I just finished reading about Sanatan Sikh Seva Panthi and find that Guru Gobind Singh actually exempted them from the requirements of and declared that there should be a Sikh order after Bhai Kanhaiya ji that should serve mankind indiscriminately, at the same time exepting Bhai Kanhaiya ji and his followers from military duty for this cause. If Guru Gobind Singh made this declaration, how can Akal Takt refuse to acknowledge them as Sikhs?
Panji, you should consider Sikh history during this time. For example, Naamdhari's claim lineage of Gurgaddhi being passed by 148 year old Guru Gobind Singh (who was living in hiding all that time) to Balak Singh, and then to Ram Singh and so forth down to Jagjit Singh Naamdhari. Just because Naamdhari's believe in this lineage, doesn't mean it's true.
Nirmala Sikhs for example, believe that Guru Gobind Singh sent five of his Sikhs to study Sanskrit and Vedic scriptures and this is the basis of their religious order. Just because Nirmala believe that doesn't make it true. Although it is acknowledged that Nirmala are religious scholars, their form of Nanakian spirituality comes under the sanatan umbrella because they are essentially keshdhari Hindus. Why would Guruji, having written that searching the Vedas will not bring liberation, and being the embodiment of liberation Himself for our time as Guru-liberator in the kalyug, send his disciples to study another message?
In 1875, the Arya Samaj established itself in Punjab, and some of its members began stating publicly that Sikhism should be considered a branch of Hinduism using what was seen as derogatory language in reference to Sikh Gurus and their writings. Leaders in the Sikh community, however, showed resolve in maintaining the status of their religion as independent and unique, and the statements of the Arya Samaj activists were summarily denounced as acts of aggression with the intent of destroying Sikh religious identity. It was also alleged that the Arya Samaj, which had taken an increasingly active role in certain Sikh Gurdwaras, was introducing practices that were contrary to Sikh principles and behaving in ways which would prove detrimental to the Sikh faith. In response, organizational efforts such as Singh Sabha and Gurdwara Sudhar Movement were launched for countering Arya Samaj influence and peacefully reclaiming control of Sikh Gurdwaras. Arya Samaj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The political forces active during this history were trying to unify India under one banner, and still are today. Thus, to Hinduize the message of Sikhism is considered patriotic. But Guruji did not create orders and sects of Hindu Panth within Gursikhi. Hindu Panth created orders and sects within Gursikhi to alter the message and identity of Gursikhi under Hindu parivaar. Today sanatan organizations, while hiding under a guise of multiculturalism and openness are in fact politicized by the nationalistic Hindutva movement which has the creed:
"It is an article of faith with the RSS-BJP that India's religious minorities do not have a legitimate, independant identity... According to the RSS leader Sudarshan, "If Muslims want to stay in India, they have to submit to the Indianization of their religion."
Remember, Timeless Akal is One, but we still are living in Kalug where corruption flourishes. Just because Akal Purakh is existing in all beings, does not mean bow down to all beings or worship stones and statues. These corruptions of Sikhism are with intent to overwhelm Guruji's message of liberation. Udasis and Nirmalas are among the sanatan mahants who corrupted Gurdwaras with statues and pictures of Hindu devtas, for which the Gurdwara Reform movement was needed. They are of the Hindu faith, and not of the Sikh faith.
~Bhul chak maaf