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Atheism Life, The Universe And Nothing (Perth) Part 1 - Is It Reasonable To Believe In God? [Yahweh] - Video

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Professor Lawrence Krauss and Rory Shiner present their sides to the question 'Is it reasonable to believe in God?'

Part 1
Life, the universe and nothing (Perth) - part 1 - YouTube

Some interesting points from both sides of the cosmic fence. I'd love to see think kind of discussion centering around Dharmic religions instead of Judeo-Christian-Islamic ones.

Ishna ji,

Guru Fateh.

I happen to know Professor Lawrence Krauss personally.He teaches in the neighbouring state, Arizona. I met him during the Interfaith Forums last year where I spoke about "Why Religion" and he came to me told me he liked what I had said and asked me for the text which I gave it to him there and also emailed to him later on. He also told me that he had no idea Sikhi had no deity. He was thought to believe Sikhi was one more dogmatic religion.

We have been keeping in touch with each other via email ever since. He is studying about Sikhism and his emails are full of interesting questions about reincarnation, hell, heaven etc. etc. which is great and he hopes to write something about the difference between the -Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions and Sikhi one day. I hope he does that.

The reason there is no debate outside the the realm of Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions and Atheism is because the former is deity laced and so is Hinduism where as Sikhi is sans deity. And Atheism is against any deity. The atheists have to be taught that there are other religions sans belief as Sikhi so they can decipher their own parochial stance.

Following is a debate between Professor Lawrence Krauss and a Muslim Imam who is a convert from Christianity and is of Greek in origin now he goes by the name Hamza Tzortzis . I hope you enjoy it. It was held in London. Even the moderator is a convert.

The Big Debates: Islam or Atheism - Which Makes More Sense? Lawrence Krauss & Hamza Tzortzis - YouTube


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Well, we have 2 debates posted: agnosticism v christianity and agnosticism v islam. Is there anything comparable for at least one dharmic religion out there in cyber space? It would be a very hard debate to conduct because definitions of "god" can be very different even within a single tradition. Are for example, Jains atheists? Some say yes and others say no depending on how the divine is constructed. Short of a debate per point of view it would be hard to figure this out. I am glad you raised the question ishna ji and perhaps we can manage such a discussion using islam and christianity as jumping off points for what dharmic divines are not, and proceeding from there.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have to say that video number 1 is the only debate about atheism versus god that I have ever been able to sit through without hitting the stop button to break from boredom.

Rory Shiner gave an intellectually credible argument for a Christian god. I don't accept his thesis. However, he organized his remarks in a way that peeks at the possibilities of god in a completely original way that hinges on belief yet does not insult one's intelligence.

Lawrence Krauss -- well - particle physics? I had mentioned earlier that a dharmic comparison might be hard. There are as many gods in dharma as there are traditions and sects. I was wrong on at least one count. Take a look at how Jainism rejects the idea of god as creator, sustainer, protector. I did and the compatibility is startling. Jainism gives the theoretical arguments. Particle physics gives the science.

Great thread.
Aug 16, 2013
Atlanta GA USA
Sat Sri Akal

There are many that say cold is simply the absence of heat. I think of atheism as simply the absence of spiritual experience. Some of us are wired differently. I am sure this type of thinking is needed in some profession that demands absolute proof of a theory. It is needed or it wouldn't exist. Happily I do believe in God, and the fact that others don't does not bother me in the least.

I am not sure what to think of this most recent phenomena of a minority group of atheists getting upset about manger scenes or the ten commandments etc. It seems that that there is some bitterness that seems to be spilling over on others. One of the things I love about Sikhism is that it does not criticise other belief systems or religions. This is how it should be in my mind. All roads lead to Rome? [No pun intended :grinningsingh:]

Most of the atheists I know, are pretty laid back and don't flip out over a Christmas card. Some however seem more like undocked ships. I have felt that way before. I had ideas about the nature of God, karma, reincarnation, dharma, kama and other things, but no community peg to hang my hat on. Realizing that I am a Sikh has taught me that my hat will comfortably fit on anyone's peg I choose to hang it on, or indeed, I can just have my own peg, and it doesn't have to have a name or label.

So really, the idea of an atheist, is just a blank canvas, waiting for some paint. Perhaps in this lifetime, perhaps on another level. :interestedmunda:
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