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Is It A Sin For A Sikh To Marry A Non-Sikh?


Mar 28, 2011
According to Sikh Rehat Maryada..
Anand Sanskar (Lit. Joyful Ceremonial: Sikh Matrimonial Conventions and Ceremony)
Article XVIII
(a) A Sikh man and woman should enter wedlock without giving thought to the prospective spouse's caste and descent.
(b) A Sikh's daughter must be married to a Sikh. (underline and bold mine)

Why this second point states Sikh's daugther must be married to a Sikh. Why not also a point like..
Sikh's son must be married to a Sikh

Sat Sri Akal


Apr 3, 2005
According to Sikh Rehat Maryada..

Why this second point states Sikh's daugther must be married to a Sikh. Why not also a point like..
Sikh's son must be married to a Sikh

Sat Sri Akal

Because in India where large population of Sikhs live a woman indirectly picks up his husbands Religion.A Sikh Girl married into traditional Hindu family hardly refuse that she is not going to worship Hindu Devi devta's or She will neep karva chauth for her husband on the other hand a Sikh man has no obligation to worship in mandirs if he has non sikh wife.


Mar 28, 2011
Hi kds1980,
If the two are ready to follow their own religion without any compromise.. like a woman is following sikh and man is following his own as well as learning sikhism, then in such situation is it ok for them to tie a knot of marriage.. or still ii is wrong for a woman to marry someone who is a hindu.


Apr 3, 2005
Hi kds1980,
If the two are ready to follow their own religion without any compromise.. like a woman is following sikh and man is following his own as well as learning sikhism, then in such situation is it ok for them to tie a knot of marriage.. or still ii is wrong for a woman to marry someone who is a hindu.

And what about kids.In patriarchal Indian society they take their Fathers religion.Do you know all Manmohan singh's daughters are married to Hindu's and not even a single grandchild of Manmohan singh is Sikh.jagdish tytler,Amitabh bachan, Varun Gandhi all of them had/have sikh mothers but how much they are friend of Sikhs we all know.

It is much better to live in Real life rather than creating your own fantasy world .Marrying a non sikh man in India simply means indirect conversion full stop


Mar 28, 2011
Hi kds1980 ji..
What you want to say is Sikh men can fall in love and marry women of any religion but Sikh women dont have the rights to love someone who is non Sikh. If Sikh women are in love with someone who love them more than anything in the world but still they cant marry him.

And what about kids.In patriarchal Indian society they take their Fathers religion.Do you know all Manmohan singh's daughters are married to Hindu's and not even a single grandchild of Manmohan singh is Sikh.jagdish tytler,Amitabh bachan, Varun Gandhi all of them had/have sikh mothers but how much they are friend of Sikhs we all know.

As per your statement about children, the most important role in the development and teaching of children is of Mother. Father do play the role but its mother who play the key role to makes their children learn and understand life.

As i have stated that if in case,
The two are ready to follow their own religion without any compromise.. like a woman is following sikh and man is following his own as well as learning sikhism, then in such situation is it ok for them to tie a knot of marriage.. or still ii is wrong for a woman to marry someone who is a hindu.
Then in such families the children will be Sikh, the only difference will be they will also learn the teachings (by teachings here i mean the teachings which are similar to Sikh teachings) of Hinduism.

Sat Sri Akal


Apr 3, 2005
Hi kds1980 ji..
What you want to say is Sikh men can fall in love and marry women of any religion but Sikh women dont have the rights to love someone who is non Sikh. If Sikh women are in love with someone who love them more than anything in the world but still they cant marry him.

It is always better for sikh men too if they marry sikh women.But Sikh men marrying non sikh women is not as disastrous as Sikh women marrying outside

As per your statement about children, the most important role in the development and teaching of children is of Mother. Father do play the role but its mother who play the key role to makes their children learn and understand life.

I am not saying that only mother plays the most important role.Father also play very important role but in India or Indian society even mothers prefer to raise their children with fathers Religion.Just take the example of Varun Gandhi .Sanjay was killed and maneka was kicked out and even humilated that she is the daughter of Sardar in 1984 but look at varun Gandhi now.He is 100% hindu infact a few days back he has grand Hindu wedding with all the shankaracharya's blessing him.Maneka Gandhi should have raised him Sikh but she prefered to raise him as hindu because his father was hindu.The second case is of AAtish taseer .Though tavleen singh is UK educated Journalist yet she gave her son a muslim name and caste .He was not raised as Sikh.

Then in such families the children will be Sikh, the only difference will be they will also learn the teachings (by teachings here i mean the teachings which are similar to Sikh teachings) of Hinduism.

LOL May be in dreams .Please quote some live examples as I have quoted that children were or are being raised as Sikh O/W Discussion is meaningless.You can easily see many many families where Sikh women are married with Hindu's but you will get old to find one single home where they are raising Children as sikhs.

It is always better to have Realistic discussion rather than a theoritical one


Mar 28, 2011
Hi kds1980 ji..
There is one question in my mind. No need to answer if its personal.
Just went through one of your post, @ http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/love-and-marriage/14784-convincing-sikh-girl-marry-sikh-boy.html
where you have mentioned,
Marriage's between punjabi hindu's and sikhs goes on But in more than 90% of cases it is the girl That ends up losing her religion.If a punjabi hindu girl marries a sikh guy then she slowly start following sikhism the other hand when a sikh girl marries hindu boy then she too abandon sikhism slowly.I have both the cases in my family.

In this case were the children grown up as non Sikh when a Sikh woman married a non Sikh ??

Sat Sri Akal


Apr 3, 2005
In this case were the children grown up as non Sikh when a Sikh woman married a non Sikh ??

Of course My eldest cousin sister who is in USA is raising both her daughters as non sikhs despite the fact that before the marriage she quite religious.On the other hand my cousins who which has a hindu mother were raised as Sikhs .


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Let us re-check the thread,

  • Is it a Sin for a Sikh to Marry a Non-Sikh?
    • According to Guru's teachings and Gurbani it is not a Sin

  • What does Sikh Rehat Maryada (a Guide to Personal and "Panthic"(community) living for Sikhs) recommend?

  • Sikh Rehat Maryada states that the non-Sikh shall get proper Sikh name per Sikh Rehat Maryada and become a Sikh before Marriage as defined in Sikh Rehat Maryada
  • There are a whole bunch of practical aspects of family relationships, raising children, etc., that should be considered way ahead of any thing else and the above.
    • Papering over issues is simply sowing seeds for future dis-content and hurt for all involved.
Sat Sri Akal.


Oct 14, 2012
Surrey, Canada
"Q1) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh even though he stays in Sikhism and his partner remains in her religion? "

i don't think it is wrong but the problem is with the children to whom's religion they will follow.

I know this is a sticking point in many religions. I think some used to insist it was always the woman's religion that determined the child's religion b/c she often had more to do with the "bring up of" the child and the education (religious or otherwise) of the child. Not necessarily true anymore...

"Q2) Is it a sin for a Sikh to marry a non-sikh and converts to his partner's religion?"

i think this is wrong because you have given up sikhi for your partner

Again I think many religions would say exactly the same thing. You have given up Catholicism for your partner to become a Sikh. Or you have given up being a Jehova's Witness to convert to Judaism for your partner. No real difference.

I have always said I feel a true loving god would pardon anyone who has a kind heart and good soul no matter what their belief is in the end. Of course not everyone will agree with me. ;-)

Originally I married a guy who was of Catholic background, but really, non-practicing. His parents wanted me to baptize the kids and I said no. I said when you do that, you make a promise to the church to bring up that child as a Catholic and if we have no intention of doing so I refuse to lie to the church (I have better morals than that in other words ;-)). When they argued I said "Fine...I'll make you a deal...you take the child to church every sunday for 1 year. Then we'll talk about baptizing her." They dropped the subject. Guess it wasn't so important after all... ;-)

so the question for marriage outside religion is always easy for boy and difficuilt for girl.because it is always the girl that give up its religion.

I think this is particular to some religions (you mentioned Hinduism & Sikhism here...) but not all. Just referring back to what I said above about the mom's religion sometimes being the one that is kept due in part to education/upbringing. That certainly was a more European way I suppose...


Oct 21, 2012
I personally feel that it is a sin but firstly think for an instant that we do pray everyday in morning and take lessons from gurbani gurus but if we are not practicing it in our daily life then we are just disrespecting our religion..... which i feel is the best religion in whole universe. Sin is not marrying with a mate from different religion but it is hurting our guru ji from not respecting their principles!!!!! Just question yourself does our our gurus ever allowed us for inter religion marriage????? A true sikh will never get this doubt in his/her mind after following japji sahib!!
........... if u still not get the idea about what m saying...then remember one thing marriage is bonding of souls. And only those souls that have same spirituality will have long lasting relationship in this world and after death!!!!!!


Apr 28, 2005

We wish that members knows that there is no religion existing Sikhisms. Guru Nanak Dev Ji broken all the shackles to make us free from all rituals and alien thinking of SIN,Hell,Heaven by laying down fundamental base that we all are human beings . Humanity is our cause to be together under Gurus Teaching to have a harmonious societies.

If one couple getting marry by shunning this ideas that there was no religion created by any prophet in this world ,only their teaching are universal but only ,Mullah,Pundit ,or others organized to keep their control on the society by creating a wall of religions .

When child is born brings no religion in this world., So follow the simple facts that he is another human being until WE (Mullah ) labeled the human baby as a Muslim ,Hindu ,or other with self made rituals.
The day is not far away when the whole world will have no religion but teachings by prophets and Gurus will prevail.
As far as I believe Guru Nanak Dev Ji never even hint that Sikh should marry only Sikh or prophet Mohammad ever said to marry on the Muslim except his followers who like to organized their groups by creating the differences in the society.

Basically Guru Nanak Dev Ji dismantle centuries old organized religions who happened have bean bringing massacres of Innocent people for the name of religions.

Guru Nanak DEv Ji declared there is no Hindu,Muslim, or others but we are human beings subject to reap our bad or good KARMAS than blaming THE GOD.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji also make us believe that no one has so far understood the God's presence,even Vedas has any clue about God's existences but only can be realized
by praising HIS creations and thank full to his creations which can not be explained.,

So there is no religion in Sikhisms but life styles by following Guru Nanak Dev Ji 's teaching and our present GURU GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI.


There is NO SIN..paap punn etc concepts in SIKHISM.
GURMATT (sikhism) is a WAY OF LIFE...if we travel along in the Company of like minded people..its easier..and more enjoyable....sin, hell, heaven, punishment, rewards etc are ALIEN CONCEPTS in GURMATT.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
WHY are you ..."still wondering"... ???/
Plain English it has been said..THERE IS NO SIN/NO PUNISHMENT/NO HEAVEN/NO REWARDS/NO HELLS..NO such things concepts in GURMATT.

ALL those are ALIEN TO GURBANI....absolutely !!!

STILL wondering ?? about WHAT ??


Apr 24, 2006
Again, that person is a bot. I have informed Ambarsaria ji. Gyani I think you ought to inform Aman Singh ji. He should start banning them. Basically what they are doing is copy-pasting 1 liners from other people's posts. Maybe he can run an algorithm where if a one liner is quoted again, without any other modification then the post is automatically deleted or flagged so he can manually deal with it.


Dec 25, 2011
From my personal experience as I am from mix culture : if your better half is from non sikh family then it is really difficult to convince him/her to make your son a Sardar .

One query : Sikh marrying only sikhs isn't it some kind of reverse castism .
May 9, 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
Our Gurus Preached That We Are All One , The Sikhs , Hindus , Christans , Muslims Are Are All Diffeennt Ways To Achieve The Same One God We Call Wahe Guru.

It Can Never Be A Sin For A Sikh To Marry A Non Sikh. Rather You Shall Be Rewarded By God For Unifying People Foolishly Divided On A Issue Like God.

I Am Sure God Will Give You Blessing In Your True Partners.

Dont Worry For Children They Shall Find There Own Way To God By Many Difenent Ways Sikhi Being One Of Them.

Nanak Nam Chadi Kala
Tere Bana Sarvat Tha Bhalla

Love Hps62
"Our Gurus Preached That We Are All One , The Sikhs , Hindus , Christans , Muslims Are Are All Diffeennt Ways To Achieve The Same One God We Call Wahe Guru.

It Can Never Be A Sin For A Sikh To Marry A Non Sikh. Rather You Shall Be Rewarded By God For Unifying People Foolishly Divided On A Issue Like God."

Haven't heard a better explaination than that! Much respect!


Sat Sri Akaal


Apr 3, 2005
From my personal experience as I am from mix culture : if your better half is from non sikh family then it is really difficult to convince him/her to make your son a Sardar .

One query : Sikh marrying only sikhs isn't it some kind of reverse castism .

No it is not castism.You don't have to practice caste but you have to practice
religion.There are contradictory practices in religions which almost make impossible to live together if both are practicing their religion.


May 9, 2006
There are contradictory practices in religions which almost make impossible to live together if both are practicing their religion.

What are some Sikh examples of practices which would make it impossible to live with someone of a different religion?
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