Zahim Nasir ji
You used the word "you" or "your" several times above. I am sure you are not asking me personally because I did not start this thread.
The "fixation with Islam" your words is something that continues on the world wide web as far as I can tell. The fixation with religion versus science also continues on the world wide web. So it is not surprising to see a thread about Science and Islam here at SPN, because we are on the web.
Here is some light that I can shed on the "fixation" from a different angle. There have been other forum members from the faith of Islam who began threads, or participated in threads, using a very consistent strategy. First to ask what seemed to be an honest question about Sikhism and a concept that seemed ambiguous to them. Second, followed up with the charge that Sikhs lack a scripture that says black and white how to understand a concept or follow a practice. Third step, they then launch into a days-long tirade about the weaknesses of the Sikh faith and Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Finally, a longer discourse is offered on the superiority of Islam as a religion. Some of us have come to recognize this pattern as "dawah" or an a deliberate program of proselytizing. They capitalize on the possibility that there may be individuals who are unsure about the Sikh faith -- for various reasons not limited to but including a lack of religious education. Once it is apparent that "dawah" is underway -- then what do you think happens? Sikhs online take their turn. They reply, and not in a gracious way, because they feel they are being insulted and they are correct. They are.
So this may not be a fixation -- but it may rather be the result of a great deal of pain to see the Sikh religion and culture undermined. That is it from me for now.
The other thing that happens is that I, or one of our moderators, come onto the thread and give warnings about proselytizing and undermining Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj. And if that doesn't work, then the member is banned.
I have visited various forums including atheist ones and to be honest I haven't had that charge thrown at me (yet) There may well be a pre-conception by sikhs that All Muslims want to convert by force or whatever, but I think that takes much away from the discussions and focus, also dwelling on past issues solves nothing, otherwise you remain philosophically stagnated, cos that's general common sense not undermining any insecurities at all