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Listening To Your Soul, Not Your Ego

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Listening to your soul, not your ego

Your soul is the real you. It is your expression and it is your very essence. The voice in your head that compares, judges, gives opinions is your ego. Your soul comes from a place of love, your ego comes from judgment.

Finding peace it was most people strive for. Most people are under the false belief that external events can bring them peace. Many have fallen into the trap of believing that material wealth brings them peace and security. This is not to say you should live in poverty or not have nice things that bring you joy! This is an abundant Universe after all! Seeking external relief for the desire to feel peace can never work because the unrest you feel is on the inside.

When you have an injury, for example you break your leg. You go and seek medical help. Maybe you'll get a plaster or even an operation. Does that heal you? No, it doesn't. Your own body, your tissue heals, not the plaster or the operation. In the same way can you only find peace from the inside out. It has to come from you, from within, bringing harmony to your soul, mind, and body.

Your ego is very powerful but it is also redundant. There is nothing, no situation that you could possibly be in that requires you to have an ego. Why does it even exist then? It exists so that your soul can experience itself. So that you notice what is pure and unconditional love like a mother loves her child, and what is the opposite - the destructive rumblings in your head telling you you're less than. That is what your experience in this human form is all about - to experience who your soul really is.

Now is the start of a new phase. For centuries you have experienced the ego and occasionally the love of the soul. Now is the time for more and more people to unlearn the ego, to focus on the pure essence of the soul. And to live together in peace and joy. To stop destruction which is all a result of the ego.

You - by reading this message - have become an important beacon of light. The change is not going to happen suddenly. It will come in small steps. More and more people will join in and love will prevail. It is so important that you help make these small steps. For yourself, for you own experience and peace, but even more so for humanity as a whole.

How can you stop your ego from domineering? It is very simple but it takes practice. The first step is to recognise when your ego is 'talking'. Anything that is not filled with love, peace, or joy is ego. Any judgment, any un-peaceful thought is a direct result from the ego. Just notice these thought. And don't judge yourself for having them. Just notice they exist. And slowly start reversing them by telling yourself: 'This is an ego thought. I choose not to listen to it but to come from a place of love and non-judgment.' And very shortly you will notice peace in your existence. In the beginning, it will be less but slowly it will increase more and more. And there will be many situations when you can't reverse the ego - that is perfectly ok. You'll learn with experience - it's the ego putting up a fight. It doesn't want to be silenced. Just continue with compassion for yourself.







Mar 28, 2006
You can "talk" to your soul only in solitude and through silence but not through words. The language of soul is maun or silence

Respected devkumarc Ji,

looks like you are all lost in 'I am body' concept. one has to rise above this realm to experience anything this post is referring to.

forgive me please


Jul 21, 2004
Respected Cheema Ji
I am sorry. I do not know how you came to this conclusion. Nowhere i referred to myself as the embodiment of physical and psychic body. The you in "You can talk" to your soul only in solitude and through silence but not through words." refers to the soul itself. Otherwise, the next statement "The language of soul is maun or silence" canot be sustained.
Words are poor representation of Self, let me remind us.
With personal regards


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Cheema Ji
I am sorry. I do not know how you came to this conclusion. Nowhere i referred to myself as the embodiment of physical and psychic body. The you in "You can talk" to your soul only in solitude and through silence but not through words." refers to the soul itself. Otherwise, the next statement "The language of soul is maun or silence" canot be sustained.
Words are poor representation of Self, let me remind us.
With personal regards

Respected Dev Ji,

our ultimate abode is silence, but to reach there, one has to go through the streets sitting on the vehicals, all made of words; unless you are already there.

Human life is the only existance that has been given the power of intellect. And this intellect has to be used to discriminate between the real TRUTH and FALSE. Can Vichaar be done without words?????????

forgive me please
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