Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji once said, life is a process of "learning, unlearning and relearning".
Right now I am unlearning because I thought that we needed to go meet with the Lord, but this vaak says the Lord comes to us, so be prepared to receive him. Isn't it similar to rainfall ?
My mind has become joyful, hearing of God's coming. Sing the songs of joy to welcome the Lord, O my companions; my household has become the Lord's Mansion.
My query is that if the Lord is only an awareness away, so is the ruby called Naam !!!
If Naam is with the Lord and the Lord is just an awareness away, then will the Sadhu accept me as his/her chela. How does the typical sadhu look like ?
How many Sadhus are guarding the gate to the Lord's Mansion ? Or shall I say, since the role of Sadhu is to lift the veil of duality and give us an added dimension of vision and understanding, the veil that separates us (the aspirants) from the priceless jewel is an invisible cloak of some sort - a cloaking device.
Gee, I never thought I would be up against an invisible shield with a
blindfold covering my inner vision. Prabh Milne Ka Chao.
Now comes to question : the modules of learning.
What preparation do I need to make in order to travel this journey within the heart ?
No Raiders of the Lost Arc, so what's the purpose of the physical body ?
To meet with the sadhu ?
Still unlearning alot of things.
My imagination still running wild on how a sadhu looks like.