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Journey Of A Sikh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Journey of a Sikh

Most of us in this forum call ourselves Sikhs or are gravitated towards Sikhi no matter what our background/present religion is.

We also all know a Sikh means a student, a learner, a seeker which includes every human in this world if we put it in a pragmatic way.

As we are all learners we should be able to gauge ourselves in this process how far we have come just like a kid from the kindergarten to graduating from college. It does show the progress. The same is true in all professions

But the interesting part about Sikhi is that our improvement begins from the within at a very young age, even before we go to the kindergarten and it reflects in the journey of our academic education,profession and how we behave with others, the loved ones and/or the strangers.

Many of us do Nitnem or involve ourselves in meditation. I will let the latter for the individual for its description.

For many of us, our day starts with Vaheguru Simran, Jap and other Paaths and end at night before going to bed with Sohila in which we say, “ Deio Sajan Assisiran Jei Hovei Sahib Seu Meil”. In other words, “Veheguru, please shower me with the blessing if I die during my sleep”. To put it in another terms, we open our Day book in the morning and close it at night.

In this way we can gauge the progression or regression in our behavior in our daily lives so that we can steer our inner boat accordingly for the next day. So, this means, a Sikh has his/her Judgment Day daily.

This is the unique advantage we have that other religions do not. In most of the other religions, the Day of Judgment is after death and I am sure no one here has any idea what happens then, then. None of our ancestors have come back after death to warn us against or to guide us after they have experienced the judgment day.

According to this, a Sikh gets up every day, does Nitnem, goes to his or her work which could be from studying, housekeeping, working as a doctor by treating patients, some with grave illnesses or in any other kind of profession.

With the Gurmat ideals in our mind as our daily mental exercise, we subconsciously transfer that behavior in our professional lives.

Here are a few questions for us to learn from each other.

1. Do you gauge your life daily as per Sikhi? If yes, how?

2. How do you improve/change your attitude learnt from the daily activities?

3. How does Gurbani play part in your daily life?

4. How do you practice Gurmat values in your everyday life?

5. Do you see any improvements in you when you live your life with the Gurmat values?

6. Please share them from #5.

7. How can you help your friend, fellow worker, colleague, relative with your Gurmat experience?

Let’s learn from each other in order to improve our lives.

Thanks in advance for this Sadh Sangat's interaction.


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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
During the howling

1. Do you gauge your life daily as per Sikhi? If yes, how?

Only how miserably short I fall

2. How do you improve/change your attitude learnt from the daily activities?

I don't, I have the memory and learning of a goldfish

3. How does Gurbani play part in your daily life?

It is all the things I should be doing

4. How do you practice Gurmat values in your everyday life?

I am honest, I try to be honest

5. Do you see any improvements in you when you live your life with the Gurmat values?


6. Please share them from #5.

I will instead share the utter lonliness, lack of hope and lack of love when you do not live your life as per Gurmat

7. How can you help your friend, fellow worker, colleague, relative with your Gurmat experience?

Tell them what not to do

Not Howling

1. Do you gauge your life daily as per Sikhi? If yes, how?

I try and help anyone I come across, I try and be honest and truthful, I try to keep myself connected, the gauge is how connected I feel.

2. How do you improve/change your attitude learnt from the daily activities?

I notice how my thinking, actions and words, if within Gurmat, have a huge effect on my environment, and on me, it is humbling to see the change in my environment, and also inspiring, the truth always wins, when your connected your backing the truth every time, doubling down, winning. It happens driving the car, letting someone out, getting a smile, and as the day goes on, you just want to see as many smiles as possible

3. How does Gurbani play part in your daily life?

It tells me what is right and what is wrong, it helps me back the winner, everytime

4. How do you practice Gurmat values in your everyday life?

Honesty is big with me, I refuse to sell laptops for more than you can buy the cheapest new one, and refuse to repair if a px is cheaper, I try and make all the people closest to me laugh, I like to keep my promises, although that is hard, people forgive me for much, too much, I like to connect with my wife, my dogs, cook, clean, organise, and generally see myself as a representitive of the Creator, a celestial policeman maybe, but then I have a romantic idea of everything

5. Do you see any improvements in you when you live your life with the Gurmat values?

It is two different lives

6. Please share them from #5.

I am more loving, patient, kind, understanding, less interested in my own needs, able to give without any expectation (or bitterness), happier, more at peace, connected, strange things happen, good things, some could call it luck, but good things happen, I put it down to my nature, my nature when I am like this could be mistaken for very well balanced happy content man who wishes to share what he has with anyone, I am happy

7. How can you help your friend, fellow worker, colleague, relative with your Gurmat experience?

Emapthy and pragmatism

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
And today a rare day, the wolf and man sit down in peace

1. Do you gauge your life daily as per Sikhi? If yes, how?

life becomes a balancing act, to try and get through the day as pure as possible, to achieve as much as possible with as many people as possible, to use the wolf as a driving force, but in the direction of Gurmat

2. How do you improve/change your attitude learnt from the daily activities?

I know that being busy, productive and honest have side effects, they grow seeds, focused, the wolf can do wonders.He is a good hard worker, he knows no defeat

3. How does Gurbani play part in your daily life?

It tames the wolf, it directs the wolf, it shows him that his pleasures and fantasies are nothing compared to the smile on a puppies face, the warmth of a wife, the contentment of being true, and honest.

4. How do you practice Gurmat values in your everyday life?

By using the wolf to pull me,in search of the truth

5. Do you see any improvements in you when you live your life with the Gurmat values?

6. Please share them from #5.


7. How can you help your friend, fellow worker, colleague, relative with your Gurmat experience?

help them shoulder the burden
Oct 4, 2012
1. Do you gauge your life daily as per Sikhi? If yes, how?

Well Firstly, I had to look up the meaning of gauge,so i hope i understood the right meaning.....yes I do gauge my life daily as per Sikhi....though I am not amrit shak...a follower...and every step i take in my day i try to do the right, my mind sort of keeps assessing whether i am doing right or wrong according to Sikhism, though no one is perfect but i try to be a good person as directed by Guru Granth sahib ji.

2. How do you improve/change your attitude learnt from the daily activities?

i try to be more kind when i meet a more kind person, i try to be more honest when i meet a more honest person than me stuff like that...i feel happy by making someone smile or helping and feel bad when someone is hurt because of me...nature teaches a lot..."love" is a natural thing, just get amazed when i see a mother father bird protecting their baby bird and helping it to fly. and they don't expect anything in return.yeah they are animals BUT the Love is natural right?

3. How does Gurbani play part in your daily life?

I am on my way learning what Gurbani teaches us, and the more love i understand the more i love it...the right life which gurbani teaches us I wanna follow it and be happy and content before my soul leaves my body.

4. How do you practice Gurmat values in your everyday life?

I Try to be honest, sometimes i am not 100% honest because there are few things i cannot share with everyone....but try to be as much as I can, try not to be rude, hurt others...be a nice person...meditate on God's name, read gurbani a little to understand what Guru ji is teaching...just try to be so full of love that my aura comforts everyone who comes close to me.

5. Do you see any improvements in you when you live your life with the Gurmat values?


6. Please share them from #5.

I feel better and happy though i would still say i am not perfect have my own flaws but i feel good when i meditate on God's name, help others, feel that peace that can be felt no where else.

7. How can you help your friend, fellow worker, colleague, relative with your Gurmat experience?

Teach them to Love God and to be blessed with His love too. tell them to live a better life which almost all religions teach to live with honesty and love. Gurbani teaches us to live a life with less worries and more love and satisfaction, i am learning and practicing that, so I would help others to understand and follow too, though no forcing.

At the end i am very far behind on the path of Sikhism but i am sure moving slowly and as much as I can, don't wanna run and fall or get tired that I give up. It is a beautiful path don't wanna ruin my journey. and thanks for the beautiful post, got a chance to dig deep inside me and see that i have lots of homework to do. :cheerleaders:

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
1. Do you gauge your life daily as per the self? If yes, how?
Well its how happy I can make myself feel, through food, drink, or happy experiences.

2. How do you improve/change your attitude learnt from the daily activities?
Things that bring me happiness get allocated more and more time, I end up living from one experience to another
3. How does the self play part in your daily life?
A huge part, I have to feed it, entertain it, give it what it wants

4. How do you practice values of the self in your everyday life?
I worship the self, I appease it it in any way I can, everything points to the self, everything is the self.

5. Do you see any improvements in you when you live your life with the self values?

In my life? of course not, I have no interest in living, only the now.,

6. Please share them from #5.
From the occasional worship, from the daily routines, one enters a connection with the self, a connection that becomes 100% of all daily living. It becomes you, defines you, and your definition is one that lives purely for the pleasure of the moment, the connection with the darkest part of you, the pleasure in anothers failure, the happiness of winning, of money, power, ego, pride, of expectations, future glories, the destruction of everything good and clean in order to live those glories, in short, to ignore the supreme connection with the light, and pursue whats in the dark.

7. How can you corrupt your friends, fellow workers, colleagues, relatives with your self experience?
very easily


Dec 22, 2009
I don't think I've come very far & it's by choice. Bc a Lot of people around me believe in NOTHING.

I truly perceive & witness that the world (& I do not kno if it's always been this) but the Vulnerable are picked on, not treated well. There is no place for children and elderly in our society. I can't understand but Im sure it's b/c of the advent of technology or maybe people are just clever these days.

Sikhi is nice, Gurbani is nice. But I TRULY wholeheartedly Question, whether In this world, east & west, whether it's even viable. There's a lot of homogeneity. People have, & always hate difference, especially the Western faiths, I feel they're So engrossed in Ego. And Sikhi's based in Humility. So when it comes to how far? Not very far.

However, I've gauged and continually gauge what goes on around me. And exactly where I'll fit in. & What it means to be powerful & powerless. And somewhere in this is Kindness and God.

I guess Ive kinda taken on the load for myself. And i don't like what I ce.
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