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Apr 3, 2005
No I do not think I should do that..... One is not superior to another!

I think I did see one Singh on TV..... recently (last year) there was a Bollywood awards show on in Canada and mainly had a Punjabi audience.

The camera focused on a young Singh with a gorgeous wife a few times, who was that?


but you already divided sikhs between Turban wearing and non turban wearing so what's wrong in categorisation?Anyway just asking this question because most celebrity sikh fall in category of Turban with thin beard.Infact the image of turban wearing Sikhs which we see in Punjabi films and bollywood films also fall in this category


May 8, 2010

but you already divided sikhs between Turban wearing and non turban wearing so what's wrong in categorisation?Anyway just asking this question because most celebrity sikh fall in category of Turban with thin beard.Infact the image of turban wearing Sikhs which we see in Punjabi films and bollywood films also fall in this category

What celebrity Sikhs?

Do we have Singh with the image of a top Hollywood actor?

The only female I can think of is Sunny Leone.... lol - atleast we have a female one.


Apr 3, 2005
What celebrity Sikhs?

Do we have Singh with the image of a top Hollywood actor?

The only female I can think of is Sunny Leone.... lol - atleast we have a female one.

So Celebrity status means actor, model or sportsman in USA? I want to know will even Sachin tendulkar qualifies a celebrity because I don't think he is as much popular in USA or many non cricket playing countries.

BTW ask some street kids of small towns or villages in India about famous Hollywood celebrity no many may not even recognise them Ask them about Milkha singh or harbhajan singh and many will recognise them


Aug 13, 2012
It's not important. The OP's question is all about looks/power/society, i.e. Moh-Maya.

The Sikhs are a spirit-born people. They don't place importance on having the most money, or the most sex, etc. Sikhs are traveling the path of the Divine. It's not the same road. So why would one even expect a Sikh in that arena?

You cannot reconcile one with the other.

As far as whether a "stunning" female will find a full-bearded, turbaned man sexually attractive, the suggestion is for the OP to perform some historical research. All the great warriors, "Alpha" men, etc. wore full beards. Ultimately, though, it's not about "looks". It's about owning yourself and being true to your essence. If you are not true to your essence, then no amount of physical beauty, looks, etc. will help you. You will still be miserable and unhappy.

If one really must make comparisons, then make a worthy comparison. Looks are only surface. As far as referencing Megan Fox, are you serious!?! What a real man looks for in a woman is certainly nothing that someone like Megan Fox can bring. OP is fixated on sensual beauty and looks (and that too, according to the shallow current Western standard). This is Kaam.

Kaam is your enemy.



May 8, 2010
It's not important. The OP's question is all about looks/power/society, i.e. Moh-Maya.

The Sikhs are a spirit-born people. They don't place importance on having the most money, or the most sex, etc. Sikhs are traveling the path of the Divine. It's not the same road. So why would one even expect a Sikh in that arena?

You cannot reconcile one with the other.

As far as whether a "stunning" female will find a full-bearded, turbaned man sexually attractive, the suggestion is for the OP to perform some historical research. All the great warriors, "Alpha" men, etc. wore full beards. Ultimately, though, it's not about "looks". It's about owning yourself and being true to your essence. If you are not true to your essence, then no amount of physical beauty, looks, etc. will help you. You will still be miserable and unhappy.

If one really must make comparisons, then make a worthy comparison. Looks are only surface. As far as referencing Megan Fox, are you serious!?! What a real man looks for in a woman is certainly nothing that someone like Megan Fox can bring. OP is fixated on sensual beauty and looks (and that too, according to the shallow current Western standard). This is Kaam.

Kaam is your enemy.


Oh great!

So the only example that you could come up with was 1000 years ago.

Singh wake up, it is 2014.......

As I said in my original post, answer the question without having to resort to quoting gurbani.

Think of it as a biology question.




Aug 13, 2012
Megan Fox (and females like her) will not be sexually attracted to your bearded, turbaned image. At least, not as long as you continue to try to validate your own attractiveness and worth by this measure of whether she will sleep with you, marry you, have your babies, etc.

There is something else entirely that you are missing. And you don't get it.

Go ahead and prove your hypothesis by asking such an inane question as you did. What will you do after that? Go out and have a haircut and shave and find the first "stunner" who will sleep with you? Have lots of sex, lots of orgasms, and that makes you ...... what? A man? A winner? You have some perverted notion in your heard of what it means to be successful. It's not all about sleeping with that hottie.

It's 2014. So what? "Stunning" women have been around throughout history. This is not a new phenomenon. Maybe it's time for you to get over your lust and wake up.



May 8, 2010
OP, please read my post again, I did not quote any Gurbani, nor did I give a 1000-year old reference. And yes, men with beards being more physically attractive is all about biology.

You said that "All the great warriors, "Alpha" men, etc. wore full beards"

What time in history are you referring to here that these warriors existed?



May 8, 2010
Megan Fox (and females like her) will not be sexually attracted to your bearded, turbaned image. At least, not as long as you continue to try to validate your own attractiveness and worth by this measure of whether she will sleep with you, marry you, have your babies, etc.

There is something else entirely that you are missing. And you don't get it.

Go ahead and prove your hypothesis by asking such an inane question as you did. What will you do after that? Go out and have a haircut and shave and find the first "stunner" who will sleep with you? Have lots of sex, lots of orgasms, and that makes you ...... what? A man? A winner? You have some perverted notion in your heard of what it means to be successful. It's not all about sleeping with that hottie.

It's 2014. So what? "Stunning" women have been around throughout history. This is not a new phenomenon. Maybe it's time for you to get over your lust and wake up.


You do know that Sikh built the Sikh Empire right? Maybe we should not have done this as maybe according to you this falls under greed?

We strive for the best, so what is wrong with striving for the finest things in life.

If you are good looking and you then seek an attractive woman, will that not be improving the genetics of the offspring?

Of course other attributes are important as well, but my argument is from a biology point of view.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
turbanned..not so......bearded..not so.......stunning..not so......all these tiny BOXES..why try to FIT IN when we are made to STAND OUT...the question posed originally is "less than stunning"...badshah or beggar ?? begs the question..its all a matter of perception ONLY..doesnt matter tiny bit...:swordfight-kudiyan::swordfight-kudiyan::swordfight-kudiyan::swordfight-kudiyan:


Aug 13, 2012
Nothing wrong with having the finer things in life.

If you want an attractive woman, then go get one and stop posting silly questions on a web discussion forum.

Btw, "good looking" will not necessarily improve the genetic of the offspring. Healthy will. So if you really cared about your offspring as you claim, you'd be looking for a healthy female, not just a sexually attractive one (and that too by very narrow Western standards of sensuality).

As far as striving for the best, if you are doing it in perspective then there's no problem. If, however, Lust (or money, or anything else) has become your Guru then you have a real problem. And as far as knowing who you have made your Guru, just look at what you are following in your life.

Btw I will mention something. Love. The way you are presenting yourself, it appears that you have not experienced this phenomenon. Love is the most dangerous thing that ever existed.


May 9, 2006
I visited a neighbouring city this past weekend.. I saw a Sikh police officer with beard and turban.. he and his colleagues were putting a violent guy in the back of the paddy wagon... He was pretty alpha male (the Sikh policeman, not the looney they were putting away).

There's my totally off topic contribution. :)


Aug 13, 2012
Not Sikh is he?

So you have no examples........

Are you kidding me!? I picked a non-Sikh on purpose, since I thought your discussion was about biology and beards. Nevertheless, since you keep changing your stance, here you go:





There are lots more examples, both in the military and police force, and in sports like MMA fighter Subaig Singh.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
my mother is stunning, and she is married to my dad, who has a turban

maybe stunning has a different meaning within Sikhism than the rest of the world, perhaps you mean physically in line with current standards of what passes for beauty, I understand at present this can centre on having an enormous backside, but that could change,

My mother is brave, loyal, strong, full of empathy, loving, kind, generous, and she feels our pain and happiness more than we feel it ourselves, that's stunning in my book.

she does not however, have a huge backside
Feb 11, 2016

Is there any turban wearing Sikh that has a stunning looking wife?

Before you guys start going crazy and start quoting gurbani and saying its inside, or thats called maya etc etc - people are saying it is unheard of.

Can anyone comment on this?

Maybe someone who has celebrity status? Is there even a turban wearing Sikh with celeb status?



I look good however I'm still single and not found my MAN yet