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Jaap Jaap Sahib


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Jaap is the Bani uttered by Guru Gobind Singh ji, the Tenth Guru, the Tenth Nanak. It is one of the Five Banis recited by the Panj Pyare while preparing Amrit on the occasion of Amrit Sanchaar (initiation), a ceremony held to admit initiates into the Khalsa Brotherhood. Jaap Sahib is Guru Gobind Singh’s tribute to 'TRUTH god' , wherein TRUTH god's magnanimity, implied in Japji Sahib and Satgur Granth Sahib, has been composed in ONE. It is the second Bani in the daily morning prayers of a Sikh.

YouTube - Jaap Sahib - Line By Line Translation
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Apr 4, 2007
Re: Jaap Sahib - Sikh Prayer

jwpu swihb < siqgur pRswid ] sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqih ] ] jwpu ] sRI muKvwk pwiqSwhI 10 ] CpY CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]
eik omnkar satgur parsad.
siri mukh vak patshahi 10
chapai chund. tav parsad.

One Supreme Being every where, Who ever remains Consistent and Unchanging, Realized by reflecting our mind on His Light in us by His Grace.
The JAAP - To utter with complete devotion.
Word, uttered by The Xth King (Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji)
Chapai Chund (a form of poetical description)
By Your (God’s) Grace.

c`k® ichn Aru brn jwiq Aru pwiq nihn ijh ] rUp rMg Aru ryK ByK koaU kih n skiq ikh ] Acl mUriq AnBau pRkws Aimqoij kih`jY ] koit ieMdR ieMdRwix swhu swhwix gix`jY ] iqRBvx mhIp sur nr Asur nyq nyq bn iqRx khq ] qv srb nwm kQY kvn krm nwm brnq sumiq ] 1 ]
chakar chehun ar burn, jati ar pati nehun jeh
roop rung ar raikh, bhaikh kohoo keh na skut keh
achul mooret anbho parkas ametoje kehjai
koti eindar eindran saho sahan gnejai
tirbhavn maheep sur nar asur naiti naiti bun tirun keht
tav sarb nam kathai kavan karm nam barnt sumati. (1)

O Lord, You are such a Being, Who has no physical appearance, such as form, color, shape, marks, symbols and garb. You do not belong to any caste, class, or lineage. You are Immutable (Unchanging). Self-luminous and shines everywhere in Your Splendor. You have Limitless Powers. You are the maker of billions of kings like Indira. You are the King of kings. You are the Master of all the three Spheres. Besides gods, humans and demons, even all the vegetative creation in woodlands say: You are Infinite, You are Infinite. Who can describe all Your Names. The wise men have mentioned Your Functional Names only. (1)

Apr 4, 2007
Re: Jaap Sahib - Sikh Prayer

BujMg pRXwq CMd ]
Bhuyang Pryat Chund

nmsqÍM Akwly ] nmsqÍM ik®pwly ]
nmsqM ArUpy ] nmsqM AnUpy ] 2 ]
namustvun akalai, namustvun kirpalai
namustvun aroopai, namustvun anoopai (2)

O Lord, we salute You. You are Timeless (Eternal), Compassionate, Formless yet Beautiful.

(2) nmsqM AByKy ] nmsqM AlyKy ]
nmsqM Akwey ] nmsqM Ajwey ] 3 ]
namustun abhaikhai, namustun alakhai
namustun akaey, namustun ajaey. (3)

O Lord, we salute You. You do not need clothes, no one can draw a picture of You, You have no body, nor You were born of a woman. (3)

nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]
nmsqM Anwmy ] nmsqM ATwmy ] 4 ]
nabustun agunjai, namustun abhunjai
namustun anamai, namustun athamai. (4)

O Lord, we salute You. You cannot be defeated or destroyed. O Lord, You have no Name and no particular place to abide. (4)

nmsqM AkrmM ] nmsqM ADrmM ]
nmsqM AnwmM ] nmsqM ADwmM ] 5 ]
namustun akarmun, namustun adharmun
namustun anamun, namustun adhamun. (5)

O Lord, we salute You. We do not need to observe any ritual to reach You, nor any prescribed religious practices to follow. You have no particular Name, nor any particular home to abide. (5)

nmsqM AjIqy ] nmsqM ABIqy ]
nmsqM Abwhy ] nmsqM AFwhy ] 6 ]
namustun ajitai, namustun abhitai
namustun anahai, namustun adhahai. (6)

O Lord, we salute You. No one can either defeat You or cause fear to You.
No one can shake You or make You fall (from ideals). (6)

nmsqM AnIly ] nmsqM Anwdy ]
nmsqM ACydy ] nmsqM AgwDy ] 7 ]
namustun anilai, namustun anadai
namustun achaidai, namustun aghadhai. (7)

O Lord, we salute You. You are the Support of every one’s life. No one can know, when You came into existence. You are Indivisible (present in Full Form everywhere) and Your Knowledge is Unfathomable. (7)

nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]
nmsqM audwry ] nmsqM Apwry ] 8 ]
namustun agunjai, namustun abhunjai
namustun oodharai, namustun aparai (8)

O Lord, we salute You. You cannot be defeated and destroyed. You are Most Liberal and Infinite. (8)

nmsqM su eykY ] nmsqM AnykY ]
nmsqM ABUqy ] nmsqM AjUpy ] 9 ]
namustun so aikai, namustun anaikai
namustun abhootai, namustun ajoopai. (9)

O Lord, we salute You. There is none else except You. The countless beings are from You. You have no physical form. You do not require sacrifices of animals, for it is Your Light which is present in animals, which humans offer as sacrifices to You. (9)

nmsqM inRkrmy ] nmsqM inRBrmy ]
nmsqM inRdysy ] nmsqM inRBysy ] 10 ]
namustun nirkarmai, namustun nirbharmai
namustun nirdeasai, namustun nirbhaisai. (10)

O Lord, we salute You. You do not require us to perform any religious ritual to meet with You. You are beyond any superstitious beliefs. You do not belong to a particular country nor any cultural pecularity. (10)

nmsqM inRnwmy ] nmsqM inRkwmy ]
nmsqM inRDwqy ] nmsqM inRGwqy ] 11 ]
namustun nirnamai , namustun nirkamai
namustun nirdhatai, namustun nirghatai (11)

O Lord, we salute You. You have no particular Name, and are Desireless. You are not made of five elements and none can inflict injury on You. (11)

nmsqM inRDUqy ] nmsqM ABUqy ]
nmsqM Aloky ] nmsqM Asoky ] 12 ]
namustun nirdhootai, namustun abhootai
namustun alokai, namustun asokai. (12)

O Lord, we salute You. You are Unshakable from Your determination. You are different in Form from creatures. You are Invisible and without any woe. (12)

nmsqM inRqwpy ] nmsqM AQwpy ]
nmsqM iqRmwny ] nmsqM inDwny ] 13 ]
namustun nirtapai, namustun athapai
namustun tirmanai, namustun nidhanai. (13)

O Lord, we salute You. You are free from all afflictions, You cannot be installed, The Living Beings of All the Three Spheres bow before You, and You are the Treasure of All Virtues. (13)

nmsqM Agwhy ] nmsqM Abwhy ]
nmsqM iqRbrgy ] nmsqM Asrgy ] 14 ]
namustun aghahai, namustun athahai
namustun tirbargai, namustun asargai. (14)

O Lord, we salute You. Your depth is Unfathomable, and You are like such a mountain, which cannot be shaken. You alone are the Giver of Three Types of Gifts (dharam, arth and moksh - Spiritual Discipline, Material Wealth and Liberation from Bondage ), but none can create You. (14)

nmsqM pRBogy ] nmsqM sujogy ]
nmsqM ArMgy ] nmsqM ABMgy ] 15 ]
namustun parbhogai, namustun sojogai
namustun arungai, namustun abhungai. (15)

O Lord, we salute You. It is You, Who enjoys the material wealth of the world, as You are present in Complete Form in each of the creatures. At the same time, since You have no Form, when present in creatures, therefore, You do not destroy Yourself while enjoying worldly things. (15)

nmsqM AgMmy ] nmsqsqu rMmy ]
nmsqM jlwsry ] nmsqM inrwsry ] 16 ]
namustun aghumai, namustsat rumai
namustun jalasrai, namustun nirasrai. (16)

O Lord, we salute You. You are beyond all Knowledge. You are All Beauty. You are Vast like Ocean, and need No Support. (16)

nmsqM Ajwqy ] nmsqM Apwqy ]
nmsqM Amjby ] nmsqsqu Ajby ] 17 ]
namustun ajatai, namustun apatai
namustun amujbai, namustsut ajabai. (17)

O Lord, we salute You. You are Casteless and without lineage and religion. You are wonderfully Handsome Personality. (17)

AdysM Adysy ] nmsqM ABysy ]
nmsqM inRDwmy ] nmsqM inRbwmy ] 18 ]
adaisun adaisai, namustun abhaisai
namustun nirdhamai, namustun nirbamai. (18)

O Lord, we salute You. You do not belong to any one country and are Formless. You have no particular home and no wife. (18)

nmo srb kwly ] nmo srb idAwly ]
nmo srb rUpy ] nmo srb BUpy ] 19 ]
namo sarb kalai, namo sarb dayalai
namo sarb roopai, namo sarb bhoopai. (19)

O Lord, we make obeisance to You. You are the Destroyer of all, and also the Support of all. You are present in all, and the Sovereign of all. (19)

nmo srb Kwpy ] nmo srb Qwpy ]
nmo srb kwly ] nmo srb pwly ] 20 ]
namo sarb khapai, namo sarb thapai
namo sarb kalai, namo sarb palai. (20)

O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Destroyer of all, and also the Support. You are the Death of all and also the Sustainer. (20)

nmsqsqu dyvY ] nmsqM AByvY ]
nmsqM Ajnmy ] nmsqM su bnmy ] 21 ]
namsatsut devai, namustun abhaivai
namustun ajanmai, namustun sobanmai. (21)

O Lord, we salute to You. You are the Light of Truth. No one knows Your secret. You do not take birth, Your color is beautiful. (21)

nmo srb gauny ] nmo srb Bauny ]
nmo srb rMgy ] nmo srb BMgy ] 22 ]
namo sarb gounai, namo sarb bhounai
namo sarb rungai, namo sarb bhungai. (22)

O Lord, we bow to You. You reach all creatures and You are present everywhere. You are present in all colors in all, and are also their Destroyer. (22)

nmo kwl kwly ] nmsqsqu idAwly ]
nmsqM Abrny ] nmsqM Amrny ] 23 ]
namo kal kalai, namustst dayalai
namustun abarnai, namustun amarnai. (23)

O Lord, we salute You. You can destroy Death and are Merciful. You are not confined to one color only, and also death cannot destroy You. (23).

nmsqM jrwrM ] nmsqM ik®qwrM ]
nmo srb DMDy ] nmo sq AbMDy ] 24 ]
namustun jararung, namustun kirtarun
namo sarb dhundhai, namo sutt abundhai. (24)

O Lord, we salute You. Age has no effect on You, and You are the Creator of all. It is You, Who have engaged all in varied works. You are a Reality and Free from all bondages. (24)

nmsqM inRswky ] nmsqM inRbwky ]
nmsqM rhImy ] nmsqM krImy ] 25 ]
namustun nirsakai, namustun nirbakai
namustun rahimai, namustun karimai. (25)

O Lord, we salute You. You have no kith and kin, and are Fearless. You are Kind and Gracious. (25)

nmsqM Anµqy ] nmsqM mhMqy ]
nmsqsqu rwgy ] nmsqM suhwgy ] 26 ]
namustun anuntai, namustun mahuntai
namustst ragai, namustun sohagai (26)

O Lord, we salute You. You are Infinite and Greatest of All. You are Love and Truth, Most Respected and Honorable. (26)

nmo srb soKM ] nmo srb poKM ]
nmo srb krqw ] nmo srb hrqw ] 27 ]
namo sarb sokhun, namo sarb pokhun
namo sarb karta, namo sarb harta. (27)

O Lord, we bow to You. Creatures waste away under Your Will, and also they are preserved by You. You are the Creator of all and their Destroyer. (27)

nmo jog jogy ] nmo Bog Bogy ]nmo srb idAwly ] nmo srb pwly ] 28 ]
namo jog jogai, namo bhog bhogai
namo sarb dayalai, namo sarb palai. (28)

O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Greatest Detached Personality, and amongst the house-holders, You are Greatest among them. You are Merciful to all and extend Your protection to them. (28)
Oct 14, 2007
Re: Jaap Sahib - Spoken English Translation

Thanks for this Sewa.!
I have read it , at least, 4 times and may be shall read it another ten times. Thanks once again.


Jun 1, 2004
Sri Jaap Sahib

jwpu swihb
< siqgur pRswid ]
sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqih ]
] jwpu ]
sRI muKvwk pwiqSwhI 10 ]
CpY CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]
eik omnkar satgur parsad.
siri mukh vak patshahi 10
chapai chund. tav parsad.
One Supreme Being every where, Who ever remains Consistent and Unchanging, Realized by reflecting our mind on His Light in us by His Grace.
The JAAP - To utter with complete devotion.
Word, uttered by The Xth King (Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji)
Chapai Chund (a form of poetical description)
By Your (God’s) Grace. c`k® ichn Aru brn jwiq Aru pwiq nihn ijh ]
rUp rMg Aru ryK ByK koaU kih n skiq ikh ]
Acl mUriq AnBau pRkws Aimqoij kih`jY ]
koit ieMdR ieMdRwix swhu swhwix gix`jY ]
iqRBvx mhIp sur nr Asur nyq nyq bn iqRx khq ]
qv srb nwm kQY kvn krm nwm brnq sumiq ] 1 ]
chakar chehun ar burn, jati ar pati nehun jeh
roop rung ar raikh, bhaikh kohoo keh na skut keh
achul mooret anbho parkas ametoje kehjai
koti eindar eindran saho sahan gnejai
tirbhavn maheep sur nar asur naiti naiti bun tirun keht
tav sarb nam kathai kavan karm nam barnt sumati. (1)
O Lord, You are such a Being, Who has no physical appearance, such as form, color, shape, marks, symbols and garb. You do not belong to any caste, class, or lineage. You are Immutable (Unchanging). Self-luminous and shines everywhere in Your Splendor. You have Limitless Powers. You are the maker of billions of kings like Indira. You are the King of kings. You are the Master of all the three Spheres. Besides gods, humans and demons, even all the vegetative creation in woodlands say: You are Infinite, You are Infinite. Who can describe all Your Names. The wise men have mentioned Your Functional Names only. (1)
BujMg pRXwq CMd ]
Bhuyang Pryat Chund

nmsqÍM Akwly ] nmsqÍM ik®pwly ]
nmsqM ArUpy ] nmsqM AnUpy ] 2 ]
namustvun akalai, namustvun kirpalai
namustvun aroopai, namustvun anoopai (2)
O Lord, we salute You. You are Timeless (Eternal), Compassionate, Formless yet Beautiful. (2) nmsqM AByKy ] nmsqM AlyKy ]
nmsqM Akwey ] nmsqM Ajwey ] 3 ]
namustun abhaikhai, namustun alakhai
namustun akaey, namustun ajaey. (3)
O Lord, we salute You. You do not need clothes, no one can draw a picture of You, You have no body, nor You were born of a woman. (3)
nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]
nmsqM Anwmy ] nmsqM ATwmy ] 4 ]
nabustun agunjai, namustun abhunjai
namustun anamai, namustun athamai. (4)
O Lord, we salute You. You cannot be defeated or destroyed. O Lord, You have no Name and no particular place to abide. (4)
nmsqM AkrmM ] nmsqM ADrmM ]
nmsqM AnwmM ] nmsqM ADwmM ] 5 ]
namustun akarmun, namustun adharmun
namustun anamun, namustun adhamun. (5)
O Lord, we salute You. We do not need to observe any ritual to reach You, nor any prescribed religious practices to follow. You have no particular Name, nor any particular home to abide. (5)
nmsqM AjIqy ] nmsqM ABIqy ]
nmsqM Abwhy ] nmsqM AFwhy ] 6 ]
namustun ajitai, namustun abhitai
namustun anahai, namustun adhahai. (6)
O Lord, we salute You. No one can either defeat You or cause fear to You.
No one can shake You or make You fall (from ideals). (6)
nmsqM AnIly ] nmsqM Anwdy ]
nmsqM ACydy ] nmsqM AgwDy ] 7 ]
namustun anilai, namustun anadai
namustun achaidai, namustun aghadhai. (7)
O Lord, we salute You. You are the Support of every one’s life. No one can know, when You came into existence. You are Indivisible (present in Full Form everywhere) and Your Knowledge is Unfathomable. (7)
nmsqM AgMjy ] nmsqM ABMjy ]
nmsqM audwry ] nmsqM Apwry ] 8 ]
namustun agunjai, namustun abhunjai
namustun oodharai, namustun aparai (8)
O Lord, we salute You. You cannot be defeated and destroyed. You are Most Liberal and Infinite. (8)
nmsqM su eykY ] nmsqM AnykY ]
nmsqM ABUqy ] nmsqM AjUpy ] 9 ]
namustun so aikai, namustun anaikai
namustun abhootai, namustun ajoopai. (9)
O Lord, we salute You. There is none else except You. The countless beings are from You. You have no physical form. You do not require sacrifices of animals, for it is Your Light which is present in animals, which humans offer as sacrifices to You. (9)
nmsqM inRkrmy ] nmsqM inRBrmy ]
nmsqM inRdysy ] nmsqM inRBysy ] 10 ]
namustun nirkarmai, namustun nirbharmai
namustun nirdeasai, namustun nirbhaisai. (10)
O Lord, we salute You. You do not require us to perform any religious ritual to meet with You. You are beyond any superstitious beliefs. You do not belong to a particular country nor any cultural pecularity. (10)
nmsqM inRnwmy ] nmsqM inRkwmy ]
nmsqM inRDwqy ] nmsqM inRGwqy ] 11 ]
namustun nirnamai , namustun nirkamai
namustun nirdhatai, namustun nirghatai (11)
O Lord, we salute You. You have no particular Name, and are Desireless. You are not made of five elements and none can inflict injury on You. (11)
nmsqM inRDUqy ] nmsqM ABUqy ]
nmsqM Aloky ] nmsqM Asoky ] 12 ]
namustun nirdhootai, namustun abhootai
namustun alokai, namustun asokai. (12)
O Lord, we salute You. You are Unshakable from Your determination. You are different in Form from creatures. You are Invisible and without any woe. (12)
nmsqM inRqwpy ] nmsqM AQwpy ]
nmsqM iqRmwny ] nmsqM inDwny ] 13 ]
namustun nirtapai, namustun athapai
namustun tirmanai, namustun nidhanai. (13)
O Lord, we salute You. You are free from all afflictions, You cannot be installed, The Living Beings of All the Three Spheres bow before You, and You are the Treasure of All Virtues. (13)
nmsqM Agwhy ] nmsqM Abwhy ]
nmsqM iqRbrgy ] nmsqM Asrgy ] 14 ]
namustun aghahai, namustun athahai
namustun tirbargai, namustun asargai. (14)
O Lord, we salute You. Your depth is Unfathomable, and You are like such a mountain, which cannot be shaken. You alone are the Giver of Three Types of Gifts (dharam, arth and moksh - Spiritual Discipline, Material Wealth and Liberation from Bondage ), but none can create You. (14)
nmsqM pRBogy ] nmsqM sujogy ]
nmsqM ArMgy ] nmsqM ABMgy ] 15 ]
namustun parbhogai, namustun sojogai
namustun arungai, namustun abhungai. (15)
O Lord, we salute You. It is You, Who enjoys the material wealth of the world, as You are present in Complete Form in each of the creatures. At the same time, since You have no Form, when present in creatures, therefore, You do not destroy Yourself while enjoying worldly things. (15)
nmsqM AgMmy ] nmsqsqu rMmy ]
nmsqM jlwsry ] nmsqM inrwsry ] 16 ]
namustun aghumai, namustsat rumai
namustun jalasrai, namustun nirasrai. (16)
O Lord, we salute You. You are beyond all Knowledge. You are All Beauty. You are Vast like Ocean, and need No Support. (16)
nmsqM Ajwqy ] nmsqM Apwqy ]
nmsqM Amjby ] nmsqsqu Ajby ] 17 ]
namustun ajatai, namustun apatai
namustun amujbai, namustsut ajabai. (17)
O Lord, we salute You. You are Casteless and without lineage and religion. You are wonderfully Handsome Personality. (17)
AdysM Adysy ] nmsqM ABysy ]
nmsqM inRDwmy ] nmsqM inRbwmy ] 18 ]
adaisun adaisai, namustun abhaisai
namustun nirdhamai, namustun nirbamai. (18)
O Lord, we salute You. You do not belong to any one country and are Formless. You have no particular home and no wife. (18)
nmo srb kwly ] nmo srb idAwly ]
nmo srb rUpy ] nmo srb BUpy ] 19 ]
namo sarb kalai, namo sarb dayalai
namo sarb roopai, namo sarb bhoopai. (19)
O Lord, we make obeisance to You. You are the Destroyer of all, and also the Support of all. You are present in all, and the Sovereign of all. (19)
nmo srb Kwpy ] nmo srb Qwpy ]
nmo srb kwly ] nmo srb pwly ] 20 ]
namo sarb khapai, namo sarb thapai
namo sarb kalai, namo sarb palai. (20)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Destroyer of all, and also the Support. You are the Death of all and also the Sustainer. (20)
nmsqsqu dyvY ] nmsqM AByvY ]
nmsqM Ajnmy ] nmsqM su bnmy ] 21 ]
namsatsut devai, namustun abhaivai
namustun ajanmai, namustun sobanmai. (21)
O Lord, we salute to You. You are the Light of Truth. No one knows Your secret. You do not take birth, Your color is beautiful. (21)
nmo srb gauny ] nmo srb Bauny ]
nmo srb rMgy ] nmo srb BMgy ] 22 ]
namo sarb gounai, namo sarb bhounai
namo sarb rungai, namo sarb bhungai. (22)
O Lord, we bow to You. You reach all creatures and You are present everywhere. You are present in all colors in all, and are also their Destroyer. (22)
nmo kwl kwly ] nmsqsqu idAwly ]
nmsqM Abrny ] nmsqM Amrny ] 23 ]
namo kal kalai, namustst dayalai
namustun abarnai, namustun amarnai. (23)
O Lord, we salute You. You can destroy Death and are Merciful. You are not confined to one color only, and also death cannot destroy You. (23).
nmsqM jrwrM ] nmsqM ik®qwrM ]
nmo srb DMDy ] nmo sq AbMDy ] 24 ]
namustun jararung, namustun kirtarun
namo sarb dhundhai, namo sutt abundhai. (24)
O Lord, we salute You. Age has no effect on You, and You are the Creator of all. It is You, Who have engaged all in varied works. You are a Reality and Free from all bondages. (24)
nmsqM inRswky ] nmsqM inRbwky ]
nmsqM rhImy ] nmsqM krImy ] 25 ]
namustun nirsakai, namustun nirbakai
namustun rahimai, namustun karimai. (25)
O Lord, we salute You. You have no kith and kin, and are Fearless. You are Kind and Gracious. (25)
nmsqM Anµqy ] nmsqM mhMqy ]
nmsqsqu rwgy ] nmsqM suhwgy ] 26 ]
namustun anuntai, namustun mahuntai
namustst ragai, namustun sohagai (26)
O Lord, we salute You. You are Infinite and Greatest of All. You are Love and Truth, Most Respected and Honorable. (26)
nmo srb soKM ] nmo srb poKM ]
nmo srb krqw ] nmo srb hrqw ] 27 ]
namo sarb sokhun, namo sarb pokhun
namo sarb karta, namo sarb harta. (27)
O Lord, we bow to You. Creatures waste away under Your Will, and also they are preserved by You. You are the Creator of all and their Destroyer. (27)
nmo jog jogy ] nmo Bog Bogy ]
nmo srb idAwly ] nmo srb pwly ] 28 ]
namo jog jogai, namo bhog bhogai
namo sarb dayalai, namo sarb palai. (28)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Greatest Detached Personality, and amongst the house-holders, You are Greatest among them. You are Merciful to all and extend Your protection to them. (28)
cwcrI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

ArUp hYN ] AnUp hYN ] AjU hYN ] ABU hYN ] 29 ]
aroop hain, anoop hain, ajoo hain (29)
O Lord, You have no One Form, none is equal to You, You are Immutable (ever Consistent) and never take birth. (29) AlyK hYN ] AByK hYN ] Anwm hYN ] Akwm hYN ] 30 ]
alaikh hain, abhaikh hain, anam hain, akam hain. (30)
O Lord, no one can draw a picture of You, You have no particular dress to wear, You are Nameless and Desireless. (30)
ADy hYN ] ABy hYN ] AjIq hYN ] ABIq hYN ] 31 ]
adhai hain, abhai hain, ajeet hain, abheet hain. (31)
O Lord, You are beyond comprehension and Mysterious. You are Unconquerable and Fearless. (31)
iqRmwn hYN ] inDwn hYN ] iqRbrg hYN ] Asrg hYN ] 32 ]
tireman hain. nidhan hain, tirburg hain, asarg hain. (32)
O Lord, the people of all the three regions bow to You. You are the Treasure all the three types of Wealth (dharam, arth and moksh - Spiritual Discipline, Material Wealth and Liberation from Bondage) and all ask from You, and You are Unborn. (32)
AnIl hYN ] Anwid hYN ] Ajy hYN ] Ajwid hYN ] 33]
anil hain, anadi hain, ajai hain, ajadi hain. (33)
O Lord, You are the Support of all and are Beginningless. You are Unconquerable and is not born, but Source of Life for all. (33)
[SIZE=-1](Note: Word “ajad” means - free from bondage of taking birth. Also the the Source of Life of all others. It does not mean Freedom.)[/SIZE]
Ajnm hYN ] Abrn hYN ] ABUq hYN ] ABrn hYN ]34]
ajanam hain, abarn hain, abhoot hain, abharan hain. (34)
O Lord, You do not take birth, You are Castless, free from Five Elements which make the body, Not Dependent on any one. (34)
AgMj hYN ] ABMj hYN ] AJUJ hYN ] AJMJ hYN ] 35 ]
agunj hain, abhunj hain, ajoojh hain, ajhunjh hain. (35)
O Lord, no one can vanquish You, no one can break You, no one can fight with You, cannot be involved in entanglements. (35)
AmIk hYN ] r&Ik hYN ] ADMD hYN ] AbMD hYN ] 36 ]
amik hain, rafiq hain, adhundh hain, abundh hai. (36)
O Lord, You are an Unfathomable Ocean, Friend to every one, free from all entanglements of world, and are not subjected to any bondage. (36)
inRbUJ hYN ] AsUJ hYN ] Akwl hYN ] Ajwl hYN ] 37 ]
nirboojh hain, asoojh hain, akal hain, ajal hain. (37)
O Lord, no one can understand Your secrets, Your Knowledge is beyond human understanding, You are Immortal and free from bondage. (37)
Alwh hYN ] Ajwh hYN ] Anµq hYN ] mhMq hYN ] 38 ]
alah hain, ajah hain, anunt hain, mahunt hain. (38)
O Lord, You are Allah (Who cannot be found), Who has no fixed place to live in, Infinite and Greatest of All. (38)
AlIk hYN ] inRsIk hYN ] inRlµB hYN ] AsMB hYN ] 39 ]
aleek hain, nirsrik hain, nirlumbh hain, asumbh hain. (39)
O Lord, You are Infinite, You have no rival, You do not need support, You are Incomprehensible. (39)
AgMm hYN ] AjMm hYN ] ABUq hYN ] ACUq hYN ] 40 ]
agum hain, ajum hain, abhoot hai, achoot hain. (40)
O Lord, You are beyond reach, You do not take birth, You are not made from the Five Elements, You are beyond the sense perceptions. (40)
Alok hYN ] Asok hYN ] Akrm hYN ] ABrm hYN ] 41 ]
alok hain, ashok hain, akaram hain, abharm hain. (41)
O Lord, You are - Invisible, No sorrow and worry, Free from rituals, No superstitions. (41)
AjIq hYN ] ABIq hYN ] Abwh hYN ] Agwh hYN ] 42 ]
ajit hain, abheet hain, atha hain, agah hain. (42)
O Lord, You are Unconquerable, Fearless, Immutable, You are Unfathomable. (42)
Amwn hYN ] inDwn hYN ] Anyk hYN ] iPr eyk hYN ] 43 ]
aman hain, nidhan hain, anaik hain, phir aik hain. (43)
O Lord, You are Immeasurable, You are the Treasure of All the Wealth, You have multiplied from One Form to many, Still You are One. (43)
BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

nmo srb mwny ] smsqI inDwny ]
nmo dyv dyvy ] AByKI AByvy ] 44 ]
namo sarb manai, smasti nidhanai
namo dev devai, abhaikhi abhaivai. (44)
O Lord, we bow to You. All the creatures serve You. You are the Treasure of all the merits. You are the God of all gods. You have varied Forms, and no one can find Your mysteries. (44) nmo kwl kwly ] nmo srb pwly ]
nmo srb gauxy ] nmo srb Bauxy ] 45 ]
namo kal kalai, namo sarb palai.
namo sarb gounai, namo sarb bhounai. (45)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Destroyer of death. You preserve the creatures. You are present everywhere (45)
AnµgI AnwQy ] inRsMgI pRmwQy ]
nmo Bwn Bwny ] nmo mwn mwny ] 46 ]
anungi anathai, nirsungi parmathai
namo bhan bhanai, namo man manai. (46)
You are without a body and without a Master, None is equal to You. You are the Destroyer of all. We bow to You. You are the Sun of suns, worshipped by everyone. (46)
nmo cMdR cMdRy ] nmo Bwn Bwny ]
nmo gIq gIqy ] nmo qwn qwny ] 47 ]
namo chundar chundrai, mamo bhan bhanai
namo geet geetai , namo tan tanai. (47)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Light in moons and suns. You are the Beauty of the Music and the songs. (47)
nmo inrq inrqy ] nmo nwd nwdy ]
nmo pwn pwny ] nmo bwd bwdy ] 48 ]
namo nirat nirtai, namo nad nadai
namo pan panai, namo bad badai. (48)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are like a Great and Beautiful Dance. You are the Melody of all Music (which has attracted the whole of creation). You are the Great Drummer, Who by beat of the drum gathered the crowds of people in the world.
AnµgI Anwmy ] smsqI srUpy ]
pRBMgI pRmwQy ] smsqI ibBUqy ] 49 ]
anungi anamai, smusti sroopai
parbhungi parmathai, smusti bebhootai. (49)
O Lord, You are the All Pervading Spirit appearing in Your creation, You have no limbs, nor any particular Name. All creatures are of Your Form. You are the Destroyer of All, and have miraculous powers. (49)
klµkM ibnw ny klµkI srUpy ]
nmo rwj rwjy sÍrM prm rUpy ] 50 ]
klunkun bina, naiklunki sroopai.
namo raj rajai svrun parm roopai. (50)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are without any blemish and are Pure and Perfect. You are the King of kings, and the Greatest of all. (50)
nmo jog jogy sÍrM prm is`Dy ]
nmo rwj rwjy sÍrM prm ibRDy ] 51 ]
namo jog jogai, svrun parm sidhai.
namo raj rajai, svrun parm birdhai. (51)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Lord of the yogis and Supremely Perfect. You are the King of kings and the Supreme Ruler. (51)
nmo ssqR pwxy ] nmo AsqR mwxy ]
nmo prm igAwqw ] nmo lok mwqw ] 52 ]
namo sustar panai, namo astar manai.
namo parm gayata, namo lok mata. (52)
O Lord, we bow to You. You bear arms also use missiles. You know the inner feelings of every one, and You love all like a Mother. (52)
AByKI ABrmI ABogI ABugqy ]
nmo jog jogy sÍrM prm jugqy ] 53 ]
abhaikhi abharmi abhogi abhugtai
namo jog jogai svrun parm jugtai. (53)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Lord Yogi of all yogis and Your ways are Perfect. You have no garb. You are without any superstition and without any desires for material things. You do not involve Yourself in material things and thus weaken Your Might. (53)
nmo in`q nwrwiexy k®¨r krmy ]
nmo pRyq ApRyq dyvy suDrmy ]54]
namo nit narayanai karoor karmai
namo prait aprait daivai sodharmai. (54)
O Lord, we bow to You. You ever Protect the creatures and are also their Destroyer. All good and bad creatures are from You, they are members of Your family and You preserve them. (54)
nmo rog hrqw ] nmo rwg rUpy ]
nmo swh swhM ] nmo BUp BUpy ] 55 ]
namo rog harta, namo rag roopai.
namo shah shahai, namo bhoop bhoopai. (55)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Dispeller of diseases. You are the Embodiment of Love. You are the King of kings, the Ruler of all rulers. (55)
nmo dwn dwny ] nmo mwn mwny ]
nmo rog rogy nmsqM iesnwnµ ] 56 ]
namo dan danai,namo maun maunai
namo rog rogai, namustun eisnanun. (56)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Giver of gifts, and Bestower of honors. You are the Destroyer of ailments and Purifier of defilements. (56)
nmo mMqR mMqRM ] nmo jMqR jMqRM ]
nmo iest iesty ] nmo qMqR qMqRM ] 57 ]
namo muntar muntrun, namo juntar juntrun
namo eist eistai, namo tuntar tuntrun. (57)
O Lord, we bow to You. Your Name is the Greatest Word, the Symbol, and the Master Sorcerer of all magic, as You are the only Object of mydevotion. (57)
[SIZE=-1](Note: “Muntar, Juntar and tuntar” are the magical terms used by those, who worship gods and goddesses and deal with evil spirits. Certain words are repeated to please the god to be worshipped, this is called “muntar”. Certain words are written relating to the particular god on a piece of paper, put in lockets, which are worn by devotees - these are “Juntaras.” “Tuntaras” are certain ceremonies and rituals, which are performed to please the god, to overcome the effect of the evil spirits.)[/SIZE]
sdw s`cdwnµd srbM pRxwsI ]
AnUpy ArUpy smsquil invwsI ] 58 ]
sada sachdanund sarbun pransi, anoopai sroopai smustulnivasi. (58)
O Lord, You are Omnipresent, Living Consciousness, and the Destroyer of all. You have the Unique Form and appearance. You abide within all creatures. (58)
sdw isDdw buDdw ibRD krqw ]
ADo aurD ArDM AGM EG hrqw ] 59 ]
sada sidhi -da budhi -da bridhi karta
adho oordh ardhun aghun ogh harta (59)
You are the Giver of spiritual perfection, wisdom and success in life. You are present in under-worlds, earth, sky and inter-space. You the Destroyer of countless evils in persons. (59)
prm prm prmysÍrM pRoC pwlµ ] sdw srbdw is`D dwqw idAwlµ ] 60 ]
prun parm parmesaisvrun proch palun, sada sarbda sidhi data dyalun. (60)
O Lord, You are the Great Master, You sustain creatures though invisible to them. You bestow spiritual powers to persons and are ever Merciful. (60)
ACydI ABydI AnwmM AkwmM ] smsqo prwjI smsqsqu DwmM ] 61 ]
achaidi abhaidi anamun akamun, smasto praji smastsut dhamun. (61)
You are Invulnerable and Indestructible. You are Namesless and Desireless. You are Sovereign of all, and dwell in each of them. (61)
qyrw joru ] cwcrI CMd ]

jly hYN ] Qly hYN ] ABIq hYN ] ABy hYN ] ] 62 ]
jalai hain, thalai hain, abheet hain, abhai hain. (62)
O Lord, You are present in water and land. You are Fearless and Unfathomable. (62) pRBU hYN ] AjU hYN ] Adys hYN ] ABys hYN ] 63 ]
parbhu hain, aju hain, adais hain, abhais hain. (63)
You are the Master of all, You are Immutable, You do not belong to any one country or have any particular dress to wear. (63)
BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

AgwDy AbwDy ] AnµdI srUpy ]
nmo srb mwny ] smsqI inDwny ] 64 ]
agadhai, abadhai, anundi sroopai.
namo sarb manai, smusti nidhanai. (64)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are Unfathomable, none can cause obstruction in Your way, and You are ever in Bliss. All bow to You and You are the Souce Treasure of All Virtues. (64) nmsqÍM inRnwQy ] nmsqÍM pRmwQy ]
nmsqÍM AgMjy ] nmsqÍM ABMjy ] 65 ]
namustvun nirnathai, namustvun parmathai
namustvun agunjai, namustvun abhunjai. (65)
O Lord, we salute You. You have no mastrer, You are the Destroyer of all, no one can surpass You and are Indestructible. (65)
nmsqÍM Akwly ] nmsqÍM Apwly ]
nmo srb dysy ] nmo srb Bysy ] 66 ]
namustvun akalai, namustvun apalai.
namo sarb daisai, namo sarb bhaisai. (66)
O Lord, we salute You. You are Eternal, You do not need any one to protect You. You abide in every country, and all the dresses people wear, are Your dresses. (66)
nmo rwj rwjy ] nmo swj swjy ]
nmo Swh Swhy ] nmo mwh mwhy ] 67 ]
namo raj rajai, namo saj sajai. namo shah shahai, namo mah mahai. (67)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the King of kings, the Creator of all. You are the Ruler of all rulers, the Moon of all moons (It is His Light reflected in moons). (67)
nmo gIq gIqy ] nmo pRIq pRIqy ]
nmo roK roKy ] nmo soK soKy ] 68 ]
namo geet geetai, namo preeet preetai.
namo rokh rokhai, namo sokh sokhai. (68)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are Most beautiful and melodious Song, which attracts all creation. You are the Embodiment of Love, Which preserves the whole creation. You are also the fierceful Wrath, that the whole creation is afraid of You. You are the Great Draught, which destroys the creation. (68)
nmo srb rogy ] nmo srb Bogy ]
nmo srb jIqM ] nmo srb BIqM ] 69 ]
namo sarb rogai, namo sarb bhogai.
namo sarb jeetun, namo sarb bheetun. (69)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Cause of every one’s death. You are the One Who are enjoying the pleasures of material things of world through the creatures. You conquer all and all are afraid of You. (69)
nmo srb igAwnµ ] nmo prm qwnµ ]
nmo srb mMqRM ] nmo srb jMqRM ] 70 ]
namo sarb gyanun, namo parm tanun
namo sarb muntrun, namo sarb juntrun. (70)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are fully aware of the mind of all creatures. It is You Who created this Vast Expanse of creation and it is You, Who controls it (through Your Name.) (70)
nmo srb idR`sM ] nmo srb ik®`sM ]
nmo srb rMgy ] iqRBMgI Anµgy ] 71 ]
namo sarb dirsun, namo sarb kirsun.
namo sarb runrungai, tirbhungi anungai. (71)
O Lord, we bow to You. You take care of every one, and attract every one toward You. You are present in all conditions. You are the Destroyer of all the three worlds. (71)
nmo jIv jIvM ] nmo bIj bIjy ]
AiK`jy AiB`jy ] smsqM pRis`jy ] 72 ]
namo jiv jeevai, namo bij bijai. akhiji abhijai, smustun parsijai. (72)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are the Life of all, and the root Cause of all (the Seed of all). No one can inflict injury to You. No one can completely understand Your Greatness. You Bless every one. (72)
ik®pwlµ srUpy ] kukrmM pRxwsI ]
sdw srbdw iriD isDM invwsI ] 73 ]
kirpalun sroopai kukarmun parnasi. sada sarbda ridhi sidhun nivasi. (73)
You are Embodiment of Mercy. You are the Destroyer of evil. All Spiritual Powers ever rest in You. (73)
crpt CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

AMimRq krmy ] AMibRq Drmy ] AK`l jogy ] Ac`l Bogy ] 74 ]
amrit karmai, abrit dharmai, akhal jogai, achal bhogai. (74)
O Lord, Your works are Eternal. No one can obstruct Your Laws. You are one with whole of creation and Your Rule is Eternal. (74) Ac`l rwjy ] At`l swjy ] AK`l DrmM ] Al`K krmM ] 75 ]
achal rajai, atal sajai, akhal dharmun, alakh kamun. (75)
O Lord, Your creation and Your Rule are Eternal. Your Laws are Immutable, yet Your deeds are beyond comprehension. (75)
srbM dwqw ] srbM igAwqw ] srbM Bwny ] srbM mwny ] 76 ]
sarbun data, sarbun giyata, sarbun bhanai, sarbun manai (76)
You are the Giver to all, You know what is in each one’s heart, You are the Enlightener of all, and all worship You. (76)
srbM pRwxM ] srbM qRwxM ] srbM Bugqw ] srbM jugqw ] 77 ]
sabun pranun, sabun tranun, sarbun bhugta sarbun jugta. (77)
O Lord, You are the Life and the Support of all. Your Command is effective on all and You abide in all. (77)
srbM dyvM ] srbM ByvM ] srbM kwly ] srbM pwly ] 78 ]
sabun devun, sarbun bhavun, sarbun kalai, sarbun palai. (78)
O Lord, You are the Object of Worship of whole of the creation, You know the iner secrets of every one, You are the Destroyer of all and also protect all. (78)
rUAwl CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

Awid rUp Anwid mUriq Ajoin purK Apwr ]
srb mwn iqRmwn dyv AByv Awid audwr ]
srb pwlk srb Gwlk srb ko puin kwl ]
j`qR q`qR ibrwjhI AvDUq rUp irswl ] 79 ]
adi roop anadi moorat ajoni purkh apar.
sarb maun trimaun dev abhaiv adi oodar.
sarb palak sarb ghalak sarb ko puni kal.
jatar tatar birajhi avdhoot roop rasal. (79)
O Lord, You are the Primal Being, none can tell about Your Origin.
You do not take birth, You abide in all and are Infinte Being.
All creatures bow to You, creatures of the Three worlds worship You.
You are in the Light Form, beyond comprehension, You are the Source of whole of the creation and of Liberal Mind.
You are both the Preserver and Destroyer of all. You are the Cause of Death of all.
You are Omnipresent, the Source of all worldly pleasures, but Himself Not affected by these Worldly pleasures. (79) nwm Twm n jwq jwkr rUp rMg n ryK ]
Awid purK audwr mUriq Ajoin Awid AsyK ]
dys AOr n Bys jwkr rUp ryK n rwg ]
j`qR q`qR idsw ivsw huie PYilE Anurwg ] 80 ]
nam tham na jati jakar roop rung na raikh
adi purkh odhar moorat ajoni adi asaikh
dais aur na bhais jakar roop raikh na rag
jatar tatar disa visa hoeh phailio anurag. (80)
O Lord, You have no one Name, no one dwelling place, no caste, no shape or color or any signs. You are the Source of all and present in each one. You are Gracious and Benign. You do not take birth, You are the Primal Being, All Perfection (no defect).
You belong to no country and wear no dress. You have no shape or any mark. You pervade as Love in all directions everywhere. (80)
nwm kwm ibhIn pyKq Dwm hUM nih jwih ]
srb mwn srb`qR mwn sdYv mwnq qwih ]
eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ]
Kyl Kyl AKyl Kyln AMq ko iPr eyk ] 81 ]
nam kam beheen paikhat dham hoon neh jaeh.
sarb maun, sarbatar maun, sdev manat taeh
aik moorat anaik darsan, keen roop anaik
khail khaile, akhail khailun, aunt ko phir aik. (81)
O Lord, You are Nameless and Desireless. There is no visible place where You dwell. Everywhere You are worshipped and creatures bow to You. You are Alone, but appear in many shapes. You manifest Yourself in many forms.
You Play the Game of Creation, and after playing this Game, You dissolve the creation, and are left Alone. (81)
dyv Byv n jwnhI ijh byd Aaur kqyb ]
rUp rMg n jwiq pwiq su jwneI ikh jyb ]
qwq mwq n jwq jwkir jnm mrn ibhIn ]
c`k® b`k® iPrY cqR` c`k mwnhI pur qIn ] 82 ]
dev bhive na janhi jeh baid aur kataib.
roop rung na jati pati so janhi keh jaib
tat mat na jati jakar jnam mran beheen
chakar bakar phirai chatur chak manhi pur teen. (82)
O Lord, Your mystery is neither known to gods/goddesses, nor to the (Hindu Religious Books) Vedas and Semitic Books (Bible, Torah, Jamboor and Koran).
No one knows how You look like, what color You have, and what is Your caste and lineage.
You have no father, no mother, no caste, free from being born or to die.
Your fierceful Power of Destruction prevails in all the four corners of creation.
The creatures of all the Three Regions bow to You. (82)
lok caudh ky ibKY jg jwphI ijh jwp ]
Awid dyv Anwid mUriq QwipE sbY ijh Qwp ]
prm rUp punIq mUriq pUrn purKu Apwr ]
srb ibsÍ ricE suXMBv gVn BMjnhwr ] 83 ]
lok chaudah kai bikhai jug japhi jeh japu.
adi dev anadi mooret thapio sabai jeh thap.
parm roop pooneet mooret pooran purkh apar.
sarb bisv rachio soyunbhv garhan bhunjnhar. (83).
O Lord, Your Name is contemplated by the people of all the fourteen regions (according to the Hindu Religious Books, Purans, there are 14 regions), means the whole of Universe. You are the Primal light, worthy of worship.
You, Who created the Universe, none could find Your Source of Existence.
You are the Supreme Lord, Pure in Form, All Perfection, pervade all the creation and are Infinte. You have created the Universe, but You are Self Existent. You are, therefore, the Maker of the Universe and also its Destroyer, at the same time. (83)
kwl hIn klw sMjugiq Akwl purK Adys ]
Drm Dwm su Brm rihq ABUq AlK ABys ]
AMg rwg n rMg jwkh jwiq pwiq n nwm ]
grb gMjn dust BMjn mukiq dwiek kwm ] 84 ]
kal heen kla sunjugat akal purkh adais.
dharam dham so bharm rehat abhoot alakh abhais.
aung rag na rung jakeh jati pati na nam.
garb gunjan dust bhunjan mukat daeik kam. (84)
O Lord, You are free from the effect of Death (Timeless or Eternal). You are All Powerful. You are Eternal, pervade all creation and do not belong to any one country.
You are the House of Dharma (Righteousness), You have no attachment to the body and have no superstitious beliefs. You do not have a body of five elements. You do not wear dress and are Invisible.
You are Colorless, Casteless, no lineage and Nameless.
You break the pride of the egocentrics and destroy the wicked. You are the
Liberator, the Merciful to fulfill the wishes of the devotees. (84)
Awp rUp AmIk An ausqiq eyk purK AvDUq ]
grb gMjn srb BMjn Awid rUp AsUq ]
AMg hIn ABMg Anwqm eyk purK Apwr ]
srb lwiek srb Gwiek srb ko pRiqpwr ] 85 ]
aap roop ameek an-ostat aik purkh avdhoot
garb ganjan sarb bhanjan adi roop asoot
aung heen abhung anatam aik purkh apar
sarb laeik sarb ghaeik sarb ko pritpar. (85)
O Lord, You are Self Existent, Your Knowledge is Unfathomable, You are
Beyond Praise. You are Alone pervading all creation, but remain Detached (not affected by Mays or matter).
You break the pride of the egocentrics (proud persons). You are the Destroyer of all. You are Beginningless and are Unborn.
You are without the body and are Eternal. You are the Source of all life. The creatures do not exist individually within You. You Alone exist and are present in all creatures and are Infinite.
You are All Powerful, Destroyer of all and also their Preserver. (85)
srb gMqw srb hMqw srb qy AnByK ]
srb swsqR n jwnhI ijh rUp rMg Aru ryK ]
prm byd purwx jwkih nyq BwKq in`q ]
koit isMimRiq purwn swsqR n AwveI vhu ic`iq ] 86 ]
sarb gunta sarb hunta sarb tai anbhaikh.
sarb sastr na janhi jeh roop rung ar raikh
parm baid puran jakeh naiti bhakht nit.
kot simunti puran sastr na aavhivoh chiti. (86)
O Lord, You can reach all creatures. You are the Destroyer of all. You are distinct from all.
All the Hindu Religious Books, like Shastras, are silent about Your form, color and marks.
You are such, that Vedas and Purans proclaim You as Infinite, and that none is like You.
Hundreds of million of Hindu Religious Books like Simiritis, Purans and Shastras cannot comprehend Your Form. (86)
mDuBwr CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

gun gn audwr ] mihmw Apwr ]
Awsn ABMg ] aupmw Anµg ] 87 ]
gun gan oodar, mehma apar.
aasan abhung, oopma anung. (87)
O Lord, You are infinitely Virtuous and Liberal. Your Glory is beyond description. Your Authority is Unshakable. Your Praise is incomparable. (There is none other to be compared with). (87) AnBau pRkws ] insidn Anws ]
Awjwn bwhu ] swhwn swhu ] 88 ]
anbhav parkas, nis din anas.
aajan baho, shahan shah. (88)
Self Enlightened. You are ever Deathless. You have under Your control all means of creation. You are the King of kings. (88)
rwjwn rwj ] Bwnwn Bwn ]
dyvwn dyv ] aupmw mhwn ] 89 ]
rajan raj, bhanan bhanu.
daivan dev, oopma mahan. (89)
You are King of kings, You are the Light in suns You are God of gods, Your Praise is Great. (89)
ieMdRwn ieMdR ] bwlwn bwl ] rMkwn rMk ] kwlwn kwl ] 90 ]
indran inder, balan bal, runkan runk, kalan kal. (90)
O Lord, You are the Maker of god Indra, Highest of High, Poorest of the poor, Death of all deaths. (90)
AnBUq AMg ] AwBw ABMg ] giq imiq Apwr ] gun gn audwr ] 91 ]
anbhoot aung, aabha abhung, kati mit apar, gun gan oodar. (91)
You are without body and limbs of five elements. Your Light is Eternal. Your Greatness cannot be described. You are of Unlimited Virutes and are Liberal in bestowing. (91)
muin gn pRnwm ] inrBY inkwm ]
Aiq duiq pRcMf ] imiq giq AKMf ] 92 ]
muni gan parnam, nirbhai nikam
ati duti parchund, miti gati akhund. (92)
O Lord, You are Fearless and Desireless. Coutless sages bow to You. Your Dazzling light cannot be borne by any one. No one can reduce Your Greatness. (92)
AwilsÎ krm ] AwidRsÎ Drm ]
srbw BrxwFX ] AnfMf bwFX ] 93 ]
aalisiay karm, aadirsay dharam
sarba bharnadhay, andund badhay (93)
O Lord, You do not need to make any special efforts to do what You want to do. Even then Your example of devotion to work is the Ideal for creation. Your laws are invisible.You deck many with ornaments, but no one can accuse You (with unequal distribution). (93)
cwcrI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

goibMdy ] mukMdy ] audwry ] Apwry ] 94 ]
gobindai, mukanday, oodarai, aparai (94)
You are the Lord of all, You are the Liberator of all, You are the Liberal Lord, and Infinite. (94) hrIAM ] krIAM ] inRnwmy ] Akwmy ] 95 ]
hariaun, kariaun, nirnamai, akamai. (95)
You are the Destroer of all, and also their Creator. You are without Name and Desireless. (95)
BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

c`qR¨ c`k® krqw ] c`qR¨ c`k® hrqw ]
c`qR¨ c`k® dwny ] c`qR¨ c`k® jwny ] 96 ]
chatar chakr karta, chatar chakr harta.
chatar chakr danai, chatar chakr janai. (96)
You are the Creator and the Destroyer of all everywhere in the Universe. You are the Giver to all everywhere in the Universe and also know the feelings of their hearts. (96) c`qR¨ c`k® vrqI ] c`qR¨ c`k® BrqI ]
c`qR¨ c`k® pwly ] c`qR¨ c`k® kwly ] 97 ]
chatar chakr varti, chatar chakr bharti
chatar chakr palai, chatar chakr kalai. (97)
O Lord, You are Omnipresent (in all four directions). You are the Preserver of all life. You protect all life everywhere, and You destroy all of them. (97)
c`qR¨ c`k® pwsy ] c`qR¨ c`k® vwsy ]
c`qR¨ c`k® mwnXY ] c`qR¨ c`k® dwnXY ] 98 ]
chatar chakr pasai, chatar chakr vasai
chatar chakr maniay, chatar chakr daniay. (98)
You are present at every place in all the Four Directions. Everywhere all worship You and You Give gifts to all. (98)
cwcrI CMd ]

n s`qRY ] n im`qRY ] n BrmM ] n iB`qRY ] 99 ]
na satrun, na mitrun, na bharmun, na bhitrun. (99)
You have no enmity with any one, and also no friendship. You have also no delusion or fear. (99) n krmM ] n kwey ] AjnmM ] Ajwey ] 100 ]
na karmun, na kaey, ajunmun, ajaey. (100)
O Lord, You are neither subject to the effect of Karma (Deeds), nor You take birth on that count. You never take birth, You were not born of a woman. (100)
n ic`qRY ] n im`qRY ] pry hYN ] piv`qRY ] 101 ]
na chitrun, na mitrun, parai hain, pevtrun. (101)
No one can draw Your picture, You have no friend. You remain Aloof from the creation, and are Pure and Perfect. (101)
ipRQIsY ] AdIsY ] AidRsY ] Aik®sY ] 102 ]
pirthisai, aadisai, aadirsai, akirsai. (102)
O Lord, You are the Master of the earth, You are Master right from the beginning, You are Invisible, You never get weakened. (102)
BgvqI CMd ] qÍ prRwid kQqy ]

ik AwiC`j dysY ] ik AwiB`j BysY ]
ik AwgMj krmY ] ik AwBMj BrmY ] 103 ]
keh aachij daisai, keh aabhij bhaisai.
keh aagunj karmai, keh aabunj bharmai. (103)
O Lord, Your domain is imperishable and so is Your Form. No amount of ritual performance can win You and superstitious beliefs can affect You. (103) ik AwiBj lokY ] ik Awidq sokY ]
ik AvDUq brnY ] ik ibBUq krnY ] 104 ]
keh abhij lokai, keh aadit sokai.
keh avdhoot barnai, keh bebhoot karnai. (104)
O Lord, Your abode is Eternal. You are capable of destroying the light of sun. You are free from the effect of Maya or the material things. You are the Source of all wealth.(104)
ik rwjM pRBw hYN ] ik DrmM Dujw hYN]
ik Awsok brnY ] ik srbw ABrnY ] 105 ]
keh rajun parbha hain, keh dharmun dhuja hain.
keh asok barnai, keh sarba abharnai. (105)
O Lord, the glory of worldly kings is due to You. The Beauty of Dharma is Your Beauty. You are free from all worries, and is the Support of all creatures. (105)
ik jgqM ik®qI hYN ] ik CqRM CqRI hYN ]
ik bRhmM srUpY ] ik AnBau AnUpY ] 106 ]
keh jagtun kriti hain, keh chatrun chutri hain.
keh brhmun sroppai, keh anbho anoopai. (106)
O Lord, You are the Creator of the Universe. You are the Greatest warrior. You are the Souce of All Beauty. Yours is an unparalleled example of Self Realization. (106)
ik Awid Adyv hYN ] ik Awip AByv hYN ]
ik ic`qRM ibhInY ] ik eykY ADInY ] 107 ]
keh adi adev hain. keh aap abhaiv hain.
keh chitrun beheenai. Keh aikai adheenai. (107)
O Lord, You are ever since beginning. There is none beside You. You are Self Existent, as such no one can explore Your mysteries. No one can make a picture of You. You are Self-controlled Entity. (107)
ik rozI rzwkY ] rhImY irhwkY ]
ik pwk ibAYb hYN ] ik ZYbul ZYb hYN ] 108 ]
keh rozi rjakai, reheemai rihakai.
keh pak beaib hain, keh gaibul gaib hain. (108)
O Lord, You give daily bread to all. You are Merciful to all. You liberate the creatures from their miseries. You are Pure and sinless, mysterious and not visible. (108)
ik APvul gunwh hYN ] ik Swhwn Swh hYN ]
ik kwrn kuinµd hYN ] ik rozI idhMd hYN ] 109 ]
keh aphvul gunah hain. keh shahan shah hain.
keh karan kunind hain, keh roji dehund hain. (109)
O Lord, You forgive the sins of persons. You are the King of kings. You are the Cause of all causes (the Doer of all things). You give living to all creatures. (109)
ik rwzk rhIm hYN ] ik krmM krIm hYN ]
ik srbM klI hYN ] ik srbM dlI hYN ] 110 ]
keh rajak reheem hain, keh karmun karim hain.
keh sarbun kli hain, keh sarbun dali hain. (110)
O lord, You are Merciful, You provide living to every one. You are the Bestower of Grace on people. You are All Powerful and the Destroyer of all. (110)
ik srb`qR mwinXY ] ik srb`qR dwinXY ]
ik srb`qR gaunY ] ik srb`qR BaunY ] 111 ]
keh sarbatr gounai, keh sarbatr daniai.
keh sarbatr gounai, keh sarbatr bhounai. (111)
O Lord, everywhere You are worshipped. Everywhere You are giving the gifts. You reach all creatures and that You are present in each of them. (111)
ik srb`qR dysY ] ik srb`qR BysY ]
ik srb`qR rwjY ] ik srb`qR swjY ] 112 ]
keh sarbatr daisai, keh sarbatr bhaisai.
keh sarbatr rajai, keh sarbatr sajai. (112)
O Lord, You are present everywhere in every country. Everywhere in varied dresses, it is only You Who are present. Everything is created by You, it is Your Kingdom everywhere. (112)
ik srb`qR dInY ] ik srb`qR lInY ]
ik srb`qR jwho ] ik srb`qR Bwho ]113]
keh sarbatr deenai, keh sarbatr leenai.
keh sarbatr jaho, keh sarbatr bhaho. (113)
O Lord, You are giving Your gifts everywhere to the creatures. You are present everywhere and the Master of all. (113)
ik srb`qR dysY ] ik srb`qR BysY ]
ik srb`qR kwlY ] ik srb`qR pwlY ] 114 ]
keh sarbatr daisai, keh sarbtar bhaisai
keh sarbatr kalai, keh sarbatr palai. (114)
O Lord,You are present everywhere in all countries and wear the respective dresses. You are the Destroyer of all and also their Preserver. (114)
ik srb`qR hMqw ] ik srb`qR gMqw ]
ik srb`qR ByKI ] ik srb`qR pyKI ] 115 ]
keh sarbatr hanta, keh sarbatr gunta
keh sarbatr bhaikhi, keh sarbatr paikhi. (115)
O Lord, You are the Destroyer of creatures everywhere. You can reach everywhere. In all garbs You are seen everywhere, and everywhere You protect the creatures. (115)
ik srb`qR kwjY ] ik srb`qR rwjY ]
ik srb`qR soKY ] ik srb`qR poKY ] 116 ]
keh sarbatr kajai, keh sarbatr rajai keh sarbatr sokhai, keh sarbatr pokhai. (116)
O Lord, You are the Doer of all works. Everywhere appears Your light. You are the Destroyer of all everywhere and also their Preserver. (116)
ik srb`qR qRwxY ] ik srb`qR pRwxY ]
ik srb`qR dysY ] ik srb`qR BysY ] 117 ]
keh sarbatr tranai, keh sarbatr pranai
keh sarbatr daisai, sarbatr bhaisai. (117)
O Lord, everywhere You are using Your might, and the Life given by You appears in creatures. You are present everywhere in all countries and in all garbs You are seen. (117)
ik srb`qR mwinXYN ] sdYvM pRDwinXYN ]
ik srb`qR jwipXY ] ik srb`qR QwipXY ] 118 ]
keh sarbatr maniay, sadaivun pardhaniay
keh sarbatr japiay, keh sarbatr thapiay (118)
O Lord, everywhere the creatures are worshipping You. You are ever Supreme everywhere. Everywhere You are remembered and found there. (118)
ik srb`qR BwnY ] ik srb`qR mwnY ]
ik srb`qR ieMdRY ] ik srb`qR cMdRY ] 119 ]
keh sarbatr bhanai, keh sarbatr manai
keh sarbatr indrai, keh sarbatr chundrai. (119)
O Lord, You are spreading Your light everywhere like the sun. All worship You everywhere. You are the Lord of the Universe. You are like moon spreading Your pleasant Light everywhere. (119)
ik srbM klImY ] ik prmM &hImY ]
ik Awkl AlwmY ] ik swihb klwmY ] 120 ]
Keh sarbun kleemai, keh parmun phaheemai
keh aakl alamai, keh sahib klamai. (120)
O Lord, abiding in creature, You are uttering nice words. You are All Wisdom. You are the Master of Wisdom and Knowledge, and Speech. (120)
ik husnl vjU hYN ] qmwmul rujU hYN ]
hmysul slwmYN ] slIKq mudwmYN ] 121 ]
keh husnul vjoo hain, tmamul rujoo hain.
hamaisul slamai, sleekht mudamai. (121)
O Lord, You are the Embodiment of Beauty. You take care of all creatures. You are Immutable and Your ways are everlasting. (121)
ZnImul iSksqY ] ZrIbul prsqY ]
iblµdul mkwnYN ] zmInul zmwnYN ] 122 ]
gnimul shikstai, greebul prastai
belundul mkanai, zmeenul zmanai. (122)
O Lord, You are the Vanquisher of enemies (of humanity)., and protect the meek. You are Supreme everywhere. You are ever present everywhere on earth. (122)
qmIzul qmwmYN ] rujUAl inDwnYN ]
hrIPul AjImYN ] rzwiek XkInYN ] 123 ]
tmeejul tmamai, rujooal nidhanai
hreephul ajeemai, rjaeik yakeenai. (123)
O Lord, You adjudge all rightly. You are the Refuge of all. You are the Great Enemy of rebellious ones (wickedness). It is the Reality that You provide a living to all creatures. (123)
Anykul qrMg hYN ] AByd hYN ABMg hYN ]
AzIzul invwz hYN ] ZnImul i^rwj hYN ] 124 ]
anaikul trung hain, abhaid hain abhung hain
ajijul nivaz hain, gneemul khiraj hain. (124)
O Lord, You are like a big ocean, and the creatures are its countless waves. No one knows Your Extant, You cannot be destroyed (You are Eternal). You give honors to Your devotees, and destroy their enemies. (124)
inrukq srUp hYN ] iqRmukiq ibBUq hYN ]
pRBugiq pRBw hYN ] su jugiq suDw hYN ] 125 ]
nirukt sroop hain, tirmukt bebhooti hain
parbhugt prbha hain. sojugt sudha hain. (125)
O Lord, no one can describe Your Form. Your Greatness is not affected by the Maya of Three Modes. All creatures derive their life from Your Light. You are such a Great Nectar, which is united with the creatures. (125)
sdYvM srUp hYN ] ABydI AnUp hYN ]
smsqo prwj hYN ] sdw srb swj hYN ] 126 ]
sdaivun sroop hain, abhaidi anoop hain.
smsto praj hain, sda sarb saj hain. (126)
O Lord, You are Eternal, there is no other beside You. Whosoever opposes You is crushed. You are the Creator of all. (126)
smsqul slwm hYN ] sdYvl Akwm hYN ]
inRbwD srUp hYN ] AgwiD hYN AnUp hYN ] 127 ]
smstul slam hain. sdaivul akam hain
nirbadh sroop hain, agadh hain anoop hain. (127)
O Lord, You are the Protector of all creatures. You are ever Desireless. No one can cause obstruction in Your way. You are Unfathomable and are Unique. (127)
EAM Awid rUpy ] Anwid srUpY ]
AnµgI Anwmy ] iqRBMgI iqRkwmy ] 128 ]
oaun adi roopai, anadi sroopai
anungi anamai, tirbhungi tirkamai. (128)
O Lord, You are the Life of all the creation. You are the Primal Being. No one knows when You came into Being. You have no body and no Name. You are the Destroyer of the Three Regions (upper regions, lower regions and the earth), and also fulfills the wishes of the creatures of these Regions. (128)
iqRbrgM iqRbwDy ] AgMjy AgwDy ]
suBM srb Bwgy ] su srbw Anurwgy ] 129 ]
tirbargun tirbadhai, agunjai agadhai
sobhun sarb bhagai, so sarba anuragai. (129)
O Lord, You are the Bestower of Three kinds of Gifts (dharam, arth and moksh - Spiritual Discipline, Material Wealth and Liberation from Bondage). You exercise control over creatures of all the three regions. You are Indestructible and Infinite. All Your creation is beautiful, and You love all. (129)
iqRBugq srUp hYN ] AiC`j hYN ACUq hYN ]
ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] ipRQIaul pRvws hYN ] 130 ]
tirbhugt sroop hain, achij hain, achoot hain.
keh narkun prnas hain. pirtheeul prvasi hain. (130)
O Lord, The creatures of three regions derive pleasure from Your Givings. Time has no effect on Your Personality. You are Indestructible. You are the Destroyer of hell. Your stay in the form of creatures on earth is like a traveller. (130)
inrukiq pRBw hYN ] sdYvM sdw hYN ]
ibBugiq srUp hYN ] pRjugiq AnUp hYN ] 131 ]
nirukt prbha hain, sdaivun sda hain.
bebhugt sroop hain. prjugt anoop hain. (131)
O Lord, Your Glory is inexpressible. You are Omni-present. All creatures derive comforts from You. You are mixed with whole of the creation, but there is no one like You. (131)
inrukiq sdw hYN ] ibBugiq pRBw hYN ]
An aukiq srUp hYN ] pRjugiq AnUp hYN ] 132 ]
nirukt sda hain, bebhugt prbha hain
anookt sroop hain, prjugt anoop hain. (132)
O Lord, Your Personality is inexpressible. All creatures derive power from Your Light and enjoy life. Your Form is Inexpressible. You are mixed with the creatures but there is no one like You. (132)
cwcrI CMd ]

ABMg hYN ] Anµg hYN ] AByK hYN ] AlyK hYN ] 133 ]
abhung hain, anung hain, abhaikh hain, alaikh hain. (133)
O Lord, You are Indestructible. You are limbless (no body). You have no dress. No one can draw a portrait of You. (133) ABrm hYN ] Akrm hYN ] Anwid hYN ] jugwid hYN ] 134 ]
abharm hain, akarm hain, anadi hain, jugadi hain. (134)
O Lord, You are above all types of doubts, superstitions and illusions. You do not need religious rituals to be performed. You are without Beginning, You were in existence prior to the beginning of ages. (134)
AjY hYN ] AbY hYN ] ABUq hYN ] ADUq hYN ] 135 ]
ajai hain, abai hain, abhoot hain, adhoot hain. (135)
O Lord, You are Unconquerable and Indestructible. You have no body of five elements. You are Immutable. (135)
Anws hYN ] audws hYN ] ADMD hYN ] AbMD hYN ] 136 ]
anas hain, odas hain, adhundh hain, abundh hain. (136)
O Lord, You are Imperishable, have no worries, have no entanglements and are not in bondage. (136)
ABgq hYN ] ibrkq hYN ] Anws hYN ] pRkws hYN ] 137 ]
abhagat hain, birkat hain, anas hain, parkas hain. (137)
O Lord, You remain Detached, as the material things You created, do not attract You. You are indestructible and All Light. (137)
inicMq hYN ] suinµq hYN ] Ail`K hYN ] Aid`K hYN ] 138 ]
nechint hain, sonent hain, alikh hain, adikh hain. (138)
O Lord, You have no worries, You are Eternal. Neither any one can make a portrait of You, nor You are visible to him. (138)
AlyK hYN ] AByK hYN ] AFwh hYN ] Agwh hYN ] 139 ]
alaikh hain, abhaikh hain, adhah hain, agah hain. (139)
O Lord, no one can make a portrait of You. You do not wear any dress. No one can defeat You. You are Infinite. (139)
AsMB hYN ] AgMB hYN ] AnIl hYN ] Anwid hYN ] 140 ]
asubh hain, agunbh hain, aneel hain, anadi hain. (140)
O Lord, You are Incomprehensible to the creatures. It is Your Light which is source of life of creatures. You are the Life of the creatures and are Beginningless. (140)
Ain`q hYN ] suin`q hYN ] Ajwq hYN ] Ajwd hYN ] 141 ]
anit hain, sunit hain, ajat hain, ajadi hain. (141)
O Lord, You are Causeless, You are Eternal, You are Unborn, but Source of life of all. (141)
crpt CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

srbM hMqw ] srbM gMqw ] srbM iKAwqw ] srbM igAwqw ] 142 ]
sarbun hunta, sarbun gunta, sabun khiaata, sarbun giaata. (142)
O Lord, You are the Destroyer of all. You can reach all creatures, and well known to them. You know the inner feelings of every one. (142) srbM hrqw ] srbM krqw ] srbM pRwxM ] srbM qRwxM ] 143 ]
sarbun hunta, sarbun karta, sarbun pranun, sarbun tranun. (143)
O Lord, it is You Who take the life back from creatures and it is You, Who gives them the life. You are the very life of every one, and it is You, the Power behind all. (143)
srbM krmM ] srbM DrmM ] srbM jugqw ] srbM mukqw ] 144 ]
sabun karmun sabun dharmun, sabun jugta, sabun mukta (144)
O Lord, being present in all, it is You alone Who does all deeds, and take responsibility to do righteousness (Dharma). Being present in creatures, You are distinctly separate from them. (144)
rswvl CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

nmo nrk nwsy ] sdYvM pRkwsy ]
AnµgM srUpy ] ABMgM ibBUqy ] 145 ]
namo sarb nasai, sdaivai prkasai
anungun sroopai, abhungun bebhootai (145)
O Lord, we bow to You. You destroy the hell of creatures. (The real hell is to forget the Lord). You are the Eternal Light. You are bodyless and Eternal. Your Glory is Indestructible. (145) pRmwQM pRmwQy ] sdw srb swQy ]
AgwD srUpy ] inRbwD ibBUqy ] 146 ]
prmathun prmathai, sda sarb sathai
agadh sroopai, nirbadh bebhootai. (146)
O Lord, You are the Slayer of the slayers (tyrants). You are the Eternal Companion (of meek). Your Might is Unfathomable. No one can cause obstruction in Your Splendor. (146)
AnµgI Anwmy ] iqRBMgI iqRkwmy ]
inRBMgI srUpy ] srbMgI AnUpy ] 147 ]
anungi anamai, titbhungi tirkamai
nirbhungi sroopai, srbungi anoopai. (147)
O Lord, You are bodyless and Nameless. You are the Destroyer of the three regions, and also fulfill the wishes of the people of these regions. Your Form is Indestructible. You are All Perfection and there is no one other like You. (147)
n poqRY n pu`qRY ] n s`qRY n imqRY ]
n qwqY n mwqY ] n jwqY n pwqY ] 148 ]
na potrai na putrai, na strai na mitrai.
na tatai na matai, na jatai na patai. (148)
O Lord, You have neither any son, nor any grandson. There is neither any enemy nor friend of Yours. You have neither father nor mother, You have neither caste nor lineage. (148)
inRswkM srIk hYN ] Aimqo AmIk hYN ]
sdYvM pRBw hYN ] AjY hYN Ajw hYN ] 149 ]
nirsakun sreek hain, aunmto ameek hai
sdaivun prabha hain, ajai hain aja hain. (149)
O Lord, there is no one related to You and also there is no rival of Yours. Your Personality is Unfathomable. You are the Everlasting Light. No one can conquer You. You do not take birth. (149)
BgvqI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

ik zwhr zhUr hYN ] ik hwzr jzUr hYN ]
hmysul slwm hYN ] smsqul klwm hYN ] 150 ]
keh zihr zhoor hain, keh hazr hzoor hain.
hmaisul slam hain, smstul klam hain. (150)
O Lord, Your Splendor is everywhere visible, as You are Present everywhere. Your are Eternal and all Praise You. (150) ik swihb idmwZ hYN ] ik husnl crwZ hYN ]
ik kwml krIm hYN ] ik rwzk rhIm hYN ] 151 ]
keh sahib demag hain, keh husnul charag hain.
keh kamal krim hain, keh razak rheem hain. (151)
O Lord, You are All Wise and the Source of All Beauty. You are Gracious and the Perfect Personality. You are Merciful and give us our living. (151)
ik rozI idihMd hYN ] ik rwzk rihMd hYN ]
krImul kmwl hYN ] ik husnl jmwl hYN ] 152 ]
keh roji dehind hain, keh razak rhind hain
kreemul kamal hain, keh husnul jamal hain. (152)
O lord, You are the Giver of our daily bread. You provide for our material needs and give Salvation. You are Supreme in Mercy and Your Beauty is resplendent. (152)
ZnImul i^rwj hYN ] ZrIbul invwz hYN ]
hrI&ul iSkMn hYN ] ihrwsul iPkMn hYN ] 153 ]
gnimul kheraj hain, greebul nivaj hain
hreephul shikun hain, herasul phekun hain. (153)
O Lord, You are Destroyer of enemies (tyrants), and protect the meek and poor. You remove all fears. (153)
klµkM pRxws hYN ] smsqul invws hYN ]
AgMjul gnIm hYN ] rzwiek rhIm hYN ] 154 ]
klunkun prnas hain, smstul nivas hain.
agunjul gneem hain, rzaeik rheem hain. (154)
O Lord, You remove the sins from Your devotees. You are present in every one. The enemies cannot conquer You. You provide material wealth to all. You are Merciful to all. (154)
smsqul jubW hYN ] ik swihb ikrW hYN ]
ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] bihsqul invws hYN ] 155 ]
smstul zban hain,keh sahib keran hain
keh narkun prnas hain, behshtul nivas hain. (155)
O Lord, You speak through the tongues of the people. Great is Your Glory. You are the Destroyer of hell. You live in Heaven. (155)
ik srbul gvMn hYN ] hmysul rvMn hYN ]
qmwmul qmIz hYN ] smsqul AzIz hYN ] 156 ]
keh sarbul gvnun hain, hamaisul rvun hain.
tmamul tmeez hain, smstul aziz hain. (156)
O Lord, You can reach all creatures. You ever remain in Bliss. You look aftrer all creatures and are loved by all. (156)
prM prm eIs hYN ] smsqul AdIs hYN ]
Adysul AlyK hYN ] hmysul AByK hYN ] 157 ]
prun prm eis hain, smstul adees hain.
adaisul alaikh hain, hmaishul abhaikh hain. (157)
O Lord, You are the most Exalted Lord. Right from beginning You are the Master. There is no one particular place, where You abide and that you do not wear any dress. (157)
zmInul zmw hYN ] AmIkul iemw hYN ]
krImul kmwl hYN ] ik jurAiq jmwl hYN ] 158 ]
zmeenul zma hain, ameekul eima hain
kreemul kmal hain, keh jurat jmal hain. (158)
O Lord, You are present on earth and sky. You are extremely Mysterious. You are most Generous, Most Courageous and Beautiful. (158)
ik Aclµ pRkws hYN ] ik Aimqo subws hYN ]
ik Ajb srUp hYN ] ik Aimqo ibBUq hYN ] 159 ]
keh achlun prkash hain, keh amito sobas hain
keh ajb sroop hain, keh amito bebhooti hain. (159)
O Lord, You are Immutable. You are the Embodiment of All Virtues. Wonderful is Your Form and Infinite is Your Glory. (159)
ik Aimqo psw hYN ] ik Awqm pRBw hYN ]
ik Aclµ Anµg hYN ] ik Aimqo ABMg hYN ] 160 ]
keh amito psa hain, keh aatm prbha hain
keh achlun anung hain, keh amito abhung hain. (160)
O Lord, You are the Master of limitless creation of the Universe. You are Self-luminous, You ever remain Unchanging, You have no body. You are Infinite and Indestructible. (160)
mDuBwr CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

muin min pRnwm ] guin gn mudwm ]
Air br AgMj ] hir nr pRBMj ] 161 ]
muni muni prnam, gun gn mudam
ari br agunj, hrinar prbhunj. (161)
O Lord, the sages bow before You. You are Eternal Fount of Virtues. The great adversaries cannot cause injury to You. (161) An gn pRnwm ] muin min slwm ]
hir nr AKMf ] br nr AmMf ] 162 ]
angn prnam, muni mun slam
har nar akhund, bur nur amund. (162)
O Lord, countless people bow to You. The sages meditate on You. You are the Supreme and Perfect Being. Most Handsome of the humans. (162)
AnBv Anws ] muin min pRkws ]
guin gn pRnwm ] jl Ql mudwm ] 163 ]
anbhav anas, muni mun parkas
gun gun prnam, jal thal mudam. (163)
O Lord, You are Self-illumined and are Eternal. The mind of devotees is illumined by Your light. Virtuous people bow to You. You are present everywhere on land and sea. (163)
AniC`j AMg ] Awsn ABMg ]
aupmw Apwr ] giq imiq audwr ] 164 ]
anchij aung, aasan abhung.
oopma apar, gati mit oodar. (164)
O Lord, You do not get old, You ever remain Unchanging. Your Glory has no limits, and none is like You. How much Great is You, to tell this, is extremely big thing for any one. (164)
jl Ql AmMf ] ids ivs ABMf ]
jl Ql mhMq ] ids ivs ibAMq ] 165 ]
jal thal amund, dis vis abhund.
jal thal mhunt, dis vis baiaunt. (165)
O Lord, You are Present on land, sea and everywhere. You do not need any decorations to show off Your Self. You Alone are worshipped on land and sea and in all directions, as Infinite Being. (165)
AnBv Anws ] iDRq Dr Durws ]
Awjwn bwhu ] eykY sdwhu ] 166 ]
naubhv anas, dhirti dhar dhuras.
aajan bah, aikai sdahu. (166)
O Lord, You are Self-illumined and the Chief of earth. You have under Your control all the means of creation. There is none except You. (166)
EAMkwr Awid ] kQnI Anwid ]
Kl KMf iKAwl ] gurbr Akwl ] 167 ]
Oaunkar adi, kthni anadi.
khal khund khial, gur bur akal. (167)
O Lord, You are present everywhere ever Unchanging. You are the Source of all creation. No amount of description can explain Your Origin. You Destroy all wicked ones in an instsant. You are the Greatest and Eternal. (167)
Gr Gir pRnwm ] icq crn nwm ]
AniC`j gwq ] Awijj n bwq ] 168 ]
ghar ghar prnam, chiti charn namu.
aachij gat, aajij na bat. (168)
O Lord, You are worshipped by people in every house. Your Feet and Name abide in the mind of the people. You never get old and You are not dependent on any one on any count. (168)
AnJMJ gwq ] AnrMj bwq ]
Antut BMfwr ] AnTt Apwr ] 169]
anjhunj gat, anrunj bat.
antut bhundar, antht apar. (169)
O Lord, You are above all types of wranglings. You do not get enraged with creatures on any count. Inexhaustible are Your stores and You give to all. No one can install you as an idol. You are Infinite Lord. (169)
AwfIT Drm ] Aiq FIT krm ]
AxbRx Anµq ] dwqw mhMq ] 170 ]
aadeeth dharam, ati dheeth karm.
anbrn anunt, data mhunt. (170)
Examplry are Your Ways and Means (Dharma). Your actions are bold and fearless. You are Infinite, Invincible and Supreme Giver. (170)
hirbolmnw CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]

kruxwlX hYN ] Air GwlX hYN ]
Kl KMfn hYN ] mih mMfn hYN ] 171 ]
karunalay hain, ari ghalay hain.
khal khandan hain, meh mundan hain.(171)
O Lord, You are the Embodiment of Mercy. You are the Slayer of enemies (trouble makers). You are the Destroyer of evil persons. You preserve the earth. (171) jgqysÍr hYN ] prmysÍr hYN ]
kil kwrx hYN ] srb aubwrx hYN ] 172 ]
jugtaisver hain, prmaisver hain.
kli karan hain, sarb oobaran hain. (172)
O Lord, You are the Master of creation. You are the Greatest of all. You are the Cause of all conflicts. You are the Savior of people in these conflicts. (172)
iDRq ky Drx hYN ] jg ky krx hYN ]
mn mwinX hYN ] jg jwinX hYN ] 173 ]
dhirt kai dharan hain, jug kai krn hain.
mun maniay hain jug janniay hain. (173)
O Lord, You are the Support of the earth, and the Creator of the Universe. You know all the minds. The creatures accept Your Authority. (173)
srbM Br hYN ] srbM kr hYN ]
srb pwisX hYN ] srb nwisX hYN ] 174 ]
sabun bhar hain, sabun kur hain.
sarb pasiay hain, sarb nasiay hain. (174)
O Lord, You are the Creator and the Sustainer of all. You abide with all, and also Destroy all. (174)
kruxwkr hYN ] ibsÍMBr hYN ]
srbysÍr hYN ] jgqysÍr hYN ] 175 ]
krunakr hain, besvunbhr hain.
srbaisver hain, jgtaisver hain. (175)
O Lord, You are Fount of Mercy. You are the Sustainer of the creatures. You are the Master of all and the Universe. (175)
bRhmMfs hYN ] Kl KMfs hYN ]
pr qy pr hYN ] kruxwkr hYN ] 176 ]
brhmundas hain, khal khundas hain.
pur tai pur hain, krunakr hain. (176)
O Lord, You are the master of the whole Universe and Destroyer of the wicked. You are the Greatest of all and the souce of Mercy. (176)
Ajpw jp hYN ] AQpw Qp hYN ]
Aik®qw ik®q hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ] 177 ]
ajpajp hain, athpathp hain.
akirtakirti hain, aumritamirt hain. (177)
O Lord, You cannot be approached by mere repetition of certain words, (as magicians manupulate their deities) nor You can be installed as an idol (as Hindus do in their temples). No one has made Your Personality, You are Eternal Being. (177)
AMimRqw imRq hYN ] krxw ik®q hYN ]
Aik®qw ik®q hYN ] DrxI iDRq hYN ] 178 ]
amiritamrit hain, krunakirti hain.
akirtakirti hain, dhurni dhirti hain. (178)
O Lord, You are Eternal and House of Mercy. No one can carve out an idol of Yours. You are the Support of the earth. (178)
AimRqysÍr hYN ] prmysÍr hYN ]
Aik®qw ik®q hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ] 179 ]
ametaisver hain, prmaisver hain.
akirtakirt hain, amirtamirt hain. (179)
O Lord, You are the Master of Unlimited powers. You are the Greatest of all. No one can carve Your idol. You are Eternal. (179)
Ajbw ik®q hYN ] AimRqw imRq hYN ]
nr nwiek hYN ] Kl Gwiek hYN ] 180 ]
ajbakirt hain, amirtamirt hain.
nar naeik hain, khal ghaeik hain. (180)
O Lord, You have wonderful Form, You are Eternal. You are the Master of all humans, and the Destroyer of all wicked ones. (180)
ibsÍMBr hYN ] kruxwlX hYN ]
inRp nwiek hYN ] srb pwiek hYN ] 181 ]
besvunbhur hain, krunalay hain.
nirpnaeik hain, sarb paeik hain. (181)
O Lord, You sustain the whole Universe, and are the House of Mercy. You are the Master of kings and the Savior of all. (181)
Bv BMjn hYN ] Air gMjn hYN ]
irpu qwpn hYN ] jpu jwpn hYN ] 182 ]
bhav bhunjan hain, ari gujan hain.
ripu tapan hain, jup japn hain. (182)
O Lord, You save us from the cycle of repeated births and deaths. You are the Conqueror of enemies (evil thoughts). It is You, Who enables us to love You. (182)
Aklµ ik®q hYN ] srbw ik®q hYN ]
krqw kr hYN ] hrqw hir hYN ] 183 ]
aklunkit hain, sarbakirti hain.
karta kar hain, harta hur hain. (183)
O Lord, You are free from all blemishes, and are the Creator of everything. You are the Creator of Brahma even (who is said to have created the world), You are also the Destroyer of Shiva (who is said to destroy the world). (183)
prmwqm hYN ] srb Awqm hYN ]
Awqm bs hYN ] js ky js hYN ] 184 ]
prmatm hain, sarbatm hain.
aatm bus hain, jus kai jus hain. (184)
You are the Supreme Soul, the souls of creatures are parts of Your Own. You have Self Control, and are Unchanging. (184)
BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

nmo sUrj sUrjy nmo cMdR cMdRy ]
nmo rwj rwjy nmo ieMdR ieMdRy ]
nmo AMDkwry nmo qyj qyjy ]
nmo ibMRd ibMRdy nmo bIj bIjy ] 185 ]
namo sooraj soorjai amo chund chundrai
namo raj rajai namo eindr eindrai.
namo audhkarai namo taij taijai
namo birund birundai namo bij bijai. (185)
O Lord, we bow to You. The glow in suns is Your effulgence, and the cool light of moons is also Your Light. You are the King of kings and the Lord of Indras. You are utter darkness and also All Brightness. The Great Gathering of the People is Your Form, and in its dissolution, the Subtle Seed is also Your Form. (185) nmo rwjsM qwmsM sWq rUpy ]
nmo prm q`qM Aq`qM srUpy ]
nmo jog jogy nmo igAwn igAwny ]
nmo mMqR mMqRy nmo iDAwn iDAwny ] 186 ]
namo rajsun tamsun sant roopai
namo prm tutai atutun sroopai
namo jog jogai namo gian gianai
namo muntrun muntrai namo dhian dhianai. (186)
O Lord, we bow to You. There are the Three modes of the Matter, with which Universe was created, Rajas, Tamas, and Satav. But Your Light and the Form was not made from the Matter. You are Supreme Soul (Parm-atma), which is not of matter. The Supreme Knowledge is with You. You are the Supreme Word, You are the Highest Meditation. (Your Name is the Word, Knowledge, contemplation and deeper meditation). (186)
nmo juD juDy nmo igAwn igAwny ]
nmo Boj Bojy nmo pwn pwny ]
nmo klh krqw nmo sWq rUpy ]
nmo ieMdR ieMdRy AnwdM ibBUqy ] 187 ]
namo judh judhai namo gian gianai. namo bhoj bhojai namo pan panai.
namo kleh karta namo santi roopai. namo einder eindrai anandun bebhootai. (187)
O Lord, we bow to You. No one can fight with You successfully in a battle. Your Name is the Treasure of Knowledge. Sustenance of all creatures is in Your Hands and is controlled by You. You are the Cause of all turmoils, and also the Embodiment of Peace. You are the King of kings like Indras. Your Glory is Beginningless.(187)
klµkwr rUpy Alµkwr Alµky ]
nmo Aws Awsy nmo bWk bMky ]
ABMgI srUpy AnµgI Anwmy ]
iqRBMgI iqRkwly AnµgI Akwmy ] 188 ]
klunkar roopai alunkar alunkai. namo aas aasai namo bank bunkai.
abhungi sroopai anungi anamai. tribhungi trekalai anungi akamai. (188)
O Lord, we bow to You. You are without blemish. The beautiful persons owe their beauty to You. You are the Hope of every one’s aspirations. You are Most Handsome. You are Eternal, Limbless and Namesless. You are the Destroyer of the Three Regions in the past, present and future. You are bodyless and also Desireless. (188)
eyk ACrI CMd ]

AjY ] AlY ] ABY ] AbY ] 189 ]
ajai, alai, abhai, abai (189)
O Lord, No one can conquer You. You are Eternal. You are Fearless. Time has no effect on You. (189) ABU ] AjU ] Anws ] Akws ] 190 ]
abhoo, ajoo, anas, akas.(190)
O Lord, You are Unborn, Unchanging, Indestructible and Present everywhere. (190)
AgMj ] ABMj ] Al`K ] AB`K ] 191 ]
agunj, abhunj, alkh, abhkh. (191)
O Lord, No one can conquer You. No one can break You. You are Invisible. Needs no food to live. (191)
Akwl ] idAwl ] AlyK ] AByK ] 192 ]
akal, dayal, alaikh, abhaikh.(192)
O Lord, Death does not affect You. You are Compassionate. No portrait can be made of You. You do not wear any dress. (192)
Anwm ] Akwm ] Agwh ] AFwh ] 193 ]
anam, akam, adhah, agah. (193)
O Lord, You are Nameless. You are Desireless. Your knowledge is Fathomless. You are Boundless. (193)
AnwQy ] pRmwQy ] AjonI ] AmonI ] 194 ]
anathai, prmathai, ajoni, amoni. (194)
O Lord, There is none superior to You. You are the Destroyer of all. You do not take birth. You do not sit in complete silence. (194)
n rwgy ] n rMgy ] n rUpy ] n ryKy ] 195 ]
na ragai, na rungai, na roopai, na raikhai. (195)
O Lord, You do not get attached to anything. You have no color. You have no Form. You have no mark. (195)
AkrmM ] ABrmM ] AgMjy ] AlyKy ] 196 ]
akarmun, abharmun, agunjai, alaikhai. (196)
O Lord, You need no religious rituals to perform. You do not have any illusions or superstitious beliefs. No one can win over You, and no one can make a potraits of You. (196)
BujMg pRXwq CMd ]

nmsqul pRxwmy smsqul pRxwsy ]
AgMjul Anwmy smsqul invwsy ]
inRkwmM ibBUqy smsqul srUpy ]
kukrmM pRxwsI suDrmM ibBUqy ] 197 ]
nmstul prnamai smstul prnasai
agunjal anamai smstul nivasai
nirkamung bebhootai smstul sroopai
kukrmun prnasi sudharmun bebhootai. (197)
O Lord, we salute You. You are the Destroyer of all. You are Nameless and cannot be conquered and abide in all ceatures. You are known for Your Desirelessness. All the creation is Your Form. You are the Destroyer of evil and Cherisher of Righteousness. (197) sdw s`icdwnµd s`qRM pRxwsI ]
krImul kuinµdw smsqul invwsI ]
Ajwieb ibBUqy gjwieb gnImy ]
hrIAM krIAM krImul rhImy ] 198 ]
sda sachdanund sutrun prnasi.
kreemul kuninda smstul nivasi
ajaeib bebhootai gjaeib gneemai
hreeaun kreeaun kreemul rheemai. (198)
O Lord, Ever Existing True One, Consciousness and Bliss, You are Annihilator of enemies (evil and wickedness). You are Beneficent Creator of all. You abide in all creatures. You are Wonderful Lord. You are a Terror to the tyrants. You are the Destroyer and also the Creator. You are Compassionate and Merciful. (198)
c`qR c`k® vrqI c`qR c`k® Bugqy ]
suXMBv suBM srbdw srb jugqy ]
dukwlµ pRxwsI idAwlµ srUpy ]
sdw AMg sMgy ABMgM ibBUqy ] 199 ]
chatr chakr varti chatr chakr bhugtai
soyunbhv sobhun sarbda sarb jugtai
dokalun prasi dayalun sroopai
sda aung sungai abhungun bebhootai. (199)
O Lord, You pervade in all the four directions. You are Supreme everywhere in all the four directions. Self Existent, All Beauty, and ever united with all the creatures. You extirpate the miseries of birth and death of the creatures, Embodiment of Mercy, and ever present with creatures. Your Glory is ever Undiminished. (199)
Feb 19, 2007
Delhi India
Narayanjot ji,

Thank you! Now please tell me do you find anything in it that goes even a wee bit against the Sikh tenets? So why should we not recite it in Amrit vele da Nitnem? Even if as many say that it is part of DG and which was not composed by Guru Gobind Singh ji?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
harbansj24 ji

I am not sure who said we should not recite it in this thread. Now there are people abroad who say that we should not. The counterargument to that is this. That there are 50 or so pages within Dasam Granth that are considered by most reputable scholars as the true banee of Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji. Jaap Sahib falls within those pages.

Those who speak against the recitation of Jaap Sahib are really very few. Too often when a person questions one of the other, doubtful, sections of Dasam Granth, assumptions and accusations are made against them. They are called heretics and Kala Afghanists; and the accusers do not look closely at their track record. Many of those called heretic do their NitNem as prescribed dutifully every day. A few of them are SPN Leaders.

So your question was " Thank you! Now please tell me do you find anything in it that goes even a wee bit against the Sikh tenets? So why should we not recite it in Amrit vele da Nitnem? Even if as many say that it is part of DG and which was not composed by Guru Gobind Singh ji?"

I do not think any of Jaap goes against Sikh tenets, and I think that it is consistent with Sri Guru Granth Sahib. After all, Sri Gobind Singh declared Guru Granth to be the final Guru. So why would he be the author of anything that is inconsistent with the Guru Granth Sahib? And it is the consistency of Jaap Sahib's message with the Guru Granth that led to it becoming one of the NitNem bani at the time that the maryada was being composed.

I am not sure why you are asking me, directing your question to me, however, as there are more accomplished people who can give a better answer than I.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Harbhansj24 ji :wah::wah::wah:

You are giving too much credit but I am touched by your answer. Pray fro your heart that I do not mislead in my answers. At least not often.
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