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Losing My Religion


Jan 5, 2007
personally i feel that if someone is asking you politely about sikhism in order to expand their knowledge, you as a sardar are compelled to answer honestly. think of the impression youre giving them. might they not think that lots of sikhs are sarcastic jerks? by giving those kinda comments, you might even make them feel as though they asked something wrong. they might be afraid to ask another sikh, fearing getting another sarcastic remark. they might never get proper information on sikhism, which could lead to misconceptions and false ideas. can you blame them then? thats like a teacher not teaching a kid and expecting him to pass a test.

and on the other hand, if theyre asking stupid questions in an attempt to hurt you, they deserve it back 10x.
Mar 27, 2007
First and foremost, hahahhaha.

Who cares about the truth anyway? Whats the worst that will happen, the ignorance will come and bite us someday? What the hell, who cares.

Other than that, think of these mad question sprees as an occassion to make yourself a better person, a person of patience. If only you can be patient, who cares about the other idiots.

Also, its okay to ocassionaly have a sense of humor about these things. Otherwise, what the hell would be the point of anything if it were just what it is and not at all what you see it as.

Also, hhhhahahhaha, at the mock sincerity (maybe you guys are really serious in you sincereity) of you guys in addressing each other.
Always good to read that tipping-over-the-line-of-sarcasm talk.
Feb 12, 2006
WaheGuru Ji ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh

I am totally new here and its really great to see sikhs around the world are attached to their guru which is a wonderful thing I was reading the threads and its great to know more about our religion.

I would like to ask something that why do most of the people are AMRIT SHAK and they eat mean. I mean if you really want to eat that kind of stuffs then why being a guru sikh. I've seen some people when I went to India and they eat and drink. It happens in gurdwaras also. Why disrespecting your own religion?



Jan 15, 2007
No offence but I don't beleive the above comment about amrit 'shaks' eating meat (especially in Gurdwaras) to be true. I mean, sure there is the odd person that may do it, fine, lets just say that that COULD be true but there is no way that it's happening in the Gurdwaras no way. If you are so adament that this is true please indicate where you witnessed this? what city, what gurdwara etc...? I bet you wont indicate which one since it's NOT TRUE!


Sep 16, 2004
I dont know whats the point here! meat and gurdwara ?

If so than Nihang Singh so it on regular basis in their Gurdwaras all over india
that is they do Jatka /Chtanga in Gurdwara and then prepare meat and then serve to sangat in Langar

Anti Meat Rehat is not standard Rehat of sikhism but kind of personal /sub group Rehat of some sikh groups so I dont see any problem in that

Jatinder Singh


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Doubt is a pain
too lonely to know
that faith is his twin brother


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Many people are curious about Sikhs ; why they look so different from others.
So if you’re feeling odd at times because you cannot explain to them in a few words, then carry chits of paper with website addresses or Youtube URLs which will do all the explaining for you.

Many curious people do follow up with information given to them.
Who knows, there may be some who also want to try their hand on tying a turban after viewing or reading about Sikhs.

For example:

Unique Identity as a Sikh

How to tie a turban:

Beard and its purpose:

5 K’s Explained in detail:


Jul 31, 2007
Begum ji,

Please don't add to the studities, we already have had enough.
Don't believe it !!
Take a look
Couldn't overlook this stupidity... Posted in another thread also.

have a look at phorum - message board

This is how stupid we are, where are we going to stand in this globalized world, I think nowhere with this stupidity.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Three passions have governed my life:
The longings for love, the search for knowledge,
And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness.
In the union of love I have seen
In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision
Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge.
I have wished to understand the hearts of [people].
I have wished to know why the stars shine.
Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens,
But always pity brought me back to earth;
Cries of pain reverberated in my heart
Of children in famine, of victims tortured
And of old people left helpless.
I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,
And I too suffer.

This has been my life; I found it worth living.


Jul 31, 2007
What is this about Begum ji, you know I'm pretty dull head :), what does this mean.. Sorry, could not understand your point...


Apr 3, 2005
Begum ji,

Please don't add to the studities, we already have had enough.
Don't believe it !!
Take a look
Couldn't overlook this stupidity... Posted in another thread also.

have a look at phorum - message board

This is how stupid we are, where are we going to stand in this globalized world, I think nowhere with this stupidity.

Dear tgill

In a religion there are different sects.some of them are quite orthodox and some of them quite liberal.Tapoban site is controlled by sikh sect Akhand kirtani jatha (AKJ).They are very strict in theirt rehat.They don't even beleive that non amritdhari are sikhs.Some of them even beleive that only true amrit is which is taken from Akj.so don't paint entire sikhism with views of one sect.


Oct 18, 2006
I would like to add that one should never get angry if a person of another religion were to inquire about a Sikh beliefs, teachings and culture and costumes. Explain to them each and every time so that eventually they will understand Sikhism better and also spread the word to their friends.

However, if you were to show your temper, it will just confirm their belief that Sikhs are violent, have no sense of values and should be shunned. I have even been asked if I am a Muslim but I always make it a point to correct the wrong perceptions.

Practice tolerance and you will find the world a better place to live in.


Nov 28, 2007
just if it makes anything better i am a sikh gurl dat lives in stoke n der arent many sikhs ere i am da onli sikh gurl in my colij n i get asked so many questions which i tink r reli stoopid buh in my hed i fink old on i always wunder stuff bwt utha ppls religions buh i dnt say it i fink every1 else jus ses it

i get asked stuff like what is da difference between u n hindus i fought u wer all da same and stuff like

do sikhs only go to the temple for food

Last edited by a moderator:
Dec 27, 2004
Hertfordshire England
Dear punjabikiren:
Ah, O to be young again and speak a language unknown to the old!

After careful study of your questions I think that the problem you have with your contemporaries and their questioning could be resolved by speaking English this should confuse them. :ice:
just if it makes anything better i am a sikh gurl dat lives in stoke n der arent many sikhs ere i am da onli sikh gurl in my colij n i get asked so many questions which i tink r reli stoopid buh in my hed i fink old on i always wunder stuff bwt utha ppls religions buh i dnt say it i fink every1 else jus ses it

hello punjabi kiren

my advice to you is simple; get out of that "colij" and go to another "colij"




Nov 28, 2007
hello punjabi kiren

my advice to you is simple; get out of that "colij" and go to another "colij"



it is easy to say that buh ive been brought up as the only sikh all my life and once u make really gd friends u dnt want 2 leave them so sorri buh naah i wudent do that they may all be muslims and christians buh i dnt care! lol buh fnx 4 da advice


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
To the thread title I would say; lose religion and gain dharma/dharam instead ;)

Dear tgill

In a religion there are different sects.some of them are quite orthodox and some of them quite liberal.Tapoban site is controlled by sikh sect Akhand kirtani jatha (AKJ).They are very strict in theirt rehat.They don't even beleive that non amritdhari are sikhs.Some of them even beleive that only true amrit is which is taken from Akj.so don't paint entire sikhism with views of one sect.

omg that tapoban forum is totally full of extremism, I have randomly been on there.

And these AKJs aren't going to stop me from being a sikh of Guru Nanak, they can try what they want lol.
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