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Life After Death

Somtimes I read this forum and truly beleive that some people really are in rudimentary terms... full of it!

It is highly unlikely that their is life after death (we can only sit here in awe of this world...we will never know for sure so stop acting ignorant as if we have a clue)
kds 1980...theres no such thing as telepathy...you've officially let hollywood/bollywood rot your brain into the size of a pea

The concept of Karma was introduced as a control measure because law enforcement was inadequate in the past!
people would be scared out of doing wrong thus suppressing civil revolts... but somehow the karmian ideology persists within the unenlightened masses in the east till this day...despite having the state judiciary and police networks.

Like Nietzsche said "God is dead; but his shadow still lurks on the walls"

Karmian ideology was a way in which people born into serfdom would be obliged to stay in serfdom and eventually die in serfdom (by the wish of their masters, of course)... It was a technique used by the High Caste to suppress the uneducated masses of the time (I've noticed that in some regions of India it is still used in this manner)

so this nonsense of being born poor because of what you did in your "past life" (which by the way you cant remember..because....ooo yea it doesnt work that way) is the nonsense that makes this world more filthy and disgusting.

Answer One Simple Question To All SIKHS:
As sikhs..we do not support the caste system...then why do we support Karmian Ideology?....a system that soldifies and justifies the caste system.

shame on all of you who do support it...shame, shame, shame!

ps: karma is not the same idea as "what goes around come around" its a concept that literally states "you got what you deserved...now stop complaining and die with what you have until the next life" except what you got is nothing compared to person telling you to be satisfied!


Apr 3, 2005
It is highly unlikely that their is life after death (we can only sit here in awe of this world...we will never know for sure so stop acting ignorant as if we have a clue)
kds 1980...theres no such thing as telepathy...you've officially let hollywood/bollywood rot your brain into the size of a pea

sinister your views are more of a marxists than a sikh.i just posted some cases from a book which you are unable to refute that's why you have started using abusive language.sikhism beleives in god and and the aim of life is to merge with god.if you beleive that i have pea sized brain then yes all
religious people on the earth has pea sized brain.
If you beleive in in telepathy...You have officially lost touch with reality...which pretty dangerous....just tryin to help you out... you know get you back on track.

Do you go to pandits/hand-readers to obtain tranquility?

as for you "sources"
none of which are peer reviewed by any scientific community, are largely erroneous.

ps: im a progressive socialist who beleives that their is still hope in reason guided by sikh morality....not a marxist. what are you ... a steel hearted capitlist? or a fence sitter? or a High Caste?


Apr 3, 2005
If you beleive in in telepathy...You have officially lost touch with reality...which pretty dangerous....just tryin to help you out... you know get you back on track.

the article i posted is about xenoglossy not telepathy.there some reported cases of xenoglossy and yes i do beleive in paranormal things.

Do you go to pandits/hand-readers to obtain tranquility?

no i don't go to pandits.why should i go to them if someone beleives in such things then he should go to pandits what a logic you have.

as for you "sources"
none of which are peer reviewed by any scientific community, are largely erroneous.

science is not absolute.there are many conflicts within. science.one school publish one theory and other school publish another theory.just visit white superemacy sites like stormfront and they will show you many so called scientific studies that white's are superior and blacks are inferior.

ps: im a progressive socialist who beleives that their is still hope in reason guided by sikh morality....not a marxist. what are you ... a steel hearted capitlist? or a fence sitter? or a High Caste?

you are fanatic in your theory that's why just like a fanatic muslim you want to help me and others and if some one don't agree with your theory then he must have pea sized brain.and i totaly don't understand where i supported hardcore capitalism or boasted about my caste.[/quote]
"the article i posted is about xenoglossy not telepathy.there some reported cases of xenoglossy and yes i do beleive in paranormal things." ("O'er what dangerous waters ye tread?")

Why make a faith that is rooted in logic, illogical?
this is the very thing our gurus where out to destroy...this beleif in the "paranormal" and here you stand 300 years later embracing it?

The reason I asked you if you went to pandits was not to offend you but learn where "paranormal beleivers" (such as yourself) draw the line between reason and utter blindness (assuming you beleive pandits are fake but people being raised with genes from there previous past are true...which if you had any clue of biological processes would know is farce and makes no sense).

science is not absolute.there are many conflicts within. science.one school publish one theory and other school publish another theory.
Nothing in this world is absolute because the universe is not absolute (the universe changes) ..even scientist agree to this! the changing of science is the best part of science (it awknowledges its change at least)! (religion is not absolute either....3 mellinia ago their were different faiths and now there are others..... a couple of mellinia from now sikhism will definetly not be the same practice... just wait till your old it will be different then as well)
I never said science was absolute! consider what your typing on....consider the interface thorugh which we communicate? (if science guided by faith is not the answer to our problems... is the beleif in apparitions and the paranormal suitable answer to todays troubles?)

science may provide estimates and some logical conclusions for understanding natural phenomena but its a never ending process. Dont critique...participate in science thats the best part.
the beleif in the paranormal cannot even do that, it cant even develop you spiritually, it cannot provide hope, and it definitely cannot provide estimates (it makes for an interesting bedtime story for the children but to internalize such beleifs I personally find disturbing)

If you want to call me a fanatic then so be it...
please note that it was the beleivers in the "paranormal" that:
1) sacrificed animals to gods.
2) gave offerings of milk and honey to gods made of stone despite having starving beggars outside.(this continues)
3) burned "witches" at the stake
4) performed satti
remember one thing.. it was always the "fanatics" (humanists) that stopped them! (these include our gurus)
there is no good that comes out of the beleif of the paranormal other than the selfish satisfaction of your ego.

if your still upset about the pea sized brain comment...then my apologies. You have a big brain .... bigger than mine... whether you use it or not is a different story ;)
cheers mate!


Apr 3, 2005
Why make a faith that is rooted in logic, illogical?
this is the very thing our gurus where out to destroy...this beleif in the "paranormal" and here you stand 300 years later embracing it?
dear sinister

our guru's were not atheists.they did beleive in god ,soul,transmigration..please don't mind but you have respect for guru's because you are born in sikh family.other atheists don't have any high regards for our guru's.according to them they too were either mentaly unstable or like other pandits they too
were fooling people.

The reason I asked you if you went to pandits was not to offend you but learn where "paranormal beleivers" (such as yourself) draw the line between reason and utter blindness (assuming you beleive pandits are fake but people being raised with genes from there previous past are true...which if you had any clue of biological processes would know is farce and makes no sense).

utter blindess whether in paranormal or science is dangerous.nowhere i said that i beleive in
genes from past.i beleive in soul which is far from the explanation of science.

science may provide estimates and some logical conclusions for understanding natural phenomena but its a never ending process. Dont critique...participate in science thats the best part.
the beleif in the paranormal cannot even do that

if you read the article that i posted has lot of evidence from scientists.
One of the most amazing psychic phenomena, which religionists, skeptics and atheists have continuously and deliberately ignored is xenoglossy - the ability to speak or write a foreign language a person never learned.

After all other explanations have been investigated - such as fraud, genetic memory, telepathy and cryptomnesia (the remembering of a foreign language learned earlier), xenoglossy is taken as evidence of either memories of a language learned in a past life or of communication with a discarnate entity- a spirit person.

There are many cases on record of adults and children speaking and writing languages which they have never learned. Sometimes this happens spontaneously but more often it occurs while the person is under hypnosis or in an altered state of consciousness. In some cases it is only a few words remembered but in other cases the person becomes totally fluent and able to converse with native speakers sometimes in obscure dialects which have not been in use for centuries.

Dr Morris Netherton reports one case of a blond, blue-eyed eleven year old boy who under hypnosis was taped for eleven minutes as he spoke in an ancient Chinese dialect. When the tape was taken to a professor at the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of California it turned out to be a recitation from a forbidden religion of Ancient China (Fisher 1986:202).

American medium George Valentine under trance conducted seances in Russian, German, Spanish and Welsh. The Brazilian medium Carlos Mirabelli spoke and wrote long technical documents in more than thirty languages including Syrian and Japanese in the presence of scientists and crowds up to 5,000 (Lazarus 1993: 121).

In 1977 doctors at a state penitentiary in Ohio, USA, discovered that a convicted rapist named Billy Mulligan had become possessed by two new personalities, both of whom communicated in a different language. Mulligan was born and raised in the USA and spoke no foreign languages. But when taken over by Abdul, Mulligan could read and write in perfect Arabic; as Rugen he spoke perfect Serbo-Croat with a thick Slavic accent (Lazarus 1993: 83).

The most obvious explanations of these kinds of cases are either deliberate fraud or that the person concerned learnt the language in early childhood without being aware of it. Careful investigators always take care to thoroughly investigate these two possibilities.

Dr Ian Stevenson

Dr Ian Stevenson is one of the most respected scientists in the United States. He has done specialized research into xenoglossy and his book Xenoglossy (Stevenson 1974) is one of the leading scientific studies in this area. In it he documents a study he made of a 37 year old American woman. Under hypnosis she experienced a complete change of voice and personality into that of a male. She spoke fluently in the Swedish language-a language she did not speak or understand when in the normal state of consciousness.

Dr Stevenson's direct involvement with this case lasted more than eight years. The study involved linguists and other experts and scientists who meticulously investigated every alternative explanation.

Fraud was ruled out for number of substantive reasons which Stevenson outlines in his study. The subject and her physician husband were thoroughly investigated. They were under extreme and continuous close scrutiny, did not want publicity and agreed to the publication of the study only if their names were changed to protect their privacy. Both the husband and wife were considered by their local community to be honest and decent and their behavior exemplary. Certainly there was no motive for personal profit. On the contrary they experienced a great deal of inconvenience to fully complete the study over many years.

Cryptomnesia-the recollection of a foreign language learned in the earlier years of a person's life was also ruled out. Years of investigation of the subject failed to raise any possible suggestion that either she or her parents had learnt the Swedish language in her younger years or associated with anyone Swedish.
there are recorded cases of xenoglossy where a person has started speaking different language
scientists have no answer to these cases.because these cases are very rare so majority of scientists just try to ignore them these cases are studied by scientists like dr.morris or dr.stevenson.
just because their views are different from traditional scientists it does that it is not science.for me science is open mind which should try to research each and every case casy with open mind
not with rigid mind.

If you want to call me a fanatic then so be it...
please note that it was the beleivers in the "paranormal" that
1) sacrificed animals to gods.
2) gave offerings of milk and honey to gods made of stone despite having starving beggars outside.(this continues)
3) burned "witches" at the stake
4) performed satti
remember one thing.. it was always the "fanatics" (humanists) that stopped them! (these include our gurus)

i can say the same thing about science.fanatic nazis killed millions of people because of race theories created by science.science created weapons of mass destruction and now thanks to science we are even destroying our planet due to pollution.so the problem is not science or beleif in paranormal but
human nature.

there is no good that comes out of the beleif of the paranormal other than the selfish satisfaction of your ego.

you are confusing paranormal with superstitions, blind rituals,dogma,s.it is beleif in the existence of soul that stop people from doing bad things.

if your still upset about the pea sized brain comment...then my apologies. You have a big brain .... bigger than mine... whether you use it or not is a different story
cheers mate!

yes i was upset.our views based on on our lives,our studies our experiances .our upbringing
which no other person could experiance.we are here to communicate with each other ,exchange our views and learn.if someone does not agree with our views then it does not mean that he has lesser brain.and i am too sorry for calling you a fanatic.
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