I got your part about believing in God, but when finding about yourself, in your opinion is it only through Sikhi this can be done, or can other religions be right? And the part where you said you've found it, I assume you're referring to the "soul". Could you share what you found?
Firstly, don't refer to the soul as being some kind of seperate entity to YOU (Ego, your temporary Character)...
YOU are the SOUL...your body is temporary...from ashes to ashed ...dust to etc etc etc ...
YOU will continue to exist once the Body comes to an end
I guess that's one thing i learn't....well...obviously my body hasn't come to an end i'm typing this message but you'll come to know of this through first hand experience if Waheguru so wishes....
Sikhi Says stop looking for Waheguru on the look within you...
I think Jesus also said that the kingdom of God is within you....
Sikhi says that only through this human body can you have direct experience of Waheguru...the Body contains 9 physical opening...and one must seek this hidden door...ask for His grace to take ones attention/mind to it...
I'm pretty sure the Human body existed before any naming of our potential to have this experience has always been there...
Budhists 'look within' and seek experience...within this lifetime..
Sufi's try to do the same, in this lifetime...
Sikhi inspires one to do this...
We can all rergardles of whatever religion we call ourselves make progress in long as we know what direction to look (within)....and we can do it whilst alive and in this body...
BUT, our own efforts, or perceived efforts (ego) can only take us so far...eventually we will have to submit to His will, hopefully as we seek within we mingle with the Shabad and it pulls us deeper within revealing all that there is...the ONE...
As i'm finding though, Desires, Ego, Lust etc etc grab hold of you to keep ones attention on the outer world...Maya wants to keep you focused on this world...
Nevertheless, at least i know it is 100% real...and that i'm looking in the right direction...and boy is it 'out of this world'...and seemingly endless in possibilities..