First of all, yes the satanic bible is relevant to atheism as it does not tell you to do the so called "simran" and stuff. Just live free and obey the following basic rules of humanity:
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
3. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
9. Do not harm little children.
10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
Deleted personally insulting comment directed at another member.
Yes i mentioned looking from up there and thats because every early religion used this version and all thanks to you, sikhi is an evolved version. And yes i agree with you on atleast one point, you're sold on the concept of waheguru.
And what are you talking about? No concept of sin in sikhism? Then what do you call a person killing people on the streets?
I doubt that sikhism doesn't classify that as a grave sin.
admin note: The Judaeo Christian concept of sin is not part of Sikhi.
@Kanwaljit Singh
Im not surprised with you aggressively protecting the faith after seeing your picture that portrays a blurred nihang. I can remember a person wearing the dress, trying to separate the country, taking the holy scripture in hand and blaming the government for stereotyping.
And wow that was so intelligent, "computer science doesn't exist", i am again not surprised with it. Believers have such an extraordinary sense of logic.
Deleted an insulting innuendo directed at another forum member. I know its there. It is not based on some things someone said and told you to believe. It actually is tangible.
I am kind of wondering why i didn't give more time to other scriptures like biographies of very successful people who are not blinded by faith.
I am very sorry to disappoint you but yes, i do not know of any fear.
Yeah, that's what you do, find an ambiguity in people words. You know what, you gotta give priorities to people who care for you. I completely disagree to the 'Moh' fact that you should not give priority to human relationships over god. You know what that makes you? Self-indulgent!
Guess what, surprise, he did ask you, Deleted a statement that undermines the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on a Sikh forum.
And please, only some logical people reply to the thread. Admin note: Anyone may reply to the thread who observes TOS and is a forum member. I want some atheists to come forward and discuss their views on atheism :
"If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people"
On a second thought Mr spnadmin, why don't you come forward instead of appreciating others?
Or you could simply block me and put my username on that wall of shame...like its broadcasted worldwide.
-Free From Chaos
I thought I was an atheist as although I was aware of 'something', I, like you, did not really see any benefit in the 'simran and stuff', I also had a similar list of actions. I felt it was my duty to feel every pleasure and satisfy every lust. As a trade off, I did as much sewa as I could, in the hope that there would be some sort of balance.
Now you are probably expecting me to say, and now I love simran, and hate pleasure and I have found god, and everything is good and right, well sorry to disappoint you, but nothing has really changed, the only difference now is that I defer to 'the complete truth', not a man in a beard, not simran, and I certainly do not turn against the darker side of me within, I accept the dark side as truth as much as the good side.
You seem a proud person, who has been hurt , and who now rejects ideals on grounds of former pain. A bit like me! but, it is not a personality that has done this, or a person, or a being, the truth happened, thats all., Fight the truth if you like, it won't really get you anywhere, what is needed is acceptance, and as soon as you accept the truth as, well truth, you are a sikh.
I still find no point in simran, but I know as my appreciation of the truth grows, I may wish to sing about it, or talk about it, or make music of love and happyness, but that will come in time.
The truth is a most beautiful thing, see how we as a planet spin towards the truth in ever great leaps, leaving behind a path of lies and falshehoods.
Slavery, Sati, Sexual/Racial discrimination, have all been exposed for what they were in the last century, we now look at these concepts with disgust and disbelief. Did South Africa really exist??? Did we really encourage women to throw themselves on funeral pyres??
Maybe in 100 years time people will not be able to fathom how you could contemplate buying that new Mercedes when there are people starving within a mile of your house, the burning truth is that no person should be starving in this world when man can send rockets to Mars, but that truth has yet to be given a priority. We hang today those whom we put on pedestals tommorow, one of those actions must be universally true, the knack is knowing which one.
People debate as to what makes man different to other animals, I will tell you, man is possibly the only living thing that can find his own truth, and some might say that is our reason for living.
I would say to you, forget simran, forget the traditions, forget every auntie or uncle who fills your head with lies (intentional or not, my perceptions about sikhism were mostly false and abrahamic), forget everything and concentrate only on the truth, and I mean that literally, focus on what you know to be right, and go from there, in time, you, and me, will learn to love that truth, respect it, and in the end, get huge pleasure from its presence if we can only learn to integrate it into our life