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Is Ritual-Bath In Sarovars An Essential Part Of Sikhism?

Oct 11, 2006
Yes, Gyani Jarnail Singh ji,
I have read the book, Sikhs in History by Sangst Singh, where he also mentions Baba Khem Singh Bedi ,who,even in 1890s persisted in his efforts to get recognised as the fifteenth Guru of the Sikhs.
He also wanted a seat with cushions in the Darbar Sahib.
In 1910 Baba Gurbakhash Singh Bedi,[son of Khem Singh Bedi] asserted in his presidential adress of Punjab Hindu Conference asserted that Sikhs are Hindus.This was condemmed in very strong terms by the Sikhs.:shockedmunda:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The Bedi/Sodhi axis of influence during that period in Sikh history is the same group that would have us think that at its best Bacchitar Natak is the true story of the life and lineage of Nanak X, and at its least sheds valuable information on Sikh history. Is it a coincidence that the timeframe you are discussing of 1873 through 1905 coincides with the round-up of 32 mismatched versions of the so-called Dasam Granth, later to be published in 1902/3 as the genuine article?

Sir Khem Singh Bedi was not excommunicated wherease Gurmukh Singh was dealt that blow.

Some of this story told at this link where Khem Singh Bedi is arguably the first in his lineage to undermine both Singh Saba and the teachings of Guru Nanak. Please correct any misunderstandings on my part. The link


Sir Khem Singh Bedi claimed to a decendant of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and thus to be the 15th Sikh Guru. He was a tout of the British and had been bribed by them to undermine the Gurdwara Sudar Lehar and Singh Sabbha Movement.

The Arya Samaj also used him to strengthen the Bipren Ki Reet in the Gurdwaras and thus to Hindunise Sikhi .He used to openly preach that Sikhs were Hindus.He claimed that the Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the fifth veda of the Hindus which provides the essence of Purans and Upanishads.In fact the RSS and Sanatani influences in the various Dehras owe their origins to KEMU RAM as Sikhs used to call him with distain.

He was immensely disliked by the Khalsa Panth, but on the back of the finances from the Arya Samaj, he set up a Sodak Committee in 1897 of his hand picked people ,to consolidate 32 wildly different versions of the Bachitar Natak which had been introduced into Panjab from Bengal via the Nirmalas between 1875 and 1900. he was largely unsuccessful in this Endeavour but was successful in introducing very many Hindu texts and traditions into various dehras .He died a very distraught man from painful illness.His palace built from ill gotten gains now lies in ruins near Rawalpindi in Pakistan.A fitting leagacy to the evil that he represented.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
If I am not mistaken, the descendants of Khem Singh Bedi settled in Ferozepore after the partition and started raking money with some Pothi which they claimed belonged to Guru Nanak Dev ji. The elder Bedi ( his name slipped my mind) used to call himself Guru. They used to arrange big festivals when throngs of people used to show up to have the 'darshan' of his Pothi in exchange for money.

There are also Sodhis in Ferozepore and Guruharshai who also call themselves Gurus and claim to be descendants of Prithvi Chand also have a Pothi and rake money in the simillar fashion.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Yes you are all right about this Baba Khem Singh Bedi....and his so called right to be called Guru, special seating arrangements in Darbar sahib, the main person behind the present BNG (bachittar natak granth) beign morphed into DG and his enemity with the Singh Sabha.
But he was one of the Founders of the Singh Sabha cannot be denied...maybe he was inside so that he could sabotage it..as events proved later when Prof Gurmukh singh and Gyani Ditt singh etc were exceommunicated in an attempt to throttle the newly emerging Lehr...BUT that didnt happen..and the Singh Sabha Lehr became a FLOOD that washed away all and sundry in its path..fake gurus like SIR khem singh bedi, corrupt mahants, Arur singh types of Jathedars ( who tried to impress his sikhi credentials by doing the obvious..throw out the hindu idols before the singhs threw them out anyway)...etc etc and the SGPC/SAD came into being.

2. BTW the Kartar Puri Bir is in SODHI hands at Kartarpur. Its private property. This Bir is widely supposed to be the Original Pothi Sahib penned by Bhai Gurdas and dictated by Guru Arjun Ji - the AAD Granth. The Present SGGS printed are all copies of a DAMDAMI BIR which was penned by Bhai mani Singh Ji and dictated by Guru Gobind Singh ji at Damdam sahib Sabo ki Talwandi. No one knows the whereabouts of the Original Damdamai SGGS bir...( beleived lost in the wadda Ghallughara where almost 90% of the Sikhs were wiped out)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Gyani ji -- This is the same take that I have on it.

Yes you are all right about this Baba Khem Singh Bedi....and his so called right to be called Guru, special seating arrangements in Darbar sahib, the main person behind the present BNG (bachittar natak granth) beign morphed into DG and his enemity with the Singh Sabha.

Yes, one of his infamous contributions, Bachittar Natak granth. Because it serves to "validate" the Divine ancestry of the Bedi family.

But he was one of the Founders of the Singh Sabha cannot be denied...

Yes he was.

maybe he was inside so that he could sabotage it.

It is the only way events fit together...he wanted to be on the cutting edge of a movement so he could control it, put his stamp on it, but slipped out of sight and out of harm's way once he realized he could not control it. Suddenly he is an innocent bystander watching colleagues get the axe so to speak. How many people do we know like that --- I know quite a few.

.as events proved later when Prof Gurmukh singh and Gyani Ditt singh etc were exceommunicated in an attempt to throttle the newly emerging Lehr...BUT that didnt happen..and the Singh Sabha Lehr became a FLOOD that washed away all and sundry in its path..fake gurus like SIR khem singh bedi, corrupt mahants, Arur singh types of Jathedars ( who tried to impress his sikhi credentials by doing the obvious..throw out the hindu idols before the singhs threw them out anyway)...etc etc and the SGPC/SAD came into being.

It is the beginning of a story about a "bad faith."
Oct 21, 2009
:seriousmunda: Yes,Gyani ji,I fully agree with you. But the big question is, what can be done to bring Sikhi back to its pristine purity, as given to us by Guru Nanak Dev. We cannot depend upon the Golak-chors and so-called Babas and Sants, because these are the very people responsible for the abyssal state we find Sikhism today.:angrymunda:

Dear Jasbir ji,

The change has to be quick and spontaneous. Any further delay shall do more harm to sikhi.

1. Babas are already there in the field to take-over the gullible masses of Punjab.

2.I agree with Gyani ji that we should first educate ourself. In our present day Gurudwaras there is no system of making us understand Guru Granth Sahib and the meaning of the verses/hymns/shabad.An effort is required to organize some sort of programs where the important aspects of sikhism are taught in the backdrop of SGGS. These may be small workshops in Gurudwaras. Entire sangat would be benefited.Bani is not simple to understand.For a person like me it has taken about three years or so and still I feel that I have not learnt anything except concept. It could have been better if it was introduced when I was young.

3.There is a need of development of standard study material for understanding the Gurbani.

4.SGPC can take the initiative as it must have many theologians at its disposal.

Local Gurudwaras can take up this job. Gurbani is very precious for the humanity. Its value would be known as we progress further into the materialism. The advice and teachings of Guru Sahibs shall always remain valid till the humanity exists. Gurbani has to be lived through.

Thanks and Regards!
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Dear Jasbir ji,

The change has to be quick and spontaneous. Any further delay shall do more harm to sikhi.

1. Babas are already there in the field to take-over the gullible masses of Punjab.

2.I agree with Gyani ji that we should first educate ourself. In our present day Gurudwaras there is no system of making us understand Guru Granth Sahib and the meaning of the verses/hymns/shabad.An effort is required to organize some sort of programs where the important aspects of sikhism are taught in the backdrop of SGGS. These may be small workshops in Gurudwaras. Entire sangat would be benefited.Bani is not simple to understand.For a person like me it has taken about three years or so and still I feel that I have not learnt anything except concept. It could have been better if it was introduced when I was young.

3.There is a need of development of standard study material for understanding the Gurbani.

4.SGPC can take the initiative as it must have many theologians at its disposal.

Local Gurudwaras can take up this job. Gurbani is very precious for the humanity. Its value would be known as we progress further into the materialism. The advice and teachings of Guru Sahibs shall always remain valid till the humanity exists. Gurbani has to be lived through.

Thanks and Regards!

Taranjeet Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said!

No body could have expressed these important things better.

Thanks for doing it.


Tejwant Singh
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India

While there may be many "sants" and "babas"who are goluk chors and persons with deviant behaviour, the situation may not be that bleak and there may be light at the end of dark tunnel.
If you look around you will find several Gursikhs (who are also called Sants and Babas by some) whose main activity is to "Aap japey awre Naam japave" or "koi jan har sio deve jor". There are also many professionals who who after doing day long "kirit" devote some time in propagation of Naam without any ulterior motives.
It is also gratifying to see many youthful kathavachaks these days at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib who talk rationally and totally discourage belief in miracles or superstition.


Aug 20, 2009
Harbans Singh ji wrote “If you look around you will find several Gursikhs (who are also called Sants and Babas by some) whose main activity is to "Aap japey awre Naam japave" or "koi jan har sio deve jor". There are also many professionals who after doing day long "kirit" devote some time in propagation of Naam without any ulterior motives”

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Gurfateh and well said Harbans Singh ji, precisely my sentiments. The quote ‘what is in a name’ may be appropriate here.

If I may, I would like to share an anecdote from my personal life. In 1951, in Nairobi, Kenya, when I was in Standard 4, my first experience of education in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:country-region w:st="on">Kenya</st1:country-region>, having done the first three standards in <st1:place w:st="on">Punjab we had a young teacher, with a great sense of humour, who loved music and dramatics. One day he asked us to sing a song – not defining the subject matter - and that the one who sings most would receive his special appreciation. He himself stated off with a popular film song sung by Mukesh. Being fresh from village life in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:country-region>, I knew a string of folk and devotional songs and entertained the class for the rest of the period. The teacher was so impressed that he conferred upon me the pseudonym of ‘Ragi’ and ever since very few knew my real name. Even today, my close friends refer to me as ‘Ragi’, even though I adopted the new nom de plume ‘Arshi’ way back in the late fifties when I, briefly, sang on the Voice of Kenya.

The point is that some titles are easily (and sometimes ‘accidentally’) conferred on people but we ought to look beyond the title into the work of the individual. I remember a Sikh High Court judge in the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">UK</st1:country-region> who in the early seventies said that we Sikhs are very casual about conferring titles. We refer to a person as a Granthi if he (she) knows the Gurmukhi ‘painty’ and is able to read from SGGS. Anyone one who can also do a little interpretation is referred to as a Gyani and as soon as people start touching his feet he gets to be known as a sant. As a result there are many self-proclaimed sants and babas and we must be very wary of them and they can always be identified by the ritualism they promote and practice.

However, there are a precious few who received the title without wishing for it and who live their lives based on the three cornerstones of naam japo, kirat karo and wand shako (mediate on the Supreme Truth, earn by your own honest toil and share your rewards with others). Meditation means constantly reflecting on the teachings of SGGS and adopting these to give us a sense of direction and encourage us to make a positive contribution to the society we live in. We must also share the rewards of our efforts and wisdom with those around us. Such precious individuals who live by example are extremely sp{censored} and often difficult to recognise since to acknowledge them we must have the ‘inner eye’ or Guru Grace. Many such great souls prefer to remain ‘gupt’ (anonymous) whilst some for our benefit are revealed by His Grace.

Goodwill and Peace to all

Rajinder Singh ‘Arshi’
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Oct 21, 2009
Respected Jasbeer ji and and Members,

To respond to the question the following material is posted for your kind perusal and the advice of members. I do admit your observation that no emancipations can take place by ritual path only. I would humbly agree with Jasbir ji for his next observation that we may have some illusion about something magical happening with these baths or undertaking of these baths and that may not be the case and that we are falling to the trap of Hindu’s practices.

It is to state very humbly that the Sarovars adds to aesthetics and improves ambiance of the place esp. of Harmandir sahib. The bath at sarovars, if taken purely for love to a place, shall not be strictly speaking be a ritual though. It is subjective choice and may be love of Guru only else that baths just act that may result in puffing up our ego of the individuals doing so.

Gurus have told specifically:

· You may perform religious rituals, and still never obtain the Naam, the Name of the Lord.[33-8 M-3]

The Sikhism rejects rituals and superstitions and this feature of Sikhism is in fact the identification of Sikhism as a separate religion and this can be called as one of the prominent feature of Sikhism that differentiates it from the Hinduism. This fact makes it a distinct religion and is oft quoted in the literature and is well accepted by the theologians of both sides i.e. Hindus and Sikhs.

Sikhism rejects the worshipping of idols; it also rejects any kinds of fasts that are observed by our Hindu friends. There is no place of self-proclaimed Babas and Deras. Perfroming any sort of deeds would amount to:

· Performing all sorts of rituals, people are smeared with twice as much filth. [39-7]

However with the flow of time some practices that got crystallized in particular Gurudwaras are observed by them Gurudwaras as a routine and that in my humble opinion is well within the fringes of ‘rituals’. An allusion may be made to the Gurudwara at Nanded Sahib where Aarti is performed almost the way adopted by our Hindu brothers. However, strictly speaking, there is no place for such a kind of practice as well in Sikhism. It is more out of the continuity of the ongoing conventions and sentimental attachment to those conventions that the Gurudwara finds itself trapped into without any reason and justification beyond. But the we have clear instructions:

· they may be ascetics, great, self-disciplined Yogis; they may visit sacred shrines of pilgrimage and perform the six ceremonial rituals, over and over again, performing worship services and ritual bathings. Even so, if they have not embraced love for the Supreme Lord God, then they shall surely go to hell.[ang 70: M:5]

Like wise superstition, originated from ignorance, has no place in Sikhism. There is a prohibition of certain practices as per the Rehat of Sikhs. Sikhs do not believe in the caste system either and that some of us do follow is on account of out folly and is the direct outcome of the inflated egos of the individuals. As a matter of panthic approach it is also discarded. It is for us to get out of it. The sooner it is the better it would be for the entire community.

Another area that is infested with the rituals is the way in which the marriages are performed by the sikhs.The marriage system is also based upon some type of caste system. An ‘Arora’ may like to marry in ‘Arora’ and likewise a ‘khatri’ would prefer to marry a ‘Khatri’ A ‘Ramgharia’ would also prefer to marry among ‘Ramgaria’ It is not possible to enlist the basis of classification that Sikhs have found for themselves.’ Jat’ is also considered as a separate community and special names have been coined for representing these types of classes. Sikhs are putting themselves into traps and no one else is responsible. This can be checked from the matrimonial columns of any Indian newspapers and even the Internet sites like shadi.com etc. That we are in this situation is most regrettable.

We have to find a solution for this. An inter linked social problem that has also not left Sikhs unbruised is the dowry system that has come into vogue with full force. The problem is more acute in affluent sikh families where there is a strong presumption of a weighty dowry from the Girl side. This has lead to very unpleasant results that are before us.

The following part of the Rehat deals with various aspects of rituals and reproduced here to make the post self contained and general reference when the need so arise.

Chapter 10
Article XVI

Clause (d) Not believing in cast or descent, untouched ability, magic, spells, incantation, omens, auspicious times, days and occasions, influence of start, horoscopic dispositions, shradh (ritual serving of food to priests for the salvation of ancestors on appointed days as per the lunar calendar), ancestor worship, khiah (ritual serving of food to priests - Brahmins - on the lunar anniversaries of the death of an ancestor), pind (offering of funeral barley cakes to the deceased’s relatives), patal (ritual donation of food in the belief that that would satisfy the hunger of the departed soul), diva (the ceremony of keeping an oil lamp lit for 360 days after the death, in the belief that that lights the path of the deceased), ritual funeral acts, hom (lighting of ritual fire and pouring intermittently clarified butter, food grains etc. into it for propitiating gods for the fulfillment of a purpose) jag (religious ceremony involving presentation of oblations), tarpan (libation), sikha-sut (keeping a tuft of hair on the head and wearing thread), bhadan (shaving of head on the death of a parent), fasting on new or full moon or other days, wearing of frontal marks on the forehead, wearing thread, wearing of a necklace of the pieces of tulsi stalk [A plant with medicinal properties], veneration of any graves, of monuments erected to honour the memory of a deceased person or of cremation sites, idolatry and such like superstitious observances. [Most, though not all rituals and ritual or religious observances listed in this clause are Hindu rituals and observances. The reason is that the old rituals and practices, continued to be observed by large numbers of Sikhs even after their conversion from their old to the new faith and a large bulk of the Sikh novices were Hindu converts. Another reason for this phenomenon was the strangle-hold of the Brahmin priest on Hindus secular and religious life which the Brahmin priest managed to maintain even on those leaving the Hindu religious fold, by his astute mental dexterity and rare capacity for compromise. That the Sikh novitiates include a sizable number of Muslims is shown by inclusion in this clause of the taboos as to the sanctity of graves, shirni, etc.]

Not owning up or regarding as hallowed any place other than the Guru’s place - such, for instance, as sacred spots or places of pilgrimage of other faiths.
Not believing in or according any authority to Muslim seers, Brahmins holiness, soothsayers, clairvoyants, oracles, promise of an offering on the fulfillment of a wish, offering of sweet loaves or rice pudding at graves on fulfillment of wishes, the Vedas, the Shastras, the Gayatri (Hindu scriptural prayer unto the sun), the Gita, the Quran, the Bible, etc.. However, the study of the books of other faiths for general self-education is admissible.

In the end as a concluding remark :we should all try to inculcate the values as edicted by Guru sahibs and tread the path as advised and not get involved in to the rituals that are against the sikh tenets.

With Regards.


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Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Wonderful thread!!

Page 4 in Japji

ਭਰੀਐ ਹਥੁ ਪੈਰੁ ਤਨੁ ਦੇਹ ॥
bhareeai hathh pair than dhaeh ||
भरीऐ हथु पैरु तनु देह ॥
When the hands and the feet and the body are dirty,

ਪਾਣੀ ਧੋਤੈ ਉਤਰਸੁ ਖੇਹ ॥
paanee dhhothai outharas khaeh ||
पाणी धोतै उतरसु खेह ॥
water can wash away the dirt.

ਮੂਤ ਪਲੀਤੀ ਕਪੜੁ ਹੋਇ ॥
mooth paleethee kaparr hoe ||
मूत पलीती कपड़ु होइ ॥
When the clothes are soiled and stained,

ਦੇ ਸਾਬੂਣੁ ਲਈਐ ਓਹੁ ਧੋਇ ॥
dhae saaboon leeai ouhu dhhoe ||
दे साबूणु लईऐ ओहु धोइ ॥
soap can wash them clean.

ਭਰੀਐ ਮਤਿ ਪਾਪਾ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ॥
bhareeai math paapaa kai sang ||
भरीऐ मति पापा कै संगि ॥
But when the intellect is stained and polluted by sin,

ਓਹੁ ਧੋਪੈ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੈ ਰੰਗਿ ॥
ouhu dhhopai naavai kai rang ||
ओहु धोपै नावै कै रंगि ॥
it can only be cleansed by the Love of Bani.

ਪੁੰਨੀ ਪਾਪੀ ਆਖਣੁ ਨਾਹਿ ॥
punnee paapee aakhan naahi ||
पुंनी पापी आखणु नाहि ॥
Virtue and vice do not come by mere words;

ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਣਾ ਲਿਖਿ ਲੈ ਜਾਹੁ ॥
kar kar karanaa likh lai jaahu ||
करि करि करणा लिखि लै जाहु ॥
actions repeated, over and over again, are engraved on the soul.

ਆਪੇ ਬੀਜਿ ਆਪੇ ਹੀ ਖਾਹੁ ॥
aapae beej aapae hee khaahu ||
आपे बीजि आपे ही खाहु ॥
You shall harvest what you plant.

ਨਾਨਕ ਹੁਕਮੀ ਆਵਹੁ ਜਾਹੁ ॥੨੦॥
naanak hukamee aavahu jaahu ||20||
नानक हुकमी आवहु जाहु ॥२०॥
O Nanak, by the Hukam of God's Command, we come and go in rebirth. ||20||


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Jasbir Ji..
MY answer would be..EDUCATION.
Parents study the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...vichaar...and ADAPT their daily lives accordingly..
EDUCATE YOURSELF...then EDUCATE your children...impart the solid foundation of Gurbani...vichaar...following its teachings....and the next genration at least is safe form these Babas and chors....SPN is one such SCHOOL of EDUCATION !!:happykaur::happysingh::thumbsuppp::thumbsupp:
Sorry to revive an old thread.

Some thoughts with GuruGranth Darpan of Professor Sahib Singh ji, and a feeble attempt by me to translate the essence per the understanding provided by Professor Sahib.
YouTube - Bhai Surinder Singh Jodhpuri - Ramdas Sarovar Naate
(Note: In the above video the right most person I believe is Bhai Sukhdev Singh from Amritsar who has his own Hajuri Jatha now and is a wonderful Raagi.)
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pdArQ:- rwmdws srovir—rwm dy dwsW dy srovr ivc, swD sMgiq ivc ijQy nwm-jl dw pRvwh c`ldw hY [ nwqy—nHwqy [ siB—swry [ kmwqy—kmwey hoey, kIqy hoey [ kir—kr ky [ guir—gurU ny [ dwnw—b^SS [1[ siB—swry [ kusl Kym—suK Awnμd [ pRiB—pRBU ny [ siB Qok—swrIAW cIzW, Awqmk jIvn dy swry gux [ aubwry—bcw ley [ bIcwry—bIcwir, ivcwr ky, soc-mMfl ivc itkw ky [rhwau[

swD sMig—swD sMgiq ivc [ mlu—ivkwrW dI mYl [ swQI—shweI [ purK—srb-ivAwpk

ArQ:- hy BweI! ijs mnu`K ny gurU dy Sbd ƒ AwpxI soc-mMfl ivc itkw ky Awqmk jIvn dy swry gux (ivkwrW dy Fhy cVHn qoN) TIk-Twk bcw ley, pRBU ny (aus dy ihrdy ivc) swry Awqmk suK Awnμd pYdw kr id`qy [rhwau[

Hai Sikh, a person who studies gurbani and has protected their good values, God creates bliss in their soul.

hy BweI! jyhVy mnu`K rwm dy dwsW dy srovr ivc (swD sMgiq ivc nwm-AMimRq nwl) ieSnwn krdy hn, auhnW dy (ipCly) kIqy hoey swry pwp lih jWdy hn [ (hir-nwm-jl nwl) ieSnwn kr ky auh pivqR jIvn vwly ho jWdy hn [ pr ieh b^SS pUry gurU ny hI kIqI huMdI hY [1[

Hai Sikh, the people who wash themselves in the ether of God’s servants in study of gurbani, their previous malice disappears. With this washing in the water of Gurbani, you become pure. But this blessing is also provided by God.
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hy BweI! swD sMgiq ivc (itikAW) ivkwrW dI mYl dUr ho jWdI hY, (swD sMgiq dI brkiq nwl) prmwqmw mddgwr bx jWdw hY [ hy nwnk! (ijs mnu`K ny rwmdws-srovr ivc Aw ky) prmwqmw dw nwm ismirAw, aus ny aus pRBU ƒ l`B ilAw jo sB dw mu`F hY Aqy jo srbivAwpk hY [2[1[65[
not—ieQoN ‘Gru 3’ dy Sbd do bMdW vwly SurU hoey hn [ du-pdy—do bMdW vwly [

Hai Sikh, in unison with the congregation you remove the dirt of vices and God becomes of help. Hai Nanak, the person who studied God in Gurbani, he discovers the God , the source and creator of all.
I been to the Sarovar at Sri Harmindar Sahib ji since from childhood. Just now starting to realize some of the essence.

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: There are multiple functional reasons for a sarovar but this should not be traded with spirituality of Gurbani versus literal parchar. Some functional aspects include,

  • Moderating the climate around the central domed Sri Harmanid Sahib ji
  • For people with little or no access to water for a bath in those days a common place
  • Medically such places provided body immunity enhancement (not suitable for today's AC driven generation)
  • etc.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Ambarsariah Ji,
in my opinion you have done a good job of getting the essence of prof Sahib Singh Jis explanation of this shabad..while the "authorities" at SGPC/Akal takhat that control the shrine at Amrtisar have FAILED to do as they stick with the traditional RITUALISED BATH to remove SINS..via signboards placed there and their kathas done at Manji sahib.

1. If we take the Hindus..ALL thr RITUALS they perform are SANCTIONED by their Holy Books..Veds and Purans and Mannus simrtees and thus following all those rituals makes them BETTER STAUNCH HINDUS.
BUT for SIKHS..ALL these Rituals are not only actively DISCOURAGED..some are CONDEMNED outright in GURBANI..time and again by various Guru sahibs and bhagats as well. SO all sikhs who perform rituals are GOING AGAINST the SGGS, and Gurbani and thus are WORSE SIKHS for that....yet many many sikhs continue to do that without even understanding what sggs says...bhed chaal condoned nay actively ENCOURAGED by vested interests for Goluk purposes....
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