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Is It A Sin For A Sikh To Marry A Non-Sikh?


May 28, 2006
There is no such thing as a 'sin' in Sikkhism.

It doesn't work on the spiritual blackmail of 'sin and repentence' that Catholicism and Islam funtion upon.


Apr 23, 2006
Definetly not a sin. I can understand if it's the wrong thing to do. However it definetly isn't a sin. First point, because if God is only one and has made all types of people, then people should accept that fact and move on with life. That's totally discrassing God's other makings of human beings. Meaning like whites, blacks, etc. It's just easier if you and your spouse share the same ethnicity.


May 17, 2006
Well, technically, it is a sin for a sikh to marry a non sikh. When the sikh rehat maryada was created (the sikh way of life), its wasn't just a bunch of random people creating rules out of nowhere. These highly religious and intelligent individuals decided this for a various amount of reasons. When someone does what they think is right for you, do you question them? If a parents tells his child, do not stick your finger in the electrical outlet, he must be telling you for a reason. The child does not know the reason and might think that his dad is scolding him frivolously (sp? sorry), but we know that he or she is doing what is right for his child. Even though we might not be told a reason, the rehat marayada tells us that we should not marry a non-sikh and that should be the end of the discussion.

Apr 4, 2006
Dear Nim_23,

I would love to comment on this, but not being of Sikh faith, I am afraid that other members of this forum might feel that I should not be posting a message on this topic....

Please allow me to share my comments with you:
I am of roman catholic faith and have in the past experienced so many stereotypes just between catholic and protestant. Many - of course not all - still feel that it would be much easier and clearer to marry within one's own faith - or one's corner of one's faith. I currently work in a consulting company that provides "diversity training" to help companies to better deal with differences in the workplace, and unfortunately religion is one of the factors that divides people. The more I learn about other religions the more I start to appreciate certain aspects of a variety of religions. Knowledge is the first step to build bridges across cultures and religions. Wouldn't marrying outside of one's own faith be a wonderful way to teach one's children that not only religion but also the character of a person, the things a person does for community, how a person treats people who are different from themselves should count?
Again, I apologize if any members feel that not being a Sikh does not really give me the right to speak to this topic.
Thank you!
Nim_23 said:
A friend questioned me on this topic... "Is is a SIN for a SIKH to marry a NON-SIKH regardless on whether or not the Sikh converts to his/her partners religion."

I hope that we can have an open discussion about this and I can eventually get a right answer to it...


Q1) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh even though he stays in Sikhism and his partner remains in her religion?

Q2) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh and converts to his partner's religion?

Q3) Any other comments. Open discussion.


Oct 2, 2005
a sikh can NOT marry a nonsikh end off. how will they get married? a sikh MUST have an ANAND KARAJ and an Anand Karaj can Only take place between a Sikh man and Sikh women. A Sikh can NOT have children with anyone but there partner who they are married to through Anand Karaj. its really not a hard concept to understand just people choose not to understand it. A sikh will never convert, some one who converts was never really a sikh as they never realised there atma and vahiguroo. A Sikh who marries outside Sikhi has also not realised there atma or Vahiguroo.

Hence it was tradition to ask Singh and Singhnee before Anand Karaj if thehy had taken blessing of amrit or when they would take the blessing.

also please see panthic maryada to be a sikh you need to follow Panth da Hukam.
Aug 27, 2005
Baltimore Md USA
Nim ji,
I guess I should be clear that I am not big on sin in particular the kind that Christians, Muslims and Jews talk about. So:

Q#1 My answere is no.

Q#2 Is it a sin?, No but I would wonder about that person's sincerity but maybe the new path was theirs all along.

Q#3 Obviously everyones situation is unique but Lord Shiva knows what is in the heart.

Om shanti shanti Om


Apr 23, 2006
Ok...Once again that point is made out again..We have different religions, not different gods. I'm pretty sure that white people weren't ment to be white, they just became white, and that we became tan. Everything has a theory behind it. We just have different religions, and thats only because our ancesters were in india or wtv and that the followed the religious beliefs of sikhism. So, don't try and say that it's a SIN marrying a non sikh, because the fact of the matter is that there is only ONE GOD.... Except that fact, because the world would move on much better if everyone excepted this fact, and there would never be any racism problems. Partially if you agree this is a sin, don't you think it's being racist. Besides, its up to you who you want as your life partner, screw the society. However, do look back at your parents, what they think is right. Then decide through with them and then get married to a non sikh or a sikh...

Thank you...
P.S. don't take things to heart, I'm just being broad minded

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Preetkanwar said:
Well, technically, it is a sin for a sikh to marry a non sikh. When the sikh rehat maryada was created (the sikh way of life), its wasn't just a bunch of random people creating rules out of nowhere. These highly religious and intelligent individuals decided this for a various amount of reasons. When someone does what they think is right for you, do you question them? If a parents tells his child, do not stick your finger in the electrical outlet, he must be telling you for a reason. The child does not know the reason and might think that his dad is scolding him frivolously (sp? sorry), but we know that he or she is doing what is right for his child. Even though we might not be told a reason, the rehat marayada tells us that we should not marry a non-sikh and that should be the end of the discussion.


If we go strictly by GURBANI in SGGS..there is NO such concept of Paap (Sin) or PUNN ( good deed)

These are Brahimin/Hindu beleifs which ahev been THRASHED by the Sikh Gurus and the Bhagats who wrote Gurbani.

The Sikh Rehat Maryada is a Document created to Show the SIKH WAY OF LIFE.....a Code of Conduct...the Constitution of Sikh way of Life...How a Sikh is defiened, how he is to live his daily life..etc .

Just like it is "WRONG" as per Immigration Laws to say enter a country without avalid Passport/Visa...ITS NOT a "SIN" per se...simiallrly any sikh who VIOLATES the SRM...has to answer to the "Authorities" as per SRM..but that is NOT a SIN.

The "Original Sin" is a Christian Concept...in Sikhi everyone is RESPONSIBLE for his own actions and faces the MUSIC for them on his own..NO ONE ELSE can take responsibility for him ( like Jesus is supposed to do)

Similarly in Gurmatt..supposedly PUNNS like going to teerath yatras, helping the needy and the sick, donating..daan, etc etc are just "GOOD HUMAN BEHAVIOUR"..WITHOUT and SPIRITUAL "pay back" as such. In Gurmatt only Naam japp is PAYBACK.

Thus there is neither paap nor punn in Gurmatt.

Gyani jarnail Singh


Oct 25, 2004
God is one and no religion is good or bad. it all depends on how an individual treats his life and priorities. I would have no problem marrying outside the sikh religion provided I am not forced to convert to that religion. The partner can can continue to practice her religion. The children should have the choice of deciding which religion is best for the.

The Guru Granth Sahib says : Aval Allah Noor Upaya, Kudrat Ke Sab Bande, EK Noor Se sab Jag Upajaya, Kaun Bhale kaun Mande.

No religion is above love and humanity.

Bangalore India
Sep 11, 2005
Sin is a psychological weapon . It is a relative term defined from the perspective of the stuffed person to abstinate others from doing what he himself does for enjoyment and pleasure .

When someone says this is sin that is sin , then its ENVY which makes everything Sin .

Sin is nothing but Stupic Idea of NonSense.

Sin is a psychological weapon . It is a relative term defined from the perspective of the stuffed person to abstinate others from doing what he himself does for enjoyment and pleasure .

When someone says this is sin that is sin , then its ENVY which makes everything Sin .

Sin is nothing but Stupid Idea of NonSense.
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May 17, 2005
London, UK
Okay heres my take on it.

Q1) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh even though he stays in Sikhism and his partner remains in her religion?

I think the concept of sin is sort of alien to Sikhi, to my knowldege there are no commandments of things we should and should not do, barring those things that are forbidden to the Khalsa.

I don't think there is anything wrong in a Sikh marrying a non Sikh. My wife and my children are Atheist, it is there choice and I must respect that.

Q2) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh and converts to his partner's religion?

Again no, Sikhi says that Sikhi is not the one true way to God, but that all ways are valid, after a fashion. Why would God give us so many ways and then get upset if we decide a differant way was better for us? Keeping God in mind, is the important thing, a non Sikh can do this also.

Q3) Any other comments. Open discussion.

Heh see above.


Apr 28, 2005
Sat sri akal ji.

to whome it may concern in general.

Dear sad sangat ji.

Once for all what I understood for over 40 years that there is no such thing like sin in marring any body regardless of his /her relegion. Sikh faith is the only faith where there is no restriction to worship directrly to ONKAR neither you need to go to Gurudwars or special places like mountains to pray . HE is living in every ons's heart. Sikh faith is beyond any supersitions. To be more direct that no faith on this earth provide all human being a freedom to live a good and simple life.So that is it, Remeber with every breath HIS name and all your questions will be answered. Says "NANAK"

jaspal singh
:wah: canada

quote=Nim_23]A friend questioned me on this topic... "Is is a SIN for a SIKH to marry a NON-SIKH regardless on whether or not the Sikh converts to his/her partners religion."

I hope that we can have an open discussion about this and I can eventually get a right answer to it...


Q1) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh even though he stays in Sikhism and his partner remains in her religion?

Q2) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh and converts to his partner's religion?

Q3) Any other comments. Open discussion.[/quote]


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Jaspal Sing Ji,

That is what I have always thought, thank for for clarifying it.

And forgive me for my bad spelling, I meant Singh, obviously
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Apr 28, 2005
Sat sri Akal ji.

I am very pleased that you are happy. The hard core of sikh faith is that in prectice it superseed all the faith where ritul and supersition exist. Here we insist on to remeber the name of God all the times which will prevent you committing wrong doing and you do not have false preachers.

Alway follow the philosophy"what you sow ,so shall you reap " This will happen quickly or years to come but certainly you have to reap.

Have a good life.

Sat Sri Akal ji. japsl singh
Mar 4, 2006
Oklahoma, USA
In my case. I am Hindu, and my husband is Catholic (really he now says he is more of a Buddhist now :) There was never a problem between us, no fights over which religion the kids would follow. The kids were exposed to both paths, but they both ultimately became Hindu. I agree with the earlier post that said that the two that marry know each other and should be able to work these things out. As far as it being a sin...I don't agree...but then again it is just my opinion.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh,


Apr 28, 2005
There is no such thing like a sin by marying a guy with relegion other than yours . Love, takes over all relegion of the world. Love is God. Now as you mentioned your husband is trying Buhdism now. Do not worry every one has to try every proffessors and their theory because he did not get satisfaction from his own.But there is one theory which sikh faith is giving to the world that there is one God and remebering his name each moments of life worth living.
As far as childern are concerned please show the the best way to be good human being.


uote=Parvatasundari]In my case. I am Hindu, and my husband is Catholic (really he now says he is more of a Buddhist now :) There was never a problem between us, no fights over which religion the kids would follow. The kids were exposed to both paths, but they both ultimately became Hindu. I agree with the earlier post that said that the two that marry know each other and should be able to work these things out. As far as it being a sin...I don't agree...but then again it is just my opinion.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh,


Jan 30, 2006
Honestly why does everything have to be a sin or not a sin? In Sikhism there really is no sin? The word Sin is reallly used as way of provoking fear into the mind over what one should or shouldn't do, and Sikhism does not believe in worshipping God out of Fear, but rather out of love. As it is written in the guru granth sahib " Of all Religons the best Religon is to utter the name of God and Do good deeds". The great thing about Sikhism is the fact that we accept alll religions and let them pray with us.


Apr 28, 2005
Sat Sri Akal Ji.

you have said every thing if one has to understand.Sikh faith is flawless guide to have peacfull life journey and respect all the existing faith ,yet enjoy one's ("GRIST MARG")married life with full concenteration on remebering NAM which leads to ultimate salvation.



Hardkaur said:
Honestly why does everything have to be a sin or not a sin? In Sikhism there really is no sin? The word Sin is reallly used as way of provoking fear into the mind over what one should or shouldn't do, and Sikhism does not believe in worshipping God out of Fear, but rather out of love. As it is written in the guru granth sahib " Of all Religons the best Religon is to utter the name of God and Do good deeds". The great thing about Sikhism is the fact that we accept alll religions and let them pray with us.
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