springs areas since there is no agreement yet on the withdrawal of Chinese troops from these important areas near Daulat Beg Oldy and Karakuram Pass. With evacuation from the southern parts of the lake, we will have no weight during negotiations to remove Chinese troops from Dipsang and Hot Springs and China will try to enforce its own terms easily.



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