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Is It A Sin For A Sikh To Marry A Non-Sikh?


Jun 12, 2006
Ok, I thought you were suggesting some sort of genetic superiority on part of the Sikhs, which is plainly not the case.

But I agree, kids should be raised as Sikhs, even if their parents are mixed. I see no problem with this, you live in the U.K., so like me you may have seen countless Muslims whose parents are of mixed races but are still raised up Islamically. So this is nothing new but a curious apathy has consumed many of our people.

I guess what I'm saying is that the nonSikh parent would have to accept that the kids be bought up as Sikh. But what about the countless (and there are many!) people from Sikh descent (pure breeds as you imply) who don't even bother to teach their kids anything about their roots. When I first went to Uni I was shocked to meet countless Sikhs with kesh who didn't even have the basic knowledge of their faith - they couldn't even name the 10 Gurus for instance and would say dumb stuff like it is against Sikhism to eat beef.

What I've noticed is that other members of other faiths make sure that their partners convert to their faith prior to marriage (hence the stupid moves of many loved up Sikh girls). Sikh men will have to do the same sooner or later. But this is cool because Sikhism is a nice faith and very few people would disagree with its fundamentals.


Oct 12, 2006

I am Vasudevan.Srinivasan a hindu from the south. I was searching the itnernet about the life and times of Guru Gobind Singh, when I chanced upon this forum.

There are a few mis-conceptions that I thought I should clear esp.. about hinduism.

Hinduism isnt monolithic (reference to someone who spoke about paap and punya).. In essense there are many like me who are hindus but dont believe in paap and punya. Atleast in the linear fashion of how after we die an account of our paaap and punya would determine hell or heaven.

Thats the amar chitra katha view of hindus. Some do conform to that view (esp in Garuda puranam).. but thats not the general view. The most accepted view of sin is as karma. Again karma means action and it can be good and bad. For the freedom of the soul from the trappings of maya, karma is undesirable. Be it good or bad. Therefore Sin is purely a concept of semtic relegions. Where there was a need to orgainse a society under one set of values.

Is there anything atall thats sinful ? Actions beget actions and reactions. Enlightened minds like the gurus and saints could see beyond their current lives into their past and determine for themselves how they had to act and conduct themselves. Those who are ignorant, would always need an external guide.

Thus sin is a product of maya. And as long as we are subject to maya (means ruled by sinfullness of actions) then salvation would be denied. Because we would still be trapped under the burden of maya.

Salvation isnt a concious goal, but an unstopable reality. Someone posted this poser, "if we do things for salvation arent we just selfish ?" Each soul seeks the universe like water seeks the sea. Thats the nature of soul. Its not a concious goal or a heartfelt desire. And you cant craft your way through it. When a person doesent apply his concious thought and mind and partakes in the joy of existence salvation is inevitable.

Ofcourse I am not talking from the point of view of sikh philosophy but just philosopy in general.

But its really interesting forum. Would really appreciate if someone can point to me a good internet resource for reading the guru granth sahib in Gurmukhi and with an english translation..

Thanks in advance

Jul 30, 2004

Appa Vasu Vanakkam(if yourself are from Tamil Nadu) or else Namaskaram.

Das will not go out of topic but was compelled to say a few words for your inputs.

1st,Hinduism is more secular thing realted to India.There is no faith called Hinduism.hindu means Indian and by this Tamil Brahmin in Sri Lanka can not be Hindu.

Faith which you talk about is Sanatan Dharma and as Sikh,we are the true followers of the same.

coming to Karmic concpet.Das rfecomends you to read 14th Chapter of Holy Gita.Lord Krishna was more a Sikh then a Hindu as he lived life beyond three qualites or Tri Gunas.So non Karma,we can not do good or bad but what God(Virat rupa of Lord Krishna) makes us to do happen.All is mammon but God only is true(That what means Sat Sri Akal/Truth is eternal).That Virat Rupa has no sinlge form or Rupa but all Rupas or forms are of that.That God is eternal/Akal and another name for same is Sanatan.

Then to have more info visit www.srigranth.org and Sri Dasam Granth Sahib also.


Oct 12, 2006
I agree the overall principle that hinduism is a collection of multitude of faiths defined by geography rathar than just one philosophy, or morality or value system as understood by many.

However geography alone isnt a rule. Hinduism is also defined by traditions, belief in gods, belief in rituals and some just belief. It just happened that a few linear thinking people (contrary to lateral thinkers) like MaxMuller chose to use geography as a way to define who a hindu is.

Hence to confine hinduism to just India is incorrect. There are hindus in bali, srilanka, fiji, west indies, africa and now in the new world.

I think becoming a hindu is plainly identifying yourself with the way of life. without meaning to usurp the identity of sikhs, I find that sikh philosophy in some of its aspects closer to some of the hindu philosophies than those within the hindu philosophy.

Let me explain. There is a atheist sect within hinduism following sage nihili.. These sects dont believe in existence of god or one super power which guides the life of all things living. They call themselves hindu.

Contrarily, within hindus there are sects in bengalis who dont believe in vedas or dont recogonise their primacy. They follow the teaching of upanishads. They also eat beef traditionally and not because of muslim influence or western colonial influence.

The kali and agora tradition (closer to my belief believes in tantric rituals towards spirituality). They are also hindu in nature. Unfortunately, brahminic domination of philiosophical space is so overwhelming, many hindu traditions within have become almost extinct. Shankara's Adwaitha spelt the death knell to tantra.

I think the cultural aspect thats common between all eastern relegions can not be denied esp when regards to cyclics like rebirth, karma, dharma, maya, rna. Be it budhism, hinduism, jain, sikhism. Its different from the linear concepts of sin, confession, judgement day, god.

Hust historically speaking even islam has transformed and absorbed many of the asian values. Thats why you see many islamic sects like shias, sunnis, ahmedias, bhoras all reinterpretting islam in different cultural settings relevant to the region.

christianity is however not interpretted in a local cultural setting. Christianity revolves around the western view of the world. Even the early asian christian orders like the syrrian christians have been severely overrun, their culture lost and their view of the christ's teaching totally erased. Its the greek, latin, european and now the American view of christianity thats propogated.

Philosophically, the teachings of the sikh guru are more acceptable and maybe more relevant to most Indians. Maybe more of us follow his teachings along with the idol worship, fire rituals and other ritualistic traditions we are used to. Maybe some of us are not ordained sikhs as per the khalsa tradition.

Therefore the fear that Sikhism would become extinct is unfounded. Budhist teachings dint become extinct even though budhism as an identity floundered.

If a Sikh celebrates janmaashtami and if a punjabhi hindu makes his first son as a sikh there is no really a dilution of relegious fervor. In fact, I wouldnt think a hindu converting to a sikh as a erosion on hinduism. Its just a positive transformation. I wouldnt say the same for christianity. Its nearly impossible to live as an equal within the church when all the time you see god portrayed as a blonde hair, blue eyed, male.

ofcourse.. I am the culprit who digressed... but somehow I felt inspired.

I may be a tamil brahmin, but I really like sikh teachings.



Apr 28, 2005
Reply to two questions.

There is no restriction for sikhs to get marry with any race human being or colors as long as one is suitablle to get mary each other to lead their truthful life and understandings. It has been always recommended that it is more comfortable and understanding for the couple to understand each others way of life .They can get mixed up easly with each others and families's tradiditions.

Reference to the name given to us Hindu is totally related to once flourished Indu Velly civilisation until the Arayan came from Pershia and pushed lots of people people living in that Indus Velly to south India called now Tamil nadeau. They were all called Indu or hindu from poershisan words.

Then manu came and made , four devision of the people to spilt the society in to four purely on administerative point of view."HOW TO CONTROL THE SOCIETY"
Because of the illitracy and faith in moon ,sun,{censored},the verginity ,cow,statues and what not until Guru Nanak ji came and said "No" to all these retual but one God . God can not be supposed or created,or explained as we are being little ray of the Almighty shining source.Period . Gurugranth sahib teaching us how to live a truthful life and remeber His name daily for thanks for His unlimited blessings.
There is nothing more to it. All the rest has been created by a man to suit to his own choices to have its own group secured by providing false creations or what suited the best to them.Rest is history what and how it happened in the past until today.



Sep 7, 2006
No matter what caste or kind of soul mate you wish, it depends on your psyche or personal choice. If one is borne to a sikh family, certainly he or she will opt for a sikh partner. Inter-caste marriages do not go long, it is a wide known fact.

waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh

with regards
gitika kaur{sggsji daughter}


Jun 12, 2006
"Inter-caste marriages do not go long, it is a wide known fact. "

I know some that have been going on for decades. Whereas many "within caste" marriages didn't last the 2 year mark.

I don't know how you can make the statement that it is a "well known fact", this is nonsense. I meet many people from Sikh backgrounds who are married to nonSikhs and they seem to be able to hold the thing together. So what makes an intercaste marriage so difficult that they cannot achieve this? If you start looking at your wife/husband from his/her caste label and not their good qualities then of course it wont last!

Mostly from what I've seen, it is family interference and brainwashing that messes up inter-caste marriages. Their is no reason why it cannot work, it will just be hard work because so many backward {censored} {censored}s will give you a hard time for it.

The day Sikhs can all look at each other without any consideration for caste is the day when we will make a major breakthrough in our society.


Sep 7, 2006
respected uncle well this can be nonsense for you but not for
everyone but the cases you are talking about can be exceptional cases and cant be generalised and promoted ...............
i am a learner and always will be a learner please guide me .
waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh

with regards
gitika kaur{sggsji daughter]


Apr 28, 2005
yes you are 100% right that sikhs should not look at the cast systems but human being to get married.That is our 1st consideration that there is no one higher or low cast or by status to be a sikh. It is entierly individual's decesion to marry ,

if the couple is understanding each other to make tie to live together the rest of thier lives ,it is fine.



Jun 12, 2006
I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. It's just that it is sad for me to see so many Sikhs choose nonSikh partners and then raise their children up as nonSikhs. In my professional life I see this happening quite frequently.

In this context it seems ridiculous to put up barriers for two Sikhs (whatever their backgrounds) to marry and have Sikh kids.

The caste thing is a Panjabi hangup against the fundamentals of Sikhism in my opinion. In the west I hope such things will quickly disapear as I only see them causing disunity amongst us. Like we haven't got enough forces trying to destabilise and split us up already without this internal one.

I for one wouldn't mind anyone in my family marrying anyone else who is Sikh (whatever theri background) as long as they show respect and raise up good solid Sikh children.

The best gift we can give this world and the panth is a generation of strong Sikhs. It is simply neccesary for survival.

I know parents put a lot of pressure on their children to conform to teh old caste system but one day we will be the "old generation" (some of us sooner than others! lol), I hope when we are we don't continue this crap.

Raj Karega Khalsa


Apr 28, 2005
to your questions. God has no relegion and follows nothing.No one can say any thing about God if some one says he is absolute ignorent for his own existance and missleading . how one can talk about the God when he is having a hrad time to underhimself? all our messanger expalined us the same thing that love each other and have equal respect with each others regardless of one's birth in any relegions. relegions are known which massenger you follow like Budha they are called busdhist,Mohammad's followers are called mohamdans,Jesus Christ'followers are called christian and so on.

to follow your own teachers or messager will not teach you to hate any one unless these diffrences are created by the preist to gain thier own popularity.
today we are not the same as before , we must think the real message each of our messanger has left for us which universal love and respect for each others. Remebering the God and appreciating what we are blessed with.


preet sandhu

Oct 12, 2006
i had raised this question to tell that god never divide us on the basis of religion while giving his love....its man who has alwaz try to distinguish himself from others either on basis of caste,religion,money or country wise.....bt the universal truth remains we all r same....so while loving a person y shd we consider his caste or religion ....we shd love aperson for his thoughts , his humanity....after death we all have to go to god and he is going to judge us on her deeds done in this life nt on what religion i followed on this earth....lets make this world a beautiful place and spread a msg of love and humanity ......this msg is the soul of every religion......


Jun 12, 2006
We should also try and preserve our way of life and not throw it away for other races/people. This doesn't mean I don't respect or love them. I just also love our thing. It took a lot of sacrifice against heavy odds for Sikhs to be here, we shouldn't be careless about it now.


May 16, 2006

It wrote that it is not a sin but it means that we are going against our rehat maryada. Which means its not a sin but we are going against the Sikh disciplinary code by doing so.


May 16, 2006
BUT other ppl of other religions are not nice s us Sikh so as NOT to convert us...We Sikhs do not force others to convert BUT others have force/brain washed Sikhs to converts.

God is one no matter wat you religion is. So you do not need to convert. Without converting you can stil find god.
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