my question about this topic is this, why would it be written in the "code of conduct" that only a sikh can marry a sikh? It seems to go against everything the religion stands for.
and yet it says in the Rehat Maryada:
Anand Sanskar (Lit. Joyful Ceremonial: Sikh Matrimonial Conventions and Ceremony)
Article XVIII
(a) A Sikh man and woman should enter wedlock without giving thought to the prospective spouse's caste and descent.
(b) A Sikh's daughter must be married to a Sikh.
my personal opinion is that it was meant in the literal sense of the word (which means student, or disciple as far as i know, correct me if im wrong). so basically it means a sikh should marry someone who is also a student of god (Trying to find god).
although in the real word thats not at all how it happens, if your not born a sikh (although i think its something you have to actively want and pursue, i dont think just becuase your parents are sikh you can call yourself a sikh, but i guess thats another debate), and you try and date/marry a sikh, it is BIG problems. I'm in the middle of such a situation right now actually.
You hear things like, its a disgrace to the family, dont go outside the culture etc. etc.
In my opinion its a disgrace to sikhism to have such an attitude all the while calling yourself a sikh. How many sikh arranged marriages end with abuse/alcoholism because neither parnter is happy? And yet the VAST majority of "sikhs" view that as acceptable and a marriage between two people who love and respect each other (and god), is viewed as unnacceptable and wrong if one was not born into a sikh family.
Im fairly confident god would favor a loving supportive marriage between two equal partners more then one where the woman is treated as property and abused and disrepected.
The very definition of marriage in sikhism seems to be forgetten in favor of a superiority complex where no one can accept someone of a different race/culture/descent.